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Chapter 53: The Broken Lily

Suiqunyuan Academy, primary school, class one for five years——

The school bell has rang, and Illya lies on the desk with a tired face. She was really exhausted early this morning, or in other words, she really almost died.

I was still looking forward to fighting magical girls, but what the heck? Last night I went to the Mirror Realm to collect cards in an abandoned building, only to find a tall and fierce monster with dark muscles.

The plot of a magical girl defeating monsters can be considered a royal plot, but what the hell, I finally used my imagination to release decent-looking magic cannons and magic slashes, but it didn't break the defense at all.

If she hadn't learned to fly out of desperation and could slip away so fast, she would have almost died. In fact, the moment after taking off, the giant muscle monster's fist grazed her body, causing the protective shield to shatter!

Really almost died!

Is it true that being a magical girl is such a high-risk profession?

According to the two violent women, in order to study the strategy to deal with that guy, they need to practice flying and using wands to attack more efficiently——

For example, how to move while flying, how to make the magic bullet attack more sharp to break the defense, and how to use class cards, etc. I have to do this extra homework every day.

It will feel very tiring.

At this time, Teacher Taiga Fujimura entered the classroom late and enthusiastically as always. She came to the podium and said loudly: "Although it is very sudden, I want to introduce two transfer students to you today!"

Two people with completely different styles walked in from the door. One was full of national customs, and the other was completely the opposite.

"My name is Miyu Kotomine."

"Klaus Kotomine, please take care of me."

Unlike Miyu, who was completely cold-faced, Crounpis tried her best to show off a naughty smile befitting an elementary school student.

"They are Italian foreigners and there are many things they don't understand. Please help me." Dahe said.

"Yes!" x n

"Huh~" Crounpis breathed out. Does that guy Kotomine Kirei need to specialize in this kind of setting? Even the composition of his name was specifically changed to European, so there is no problem with common sense.

By the way, why are primary school students’ skirts so much shorter than middle school students?

Also, why are you in the same class as Illya?

After the two of them walked to the seats designated by the teacher and sat down, Dahe suddenly moved out and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I forgot to bring my handouts. Let's study by ourselves." As soon as she disappeared from the door, there was a very loud stamping on the ground.

The sound of sprinting.

It is said to be self-study, but for primary school students it is play time. Since there are transfer students, the link at this time is naturally——

"Huh, it's too troublesome to get along with a large group of elementary school students. Different from the precocious children in that world, here are really elementary school students. If you start mental interference... forget it, you might be detected, just deal with it casually."

But it was of no use. She ignored one problem——

At the request of Ruby and Sapphire, Illya left the classroom and came to the corridor, where they started whispering.

Ruby: "Oh, what a clichéd expansion."

Illya: "It's cliche, but even if a mysterious transfer student suddenly appears after a magical girl loses the battle, you can't just drag someone into trouble, just because they're cute?!" I was really scared last night.

Sapphire: "Actually, that little girl named Miyu has incredible magic potential."

Cronpis can actively hide her magic power on her own, but she forgot to hide her magic power level for Miyu.

Ruby: "Sa, Illya-chan! Go and make Miyu our... helper."

Illya: "You just wanted to say toys, right? I am a toy too!"

Sapphire: "Sister, please don't joke about this."

Ruby: "But considering the current situation, we do need help. Sapphire, your master has not been fixed yet. I will ask after school."

Illya: "I have a bad feeling! Ruby, don't move, I'm going!"


After school--

"Meiyu, go back early after school. Your homework probably won't be a big deal, but don't miss out on the work I gave you." After walking out of the teaching building, Crounpis persuaded Meiyu according to the prearranged arrangement.

The Fuyuki Church usually only has one person on duty, Kotomine Kirei. If there are troubles in the city, some helpers will be added. But now there is only him and another person who does not often show his face. It is too busy to take care of a huge church.

Yes, in fact, most places are usually left there and cleaned once in a while. If they are kept tidy at all times, Kirei doesn't have to do anything else.

Meiyu insists on doing a job to repay her food and accommodation, so she can take turns to clean the areas that are not usually used by Meiyu.

"Yeah." Miyu nodded lightly.

"Also, your performance today is too exaggerated. If possible, it would be better not to be so showy."

"Huh?" Miyu tilted her head in confusion.

"So." Crownpis grabbed Miyu's shoulders and shook her, "Don't use calculus, cubism, and food from the Emiya family to cope with elementary school classes! I haven't seen anything else.

Are you all scared, friends?"

"Yes...I'm sorry, I haven't studied elementary school courses."

The two of them were walking on the street and passed by the small park where Crownpis found Miyu. Suddenly, a white-haired girl jumped out of the slide door where Miyu had hidden under for the night.

"Illyasviel-san?" Miyu recalled the girl who seemed to be pushed out by her classmates to race with her because she was too exaggerated during the day.

She ran really fast, although she didn't know why she suddenly increased her speed and won despite not doing much exercise at home in the past.

"I, I said... you are interested in magical girls... do you want to become a magical girl?" Illya stammered with a red face.

Crounpisi's expression darkened. He finally managed to lure Meiyou here, but how could he be taken away by you, the first protagonist? Well, competing with the first protagonist is also a good way to experiment.

Miyu didn't seem to understand what a magical girl was, she just tilted her head in confusion.

So Crounpis put on a disgusted expression as if she had seen a middle-aged girl cosplaying.

"Ah! I knew it! I was despised, and I was regarded as a strange creature by my new classmates!" Illya suddenly received a hundred points of damage.

Ruby: "Illya-chan, come on."

Sapphire: "I think it is necessary to speak clearly first." She felt that since the other party has that level of magic potential, it should not be an ordinary person.

So Illya quickly danced and argued: "That, that... I mean, this city is under a bomb-like threat called a class card, and that... is willing... to become a magical girl to protect the city.


"Class card?" Meiyou was obviously moved this time.

So, Crounpisi upgraded her facial expression and gave Illya an expression that looked like she saw a chuuni cosplay girl wearing her panties.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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