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Chapter 68 Is the US-Iranian alliance world-class?

Clunpis joked: "It's great that Illya treats me as a friend. By the way, if Miyu is a maid, then I am a nun. Since Illya likes role-playing so much, you might as well let me do it."

How about you make an obituary?"

"I'm not dead yet!"

"Call me if you feel like you are going to die, and I will give you an obituary notice." Clawnpisi rubbed Illya's head vigorously and smiled.

"If possible, I hope someone can come to save me." Illya burst into tears.

She was really scared. Not only had she never won the battle with her own strength, but if some force hadn't suddenly intervened, she would have died several times.

She really likes magical girls, but it was only after she became a magical girl that she realized that this is really a high-risk profession. Although the magical girls in cartoons are almost like elementary school students saving the world, it was only after she became a magical girl that she realized that she really wanted to

I don’t understand how those protagonists who were beaten to a near-death state cheated and counter-attacked.

Speaking of cheating, she did activate it once last time, but the cheat suddenly came to kill her. What the hell? Worried about her health, she stayed here opposite her home to observe magic. When can she go home?

Go back to normal life?

"I understand, you can call me when you need help." Clawnpisi said kindly.

"Um...can you get up from me?" Miyu, who was still pushed down by Illya, burst into tears.

Three minutes later——

"I'm really, really sorry. A strange switch in my heart was turned on just now." Illya sat down to Miyuki.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter." Miyu shook his head slightly, "Compared to this, are you feeling okay? Did something happen in the battle last night?"

Crownpis turned to Luvia: "Do you mind if I ask you about the battle situation first?"

"No problem," Luvia was more willing to say it herself than to do more research afterwards. In any case, it would be a big deal for the Magic Association to expose the fact that the gem wand went to find a child to identify its owner.

"Come to the balcony." At the same time, he could not let Illya and the other person go too far away from him. The two of them were lying on the balcony handrail with their backs to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, facing the huge garden in front.

Luvia's narration is no different from Rin's narration to Kirei.

Crounpis scratched the tips of her ears that were hidden by the illusion, and smiled in a sarcastic tone: "I see, if your work fails and a small problem occurs in Fuyuki City, it will increase the cost of the church's hidden work. Do you need help?


"No need, we will formulate complete countermeasures. We won't worry about it if it's not secure, but -"

"If we hold a card here that you like or if you lose it, it will damage the family's reputation, do you want me to give it to you?" Clawnpisi took out the Lancer card with a smile and turned it around in his hand, "I want to be from a famous family.

The eldest lady will not snatch this away from a little kid like me, right? In order to recover this card, we also used up enough magic power to defeat the heroic spirit to activate a great magic."

Crownpiss was referring to summoning the Sea Demon in order to lure Saber away from the Lancer class card.

"There's no harm in exchanging. If you're not in charge, I'll choose a day to visit. And, you can also come with this -" Luvia took out a small piece of paper.

Crownpis took it and looked at it, her eyes widened. It was a check, and everything else that should have content was there, but the amount was blank.

But the currency of this world means little to Crownpis. Because the church also attaches great importance to the existence of the Holy Grail and the Heroic Spirit, his current expenses can be reimbursed as long as the reasonable expenses are basically reimbursed. He shook his head: "I hope to fill in the amount."

The maximum is then to pay with gems. There is also a small thing that I would like to ask you to do, help me find someone."

Cronpis told the request of that kind of person. She didn't know this kind of person, and Kirei probably didn't know him either. It would be fine if he investigated, but that would involve the church itself, so he looked at it from other aspects.

Ready to start.

"That's really weird. There should be better people in the church, right?" Luvia was indeed confused.

"Are there some things that are better handled by 'freelancers'?" Crounpis smiled "kindly", meaning - you know.

"Well...I understand. August——"

"Leave it to you." For Luvia, this was just something that didn't even require any effort. Being able to become part of the conditions for obtaining a class card was a no-brainer.

"Yes, Miss, I promise to invite you within twelve hours. Do you have any other instructions?" August suddenly appeared.

At this point in time, Crownpis contacted Kirei through the private channels of the Master and Servants, and learned about the method of obtaining a place to participate in this Holy Grail War and the current registration quota.

"That's right, Miss Luvia, the number of participants in this Holy Grail War is based on bidding. The Clock Tower plans to have three people bid for it. Let's not talk about other aspects. If you can

If you directly occupy one of the quotas, then this class card can be treated as if you bought it."

"What about the unrelated bidders from outside?" Luvia first skipped the option of internal competition.

"Currently, those who want to participate in the auction include the two-faced Tayzeruma, the Middle East's 'oil king' and magician of an emerging family, Ga'atram Gariasta, and the Italian mafia Cotilio family.

There are also several official organizations in the United States..." Crownpis reported several large organizations and some rich and powerful stragglers based on church records.

"Thank you for the information. August, go check it out. If it is true, handle it as usual if you can. Go ahead."

"Yes." August bowed deeply and walked away.

"Huh~" Crounpis breathed a sigh of relief. This church background is really useful.

"Well, that's it for today. I'm going to play with Illya... next?" When Clunpis turned back and opened the floor-to-ceiling window, she was silent for a while.

Illya was actually in bed again with a face full of enthusiasm, holding Miyu under her, and for some reason she was wearing a cat-eared and cat-tailed outfit.

But nothing was done. Miyu was struggling to resist, unable to break free from Illya even though she was already in the heroic spirit state?

No, if you look carefully, the Catwoman costume on Illya is made of rubies?

But it was very interesting, and Crounpis enjoyed it as if it were a play.

"What are you doing?" A "#" appeared on Luvia's head. She wasn't going to compete with children, but it seemed like Ruby with a bad personality was fanning the flames, right?

Ruby: "Well, Auntie can't understand the cuteness of a magical girl who throws away her rationality and turns into a cat, right?"

"Sapphire, if you don't want to make a contract with me, don't you care about your 'sister' now that things have become like this?" Luvia said fiercely.

"I'm very sorry, Luvia-sama, it happened like this unknowingly." Sapphire seemed quite reasonable on the surface.

(to be continued)

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