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Chapter 97: Pisi does not know the good intentions of his compatriots

"Forget it, Pisi, just be happy." Sunny stood up and pointed to the square in the center of the city, "Did you listen to what Star said? Go and solve that."

"Wow~" After a while, Crownpis stood on the top of the ruined building around the huge square, putting his hand on his eyebrows and looking into the distance, although the distance was not far.

"Devil Overlord of the Dead: Level 74." Sunny introduced.

That one was a warrior who was over three meters tall, wearing handsome dark armor, and kneeling on the ground with a sword swaying with dark red flames. But the hairstyle and the shape of the beard under his nose - it really looked like a "moustache"

", which is a bit incompatible with the "Demon Dead", but his face is very qualified as an "Overseer".

The reason why he was kneeling on one knee was not because he was in bad condition or on standby. The reason was that chains emitting white light extending from the magic circle on the buildings around the square were tightly restraining him.

"Is there anything in this world that can bind this kind of 'high-end goods' for a long time?"

"Maintaining semi-permanent restraints is an indigenous technology." Sunny sighed and said as if she was uncomfortable, "Aboriginals sometimes use this technology to seal beings that cannot or cannot be killed for some reasons, but it is also

It just extends the time of the binding magic indefinitely, but the cost is that the caster's mp limit is permanently reduced before the binding or seal is released, which makes me feel uncomfortable, ugh."

"But I think it's not difficult for Sunny to beat him half to death and catch him." Cronpis asked in confusion. If it's so uncomfortable, wouldn't it be better to kill him?

"It's easy to beat him to death, but there is something wrong with the owner of this guy - the guy Star mentioned to you." Sunny said, "It seems that after beating him once, he will never be beaten the next time.

In other words, if I kill him and meet his master again, I will not be able to protect myself."

"No, the Saint has traveled through time?"

"No, it's like a super NB player. He will never lose to an opponent who has seen him once." Sunny waved her hand and explained, "Because we have all learned the skill of sharing audio and video with our familiars, so we also

...Pissy, you understand."

"I understand, I understand." Crounpis took out a huge bomb, "Just kill him without exposing yourself."

"This is?" Sunny moved closer to the bomb that was covered with red stripes on a black background due to Croun's silk skills.

"Oh, this is a small-yield nuclear bomb. It is said that the killing radius is only a few kilometers."

"No, it can't be done. This city is not our territory. There will be international problems." Sunny complained very plainly. Ten years ago, Star seemed to have asked Crounpiel to bring some nuclear bombs back as a joke. Then

It was not really a joke, but serious, so Sunny was not surprised by the appearance of the nuclear bomb.

"That's all I'm saying." Crownpis put away the nuclear bomb, took out the dusty camouflage mask and put it on to become a black-haired Asian face. She quickly gathered her hair with her hands and tied it into buns on both sides.

"Just use a professional style of play that has nothing to do with you." He ordered the mimic demon on his body to change into a costume that resembled a cheongsam.

"Why cheongsam? Boxer?" Luna complained.

"Ah, I've been studying all this time and I'm not home yet." Crounpisi squatted down on horseback, punched the air with his hands with residual images, and made a few Bajiquan poses.

"Well, I'll leave it to Pisi." Sunny didn't ask any more questions. She was full of confidence in Crounpisi. You must know that Crounpisi's level exceeded 100 more than ten years ago, even if she didn't reveal her ability.

, I can defeat an opponent of this level with just my fists.

Seeing Crounpiss walking calmly and slowly towards the huge figure, Sunny thought in her mind, "嘡啷啷啷", and all the chains of light instantly broke and disintegrated.

"Next, I'm going to call some spectators. It's good to collect reputation, bit by bit." Sunny muttered, turning around and preparing to call some people who were busy in the city.

There was a crashing and cracking sound like an explosion behind him, accompanied by a slight vibration on the ground, but it was not enough. This level could only attract some guerrillas to check the situation. Others would take refuge, because everyone knew that this building was once a hazard.

There are still many dangers that have not yet been dealt with in the stronghold cities of mainland organizations.

We must try to call more spectators, and Sunny will protect them from the aftermath of the battle.

Suddenly, the suppressed feeling of negative energy behind her that made the goblin unhappy relaxed, giving Sunny a little bad premonition. She turned around and was immediately embarrassed.

"I'm dead now...Ah, I'm sorry, Sunny, I fought with people over level 100 from time to time, so I couldn't control my strength for a while." Crounpis patted the undead on her body.

The flying ashes of death said in embarrassment, "Is there a plan to beat him to half a disability and then ask for information, hahahaha..."

The level 150 boss can kill the level 74 senior soldiers in three strikes, five strikes, and two divisions. It's not bad.

Sunny picked up a spherical eye monster on the edge of the building and muttered: "Star's decision to say that 'recording surveillance' should be installed in any place where useful images will appear is really right."



"Is it finally interrupted?" In a room of a certain tomb, a skeleton dressed in a luxurious black robe, with fingers made only of bones but covered with luxurious rings, beat his head one after another, and the red light in the eye holes flickered.

Summoning them to mix with the Night Dead magicians to increase their combat power and take the opportunity to control them to launch an attack on the Kingdom of Titania has failed. In the end, it is impossible to obtain the combat ability of an enemy's henchman?

"But, I don't remember. The fighting style is completely unfamiliar. When did you offend this type of opponent in the gaming era?"

He fell into memories, and he could not forget that not long after he came into this world, his opponent came over, shouted "PK" to him indiscriminately, and killed him twice simply.

Later, I thought about it, I was taking advantage of my unfamiliarity with this world and misled myself by thinking it was a new map in the game. My style is to lose once and observe the opponent, but in this real world, if you die, you are really dead.

After I was killed and resurrected once, in the second battle, a large group of opponents swarmed me and set up an anti-teleport barrier, killing me neatly again.

If I hadn't been equipped with multiple resurrection items at that time, and the second item could have allowed me to resurrect in another town after death...

He could imagine that he must have died completely at that time. It was completely uncertain whether he would wake up before he logged into the game device. If not, he would really be out of his mind.

Now that I have successfully escaped death, I must continue to live in this world.

(to be continued)

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