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Chapter 75 Buy a Star Destroyer to play with

Sunday afternoon, Russia, Far East——

Crounpis trembled while holding the cannon in her hand, which weighed over a hundred kilograms. She already knew that after the seemingly simple cannon was transformed into a Noble Phantasm, it was charged so that it could function as a magical Noble Phantasm and automatically load the most powerful ammunition.

function, a nuclear bomb was actually pulled out from it!

Crounpis didn't expect that three-quarters of the magic power would be taken away at the moment of filling, and she felt heartbroken for the magic power.

Noble Phantasm weapons are more conceptual. For example, missiles can track infinitely, and the penetration depth is enough to break through Noble Phantasms of the same level as the thickness that can originally penetrate ordinary armor plates; automatic firearm shooting will turn into a more vicious bullet storm, such as automatic

The pistol can produce the Gatling Cannon effect; so, since it is loaded with a nuclear bomb, then this...is originally prepared to launch a nuclear bomb?

It seems that the range of this cannon is not very good. Shoot yourself? What is the furry bear going to do?

Crownpis carefully put down the 240mm-caliber nuclear warhead and looked at other things.

It is said that very cheap and useful guns, grenades and other items were also obtained in batches, which could not be accommodated in the infinite backpack, so they were all put into the "King's Treasure House".

There are five tanks with identical five pairs of road wheels. At a glance, you can tell that they are relatives of relatives of the 59 "Star Destroyer" that is currently sold cheaply for export by Mao Xiong and comes with shells and diesel.

The turret part is naturally a familiar semi-oval round head. The main gun is a 120mm smoothbore gun with an automatic transmission. It is equipped with a coaxial machine gun next to it. There are additional armor and eight grenade/smoke grenade launchers on both sides. The rear of the turret is 9m14

/AT-3 Sagar has three 120mm anti-tank missiles, two on each side; there are two common missile/rocket launching vehicles on both sides of the upper part of the turret. The huge "box" and the "multi-row stick". From the style, each

It can launch four 9m114/at-6 helical 130mm missiles and four infantry shoulder-mounted SA-7 anti-aircraft missiles modified for vehicle mounting; a twin large-caliber cannon is installed on the hatch; in addition, four turrets are arranged around the lower side of the turret.

Equipped with twin thrush type 107mm interceptor projectiles.

Needless to say, there are five pairs of road wheels in the vehicle body. There is a vehicle body machine gun originally operated by the driver on the front armor of the vehicle body. There are two rows of reactive armor attached. There are actually two fixed machine guns behind the fenders on both sides.

Kroenpis was speechless. She, who actually only knew about World War II and Cold War tanks, but was not proficient in them, could see that the accessories of these five pairs of road-wheeled tanks with different modifications were all installed in one vehicle.

It will greatly reduce combat effectiveness.

"I said I wanted a tank with high firepower, but if you take an old tank like this and put all the accessories from various modifications (some of which were abandoned or obsolete in those years), you can sell it for one million.

What's going on? You really want to magically modify a 59 Star Destroyer?"

The reason why I was obviously tricked and I didn’t lift the table on the spot is because if this tank can be used by only one person using his mind, the efficiency will be much higher. Just like the Apocalypse tank, it feels good to use it by moving the mouse, but

In reality, it feels like the double-barreled main gun is unusable with anti-aircraft weapons.

That is to say, this kind of tank is not suitable as a gift for Luna and Midori, but it feels very suitable for use as a Noble Phantasm. Moreover, this kind of tank is light in weight and consumes less magic power than European and American main battle tanks equipped with equivalent weapons.

In addition, there is a wave of various vehicles with five pairs of road wheels that are relatives of the Type 59: such as the fire-breathing tank with five pairs of road wheels and a round head with no difference in appearance, and the North Korean Gushan cannon; which was magically modified by China's upgrade kit to look like the M1 "Far Away"

The turret is scary. Take a closer look at the 59g tank with a 125mm main gun and wedge-shaped armor attached to the five pairs of road wheels. There is also the SAM anti-aircraft missile vehicle with a chassis of five pairs of road wheels. The turret is not removed and you can tell at a glance that it is the Middle East and North Africa.

Is there a casually modified car that looks ordinary but is equipped with a leather sofa and awning, a battlefield holiday car? What a joke.

In addition, there were four kinds of tanks that were "ordered" at the beginning, and they are lined up here. The disintegration of the Soviet Union put many weapons on hold. It was really easy to get these things. Let's not talk about the performance. Crounpis didn't even

I know some things that may seem off-the-wall at first glance, but the majesty of their appearance still makes Cronpis satisfied——

It is suspected that the T-72 tank does not have a main gun, but is replaced by twin machine guns and two pairs of six-barreled rocket launchers; it is suspected that the thirty-unit rocket launcher on the chassis of the six pairs of road wheels of the T-72... has been identified as actually used to fire real

cloud burst bombs and thermobaric bombs; a tank that looks like a Stalin tank but is equipped with many rocket launchers; five pairs of road wheel tanks with dozens of rocket launchers on both sides - seemingly rocket-propelled tanks; and a tank with a very short barrel

A tank with a bulldozer should be called an engineering vehicle, right?

Except for the five pairs of road wheels, I had never seen these Kraunpis before when I visited military bases. Obviously, they were definitely not those mass-produced items that were produced in thousands.

There are also some low-tech or usable but simple large-caliber guns.

Although it looks mighty——

"If they were all obtained as scrap metal after being eliminated, then I really lost money after paying the 20 million US dollars, right?"

In fact, Crownpis recently found a batch of monkey version T-72 tanks with a unit price of only 50,000 US dollars. The price of T-54/55 is the same, but it is buy five, get one free, and also comes with a batch of artillery shells and diesel. Yes.

Are the effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union still there?

"What should we do next?" Crownpis's eyes swept between a large number of similar tanks with five pairs of road wheels.

Put all five pairs of flamethrowers, rocket thrusters, and Taniyama cannons on the chassis of five pairs of road wheels onto the five pairs of tanks that have been magically modified to be nondescript and "pasted" full of missiles. It should be very handsome, and it will really become an interstellar battleship.

, from the layout of those external devices——

The flamethrower replaces the ammunition rack next to the coaxial machine gun driver; the rocket thruster is installed on the skirt and rear; the Taniyama cannon is also placed at the rear of the tank in the firing state. It is very tall and has no depression angle, and is mounted with a

There is no conflict with the low turret of the mass of missile launchers.

The cannons and rocket thrusters are not particularly large control equipment that needs to be installed in the car. It is better to say that these are things that can be operated externally. They can definitely be installed, but in this way, this car will definitely become a "fighter".

The "Starship" tank will be close to 60 tons. Even if it is replaced with a 730-horsepower high-power engine, it cannot be driven normally as an ordinary thing.

Judging from the size and specification, the nuclear cannon on the other side can be mounted on a vehicle. The chassis used by the thirty-unit cloud bomb launcher is almost exactly the same as the chassis of the twelve-unit rocket launcher and machine gun support vehicle, regardless of the carrying capacity of the chassis.

, should be able to be integrated together, and even if it is transformed into a Noble Phantasm, those problems can be eliminated.

"Let's talk about it later." Crownpis put all these into the "King's Treasure House", threw the things the other party wanted (Crownpis thought were cheap but in the eyes of humans are priceless) on the ground, and then

Teleported back to Fuyuki City.

If there are any funeral matters that need to be dealt with, it's none of Crownpis's business.

(to be continued)

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