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Chapter 130 Extreme Double Kill

Crownpis was about to attack Erica, when Darius and Julian suddenly arrived.

Is that one or two? There is only one body, but there are two people.

"No! My poor Erica! How could Erica end up in such misery!"

Just as Darius spoke, Julian's voice rang out: "Actually... he destroyed the box. It's so hard to laugh. It's so hard to laugh. Then -"

"I value her very much, more than anything else in the world - Erica, don't kill her, she is really just a pitiful person!" The voice changed back to Darius' voice.

"No! Your feelings have long been turned into possessiveness! In order not to let go, I don't care about any sacrifice! I won't let you succeed!" This time it was Julian, "I will go there too!"

After destroying Pandora's box, will Ainsworth also become deranged by despair? Or -

"It turns out that when you were saving humanity, what you wanted to do was to protect and kill Erica?" Crounpis wanted to have some fun.

Focusing on the topic of saving mankind, did it turn out to be a soap opera in which father and son compete for "wife"?

Darius, who can live for a long time, wants to protect the older Erica and stay alive together. Julian, who is about to be devoured by Darius, wants to kill and accompany Erica who is tired of living.

I really want to laugh, but it's really hard to laugh.

Then choose the method that is easiest to cut off the cause and effect.

Cronpis cut off Erica's head with a sword. Erica's head rolled several times, and her body fell down with her face facing upwards.

"Are you still alive?" Crounpis asked tentatively.

Erica just watched silently, without saying anything. She opened her mouth silently, but a trace of desire for survival appeared in her eyes. It seemed that she was really going to die, otherwise it would not be like this.

But even so, it doesn't mean that her body has lost its activity. Just in case, try making a magic crystal.


Is it Darius's voice or Julian's? It feels like it doesn't matter anymore.

The attack came from behind, was it Darius? But they shared the same body, so there was no difference between them.

The clone of Clawnpis was here, but she couldn't let go of both of them, so she slashed the sword of fire horizontally.

Michaelis: "[Dimension Blockade [d-l]]."

The space replacement magic failed for a moment, but the sword of fire was temporarily blocked by the darkness condensed from the man's hand!

Although the pitch black gradually faded away, it was blocked!

"Hahahahahaha! It's useless!" Darius phantom laughed, and controlled Julian's other hand to condense the black thorns towards Crounpith!

Darius once caught Sunflower's blow with his bare hands. It wasn't because of how strong his body was. His physical strength could only be based on the container of spiritual replacement. But he also had a trump card, which was of course - replacement magic!

How can the replacement make the body so hard?

On the one hand, it is naturally the huge magic power of a thousand-year magician, and on the other hand, it is the foundation of the foundations of substitution magic - shape replacement.

He can replace part of Pandora's Box with gloves or weapons to increase his own strength or attack. Although Pandora's Box is broken, the strength of the remains of the box has not changed.

The ability value of the clone is different from that of the main body. The clone may not be able to easily penetrate objects that the main body and Tanaka himself can pierce.

"Poof!" Crounpisi's clone here was penetrated in the right chest!

It is not fatal to mental lifeforms, but the hand pulled immediately and grabbed the part of Crounpis from the right shoulder to the armpit, including the sword of fire!

Only then did the Clonepiss clone realize the seriousness of the problem. If this sword of fire, which could hurt Pandora's box that could not be hurt by any kind of treasure, fell into the hands of the enemy...

Michaelis summoned the light gun, and some Jack clones had already climbed onto the circular platform and rushed towards the center.

In response, Julian unfolded the class card: "[301-second permanent maze]!"

A huge ice shield suddenly appeared, blocking out Michaelis and a large number of Jack's clones. In response to this——

"Order it with a command--"

The thorn pattern that appeared on Crounpith's other arm burst into light.

Darius and Julian don't know what it is, but as long as it is definitely magic, then just break it!

The clone of Crounpis was cut off by the stolen sword of fire, which was about to activate the command spell!

Immediately afterwards, some of the nearest fragments of Pandora's Box, under the dual effects of shape replacement magic and space replacement magic, turned into countless pitch black blades and burst out!

"I really should have listened to Star's advice." At this moment, Crounpis could only laugh in her heart, and finally slammed her face into Darius as if she was giving up on herself.

"That's it--" Then Darius manipulated several pitch-black sharp blades to aim at Crounpisi's head, neck, left chest, and lower abdomen. The next moment--



Ten hours ago——

"Huh? I think if Miyu is here, you won't lack magic power." It was a little strange for Cronpis to make such a request to her.

"Yes, but you know, Crounpis, that my existence has many possibilities due to legend."

"I know, I know, so what?"

"Insurance, insurance."


The bleeding Crounpis clone collapsed on the ground, raising his head with a dull smile.

When the Crounpith clone opened the infinite backpack opening through its mouth, biting the true origin bullet as one of the insurances with its teeth, it exploded on him. However, Darius and Julian's synchronization was unstable and saved Julian's life -

—The only one killed by this blow was Darius.

The attack from the Origin Bullet only eliminated the attack on Darius' ability, while the attack on Julian's body was still there.

But almost at the same time, several clones of Jack the Ripper suddenly appeared, blocking Julian's body from the barrier. They fixed Julian's body with the magic eyes and broke him into pieces of flesh with several blows, thus completing the ultimate double kill.

Ten hours ago, Crownpis made a contract with Jack the Ripper. Just now, Crownpis summoned Jack with a command spell. There is no point in cutting off the hand where the command curse is located. This is a clone, and its appearance is the same as a copy.

The command spell that is actually consumed is on the main body.

Julian's body is not yet mature enough to use shape replacement. If Darius uses it, it will not show any flaws in appearance. Julian's body will show the texture of Pandora's box. Thanks to Himawari, he canceled Darius's replacement once before.

Magic made itself unstable on Julian, which revealed the flaws in its appearance.

Because Pandora's Box was destroyed, it is no longer as strong as covering Pandora's Box. Normally, space replacement would be used to fill the gaps, but now the space replacement is temporarily blocked by Michaelis, so these gaps are left to the Ripper.

Jack took care of it.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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