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Chapter 29 Old Worm's Olive Branch

Archer's spears and swords shot randomly from the "gate of Baby1on" were easily resolved by Rider and Saber.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo often!"

"Wow~" Crounpis breathed heavily, rolled his eyes slightly, looked at the sword inserted into the container from the side of his head, and said secretly, "Saber didn't know I was here and did it on purpose, right?"

In order to grasp the situation and look for opportunities to take advantage, Crownpis did not leave, but stayed on the street and remained silent.

"How dare you drop my Noble Phantasm in a dirty place and be so anxious to die!"

Archer's expression disappeared, leaving only the cold murderous intent, and more golden ripples of light began to appear behind him.

There are more and more, more than a dozen...dozens of them, all kinds of swords, spears, and halberds that are absolutely extraordinary at first glance, and are definitely treasures. Is this endless?

"Ah la la la la la la!" How could Rider allow it? "Boom!" Archer's foothold was instantly destroyed.

Rider took advantage of the situation and let the chariot take off.

"Not only do you allow me to stand on the earth, but you also dare to fly to the sky that only I can look up to. Let me look up to you and kill you without leaving a trace!"

An extra-large halo appeared under Archer, and a roughly triangular golden aircraft rose from it. He sat on the jade seat in the aircraft, and drove the aircraft into the sky, soaring upwards.

"Oh, interesting!" Rider became interested in the aircraft and drove a chariot that could also soar into the sky to fight.

The golden and dark red rays of light kept spiraling, rising, and bursting into the sky with golden light and purple thunder and lightning.

Crownpis thought this was a good opportunity to deal with the lonely Saber, so she tiptoed towards Saber.

"Come out, Assassin." Saber spoke calmly without looking back.

"Hey, I did it on purpose just now. I ran away. But in the end I'll give you a gift." Crounpis took out a magic scroll from the infinite backpack, threw it on the ground, and teleported away.

Although Saber had an intuition that Assassin existed, she had no way of knowing exactly, so she tried to make a lie. But in the end, after the thorny feeling on her back disappeared, a scroll appeared on the ground.

Saber stared at the scroll, carefully picked it up, and opened it.

Perhaps it is a message from the enemy. If there is a magic trap, and if it is very strong, it should not be taken back to the magician. Instead, it is best to use your own "anti-magic power" to resist it. This is Saber's judgment.

"This is?"

It seems to be a magic circle, but Saber can't understand it, but since it's okay, let's take it back and show it to someone.

I can't intervene in the battlefield here, and my hand happens to be cursed, so I should retreat based on both emotion and reason.

Maiya, who was still faithfully monitoring the battlefield, breathed a sigh of relief and began to retreat.

Just let those two guys in the sky play with themselves.

Crounpis was moving to a farther place on the ceiling of the tower to continue watching the battle. How could he miss collecting intelligence in such a fierce air battle? Of course, the visual effects were also an important reason why Crounpis enjoyed it.

However, this enjoyment will always be interrupted at critical moments.

Although he had done a great job by personally annihilating the two camps, the continuous involvement of other guys in the implementation of the plan also made Crownpis quite uncomfortable.

"Matō Zōyan, why don't you come out? Just being there is enough to disturb my interest, so it's meaningless for you to care about this." Clawnpisi turned to look in the direction where no one should be.

A large group of insects appeared from the darkness, dispersed, and the unconscious Matou Kariya fell from it to the side of the tower crane. Then the insects gathered again and turned into the dry little old man of Matou Zokan.

"Oh, I have indeed noticed it. Is it true that he is an assassin who is relatively good at secrets?"

"As the nymph of the underworld that corresponds to this world, I don't have much interest in bugs." Clawnpith said the facts lightly.

"But, tsk tsk, it's really good." Zang Yan's mood index did not drop because Crounpis didn't like him. On the contrary, it increased. "Usually, designated class summons that do not use holy relics can summon people who are compatible with you.

The best servant, truly a good one."

"It's a pity that guy actually abandoned me. He didn't dare to admit his interest." Speaking of this, Crounpis became even more unhappy. She sat down cross-legged and supported her bulging face with anger.

"That means you have to use your magic power sparingly. No, I've sent you the magic power source you need." Zouken hit him with his cane and turned Matou Kariya over, exposing the back of his hand, as if he was disqualified last time.

And the remaining command spell that disappeared appeared again.


"I want the Holy Grail, you want victory, do you need any other reasons?"

Crownpis realized that she had indeed asked a boring question, so she added: "Is this broken magic source worthy of my strength? Don't just say 'even so is better than nothing' and just perfunctory, right?"

"No, no," Zangyan tapped Yanye's darkened head with his crutch, "I can feel it. The treatment is very complete, and I'm afraid even his life span has been restored, but this will only increase the extent and duration of his pain.

You have also noticed that my marking bug not only extracts magic power, but also obtains more magic power by gnawing on the flesh - less magic power than is needed to heal the damage caused by being eaten. Your healing ability is very strong, as long as you keep giving

His treatment is equivalent to getting a lot of magic power 'out of thin air'."

"Then, the extra magic power was obtained from his pain?" Cronpis remembered that when he was studying in the past, he did have the knowledge that mental fluctuations affect the amount of magic power.

"This is our Matou family's business, so you don't have to worry about it. Just know the facts. What about, do you want to make a contract with our Matou family?" Zang Yan offered an olive branch.

This pair of Matou Zoukashi can serve multiple purposes - it can not only increase the possibility of Kariya's victory, but also allow him to appreciate the way Kariya is in even more pain and still wants to die. Victory can lead to eternal life, while watching others suffer

It's the perfect spice to a boring life.

"Additional conditions -" Crownpis stretched out her hand and made a requesting gesture, "The command spell must be kept by me. I know it. Your family will make a book of false ministers that anyone can use the command spell."

"Hahaha, do you even know this? It seems that you have also done your homework at the Tohsaka family." This was not what Zangyan expected.

Half an hour later, Crownpis left holding a book with a command spell embedded in it. She knew that the book could be burned at any time if the other party was willing, but she did not become an enemy of Zang Yan anyway.

The reason is, just don’t do unnecessary things.

The two kings continued to play in the air for a while, and finally ended with Rider escaping - because Weber couldn't bear the cool "car skills" that the emperor showed in order to deal with the golden flying machine, and he was about to vomit.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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