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Chapter 117 Active Supporting Actors

For Weber, it was a great blessing that his troubled students, Yvette and Flatt, were still alive, but he still had to send someone to investigate where the real Corless had gone and where he was imprisoned.

Rescue, now there are more problems in Fuyuki City, and there is not enough brains.

In fact, Weber has no obligation to force himself to investigate everything and get to the bottom of it. The current situation in Fuyuki City, according to the standards of the magic world, is still at the level where ordinary people can get through with just an excuse - such as "gas explosion".

As for the Servant’s battle, whether it’s the Holy Grail War, the Pseudo Holy Grail War, or the subspecies Holy Grail War, it’s all a type of seance. It’s normal to explode somewhere or how many people die during a seance. As long as it’s hidden.

If you do a good job, all will be well for the magic world.

Weber is too kind for a magician. By the way, Lenis often takes advantage of Weber's human weakness and debt problems to help Weber take on some crime-solving work that should have been ignored or deceived to pay for the family.

magic circuit repair costs.

At this time, someone knocked on the study door.

"Come in."

"Master, Miss Yvette is awake," Gray said.

"How is her spirit?"

"Hmm... It seems good and it seems bad?" Gray was unsure about Yvette's personality.

"Let's go." Weber had a lot of questions to "interrogate". When he came to the room where Yvette was placed, he saw Yvette lying on the bed with one eye closed (the other eye socket was empty), breathing steadily, and looked again

Lenis, who was sitting on the side with a strange expression, was basically sure of herself. Remember that the girl in question always claimed to be his mistress in front of others. He walked to the bed and bent down to check——

"Teacher, give me a good morning kiss, uh!" Before Yvette could jump up, she gave Weber a flick on her forehead and knocked her back onto the pillow.

"Teacher is too much. He is so rude to his mistress... ah, eyes, I almost forgot, eyes! Is it because she is so ugly that she is so rude?" Yvette hurriedly rummaged to find one.

He put the spare shiny gem magic eye into the empty eye socket, pulled down the star eye mask, blinked, and said, "Yeah, the beautiful and lovely Yvette is back. Teacher, I want to say good morning to you -"

Before she could finish her words, her head was pressed into the pillow by Weber's slap.

"You seem to be very energetic indeed. Then you can answer my question well." Weber clenched his hands, with a few more "#"s on his head.

If it was a male student with a problem, he would really punch him. If it was Flatt, a pervert who could rub out a Servant by rubbing the command spell with his hands, he would directly kick him in the face.

Suddenly, the "elegant" alarm bell sounded!

"What happened!" Weber, Lenis, and Gray all looked in the direction of the obviously unabashed invasion. The invasion was so rough that the barrier was shattered to pieces!

The barrier arranged by Luvia's family is by no means a popular product. It would be a little better if it was an invasion. To be broken so violently and instantly, it must have the strength of a Servant, right? According to the summary of data collection in the early morning, the Servant has been swallowed up by the black shadow.

Yes, does the shadow also move during the day?

"Gray!" Weber said with a fierce tone.

"Yes, Master." He ran out with a physical strength that could match that of a Servant. When he arrived at the lobby on the first floor, he found that the place was full of smoke.

With a powerful swing of the Death Scythe, he dispelled the visual impairment, but saw that Luvia and August had fallen, and Melvin was lying on the ground vomiting blood. The one who was still standing was not injured this morning.

Flat returned uninjured but a little disappointed.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited. You have something to say, everyone...the weather is nice today. Instead of fighting, why don't you, beautiful devil lady, sit down and have a good chat?" Flatt said to the white devil who looked like an angel in the report.

Seemingly stupid words.

But it was a correct reaction. As the master and servant of the house, it was natural for Luvia and August to drive away the demons that invaded the house. But if they could be killed easily, then Flatt would be overestimating his abilities if he continued to provoke.

Abnormality and intensity cannot escape the category of human beings.

"Mr. Flatt!" Gray shouted, indicating that he could retreat.

But Flatt had no intention of retreating. Instead, he gestured vigorously to signal not to fight yet.

At this time, Weber and Lenis also rushed to Gray's side. Weber scolded Flatt in his heart as to what he was thinking, while thinking about how to act.

"You guys here have interacted with my master, right? Is there any way to find her? The black shadow should be there too." The white devil asked. She didn't have a very smart mind. Since the actual purpose of killing was from the beginning, she was destined to summon

She was created to love fighting and have a straightforward personality.

But she's not an idiot, at least she remembers to fold her wings when walking outside, and becomes just like a normal person, even though her appearance is still a bit eye-catching.

"Oh, I know where she is, do you want to take you there?" Flatt said seriously, giving an address.

At this moment, Weber really wanted to jump over, grab Flatt, push him against the wall, and yell, "How do you know about Kushou, who we have been investigating for the past two days!"

But the devil was still there, and he held back. Now that Flatt had given out the address, he could take action.

"Then~" The white devil was about to turn around and leave——

"Wait a minute, Miss Demon," Flatt quickly opened his body in a "big" sign and stopped him in front of the white demon. "That kind of shadow only appears at night. Just kill the shadow's 'door' during the day."

Could something go wrong?"

Judging from the observation of the black shadow on two nights, this possibility is very high.

The white devil was stunned and tilted his head: "It seems to make sense."

"It's not good to stay here. First of all, shouldn't we blend in with the ordinary people around us and observe in secret?" Flatt said, seemingly familiar with it, and hugged the white devil's neck, pointing outside,

"Ms. Crownpiss has also experienced games and other human cultures. How about you try it too?"

"Hmm..." The white demon looked up into the distance, scratching his face and thinking. Demons serve their masters, and spirituality is very important. When they are summoned and created into this world, they also have the master's information input into their brains. It seems like this.


"Well, it's not bad, let's go." She expected that this human being couldn't play any tricks.

Frat nuzzled at Gray and pulled the white devil out of the door.

"Eh? Well, then I'll go too?" Gray didn't understand and looked up at Weber.

"Leave the 'idiot' to me." Lenis whispered. Although the white devil had gone far away, she was still worried about the other party's keen hearing.

"Well, I leave it to you." Weber nodded slightly.

(to be continued)

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