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Chapter 106 Son of Fu Hailin

On the arm of Crounpisi's other hand, the sacred mark like a coil of thorns shone red, and as Crounpisi murmured in his mouth, it continued to shorten and disappear.

"Command me with the Command Seal to remove class restrictions; command me with the Command Seal to remove the negative impact of the heroic spirit's idle state on my ability; command me with the Command Seal, and I will synchronize with the will of the Holy Grail; command me with the Command Seal

, I will never leave before I get the Holy Grail; command my body with the Command Seal, and understand the true name of the treasure phantom I hold; command my body with the Command Seal, and the treasure phantom I hold will be engraved into my soul; command my body with the Command Seal, allowing me to move.

The true name of the Noble Phantasm I hold."

The command spells were reduced one by one, and finally only two pitiful strokes were left on the back of the hand, maintaining the relationship between the two Gorgon sisters.

There are several commands in it that seem ridiculous, but they make sense when placed on Crounpith——

Removing class restrictions: Crownpiss’ class is assassin but has the adaptability and second class of caster;

Removing the negative impact of the heroic spirit's idle state on its ability: In fact, it is similar to the issue of popularity. Some heroic spirits will change their strength because of their popularity in the place where they are. The underworld nymph is just a supporting role in Greek mythology, but the race's immortality is still

It's very high, but even if you have immortality in life, you will either be unable to summon it, or the summons will be greatly reduced due to the rules of the Holy Grail War. Fortunately, Crounpis is already an illegal Servant and took advantage of the loophole.

I am in sync with the will of the Holy Grail: Crounpith's return to the Type 6 moon world is aimed at the black shadow, and the black shadow is the will of the Holy Grail made by Matou Zouken with Matou Sakura, plus Crounpith

Both Silk and Black Shadow can absorb the souls of heroic spirits and humans, and they have enough in common that they can use the Command Seal to make synchronization a reality.

Never quit before getting the Holy Grail: This becomes possible after improving immortality;

The last three are parallel command spells that allow Crownpith to maximize the use of the captured Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm is something that is almost integrated with the soul of the heroic spirit, so unless it has left a legend of seizing other people's treasures and using them skillfully,

Otherwise, it is almost impossible to do it. Crounpith is only half-baked in this aspect, but the King of Heroes who was captured happens to be a dabbler, but he does not fully understand the things. The role of half-baked and half-baked allows Crounpith to liberate and seize the Noble Phantasm.

It is also possible to use command spells, but there is a limit. To use the performance of all the treasures of the "King's Treasure House", thousands of command spells are not enough. Now she can only free the short staff and the "King's Treasure House" that she has been playing with for a long time.

own real name.

"Hahahaha, it's so fun~" Crounpisi, who was sleepwalking, was swaying in circles as if dancing. The "torch" turned with her figure, and colorful fireballs with different attributes flew out.


"The Hell Talisman spat out maliciously."

Naturally, these are not the real names of the Noble Phantasm, but Crounpis is in a state of "sleepwalking" and wants to do things that he rarely does, such as naming things on the spot.

Faker walked around with ghostly steps, avoiding the fireballs, and headed straight to where Launpisi was. Unexpectedly, she was exposed to the purple mist and had no "power to resist", and the discomfort that spread all over her body made her sluggish.

Chaos Aura X, which gives the object that enters the range a percentage increase in HP loss over time with each step of action.

Those fireballs did not hit the ground and explode, but stopped in the air, and immediately turned into beams of light, continuing to fly towards the slow Faker from all directions.

Faker gritted his teeth, stepped forward, barely avoided the intersection of the beams, inserted into the gap, and stabbed the dagger at Crounpith.

Crownpis's eyes were still confused, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The "torch" in his hand tightened and stretched with a "swipe" of fire, turning into a lightsaber. He turned sideways and staggered the dagger, making a home run gesture.

, waving the lightsaber towards Faker.


In desperation, Faker reluctantly raised his dagger to block Cronpith's blow, but the dagger immediately shattered and she was thrown into the air by the huge force.

"A body like that has such power?!" Faker saw that Crounpis didn't look like a warrior in any way, so he would make a sudden attack.

At the same time, I also realized that the little goblin's right eye was a magic eye. Judging from the posture of swiping at herself instead of fighting, at least it was a magic eye that could easily capture her movements.

Several vines flew through the forest, wrapping around Faker who had not yet stabilized his body.

Faker used his strength to cut off the vines with his broken blade. When he saw more vines shooting from the trees, he realized that he could no longer hide his clumsiness: "My loyalty is with the king! Please lend me the royal name of Thunder at this moment!"

"Boom!" Along with the thunder, the "gordias hee1" suspected to be the emperor appeared in the thunder and lightning.

It was a chariot drawn by two horses wrapped with purple electricity. However, the chariot was pulled by two white bones. Although there were only skeletons, it could be seen that they were small dragons with strong wings, not the sacred cows of the Great Emperor.


The overflowing divine thunder burned countless vines, flew into the air, circled, and converged.

Hartleth was watching the battle. Unexpectedly, several cold lights flew from the night. He jumped back to avoid the flying sword blades.

At first glance, it turned out to be a black key, and it was very large. It was several times the size of a regular black key! It was like the blade of a two-handed sword. It wasn't that the black key had expanded too much and became obvious and dull. If Faker had to be beaten away just now,

If the power is thrown over him, he will really die.

Turning around, I saw another little guy with the appearance of Crounpith, who was a clone of the skill of the heroic warrior of Crounpith.

Wearing a clerical uniform, each hand holds three black keys that have been enlarged by excessive magic power. However, he has a greedy look on his face and says words that don't match his appearance: "It's delicious... I want to eat it... ah -

-"open mouth.

Hartreth jumped away quickly, escaping from the shadow range of this clone.

The moment the mouth closed, all the weeds in the shadow range were swallowed up by the shadow.

This made Hartley break into a cold sweat.

"Oh, if I go to this extent to save my life, I will have to live a life of being wanted." He held the position of his faith, "The price of resisting the heroic spirit is not small. Turn over, my heart."

Countless alternative plants broke through the land and the dense forest that already existed here, and sprouted out of the ground.

Zang Yan: "Could this be—"

Francesca: "Hahaha, in this case, justice is on our side, which is also very interesting."

Einnashe. This is a creature that can think on its own and hunt for food. At the same time, some people say that it may be an inherent barrier operated by the superior dead disciple of the same name. It appears about once every fifty years, and attacks gather

Humans in the past used huge magic power to nourish the fruits growing in its depths.

However, what is here is just a clone of Fu Hailin named Fu Hailin's son. Although there are similarities with it, there have been no cases of its reappearance so far, and the activity time in most cases is not long.

(to be continued)

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