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Chapter 127: Pleasant Bystanders and Leakers

Elulu followed up with a swift kick in the air - of course, her feet were also equipped with sharp claws, causing Liz to fly backwards with a few bloody streaks.

The snake-scorpion sword with a strange sword path came from behind, quickly circled the "Vampire Valkyrie" several times, and tightened.

Leili, who was temporarily free, reached out to grab the thin line connecting the sword blades, but the snake and scorpion sword twisted and avoided consciously, and tied Leili's arms first.

Leili pulled it, and then the snake-scorpion sword broke.

There was no movement on the face of Merriface who was being controlled, but her body still reacted correctly. She quickly retracted the remaining half of the snake and scorpion sword, caught the two retreating people and retreated.


Above Fuyuki City—

There is an airship floating leisurely in the sky. It is really leisurely because the owner of the airship does not participate in the battle below.

Francesca was lying on the bed in the cabin, eating popcorn and watching the battle below through magic images.

Seeing that the most interesting battle between Emiya Shirou and Julian's old enemy was actually pulled into the inherent barrier, she "tsk-tsk" curled her lips and felt a little disappointed, but another one-sided 3v3 happened at the same place.

Fighting made her a little more interested.

"Hehe, hehe, the Dead Apostles are the product of negating the history of mankind and polluting the existence of mankind. They are the opposite of the Heroic Spirits. As a result, the Noble Phantasm based on human technology and historical legends is absolutely useless against the Dead Apostles.

"If the heroic spirit uses it personally, or if it is used by someone who has been completely corroded and assimilated by the heroic spirit, then forget it, but the level of 'Dream Summoning' is not good. Unless the person under the skin of 'Dream Summoning' is stronger than the vampire, otherwise it will really

That's no good. That idiot Ainsworth... No, even they didn't expect that a vampire would actually come here."

However, although 3v3 seems to be destined to end, it will not end quickly. The synergy abilities of Merriface, Lace, and Liz still exist.

They also used the fighting skills they had learned, took out ordinary weapons, and used colorful magic (magic) to support themselves.

Francesca, who is basically French, noticed it——

Melivis, Lace, and Liz respectively "dream summoned" Astolfo, Bradamante, and Roland from the Twelve Warriors of Charlemagne of France. It's not surprising that they can engage in team battles.

The only puzzling thing is that I don’t know why Melphis wears a maid outfit with bunny ears. Historically, Astolfo did wear women’s clothes to appease Roland, who was dumped by his girlfriend and suffered a mental disorder, but he would not wear bunny ears.

Are you going to fight in a maid outfit?

Anyway, it's pretty cute and looks good on the eyes, so just ignore this little flaw.

"But, if it is not a heroic spirit but a god, there shouldn't be such a restriction... It seems that Ainsworth can't prepare too many god class cards? And... ahahaha, aren't the ones of the gods being robbed?

It’s just that it was transferred away by Crounpisi’s tactics... This really... turns the epic script into a peerless novel."

At this time, a familiar sent a message, which made Francesca stand up from the bed excitedly. It was no longer important that the battle on the ground became boring.

"Ah, ah ah, are you ready with the materials? I also have Jeanne d'Arc's class card (snatched from Cirno). Let's start summoning the tainted Jeanne d'Arc. Let me play with you.

, Holy Virgin!”

Whether the future of the world will change after this battle is no longer important.

Because the future of the world will not disappear.

Francesca is not considering whether she can survive to the world after the law of source depletion is changed, but she is not considering it now. She just wants to realize the "ideal" she dreamed of hundreds of years ago.

The airship turned in a different direction and temporarily left the sky above Fuyuki City.


Julian came back to his senses and found that he was standing on a snowfield under the night sky with a full moon. There were various swords stuck everywhere on the snowfield, just like tombstones.

Judging from Julian's state of mind at this time, he really wanted to regard these as tombstones.

And Shirou Emiya was standing on the sword hill under the snow, looking at Julian.

"Julian, if you want to open Pandora's box and save humanity, do you have to sacrifice Miyu?" Shirou asked.

"Emiya Shirou, do you really want to be a villain?" Julian asked.

"Is there no other way?"

Julian only knows that even if there is, it will not help achieve his own goals.

There is only the last section of the myth left. Whether you can open the box or not, it will naturally advance to the ending. Time is running out. If you express your wish here, you will get nothing but a sympathetic look.

Anyway, his mind will be replaced by Darius sooner or later. If he hadn't been hit by Sunflower's dispelling magic last time, which made the personality replacement between Darius and himself unstable, allowing him to survive a little longer now, he would have

There is no chance to pursue your wish (and save humanity by the way).

Now Darius will not compete with him for body control for the time being. This kind of thing is too dangerous in battle. The final battle for the two personalities should occur at the moment of making a wish. The two people's wishes are different from Emiya Shirou's wish.

There is no intersection.

It would be best if there was a perfect way. Julian is not a fighting fanatic, so why must he fight with classmates with whom he had a good relationship in the past?

But Julian's own personality is running out of time, so he has no time to care about others.

Julian closed his mouth, his eyes showed a cruel look, and a stack of class cards appeared in his hand.

Shirou understood Julian's choice, so no words were needed. Swords were pulled out from the ground behind him, floated up, and were pointed forward.

The battle started in the sword hill under the snow......


Giant pit center——

Clownpiss, who had no opponent, interrupted Shirou's hollow mountain sword that was used as a bridge, and came to the edge of the platform. He glanced at the bottom and kept rushing out of the black mud, but could not break through Jack the Ripper and the warrior.

The army of Mud Heroes formed a battle line composed of vehicles.

"The last section of the myth, the ending where the box cannot be opened, let me verify it. [Gate]."

A "door" appeared above the Mud Heroic Spirit, and what spilled out was a black substance whose texture could not be determined whether it was gas, liquid or solid, but should be affected by Newton's laws.

It is not black with malicious intent like black mud, but gives people a color that cannot be distinguished by visible light. If visible light does not exist, the general appearance can only be black.

This is a new thing that appears in this world to replace the existing source, and it just falls on the head of the mud hero.

After all, if the box cannot be opened, the black mud will flood the world, and it will also come into contact with things that appear in place of the Great Source, so I will let you get in touch with it in advance!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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