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Chapter 106 Sunflower VS Darius! Can you win?

Darius seems disappointed that Himawari and Miyu only have a one-sided relationship.

"Just a supporting role? It's just a supporting role that got the content of the performance wrong, but it's really not good. I'll give you a punishment that's commensurate with you hiding in the flower bed." He said, taking out a class card: "Limited expansion."

Suddenly, the class card turned into countless plant thorns and rushed towards the sunflower!

Sunflower didn't know why the opponent didn't use "Dream Summoning", but this flaw was really good for her. It was so good that she thought it might be a trap. But if she hesitated to retreat, she would have no chance of winning when reinforcements arrived.

"[The most enhanced magic·Vine entanglement [M-M·B-o-L]]!"

Sunflower also summoned a large wave of vines to wrap around and contain the thorns on the opposite side. He opened a pair of huge and gorgeous wings and soared into the sky, flying over the thorns.

Seeing Darius taking out a new class card, she immediately shot it down and activated [Summon Monsters 8th] to transform a sunflower monster with a height similar to her own, tall and tall.


The sunflower monster she summoned was of the same type as her own plant form, but the level was 5 levels lower than hers. However, she could grab the summoned monster and hit it, hit it for a moment, and then summon the monster to attack additionally, thus forming a very good linkage.

"Haaah! [Imperfect Warrior [N-P-W]] - [Four Lights Continuous Slash]!"

The sunflower monster was raised high and swung down heavily. Its whole body flashed with red light and divided into four beams, hitting various parts of Darius's body. Almost at the same time, it sprayed out sunflower seed bullets that further increased the superposition of martial arts!

In an instant, Darius' whole body was covered in red light from the martial arts explosion.

However, after the explosion, there was a scene where Darius directly grabbed the sunflower in his hand with his bare hands.

"What-" The human body received such a blow. Sunflower couldn't believe it, and quickly kicked Darius in the chin, but Darius also grabbed his calf.

"Ah, it's a failure. It's such a failure. Since you're a supporting character who can't act, I'll leave you."

Seeing that Darius wanted to take out the new class card again, Himawari thought that any attack would be useless, so she had to do that——

Sunflower's attributes are not much different from those of the regular Tree Fairy, but it might be more appropriate to call her the Flower Fairy. When Crounpith created and summoned a new one, she didn't change much. It was equivalent to turning Crounpith into a new one.

The attributes before the race were copied and given to the flower fairy Sunflower, so that Sunflower would not be affected by many negative professional and racial characteristics.

After all, Sunflower is the first to be used for large-scale upgrade experiments. There are fewer variables and it is better to be more cautious.

Therefore, Himawari can use Crownpiss as a tree elf, and automatically understand the game rules of magic skills by upgrading monsters, and most of the abilities he has learned.

She is now in contact with Darius and has achieved the magic condition that is almost useless to Crounpis, so she has never used it.

"[Magic Disintegration [M-D]]!" Himawari almost screamed and activated the magic with the fear of being killed by Darius.

[Magic Disintegration[]] is a magic that dispels magic that comes into contact with the caster. It may be used to temporarily dispel magic barriers, magic traps, etc. However, it is not easy to use in battle. If it requires contact to dispel, wouldn't it be useful?

Was it already hit by the opponent before it was activated?

There may be an option to remove the opponent's defensive magic personally, but close combat is too dangerous for magic casters. Instead of doing this, it is better to use attack magic to violently break through the defense.

Maybe a fighter with both magic and martial arts can master this magic. However, Sunflower is not a fighter, and there are no fighters among fairies. Crounpisi's clone can use Bajiquan and assassination skills, but it is also because the clone does not have a blue slot.

Just making up for it.

However, the Himawari who has failed to attack and is caught has only the best option to release [Magic Disintegration []], hoping to break a certain magic that makes Darius invulnerable and a magic that expands the class card.

Unexpectedly, this blow turned out to be extremely effective. Darius let go of Sunflower, his body swayed, he covered his face with his hands and started wailing, black smoke rising from his body.

Darius will replace his soul into his descendants to continue his existence. He has lived for thousands of years, but his son Julian does not intend to sacrifice his personality at this time, so now it is maintained by replacement magic.

The transitional period between the outer core of Darius and the inner core of Julian.

At the same time, Darius used his own displacement magic to maintain the magic workshop, replacing the snowy Fuyuki City pit with a peaceful and sunny retreat space.

As a result, these magic spells were suddenly lifted...

If Crownpis knew that Darius had been launching such large-scale and complicated magic all the time, he would just roll on the floor and hate himself for not asking for the magic gun Contender earlier, and rush in directly to give Darius a shot.

Origin: Taste it.

Sunflower didn't know the inside story and couldn't care about so much. She squeezed out a trace of calmness and kicked away the wailing Darius. She slid close to the ground and lost control of the thorns and transformed into a class card and another class card that failed to activate.

Pick up the level card - in order to reduce the enemy's attack methods.

She took advantage of the situation and made a starting motion, kicked her feet, flapped her wings, and flew towards the exit at high speed.

The kick just now was a bit weird. It actually kicked a big hole in the man's stomach. It felt like piercing a layer of paper, but black smoke came out from inside and no flesh was visible. It was too weird to fight.

Just as it happened, the magic workshop's barrier was loosened.

Sunflower's eyes lit up and she rushed outside. As she felt a gust of cold wind blow against her face, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to flap the gorgeous wings on her back to escape into the air, getting as far away as possible.

Feeling the weak connection, Crounpis came to this world!

"Migalis, Leti, Cirno-chan, I'm sorry, I will find a way to save you later."

After a while, even without looking back, Sunflower felt the strange changes behind her. She couldn't help but tilt her head slightly and look back with her peripheral vision.

She couldn't understand, she couldn't understand that phenomenon, so she continued to run away desperately!

But one thing she knew was that it would never be possible to solve it with ordinary force.

"Pissy, I'm so sorry for being so useless. At least, I have to take back all the things I heard while I was hiding here, afraid to act, and these two class cards."

Wait, Crownpiss is behind a ruined wall on the edge of the pit? No, is it the clone monitoring Ainsworth, but why did it fall there?

There is indeed a clone of Crounpith hidden beside the giant pit. It is the clone that used [Doll Possession] on Angelica and temporarily lost control of her body.

"Pisi!" She flew towards the Crounpisi clone.

She landed next to Crounpisi, shook her vigorously, and shouted: "Pisi, Pisi, wake up, wake up, it's not coma, it's the state of using skills? Now is not that time!"

(to be continued)

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