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Chapter 5 King, please pull out your dull hair

With a thought, Crownpis cut off her connection with Mordred. From now on, according to the racial classification of this world, the heroic spirits who have been cut off from the supply of magic power are just soul-eaters who survive by devouring souls.

Those who are classified as high-level undead.

Star threw Mordred near a small country with the worst reputation in the Central Continent and inhabited by high-level undead. It was about half the east-west span of Russia from Titania. With the level of communication and transportation in this world, it was probably

You can feel at ease.

"Then, how do you plan to cook the King of Knights? With her noble nature, it is impossible for her to agree with us." Star glanced at Arturia, who had not been awakened by Cronpis, and asked with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I have this." Crownpiss wiped her hand on the back of her hand, dispelling the visual illusion, revealing thirteen command spells.

Although she doesn't remember it at all, when Crownpis obtained several Heroic Spirits, she also took away all the Command Seals for some reason.

Anyway, these are of no use to me who is not a heroic spirit now, so just use them. Ordinary command spells can be used without distinguishing between contract objects.

"I also know a little bit about "Fate"," Star said. "Isn't the Command Seal a temporary command?"

"But there are other uses. After all, it is a product of magic, and the consequences of magic cannot be erased, right?" Cronpis smiled, and with a thought, she woke up Arturia.

"Do you need to explain the situation? King of Knights." Crounpis asked the king in front of her who was much taller and plumper than she remembered.

"This is the era of your myth," she said.

"Although it's a little different, it's good to be receptive. Now that you're here, I have no intention of killing you and letting you go back to where you were. As long as you are still a servant, you must be used by me." Crown Pisi



"So you at least agree with this? You deserve to be a knight?" Crownpis paused intentionally, took a deep breath, and said word by word, "Then let me ask you, can you treat your subjects as human beings in order to achieve your own goals?"

Are the consumer goods used?”

"Are you testing me? If a king declares this, he will be my enemy." Arturia declared proudly.

"Really? It's not what I want. I can't live in a myth that is rampant outside the world, and I can order it with the Command Seal—" The Command Seal on the back of Crounpith's hand emitted a red light.

"Hmph." Arturia showed a trace of disdain. The restraint of the command spell was only temporary. Her concise words and indifferent expression made her look completely different from Arturia, but her most fundamental part had not changed at all.

.She is still a knight, and if she had been an ordinary warrior, she would have beaten her directly.

"Accept the Holy Sword from the soul level and give up the Holy Spear." Crownpis threw the Saber class card she "accidentally" brought back to Arturia.

"What?!" Arturia didn't understand the meaning of Clunpisi's doing this at all.

"Command it with the Command Seal——" Crownpis immediately used the second Command Seal.

"[Mass charm species]: Think of yourself who was chosen by the Holy Sword to become the perfect king. There is no need to hide your sins or regrets. Take out your heart, liberate the dragon factor, dragon memory, and think of the dragon's instinct.


It seems like a lot of content, but it can all be used to draw out similar things in the spirit, and it is effective as a command spell.

His class is Rider, so the strength of his "Anti-Magic" skill is low, and the command spell is fully effective.

Arturia felt that her brain was violently shaken!

Dragon's Memory, this heart is formed from the concept of dragon. It has a magical power that rivals that of geothermal heat. However, this is only secondary to Crounpith.

"Order it with a command--"

Arturia swung the holy spear that she felt might be released at any time, and swiped it at Crounpisi's head. If she didn't do this, she felt that the most important thing in her heart would be destroyed in the next moment!

"[Mass Charm Species]: Recall the situation your country has become, accept the essence of human beings with the blood of dragons, and follow human instincts to deny the situation that has made the country what it has become.




With a sound of metal collision, the Holy Spear fell to the ground. Arturia suddenly knelt on the ground, and then put his hands on the ground, and his bones and flesh made a "clacking" sound.

[Before picking up “that”, it’s better to think about it carefully. Although you picked it up, in the end, you are no longer a human being. 】

[No, there will be many people smiling, I think this is definitely not a mistake.]

There were a lot of smiles, but only a lot of people.

【Why rebel!】

【King... is too perfect.】

Is there anything to complain about when it’s perfect? ​​It’s just a microcosm, is it your own fault?

[The king has no selfish desires. What is necessary is necessary, and what is unnecessary does not exist. There is no daydreaming or dreaming.]

Then, what is the feeling of discarding unnecessary things?

[How about it! How about it, King Arthur! Your country will end like this! 】

Why, why did the country become like that! She gave everything for the country and gave up everyone's selfish desires. Why did she get such a result? Is such a country really worth her efforts?

【King Arthur does not understand the human heart.】

Why do you forget what you really are like?

Her body is shrinking, shrinking, her height is gradually getting shorter, and her breasts are deflating. She is exactly in line with the figure of King Arthur who was chosen by the Holy Sword, and it is also pitch black.

"King of Knights, what do you think you should do to achieve your goal?" Cronpis asked.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it can be achieved, all available means should be used." Arturia murmured.

Crounpisi smiled with satisfaction: "Hehe, since you are still a servant, then serve me as a servant before your life as a servant is exhausted."

"Ah, the contract is established." Arturia stood up and knelt down on one knee to perform the knight's salute.

"Bah, bang, bang, bang!" Star applauded vigorously from the side, jumping over and hugging Crownpiss, "This is a great trick. But the holy sword is wasted like this? How good is it for us to use?"


"Ah~" Crownpis opened her mouth and immediately started to defend herself, "But I don't understand Sister Yu's version of King Arthur. Besides...didn't you bring the Holy Spear over? You can use the Holy Spear."

"With such a big spear, who among us little fairies can use it easily? It won't automatically adapt to the body shape, ah~"

Crownpis glanced aside: "Anyway, I used my skills to create so many high-level monsters today. Someone... can use them, right? Let Arturia teach me? Ah, there are many more command spells.

, brainwashing all the little lolis is the top priority right now, right?”

(to be continued)

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