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Chapter 30 Who is the one who is stunned?

Melphis could only stare at the people from the Black Sacred Scripture who were taken away by space magic.

"...Go back and recover all the remaining enemy corpses and equipment!" Even though she lost the person, Merriface calmly gave the correct order. Her role as Miko Ji for so many years was not in vain.

The Theocracy is the human nation with the best foundation. Its magic and equipment technology are closely related to players. Both corpses and equipment have research value. Unfortunately, the corpses left in place are almost stripped naked.

Crounpisi was leisurely and leisurely. She patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the big goblin use teleportation magic to move the small bag inside and restrain her underwear.

"By the way, that blue-haired one is Da-chan. She looks really good in her costume. What will she tell me after lurking for so many years? Let's go back to the city and wait and see. Well... By the way, let's take a look at the emergency response capabilities of the imperial capital. I'm sorry.

Go back slowly." She muttered to herself, held her head in her hands, and walked slowly towards the imperial capital.

If she knew that the enemy had brought the "Qingchengqingguo" but could no longer use it, she would have regretted not taking the opportunity to grab it.


Within the territory of the Silian Theocracy—

In order to counter-track, Diasha teleported everyone from the Black Sacred Code to the wilds of a seemingly random town, but there was a church in this town that could contact the city of God.

"Huh?" Deiyasha felt as if she had done something and touched her hair, which was disguised as blue.

It seems that he did something just now that is not suitable for him as a non-staff member of the Black Scripture.

When she took the young Yugali from the Elf Kingdom to the Silian Theocracy, she performed a memory operation on herself so that the Theocracy could not know any non-public information about the fairies from her, but she retained her desire to do so.

Instincts and emotions, including the instinct to automatically delete the memory of doing such a thing once the instinct has done something beneficial to Crounpiss. To this extent, it is natural to have some uncoordinated thoughts about oneself.

I have doubts about my behavior.

She remembered that she had summarized how to level up to level 100 some time ago. Over the years, she had used the player cheats for training in the Black Scripture and the 100% game character bloodline to level up rapidly. She quickly reached level 90, and then fell into a bottleneck.

, and later relied on players’ cheats to break through the bottleneck.

She had summarized the max-level goblin secrets in writing, and the Theocracy did not have high-level goblin users, so what was the point of summarizing them? It seemed meaningless, so the secrets were "accidentally" thrown somewhere.

But I just can’t think of it, so I might as well stop thinking about it. Since it’s something that has no meaning to the Theocracy, then it’s okay not to want it. Her current identity is just a non-editor of the Black Scripture and the nanny of Yugali. Do it well.

Just do your job.

At the scene, except for the sitting god, all the other living people were lying on their backs on the ground, their chests heaving, and they didn't even have the strength to speak. Human beings were bombarded non-stop by negative explosions, and even if they were touched even a little bit, they would feel severe pain.

Being able to persevere until now is worthy of being an elite among human beings.

"Count...the number of people." Byrx said.

"Don't bother, there are ten people in total, five alive and six corpses." Deiyasha said calmly.

"Ah? Mom, are the numbers wrong?" Yukari glanced around strangely, and suddenly realized, she slapped her head, "There are only half of the eleven women and the true artifact user left."

How could there be a whole body when Jack the Ripper killed a woman in a foggy night? The corpses of people who were not brought back in time were even more horrific.


Imperial Capital Owentar, Cemetery——

"Crackling, crackling, crackling..."

This was not singing, it was the sound of the guards patrolling the perimeter of the cemetery cleaning up the undead who were trying to climb over the wall and enter the realm of the living.

Skeletons and zombies were piled up under the wall. The latecomers stepped on the bodies of the first comers, crowded and struggled, trying to climb up, and were easily knocked down by the guards with spears.

As long as there is a defensive wall, dealing with the wild low-level undead who only instinctively move in the direction of the living is a mind-numbing task that can easily make you yawn.

However, quantity is a problem. The more they pile up, it seems as if all the corpses in the entire cemetery have turned into undead for a while. If this continues, sooner or later the undead will pile up.

When the team leader responsible for guarding the wall was about to send someone to ask for reinforcements——

Miyu walked up to the tall wall built in the cemetery to prevent the undead from running amok. Ignoring the surrounding guards and the adventurers who joined the war to make extra money, she crushed a skeleton that was about to climb up and jumped out.

"Wait a minute, little sister!" Several guards couldn't help but shout out.

It’s not strange to make extra money, but I don’t want to be so reckless...

"Huh? What's the matter?" Miyu stepped on the air and turned around in confusion.

"Ah, no, it's okay, thank you for your help." Seeing that Miyu could fly, the guard realized that he was worried in vain and was embarrassed to continue.

You must know that floating the body out of thin air is the second level of magic, and flying freely is the third level. Although the girl in front of you is small, she is a skilled magic caster, and cannot be instructed by ordinary guards.

"Yeah." Seeing that the guard had no intention of saying anything, Miyu responded, untied the magic plane at his feet, and fell into the pile of skeletons below.

"Wait!" the guards shouted again.

"Minimum output, shotguns!" Miyu waved his cane and threw out a large amount of small magic bullets like a Gatling Cannon, shattering almost all the skeletons in the surrounding area and clearing out most of the undead who were stretching out their fangs towards the guards.

"Ah? What's the matter?" After Miyu confirmed that there was no threat under the wall, he freed his attention and looked up at the guard who stopped him.

"No, it's okay, thank you very much."

"Eh? Really? I'm leaving then." Just as Miyu turned around and ran towards the depths of the cemetery, the sound of wind could be heard from the sky.

Miyu, who had some fighting experience, jumped to the side.

The huge bone claw fell on the place where Miyu was standing just now, and then the other claws and tails also fell down. Miyu looked up and saw that it was a huge dinosaur skeleton with wings?

The bones look like they were put together by pieces of human bones? Who is so naughty? Miyu looked a little unhappy and raised her cane.

"Small output, sniper!"

"Whoops!" The blue beam penetrated the huge skeleton, but the bone dragon was safe and sound. It roared angrily at Miyu and raised its claws.

"Hey!" The guards on the wall started shouting again. Some people want to say that this is a bone dragon that is immune to magic below the sixth level. It is simply the natural enemy of magic casters. Even those fairies who usually fly high and domineering will be replaced later.

The position sequence is also at a disadvantage when facing the bone dragon. It is better to retreat first and then call the dragon knight or orichalcum-level adventurer.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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