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Chapter 71 The choice between demons

For Shishi Jie, in the end, the contract was probably a curse.

What they bought was the temporary prosperity of their family, and what they sold was the future of humanity.

What is the future of human beings is a bit vague. But magicians don't care about the future at all. The most important thing is whether the Shishi Jie family can achieve great things as magicians now, that's all.

As a result, after several generations, the contract was indeed fulfilled. The devil was collecting the bill.

No one knows what the opportunity is. I don’t know whether it is a regulation or a coincidence. In short, the lion is infertile.

Judging from the fact that magic circuits can only be passed down from one generation to the next and cannot be separated, this has led to the end of a prosperous family. Although they possess precious magic seals, the Shishijie family is destined to have no descendants in this generation.

I wouldn't be so desperate in the first place, because it's normal for a magician to have more than one child. Not every family has a pair of children with extraordinary talents like Tohsaka. Rather, that's called an abnormality. Usually the person with average talents is

They will all be sent outside to live as ordinary people, and they will also have a family and start a business. Even so, they have not completely lost their magician blood, and they are not without people with extraordinary talents.

Then just find one of those people to inherit the magic circuit.

But the child died.

It’s not that there was a rejection reaction to the transplant. It’s better to say that the child was very talented and well-adapted. The reason was that the magic mark of Lion Jiejieli contained deadly poison. It was said that this magic mark was completely adapted to Lion Jiejieli’s body, but

As long as it is transplanted into other people, toxins will immediately form.

This is undoubtedly a gameover.

Knowing this fact, Shishi Jiejieli dissuaded his father who was still planning to continue the transplant experiment, and decided to give up. He left his home and became a bounty hunter. In his own view, this was an obligation to carry on the family line.

Be liberated.

Being a mercenary is not just for money. He feels that if he dies on the battlefield, it will be considered a worthy death. The magic circuit that is cursed by the devil and poisons people will be turned into ashes. Anyway, the Shishi Jie family is destined to decline.

Once you are addicted to glory, can you still hope for more?

But Shishi Jie, who saw hope from the Holy Grail War, did not lose his mind and immediately agreed: "I have a few questions. Let's talk about it later if I can accept it."

However, Crounpis realized that there might be questions that were difficult for him to answer and interrupted him. She closed one eye and acted cute, pointing at herself: "Before asking questions, how about you talk about your wishes first?"

Maybe humanity’s problems are just trivial matters in the eyes of my heroic spirit?”

This is not a boast, Crounpisi can indeed do many things that humans cannot do, but whether it meets the needs of Lion Tribulation still has to wait for his response.

In the eyes of Lion Jie, Crounpisi's words meant another kind of bargaining and testing of weaknesses.

He would not expose his weaknesses easily, but he could not proceed with the conversation without answering, so he said: "Our family has been cursed by the devil's contract. My generation will no longer be able to continue the family lineage. This is a failure for human beings. This Lord Heroic Spirit

Is there a way to solve it?"

The above is all information that the Clock Tower also knows. In order to solve this problem, I asked all the capable friends.

Crownpis thought for a second, nodded her chin and said, "Hmm... If you just want me to terminate the contract, maybe it's so simple that it leaves me speechless?"

The Noble Phantasm of the caster class card itself is the Noble Phantasm "Trace Rule Breaker" that breaks the contract.

Maybe not being able to let Lion Jie have children is another matter. If Lion Jie’s loss of fertility and the toxins generated by the magic circuit are the result of the continuous action of the devil’s contract, then it will be effective; if it is the sequelae of the devil’s collection, then

It is ineffective, just like putting out a fire that burned down a house cannot make the house recover instantly.

"Since that is a big problem for your family, how about canceling the contract as the final reward?" Clownpiss, who didn't know those things, could only give the most conventional answer.

"However, we don't know if there will be a tomorrow in this industry, but we hope to get part of the reward quickly." Lion Jie said, "Since it comes from Greek mythology, does Assassin have any detoxification or toxin-related materials or equipment that can be used in it?

Can you give it to me during my employment?"

Crownpis narrowed her eyes and said secretly: "Does this guy have any strange expectations for mythical characters?"

Before Crounpis came to this world, she also had some materials from another world. She just thought about whether some of the things could be sold as rare items at a good price or exchanged for other rare items. She was just too nervous during the Holy Grail War last time, so she gave it to her.

I have left it behind. There is definitely no one who can treat it like rubbish, but it is not a pity to give it away myself.

"What about the eggs of a hydra or a giant basilisk?" Clawnpith asked.

Negotiation skills are not very good, or that's about all that meets the requirements of Lion Tribulation.

"Hydra's egg?" Lion Jie's eyebrows jumped. He mentioned that the basilisk in Greek mythology was Hydra.

"How is that possible? Are you kidding me that you expect me to give you the egg of a monster from the underworld that is also a 'soy sauce' in mythology? If it is that kind of thing, your family will not be qualified to buy it despite all the wealth it has accumulated over many generations.

Come down. Even though the basilisk is very famous in mythology, in my eyes, it is the real world. Is it a joke that there is only one type of animal in one type?" Crowenpis said jokingly with his eyes half closed.

"It means they are the eggs of ordinary basilisks." Lion Jie asked.

"It's just an ordinary basilisk egg, don't expect too much." Crounpis spread his hands.

Shishi Jie pretended to hesitate for a while, finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, and lit another one——

"This guest, smoking is prohibited in the church." Meiyou, who was cleaning in an apron, passed by.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Shishi Jie put out the cigarette he had just lit, threw the finished one into the garbage shovel held by Miyu, and watched Miyou leave.

"What happened to her?"

"No, I just feel that she looks like an ordinary child, but in fact she is not an ordinary person." Lion Jie was very surprised. Ever since his adopted son passed away, he devoted himself selflessly to mercenary fighting and had a lot of evil spirit. It had been a long time since he had

The child can now look at him and talk with normal eyes.

"This man is terrible." It was unbearable to hear children and young people say this all the time.

After a while, he said: "Okay, can you get the egg first?"

"Well, that's no problem."

Crounpisi breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that a Warcraft egg in the Top Forest could be used as a down payment. If she knew that there were humans on the outside and fantasy species had retreated to the inside, the price of the Warcraft egg would be

How much is it? How much more expensive is it than a gemstone of the same weight? It will probably turn your intestines green with regret.

(to be continued)

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