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Chapter 90 Jack the Ripper Little Lolita

Crownpis's eyes glanced at the back of Flat's hand.

There is a command spell like the sun on the back of this guy's hand. Why hasn't the servant come to protect the master now? And these people in the room are calm enough. Does this guy often get treated like this for this reason?


[Master, this guy is not only a master but also has weird abilities. He is a problem. I think he should be eliminated as soon as possible. 】

While Crounpis ignored Anna's voice for the time being, almost all the people in the group unanimously held their foreheads and turned their faces away, except for one person——

"I apologize on behalf of Mr. Weber Velvet's rude student." The blond elder Loli put down her tea cup and lowered her head solemnly, "He is such a crooked person."

"Well, forget it." Crownpiss, who had no intention of staying in this world for a few more months, let go of Flatt, but had no intention of standing up from him.

"So, is there anything we can do to pass the time? For example, games or something?" Cronpis asked.

"Then, how about we just talk about his Holy Grail War that Mr. Weber doesn't even want to talk about in detail?" the sickly white-haired young man suggested.

"Does it seem like you are looking down on me because I'm in elementary school? Sigh," Crownpis stood up, sighed, and crossed her hips, "Although there is no problem... I have to go from Weber to participate in the Holy Grail.

The war deceives people into stealing chickens, books, and wine, or should we start with Emperor Iskandar and Princess Weber riding in a car and sleeping in the same bed?"

"I wonder...poof~" For some reason, the white-haired young man suddenly vomited blood and fell down. This didn't cause a commotion. Is it normal for him to vomit blood?

"Oh! I'm very interested in these things. Is his virginity still there?" The blond older loli's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"What?! Has his first time been taken away!" The one who shouted was the pink Lolita girl who claimed to be his mistress.

"Anyway, how about some refreshments first?" Crownpiss said to herself awkwardly, "Is there no normal person in Weber's social circle in the past ten years?"


Lunch break, Suiqunyuan Academy, elementary school, rooftop——

Miyou opened the door that would normally not be opened, came here with her lunch box in her arms, and found a suitable place to sit on the floor.

"Even if Miyu made a bento on a whim today, there's no need to come to the rooftop, although I don't object." Shiloe sat not far from Miyu and opened the bento.

"It's not just a whim." Mei said, turning to the deserted air, "Come and eat."

Normally, a servant does not need to eat, but ever since he discovered that Anna ate very delicious food, Miyu couldn't leave the servant aside while eating. But it was not easy for this servant to appear in front of his classmates.

In fact, this berserker is very rational, otherwise Miyu would not say so. He has the appearance of a child, and it is not unreasonable to pretend to be a primary school student. There are other reasons to avoid classmates——

There was no gathering of light particles. Berserker appeared very suddenly. The white-haired little loli, who was a few centimeters taller than Miyu, sat cross-legged next to Miyu and said, "Can I eat it?"

"Let me ask you, can you think of something to do with your adult black swimsuit-like clothes? Don't you have the ability to change?" Shiloe looked at Berserker and said in embarrassment.

"Who knows, as long as I appear similar to you, I will look like this." Berserker tilted his head and said, taking Miyu's lunch box and eating it, his eyes suddenly lit up, the rice from the Emiya family is considered a heroic spirit

It can also be conquered.

The three little lolita ate there in silence, but the silence was soon broken.

"Speaking of which, you rested because of the chaos after summoning and the consumption of magic power. What is your true form?" Shiloe asked Berserker.

"Yes, a formal contract is necessary," Berserker said, "Then, please allow me to introduce myself again. My real name is -"

Miyu also listened carefully to find out what kind of existence this heroic spirit who usually appeared in the form of a child was.

"I don't know." she said.

Hilo Ai joked: "Hey, are you 'Mr. I don't know'?"

"How is that possible?" Berserker put down the empty lunch box he had finished eating and crossed his arms. "Everyone knows when it comes to names - don't run away or cry or yell after hearing this."

She paused and said, "Jack the Ripper."

Hilary: "Ah, really."

Meiyu: "Who is that?"

Jack: "Although I don't want you to cry, isn't this reaction too bland?"

Shiloe: "There is no point in trying to find out what the heroic spirit did during his lifetime. Or are you going to show off your demonic nature and disembowel everyone in the school?"

Miyu: "Could it be said that I summoned an incredible heroic spirit?"

Jack: "I'm very lucky. If I appeared as another class, I might actually do that. Because when I appear as a berserker, madness is the only class that matches my wavelength, so I'm not crazy."

Miyou: "Is it like -1×-1=1 in mathematics, or is it similar to the situation in physics where opposite waves with the same wavelength and frequency can cancel each other out?"

Shiroai: "You are a weirdo Miyu who can accept science."

Jack was indeed frightened by this. She murmured for a while before saying: "In short, I am not a real person. Maybe there is some distortion in the destroyed Holy Grail and the new spell, or there must be some connection between my legend and Miyou."

Only by having a common ground can you summon me.”

Miyu: "I'm sorry, you should answer the call if you have a wish, but I can't give you the opportunity." If Miyu didn't make a wish to herself, she would die at that time.

"Alas," Jack sighed and leaned his head on the guardrail behind him, "I don't know anything. My wish is just to know that if there is such a legend, there must be a murderer. Who is the murderer?


He murdered five women (all prostitutes) and was not arrested despite the full pursuit of Scotland Yard. It is said that Jack the Ripper was responsible for this, and it is a real historical case.

"Who created my legend? Such a wish seems to have no meaning."

Meiyu: "No memory, do you?"

Jack: "I am just the embodiment of the legend. Maybe I do exist in this form, but a murder case is a murder case and has nothing to do with my own legend."

Meiyou: "Really? I'm sorry."

"Then, here's the question." Shiloe, who had knowledge of the Holy Grail War, also put down her finished lunch box, stretched out her fingers in front of her eyes, and began to speak seriously, "Needless to say, there are too many versions of the legend of Jack the Ripper, but with

Death cannot be separated from the relationship. If the holy relic is not used in the summoning, it will inevitably summon a heroic spirit with a certain degree of similarity. If there is a problem with the function of the Holy Grail, it is not impossible for it to be an anti-heroic spirit or even an evil spirit. So, I understand that Miyu is the Holy Grail.

Well, then, what is the relationship between Miyu and evil spirits?"

Shiloe had been observing Illya's body, and she could tell from the beginning that Miyu had turned into an undead.

(to be continued)

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