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Chapter 19 Faith is firm, because the pain is not enough

Bajas Empire, Imperial Capital Owentar——

The sky is still pitch black, it can be said that the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Four men were lurking in the house. It was a narrow and dirty alley between two rows of low-rise shabby houses. The smell was not good. The imperial capital, which seemed to be getting more prosperous year by year, also had places like this.

They found out that they were being followed, and there were obviously no witnesses. In other words, the only witness, the gravekeeper, had been killed. How did they find out?

Even though it was not far from the time of a certain operation, it was too late for the empire to make the best response when they were discovered. Besides, their purpose was not to completely annihilate or overthrow anything, but it was quite troublesome for the operation to be interfered with by unrelated people in advance.

The pursuer came, running noiselessly along the road.

Although he was less than 1.4 meters tall and wore a seemingly tattered black cloak, it could still be seen that his shoulders and waist did not rise and fall at all while running. An assassin who could do this made the four men tense.

, one can imagine that the other party is powerful enough to kill four of them. However, to deal with this type of assassin, one only needs to take targeted measures——

A large translucent net that was almost invisible in the night fell from the sky!

The pursuer looked stunned for a moment, then pulled out the sharp dagger from his waist and slashed at the net, but failed and was caught by the net.

This net is made of special sticky silk. It is very strong, yet very soft and sticky. It cannot be easily cut open with sharp tools. If you pull hard, it will stick even tighter. If there is any weakness, it is that the texture is similar to glue.

Water and oil wash it away and dissolve it. But few assassins can handle this method.

The four men immediately started taking action, then froze.

They didn't see anything that caused them to be stunned. They just froze for a moment, and then almost all fell down.

Jack complained a little and took off his cloak to get rid of the net that was stuck to his body. Although he almost ignored the restraints of the sticky silk with his strength and knocked down four people with the net in an instant, the silk was also very sticky to his clothes.


She dragged the four of them into the dilapidated hut.

She thought, since Miyu wanted to know about this and seemed to not want something like this to happen again, she should check it out.

It's really not difficult. Jack knows a lot of magic. There are various legends that make up her spiritual base. Anything that the legend can do can be done with a bunker, right? Even if it is incomparable to heroic spirits with magnificent myths or epics, it can deal with humans.

Still easy.

Who said the dead can't talk? Even if they can't be resurrected, it would be irrational to just become undead, but the necromancy of the Moon World can peek into the memories and feelings of the deceased before death.

Because they thought the gravekeeper was dead, starting the conversation before he was completely dead was the biggest mistake of these people. Jack laughed at these people like this. If it were her, she would destroy all the target's useful organs.

However, even if a few direct murderers are caught, what comes next is the main event. What is the point of these people killing the gravekeepers? It cannot be for money, they must be doing something to the corpses in the cemetery.

But Jack didn't have the convenient spiritual magic of goblins, so she began to act in a way that was consistent with her reputation.

After a long time, a man woke up from the pain.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh squealing scream of a cry of sound.

It's obviously painful to this extent, it's not surprising that he's unconscious, but he's still sober!

"Na na na, tell me," Jack said to the man with a smile. While he continued to insert nails into the man's joints and fingernails, he inserted his hand into the opening opened with a scalpel on his stomach and rubbed the contents.

Pinch away, "Why do you want to kill that person? What are you going to do?"

The man showed a ruthless look as if he was ready to die.

He was still very young back then, a believer in the Four Gods, and his family was in business. On a trip, he was attacked by monsters. His bodyguard and family members all died and were eaten by ogres.

He survived because his father arranged to look after the store. After losing his family, he was extremely opposed to the empire's introduction of cannibal race cooperation, but he, a commoner, could not do anything. But on the day when the temple launched an attack on the imperial city, he also wanted to

Do your little bit.

However, as soon as the team stepped out of the temple, they were blocked by the red "demon" standing on the top of the church who trampled on the coat of arms symbolizing the four gods. He killed the Templar Commander with one blow and killed countless others in the aftermath.

The monk soldiers even lowered the holy flames symbolizing the faith of the Four Gods. He was frightened, ran away, fell down, and was trampled by the believers who were companions a moment ago.

Who would have thought that the person who saved him turned out to be——

A very thin beam of light cut off all the running believers. From the corner of his eye, he saw the instigator in a white dress walking past. He could only pretend to be dead, even though there were voices of survivors calling for help around him.

I could only chant "I'm sorry" crazily in my heart, and in the end I even escaped the attack of a large number of angels released by the temple in its final struggle.

Things just passed like this. Having escaped without being arrested, he did not have the courage to follow his dead companions for a while, thinking that he would live like a zombie. However, a foreign spy recruited a group of people and established an underground organization.

Provide funds for the Imperial Academy of Magic.

He learned the art of necromancy, realized the convenience of the undead, and at the same time realized the great hidden danger to human beings. It was precisely because of this realization that he decided to do this now, launching a zombie wave to attack the imperial capital.

If there is no one to direct the undead in the plantation factory during this chaotic night, they will also fall into chaos.

The people who were fascinated by the benefits of the undead policy implemented by the Fairy Temple must be awakened.

The undead are indeed good as laborers, but their fate will also be firmly controlled by their servants. Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

Of course, there is no intention to massacre the citizens, it is just destruction. If anyone accidentally falls down in panic and is trampled by the undead, they can only mourn in silence.

Over the years, he has received a lot of influence from his faith. He is no longer the one who ran away in a hurry and fell to the ground pretending to be dead. He wants to be a warrior who can face death calmly!

"I won't confess! [paralysis]!"

Jack showed a trace of surprise. This move was not unleashed on her, but on him. She seemed to be aware of it. She knew this technique. She let go of the hand that was poking nails, picked up the scalpel, and made precise cuts on the man's neck.

A few times.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" The man was horrified to find that [paralysis] had been cracked. The little white-haired girl in front of him must be a murderer and knows all the ways to torture life!

"...Tell me?" Jack asked softly and kindly.

No, you can't confess. Once you do, you will be killed. Anyway, you will die!

"Tell me." Jack straddled the man's body seemingly affectionately, but the sudden increase in weight caused an even more severe pain in the man's lower body.

There is a large sharp object placed under the body!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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