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Chapter 23 Perpetual motion energy

Byrx dragged Julius and Molde, who just happened to be holding him back, and jumped out of the negative energy diffusion range in a somewhat embarrassed state, gritting his teeth.

"Julius, Molde, are you okay?"

"It's a bit, not good..."

"...I have received too much negative energy."

The two of them answered a little weakly. Dedlock was still in the explosion and had not come out. After being hit so many times in a row, it was probably more serious than bad.

No need for Byrex to say anything, Julius and Molde immediately took out the potion they had brought with them, pulled out the cork and poured it into their mouths to neutralize the negative energy and restore their physical strength.

At this time, another wave of conical shells came flying like raindrops!

"What the hell is going on? Cannonballs can track you!"

Byrx swung his flaming sword with great force and destroyed several cannonballs.

Unfortunately, negative burst has no physical damage, but increases the damage to self-destructing undead shells!

The explosion flooded the air, but the shells that were not directly hit by the sword light received the buff and continued to fly through the negative explosion!

Warriors are not good at completely resisting covering attacks. If not all the magic casters were killed, it would have been easier to deal with it.

"Ah, I'm a little angry!"

Suddenly there was a childish tantrum, and in the distance, all the artillery shells exploded in the air!

The black and white figure flew into the negative explosion where the darkness had not dissipated, and emerged from the opposite side unharmed, blasting towards the imperial capital.

Heading towards the ring-shaped tower with the strongest aura.

Going back in time a little -

There is by no means only one outer wall tower equipped with cannons, but it has been semi-automated. The manual cannons that require dozens of people to serve can only be operated by two or three people.

As Merriface raised the alarm, all these people were pulled out of their sleep or naps on the night shift.

Although the Bajas Empire has begun to gradually accept foreigners, it is still a country with humans as the main body. In addition to the balance of strength and the consideration of the international situation, it cannot afford a war with the Silian Theocracy. The empire and the Theocracy are in a cold war, and the Theocracy is in a cold war.

The most elite six-color Holy Scripture troops suddenly appeared in the center of the empire. This is not something to be dealt with casually!

Before reporting to the top level, each tower turret, under the command of the city defense officer in charge of the night shift, opened fire at the fog outside the city that was as obvious as a mark!

Crounpis (still dressed as the clone of Alice in a monk's uniform) was sitting on the wall of an empty tower with great interest, watching the cannons firing, letting Melifis wait on her.

Serving for what? Answering questions, of course.

Crownpiss: "This cannon is probably an imitation and improvement of the warship cannon given to you. How do you aim it at night?"

Merriface: "Only the sighting device is operated by a domesticated vampire with night vision."

Crownpiss: "It looks like it's made of all metal. Where does the power come from?"

Merriface: "Zombified livestock can drive the running wheels all the time."

Crownpiss: "Ah, is it an imitation and improvement of the giant rat wheel used as a power source for the battleship?"

Merriface: "Yes."

Crownpiss: "Why are ballistics automatically corrected?"

Merriface: "The principle of placing undead birds on the warhead is——"

Crownpiss: "So that's it. The undead tend to attack the living on their own initiative. The undead birds will struggle to fly towards the target. Their small mass makes it difficult to fly with cannonballs. They can only make slight corrections, but they also prevent the cannonballs from coming.

Turn around 180 degrees and hit yourself, haha."

Isn't this the early form of guidance invented by Earthlings' weapons? Clawnpis guessed it without Melphis having to tell her.

Melphis: "Obviously it was invented within the Ministry of Magic and has never been spread out! Lord Clawnpis is really amazing."

Then she was pushed against the wall by Crounpisi, who said loudly with his eyes cracked: "That means there is something rumored!"

Melphis felt her heart thump, and she almost forgot about it, and said tremblingly: "It is true... that the technology for cloud bombs and generators has been stolen."

"The principle of the cloud bomb is simple. As long as you know the fire magic and gas generation magic, it is easy to imitate, but... you just said a generator! A generator, right?" Clawnpith gently pulled Melphis.

His head was pressed against the wall and rubbed.

You can only rub it gently, otherwise the Meliface will be ground into powder mixed with stone powder.

"Why are there generators? Where does the theoretical support come from? Is there such a need?!"

In Cronpis' view, since both lighting and household "appliances" have magical items, there should be little need for electricity, or it may not be worth it.

There is no fossil energy in this world: biological corpses will become undead, and it has not developed the ability to build huge dams: even if it is built with great pains, it will still face the threat of destruction by wild large monsters, and wind power generation will be forgotten: the power is unstable and cannot be

Storage of electricity, not to mention nuclear reactions.

You can use magic to create electric current, and you can also use metal to conduct electric current. But if there is an extra energy conversion loss, the income and expenditure ratio is not as good as using magic props, right?

"Actually... Lady Luna and the Ministry of Magic have discussed electromagnetic guns in the past. Humans are very interested in this method that can greatly increase combat distance and reduce combat losses. The power consumption has always been uneconomical, and there happen to be some original samples of tanks.

There's that kind of thing in there..." Frightened by Crounpith's truly angry look, Merriface started to tremble.

"Is that something whose structure can be easily understood?"

"There are analysis magic and item creation magic. Just use it a few hundred times."

"Ah...that's what happened. I've even ignored it. With existences like ours, if we interfere at will, it's really easy for the technological tree to crumble?" Crownpis slapped his face with one hand, showing the gaps between his fingers.

, his eyes turned to Melphis again, "Meili, how many generators do you know of so far?"

Merriface thought for a while... No, who was she talking to using contact magic? After a while, she replied: "Two for the Empire and one for the Dragon Kingdom."

"Volume? Power?"

"Um... I don't know, it's probably half the size of the tower under our feet, right? The electricity is about the stable and continuous output of second-level thunder magic."


"... Domestic spies will never be able to catch all the important areas for power grid defense."

"Where's the electromagnetic gun we promised?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" It seemed that the contact magic time had passed for a moment, and then Melphis said as if she was reading from a book, "The total volume is too big, the second level of lightning magic power

There are some shortcomings.”

"Power source?"

"Animal zombie or animal skeleton running wheel drive."

"Damn it, how practical are undead running wheels?" Crownpis couldn't help but think about what her random idea of ​​using undead running wheels to drive ships had brought to the world's production level.


(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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