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Chapter 123 Demigod VS Lord God

Crounpis squatted down and poked the death-sacrifice orb: "Hey, how long will it take for you to collect the energy that allows ordinary people to grow to my level?"

It's really troublesome. In order for the Death Sacrifice Orb to have enough capacity and power, it has to stay very close to maintain [Advanced Equipment Strengthening 10]. If it weren't for deciding to squeeze out as much as possible, Crounpisi would have done it himself

Go up and have a fight.

[Hahahahaha, you are so great, no matter how many deaths you sacrifice, you can't do it. 】

"Ah, I think so. Anyway, try your best. Next, is there only one direction left?"

"Is there any problem?" Leili, who was more attentive, asked cautiously.

"It's nothing," Crownpis waved his hand seemingly casually, "It means that the higher-ups are trying to open Pandora's box through the Holy Grail War right now. If they make a desperate move and fail to open it, the world will be destroyed immediately... No, it should be called species cleansing.

Update the card."

There is a divergence line in the last section of Ainsworth's myth. It is divided into opening the box and not opening it, going in different directions. Now it seems that it can only be that it cannot be opened.

"Hey, hey, hey? Lampards, isn't this very troublesome!" Elulu said in panic.

"No, Elulu, I think Master Crounpis must be fighting ghosts again... That's a good idea." Yayaka rubbed Elulu's head and grinned.

"Hehe, the world's species reshuffle and update means drastic changes. I don't want to be here at that time, but in order to ensure peace of mind, I'd better confirm." Crounpisi's body shook a few times, not because of fear, but because

A mischievous smile.

"Okay, [Death Spiral], activate."


Somewhere on the edge of the giant pit——

The golden Type 59 was knocked away from the chariot position by Beatrix's lightning flash, rolled around a few times, and then rolled back to its original position.

Now Beatrix is ​​using the class card of Thor, the class rider. Not only does she hold Thor's hammer, but she also owns a chariot pulled by two goats. The chariot is not a treasure, but the name of the two goats

As the "Growler with Bare Tooth" and "Grinder", he can step out thunder and lightning just by running. One of the shortcomings of Thor, the God of Thunder, is that his muscle strength is smaller than that of his son Bangkokni.

So Beatrix used chariot collision. If it worked, she planned to drive Thor's chariot around the crater and flatten all the chariots. It's obviously a war in the magic world, so you drive a wave of tanks.

What to do?

However, the Golden Type 59 engine sprayed a few times, and the tracks started to spin and move away.

Now Golden Style 59 is equivalent to a Noble Phantasm. As long as Luna continues to spend money, Golden Style 59 can continue to exert the strength of a B-level or above Noble Phantasm. If Beatrix releases the true name of Thor's Hammer, it can still be destroyed. It's just a battle.

It is impossible to smash the Golden Type 59 with a flat car.

"What a fool!" Beatrix ran over and grabbed the giant hammer that was just thrown over, and was about to use a more powerful attack to hit the golden 59 style into the sky——

"Zheng!" The cold light came from the darkness of the ruins, forcing Beatrix to duck to the side.

The scythe whirled and flew behind her.

"Your opponent is me." Anna walked out.

"Huh? You cute little snake hasn't had enough... Ugh!" Beatrix was about to slap her, her former defeated general, when the sickle flew back from behind her like a boomerang.

A hit on the back of the head.

"Hmph, you are careless, come back." Anna raised her hand to recall the sickle and grabbed it.

"What are you doing, tickling!" Beatrix, furious, raised her giant hammer and charged towards Anna!

She smashed them all last time. The guys who fled with their snake heads dared to plot against her, which made Beatrix very unhappy. Since you all got a class card of Thor's son Banguni, you should

Use that class card to compete with yourself, right?

It is true that Thor, the god of thunder, was defeated by a basilisk in mythology, but it has nothing to do with the Gorgon, right? It doesn't matter if the opponent is a world snake level opponent, what can a snake with snake hair do?

Since the other party is so confident, just respond to her and smash her flat!

Suddenly, nine arrows dropped from the sky at extremely fast speeds, hitting from multiple directions!

"Is it the strongest card ever?" Beatrix was startled and prepared to launch Thor's hammer to shoot down those arrows. However, a sword turned into an arrow and hit the giant hammer.

"Boom!" The explosion that shattered the fantasy did not cause Beatrix any harm, but the next nine arrows hit Thor's chariot and goat directly, beating both the chariot and the goat on the spot.

The light particles dissipate and exit.

Beatrix had no time to pay attention to the "Heroic Guards" who jumped from the rooftop of the nearby block. She raised her head and glared at the one who jumped from the nearest building and held a huge ax and sword. He was basically naked.

The pale figure swung the giant hammer.


With the huge impact of the ax sword and giant hammer, the ground under Beatrix's feet cracked, and even her feet were deeply embedded in the ground.

Shiloe then kicked the giant hammer, knocking Beatrix back more than ten meters. Her feet stuck in the cement floor left deep marks on the ground.

"You guy, you actually knocked me back. You were once the strongest, the card of the great hero Hercules. But, you were only once the strongest. In front of the Lord God-" Beatrix raised her giant hammer high,

Thunder and lightning began to gather.

"Boom boom boom!"

Several arrows hit the giant hammer and the right arm wielding it in succession. The impact made Beatrix almost fall to the ground, and she had to step hard on the ground to stabilize her body.

"[Shoot a hundred [nine lives]]. Hee, there is no class limit, Hercules is the strongest."

I saw that the ax sword in Shirouai's hand turned into the shape of a giant bow. In fact, the first wave of arrows was only shot by Shirou with the addition of Fantasy Collapse, and the rest were Shirouai's masterpieces.

"Nine Lives" is a universal Noble Phantasm that can change its shape according to the target. It is his most trusted Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm used by Hercules to destroy Hydra in the past took the form of a bow and arrow.

After destroying Hydra, he can use other weapons such as axes and swords to imitate the abilities of this Noble Phantasm. Its essence is a nine-hit combo fired at a high speed as if all the attacks were combined.

However, this Noble Phantasm cannot be used in the mad state. This is the ability that Shiloe gained after she completely lost her class. Of course, after losing her mad state, her strength was also reduced, but in exchange for Hercules'


"If it weren't for the bad compatibility between this heroic spirit and the blond older female Hero King, I wouldn't have escaped last time, huh!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Always hit me with my right hand from now on!" Beatrix, who felt the armor on her right hand shattered, no longer focused on gathering thunder and lightning. With the little thunder and lightning that could burst out at any time, she stepped on a thunderstorm and approached Hiro.

Ai, just use the giant hammer to fight with Shiroai!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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