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Chapter 49 The New Moon under the Spring Night

Luvia wanted to snatch the class card held by Rin and prepared to use Sapphire to attack, but Sapphire didn't respond, and she had a bad feeling for a moment.

Ruby: "We are disappointed in you."

Sapphire: "Obviously we were companions on the mission together, but not only did they keep arguing, but instead of reflecting on the loss of their class cards, one of them was happy, and the other was outrageous enough to try to steal it... Sigh."

Ruby: "I've had enough of you two."

Sapphire: "The master handed our sisters over to you two to assist them in the task of recovering cards, but they ended up like this."

"You guys," Rin and Luvia looked a little confused when they said this, "What do you mean?"

Ruby: "It means,"

Sapphire: "You two are already,"

Ruby: "Not qualified,"

Sapphire: "Make it ours,"

Ruby & Sapphire: "Master!"

The red and blue wands separated from the two girls and flew away.


"Just two canes! How dare you defy us!"

Naturally, the incompetent and furious roars had no effect. Perhaps Rin and Luvia should be grateful that they were on the ground when the wand left? Magical girls can fly, but Rin and Luvia cannot.


In a small park——

A little black girl about the size of a primary school student was sitting with her knees in the doorway under the slide, shivering. It was spring, and the night wind was very cold. Although the little girl was wearing an ill-fitting coat on the outside, it was extremely unmatched on the inside.

Wearing a long black evening dress.

It's like running away from a big party and randomly picking up a piece of clothing in the recycling bin to keep out the cold.

The second half of the above is basically consistent with the facts.

She is Sakatsuki Miyu, from the parallel world Sakuzuki family - a family that has continued in Fuyuki since the Tensho era. Girls born in Sakatsuki are born with the ability to fulfill people's wishes without distinction.

A girl is regarded as a child. In order to avoid being noticed, she will grow up in the barrier until she is 7 years old, until she loses her nature. The family abandons their selfish desires and prays for the child's happiness.

Wanting to be happy is a natural wish for most people. But it is probably the real miracle that this wish has lasted for five hundred years.

However, Miyu, a child of this generation, was involved in the "gas explosion" in Fuyuki City before he was seven years old - the well-known reason found by the Holy Church was actually an incident related to the Holy Grail War.

The Sakutsuki family fell apart, and Miyu, who was left alone in the ruins, was protected by Emiya Kiritsugu, who was looking for a miracle, and the child he rescued, Emiya Shirou.

As a universal wishing machine, she did not have a normal human life. Although she later learned various knowledge and abilities, she still understood the value of her existence as a prop before the Holy Grail War officially began.

The only person who reached out to her in the end was Shirou Emiya, who defeated six Servants in one night and won. As her brother, he made a wish to Miyu as the Holy Grail: "I hope Miyu can get a little happiness."

The parallel world is dilapidated to the point that it needs a miracle to save it. The planet is about to be depleted and humanity is on the verge of extinction in the next few decades. Therefore, the way to realize the wish is to send Miyu to this world.

Miyu could no longer see the only brother who didn't treat her as a prop and extended a warm hand.

But Miyou is not depressed. The warmth from her brother is in her heart. She must survive in this strange world on her own.

Think of a way to get through this cold night first.

She was a little hungry, but it wasn't like she wouldn't be able to wait until dawn. However, this dress was really not warm at all. To keep warm, she picked up clothes from the recycling bin and put them on, and found a small place where she could temporarily shelter from the wind.

"what are you doing here?"

"Ah?" Miyu poked her head out and saw a nun not much different in height from her looking down at her, "Sister...san?"

Crounpis neither confirmed nor denied, and asked: "Name? Aren't you going home?" There are two "Magic Girl Illya" in my memory, so I can probably guess who it is, but I have to confirm it.


"Last name or first name? What about your full name? You look like you ran away at night. As a person, you can't ignore this."

What Crounpis said is not unreasonable. Miyou's skin is very clean, her hair is well done, and she wears an evening dress made of fine materials. She looks like a young lady who has run away.

Miyu thought about it and decided that it would be better not to mention the surname of "Sakusuki", the mass-produced universal wishing machine. At the same time, she thought of her brother Emiya Shirou who gave her warmth.

"Emiya...Miyu." She said.

"Hmm..." Crownpis held up her chin, thinking about how to deal with this Holy Grail girl.

"Um-" Miyu suddenly spoke loudly.

"What's wrong?"

"Is that...church...that kind of place? It provides food and accommodation for refugees, that kind of place?"

"...It's not like there is nothing." Crounpis remembered that the Holy Church did have business in this area, but it was quite limited. After all, it was not a refugee camp.

"I...I can work. I don't need money. As long as you give me food, clothes, and a place to sleep, I, I can do anything..."

Miyu mustered up a lot of courage. She had to learn to stand on her own feet, even if she had nothing and how cold the ground was when her bare feet touched it.

Crounpis was not surprised by Meiyou's request. If people in society want to meet their physiological needs, they have to work, unless they are mountain savages.

"Well...even though it has been ten years."

Crownpis put her hand on her forehead and sent a message: "Kirei, are you still alive? How is the Holy Grail War?"

Kirei: "Who?"

Crounpis: "Haha, don't you recognize me? Since someone has come to collect the class card, you should know the news, right? I climbed out of the class card, and the laptop bought for me is still there.

Are you there? I'm going to come to your door. I think your home address hasn't changed, hehe."

There was silence for a long time.

Kirei: "The Great Holy Grail has been destroyed by Emiya Kiritsugu."

Crown Pease: "But I found the Holy Grail of another Holy Grail War related to the class card. It's similar to Irisviel's feeling. There should be another Holy Grail spell. I think you should know


There was silence for a while again.

Kirei: "Bring the Holy Grail... to Fuyuki Church."

It seemed that Kotomine Kirei was also very hesitant. After all, the communication he suddenly received did not contain any safety signals used by the church.

In addition, now that we have left the mirror world where it is very convenient to obtain magic power from earth veins, do we have to find a way to obtain a new source of magic power? It feels like it is difficult to absorb magic power from earth veins in the current world.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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