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Chapter 59 Bow Lin VS Wild War

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” Illya shouted, raised the sapphire wand, used magic power to solidify the extremely sharp two-meter-long sword, and slashed towards the head of Berserker who was stuck in the pothole and could not move for a moment.


"Zheng!" As the roar suddenly stopped, a long crack opened from the huge head to the chest, and red spurted out.

"Well done Ilya!"

"Ilya, well done!"

Rin and Luvia clenched their fists, as long as they were well prepared, it would be that simple...

Berserker's whole body glowed red, and the crack that was supposed to be a fatal injury began to heal!

Illya was so frightened that she didn't wait for you to grow out, and immediately struck you with another sword——

"Dang!" The magic sword shattered!


Berserker's thick arm swung Illya away, causing Illya to turn into a cannonball and smash through the wall.

Under the buffer of the protective shield, the amount of bleeding was not much. With the inherent ability of sapphire [to promote healing], he could recover quickly, but Illya was left with dim eyes and twitching all over.

Now her mind is only equivalent to that of a ten-year-old primary school student. If the battle goes well, how can she bear such a beating? It is unbearable both physically and mentally.

"[Six Beast Binding Flails [gleipnir]]!" Luvia threw several extremely expensive gems, and in an instant, a large number of light ribbons entangled Berserker.

"Tohsaka Rin, since you have the class card, please leave the rest first." Luvia picked up Illya, who could not move even though her wounds had been repaired, and left quickly.

"Ah, I really need to use it. How can this guy be resurrected, and he seems to be resistant to the attack that killed him? Such a cheating ability." Rin took out the class card.

"I really have no choice, just log in as a guest this time." Ruby reluctantly allowed Rin to use her transformation.

Rin, who was wearing a red magical girl outfit with cat ears and a tail, had no time to feel embarrassed. She pressed the archer class card on the wand: "I didn't expect that I would really need this - Dream Summoning (install)!"

Teacher Archibald said that when using this mode, there is a possibility of being eroded mentally or physically by heroic spirits. If the compatibility is too good, the body may be gradually eroded and replaced by the heroic spirit; if the compatibility is too bad, it will be eroded due to spiritual conflict.

Spirit, it is best to avoid using it in this way before fully studying the performance of the class card.

Teacher Archibald is a genius in seance. He participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War and even modified part of the system. Even though he lost his status as a monarch because he suffered an injury equivalent to a disability in the battle, his research results are still considerable.


"It seems that this heroic spirit is just right for me. Or am I really the best? But who is this heroic spirit, Emiya-sama?"

Who is this heroic spirit Emiya? Because there is no fixed Noble Phantasm, there is no way to verify it, and even Rin who is using his power has no way of knowing. This heroic spirit seems to not want him to know, but it makes him feel at ease.

It feels like you are protecting yourself silently.

"——i-am-the-bone-of-my-sword. (This is the bone of the sword)——"

Rin projected a gem sword, recording the limited magic ritual inherited by the Tohsaka family. It was not a physical object, but a manufacturing project left by the ancestors of the person Rin wanted to apprentice with.

Rin had actually only seen the design drawings. If this heroic spirit hadn't seemed to have had the possibility or experience of projecting a gem sword during her lifetime - she wouldn't have been able to project this thing.

Its essence is not a sword but a scepter. Although it has great limitations, it can even flow out magic power from a parallel world——

The magic power gathered into a beam turned into a slash of light, and with a full swing of Rin's strength, he cut off the huge head.

"Haha, in this way I have mastered all the designs and theories of the gem sword, and I can make it myself in the future. Will the master be happy?" Rin thought, but there was no time to continue thinking, berserker's head was repairing, and he roared,

It is necessary to break free from the already broken shackles of light.

Rin retreated ten meters along the aisle, chanting a spell, projecting a black long bow, and attaching it to a drill-like spiral sword. As the bow string tightened, the spiral sword also stretched and became thinner.

"Roar oh oh oh oh!!!" berserker kept twisting his huge body, and the light strips began to break one by one.

"[Pseudo Spiral Sword [caladbolg ii]]!"

Rin let go of the bow string, and the moment berserker broke away and looked at Rin, the arrow had already approached his chest and was only a few millimeters away.

"Boom!" Berserker's heart and the spiral sword were destroyed in the explosion that shattered the illusion.

"Hey, the resurrection treasure can be released continuously?!" Looking at Berserker who started to resurrect again, Rin's face couldn't be more exciting, "Luvia, how is Illya!"

Luvia: "Not yet!"

"Trouble!" Rin stepped aside to avoid Berserker's attack, and projected his black and white swords to fight.

If the Resurrection Noble Phantasm is activated casually and resistance is still generated every time it is killed, then the information needs to be refreshed and new countermeasures must be formulated. Can such an opponent still formulate a winning countermeasure?

The problem is, you can't retreat now. Because traveling through the mirror world must be initiated by the logged-in owner.

Illya is currently out of action, while Rin is fighting fiercely with Berserker, and will be killed as soon as the "Dream Summon" is released.

In fact, there is another best option, which is for Sapphire to give up Illya and renew the contract with Luvia, and then let Rin and Luvia fight Berserker. With this combination, it is easy to retreat.

But it seems like everyone’s IQ is dropping now.

Luvia threw new gems from a distance and set up gravity traps and mines. Although it did no harm to berserker, it at least delayed the action a little and gave Rin a chance to kill.

"[Triple-linked crane wings]]!"

Rin threw two pairs of enlarged black and white swords one after another. They attracted each other, whirled and danced around Berserker, and quickly slashed at him. The moment before the hit, Rin also kicked off his feet, bullying the giant, and raised his swords upward.

There is no chance of escaping the giant who is irrational and can only act like a brainless beast.

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Boom!"

Two pairs of black and white swords rotated and stabbed into Berserker's body one after another. The ensuing illusion collapse exploded Berserker into a bloody mess. He died for the fourth time and then resurrected.

But this gave Rin even more headaches. Now, the double melee swords that this body is most comfortable with have lost their effect on berserker. How many times can it be resurrected?

"Damn it! If my class card is still there——" Luvia might have chewed her handkerchief if she wasn't in this situation.

"——i-am-the-bone-of-my-sword. (I am the bone of my sword)——"

Rin kept dodging berserker's punches while reciting a long spell. In order to contain berserker, Rin occasionally shot sharp arrows.

But it's useless. Even if the fantasy collapses, he can't be hurt anymore. And combined with Ruby and her own magic output ability, the strongest Noble Phantasm that can be projected is the Spiral Sword. If you try your best to project a stronger Noble Phantasm, you will have magic power.

The instantaneous output is insufficient and the transformation is in danger.

(to be continued)

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