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Chapter 26 The knight is ruined by a plan

In order to protect Irisviel, Saber directly used her body to catch the beams of light that were shot from a distance without any injuries.

"Saber, are you okay?" Irisviel asked worriedly.

"It's okay. It's not like me. The guy stayed away. Judging from the fact that he only used this level of attack, he planned to lure me over."

"Invite us? But this way of invitation is really ungraceful." Irisviel said, "Then we should be treated accordingly."

"As you wish." Saber knew that if it was the opponent's home court, it would be disadvantageous, but she was confident in her own strength.

Looking at Saber flying away, Irisviel said silently: "Let's go."

If the other party wants to lead us to an area that is beneficial to them, then it is definitely dangerous to rush forward hastily.

But for Irisviel, there is no point in pursuing victory in this war now. It is just a cover for Kiritsugu's actions, which makes her feel somewhat guilty about Saber who wants to use the Holy Grail to save the country, but this is also

Something that can't be helped.


East of Seaside Park, Warehouse Street——

There is almost no one here at night, and the dim lights illuminating the street make it even more empty. Cranes and containers are neatly arranged on the street, making it a semi-enclosed space. Even if there is a certain degree of collapse or explosion, it will be short-lived.

The time is not easy for outsiders to notice, so it is just right for a duel between servants.

Saber walked into the open space in the middle from the front like a duelist bravely accepting the challenge, but the sight in front of her was confusing——

The figure in front of her didn't look like a warrior at all. She was dressed in a robe. Saber, who had never seen other Servants in person, could only think so, but since he was aboveboard and had been provoked by magic attacks before, bsp; However, this man intended to fight.

What does it look like?

The man was smiling, as if he were seeing a long-lost lover.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Your Highness the Saint." Caster lowered his head respectfully and said.

"Ah?" Saber became increasingly confused about the situation. As King Arthur, she had received countless kneels and bows, but she did not remember this person, nor did she remember being called a saint.

"This is the first time you and I have met. Maybe you made a mistake somewhere and recognized the wrong person."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... it's me! It's your most loyal servant Gilles de Rey forever! Joan of Arc!"

"I don't know your name, and I don't know what Joan of Arc is."

The two were constantly having completely parallel conversations. To sum up, their identities did not match. Saber was very angry when she was mistaken for a saint from the enemy country (France). Caster and his "lover" could not recognize each other and almost went crazy.

"It seems that just talking with your mouth is not enough... Is your heart still closed? Joan of Arc. It seems that as Assassin said, you have gone crazy."

"Assassin is around here? Two against one?" Saber became more wary of her surroundings.

"Damn it, can't this French marshal be more powerful?!" Crounpis, who was hiding in secret, was going crazy. The two-color light she just provoked was the third-level magic from her hand, and she had no intention of posing a threat to Saber.

, but the person resisted with his body and was not injured at all, which was really a shock to Crounpisi.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't expect this crude treatment to be used, but it's great to have it. Come on, kids."

As Caster finished speaking, an iron arm of a container on the street suddenly fell down, and a group of children with dull faces came out and came to Caster.

"Hostage! Evil way!" Saber angrily raised the shadowless holy sword.

"No." Caster snapped his fingers, and the children regained their consciousness and looked around in horror.

caster: "What are you going to do?" He said, crushing a child's head with his hands, causing the children to cry out in fear.

saber: "Let them go! If you were once a hero of France, challenge me to a duel openly!"

caster: "Then, be happy, children, God has not abandoned you and has come to save you!"

The children seem to realize that Saber is the one who wants to save them. After all, Saber's shining armor does look more righteous than Caster's dark wizard costume.

They cried and ran towards Saber.

"Run, don't look back, leave this to me." Saber was wary of Caster, letting the children run past her.

Then, at the moment when they were almost surrounded, tentacled monsters erupted from the children's bodies at the same time! They rushed towards Saber! In an instant, they were filled with them and drowned her!

As for the children...of course there are almost none, only one of them is still intact, because that is——

"Do it, do it!" Crounpith drew out the "Destroyed Yellow Rose (gae Buidhe)" and stabbed Saber, who was unable to move for a moment!

The purpose is not to kill, because Caster loves Jeanne, and if he takes the vital part, the monster will attack Crounpis.

All Clawnpiss can do is help Caster subdue Saber - to cripple his limbs as a condition for cooperation.

"What's going on, Saber's future?!"

All I saw was a large blurry shadow.

Crownpis made a decisive decision and closed her prophetic eyes, then stabbed Saber's left arm at the point where the movement was the smallest.

"Dang!" hit, but was blocked by Saber's gauntlet. The monster blocked vision and hearing, restricted movement, and still reacted like this, a terrifying intuition.

Withdrew it, before he could stab the second shot——

"That's enough. Instead of fighting for the Holy Grail, I just want to kill you, evil way!"

"Wind King Hammer!"

The strong wind exploded, and the large number of tentacle monsters could not withstand it for even a second. They were blown away and torn apart in an instant, and the Crounpith was also swept into the air.

"...Ugh, the center of that storm has the strength of eight-level magic, right?! This isn't the skill to liberate the true name!"

Crounpis was not injured, but was on the outside of the storm, with a layer of monsters as a shield and as a precaution in case of any eventuality, defense and strengthening spells were applied in advance.

"Transparent." Kraunpisi disappeared, spread his wings, flew to the container, and glanced at the crane four hundred meters away. There was a person on top, whom Kraunpisi had seen once.

"Huh?" Cronpis felt as if the man noticed him when he moved the muzzle of the gun and passed over here?

Kill her?

Forget it, now he has become invisible and withdrawn from the battlefield. Now that the war has begun here, it still coincides with the battle that Kirei originally proposed - it's just that he originally lured Saber here to fight with him, but Caster is now responsible for the battle.

Besides, let’s not talk about Archer who is currently transforming into a spirit body and standing on the street lamp. Rider, you big guy just stood on the top of Fuyuki Bridge and pretended that others couldn’t see you? Why are you still flipping through a book?

Do you know that you are reading some random books that you found in informal places?

Just wait and see what happens. Then it should be impossible for humans to notice themselves.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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