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Chapter 118 The Millennium Little Lady

"Lord Pisi, I found that the huge square outside is constantly growing." Kaqino said, "I'm afraid it will soon be bigger than Lord Pisi's body."

"Okay, even if you are younger than me, I don't think I have the ability to destroy that thing. Compared to this -" Crounpis took out a Saber class card seized from Letty and pushed it to Kakino.

"He is a heroic spirit who is good at using the sword. I leave it to you. Start unfolding it now, get used to it for a day, and go right away."

"Understood." Kaqino was much better at executing it. He took the card, nodded and left immediately.

"Migalis, Ereshkigal is very strong. Anyway, you have been corroded to a great extent. Since there is no problem with your personality, let's continue to use it." Crounpis looked at the goddess of the underworld whom she created and summoned.

"Well, I will definitely not disappoint Pi Si this time."

"What about me?" Sunflower asked.

Crownpiss threw Miyu's class card to Himawari, and said: "Anyway, the class card corresponding to you is not strong but has good life-saving capabilities. Just accept the erosion and assimilate it, and then 'Dream Summon' Sakuzuki Mei

Yu, since Ainsworth's Holy Grail War does not require a complete divine child as the Holy Grail, then even the power of 'Dream Summoning' Miyu will do. Tomorrow you will go to the Holy Grail Technique in the large cave under Mount Enzo.

Just stay where you are."

"Is it necessary to assist in the completion of the Holy Grail to a certain extent?" The goblins were surprised.

"When did I say that I was a companion of those people?" Cronpis cursed, and said, "This way, even if there is any problem, the probability that the other party will take the initiative to catch Miyu will be reduced."

Crownpis noticed that Jack's clone was hidden in the dark and continued to peek. Miyu was the only one she cared about, so that was all.

"Then, the meeting is over, let's go and rest."

Unlike other fairies, Sunflower's footsteps were very empty when she left.

"Hey, you look bad." Jack stopped Sunflower alone. If the psychology during the battle will affect the combat to a certain extent, then the biggest variable is Sunflower. As a perfect murderer, how can he allow such a crime (combat)

Defects appear?

"Well, after all, I always disappoint Pisi. No matter what happens, maybe it's most appropriate to give him as a sacrifice in the Holy Grail War like this." Sunflower lowered her head and whispered.

"Are you ready to wake up? It doesn't seem like you are."

"Yeah, I'm not enlightened, but I will use mental intervention to solve it when the time comes. Pisi has always done this. She just does this when she is shaken and tired of necessary things."

"I feel like Crounpis can really do this." Jack glanced at Crounpis's location across several walls and stated.

"Don't sympathize with me. My body and personality were all created by Pisi. Even if my soul is destroyed, there will be another 'me' created." Xiangkui whispered. She saw with her own eyes that Lei was controlled by the enemy.

Ti was dismissed by Clawnpisi. This is the end of the useless guy.

"Haha, like an Einsworth doll?" Jack stretched and said, "No sympathy. If the relationship between you has always been like this, I have no reason to talk. As long as it does not affect the battle, good night."

"See you in the morning."


She is undoubtedly a human being, but to the gods who created her, she is just the key to the box created by the gods to maintain balance in the world, so she does not need to have a name.

She was born with a beauty comparable to that of a goddess, with long hair that almost reached the ground. In fact, from the moment she was given the box that contained all the possibilities in the world, she already knew how to use it.

Because a certain god willfully and arbitrarily bestows divine favors on humans, thus breaking the balance of the human world, the human world will be eroded and destroyed sooner or later.

The box in her hand is humanity's last hope.

Is that a few years, a few decades, a few hundred years, or a few thousand years from now?

I've long been tired of seeing fights, corpses, and blood.

Ah, God, the great, cold but reasonable God, why should I suffer such treatment?

God, in order to prevent the key to the box from being destroyed before the box is opened——

She was not given immortality, immortality, and other things that the gods only had, but was taken away from her. Her "death" was taken away by the gods and contained in the possibility in the box.

Thanks to her gift, as long as the box is not opened, she is just a person who cannot die even if she wants to. In a world where the mythical age has passed, the gods have disappeared, and only human civilization remains, she is just an accessory to the box.

However, humans don't know this. In their eyes, she is just a monster like the Dead Apostles, a monster with a box of all possibilities.

Ironically, she was given the name of the box pithos by humans - all the gifts in the world. However, when it was circulated, it was translated incorrectly for some reason, and it changed several times to its current name, Pandora.

That kind of thing is better than being called a monster, but——

Why...she had to live for humans?

Why should we protect such human beings? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why...

She wants to die, but she can't open the box until mankind is facing destruction. But now that mankind is about to be destroyed, why can't she open the box?

It's not that this experience cannot be pitied, but she has heard it countless times -


"is that a lie."


Let’s not talk about the external side of the world. This is too far-fetched to describe the internal side of the world.

Ah, when was the last time a human said that? It seemed like two thousand and a few years ago? Or closer to two thousand years? Who remembers...

"Ah~ How long has it been since you had this dream?" Feeling the sun shining on her eyes, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up from the gorgeous Simmons bed.

"Are you still dreaming about this now? Are you excited because you can finally die tonight? I'm really looking forward to it." She thought about it, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled.

"Miss Erica, do you need help changing your clothes? It's almost time to take you to the restaurant."

Just as she opened the curtains to let the sun shine in, the maid with short brown neck-length hair turned around and nodded politely to Erica.

"Liz? Not Angelica? Ah, she has been... completely broken." Erica, who was about to act like a broken puppet like Angelica as usual, turned a little darker.

I don’t know why, but I helped her patch up all the dolls before, and then suddenly went berserk and attacked her “father” Darius. “Father” used the body of her “brother” Julian, which was destroyed by Beatrix’s anger.

no way.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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