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Chapter 154 The 3+1 Fairy of Light's Prank Meeting

This is the meeting between Crownpith and the three fairies of light.

Crounpis: "Star, is this magic?" She observed Anna and the others' journey in a special way, doubtful.

Star: "No problem, our goal is not to 100% annihilate the players and Mordred. Whether they are annihilated or not, there will be follow-up arrangements for the next hundred years. As long as they don't focus on Titania and

Just the human kingdom.”

Star's plan was modified from Crounpith's delusion. Players should not use forcibly upgraded undead. After all, casually creating undead of that level is not good for the reputation of religion, so for Crounpith

Si dismissed the idea of ​​using the aliens from the War Ghost Orphanage to create undead.

The process of selecting combat power from the War Ghost Orphanage is still going on. In addition to selecting those who appear to be in line with human aesthetics and have successfully trained combat power, if their personality has been annihilated, use [Soul Operation [Modify Spirit]] or replace the magic plant.

Incorporate the necessary personalities into the Fairy Temple to expand the religious combat power of the state religion that may intervene in the Holy Kingdom in the future. It does not force a major upgrade through taboo methods, and it also helps reduce the extent to which hostile forces can obtain information about the combat power here.

It is worth mentioning that because it was discovered that substitution magic consumes less mana and the risk of information being obtained by the enemy is also low, Star suggested that all senior compatriots try to learn it. There are many skills without being overwhelmed, and there is no need to be like Ainsworth.

In that way, casually distorting space to obtain power from external objects will at least allow our compatriots to manipulate inferior creatures with more methods.

While the matter of the Ghost Orphanage is settled, the main task of testing the degree of cooperation between Mordred and the players is left to Anna and Tanaka.

Both Anna and Tanaka are quite simple in personality. Tanaka is stupid, and Anna also has a hidden natural stupidity. After several rounds of dialogue, the "friend" hopes to be able to say things that cannot be said. Spiritual magic is also useful to both of them.

It has no effect, so even if contact is made, as long as the opponent does not follow him all the way to the base camp, he will definitely not find anything. On the contrary, he will be confused by Tanaka's nonsensical mind.

Crownpiss: "But how did you get the information that Mordred's companions like dragon slaying and marching modes?"

Star: "Because there are countries that have established diplomatic relations with Titania. They are obviously the top of this country, but they don't know much about their own country's relations and development. Hahaha, it's really funny."

Sunny: "Hey, hey, I have to take the credit for this."

Crown Peace: "Sunny?"

Sunny: "Ah, even though I am only level 90, I am the most accomplished in belief magic. There are also some countries in the Central Continent that allow our fairy temples to settle in. Although we need to pay taxes, we still earn more.

So, after excluding expenses, we can calculate the balance of payments. By the way, I was actually called the 'Holy Goblin King' by those natives who didn't have the right name, so I should be considered the Pope."

Crounpis: "Then what's my position as a hell fairy? Have you become my nemesis? Besides, are you a fairy who can bury yourself in a pile of documents and command the intelligence bureau?"

Sunny: "Most of the things can be handled by Alice, Midori and the other indigenous monks who have joined the Fairy Temple."

Crounpis: "You all learn from me!"

Star: "Isn't it strange that one thing has the same effect but the other? We should be grateful that we have controlled the intelligence. We know that there are not many people with such weak souls as Pisi. It's a pity that Sunny has gained this status. I originally wanted her to go to the Naruto World to do a mission."

Sunny: "Huh?"

Luna: "I really like leather silk like this."

Crown Pease: "Luna?"

Luna: "If Pisi were a fairy who had to do everything, we wouldn't be able to have so many free thoughts when we were created. We would definitely become combat units that can only act according to orders."

Crownpiss: "Does this count as a compliment... Okay, okay, the topic has changed. Let's talk about Mordred and the players."

Star: "Okay, continue. The actions of those idiots were not at all concealed. On the contrary, they were very public. The masked players even took off their masks when entering the city to reveal their skeletal faces, claiming to be the 'Noble Bone Ancient Clan' in a high-profile manner.

They are not undead. Because of the existence of various alien races in this world, the Bone Ancients have been included in the racial records of several countries. How about it, isn’t it ridiculous?”

Crounpis was not surprised that he was not discovered to be the undead. After all, even the Lolita of Destruction could escape the detection magic of the undead, and the same could be said for the Dark Night Dead Mage, but they were quite advanced undead.

Just can do it.

And the act of slaying dragons is not unreasonable - dragons are valuable, and life requires money. If you are an advanced player, it is easy to defeat ordinary dragons in this world. For players who were gamers in their previous lives and were reincarnated into this world alone.

It is said that making money steadily in this world is not as easy as killing high-level monsters or dragons occasionally.

It is also possible that you are leveling up because you are dissatisfied with your level or you want to practice a profession. The experience value of dragons is slightly higher in this world.

Unfortunately, without further information, we cannot make a more detailed judgment.

Crownpiss: "The undead player... Well, after all, if you wear a mask when you enter the city for interrogation, you will become a suspicious person. Rather than being interrogated and discovering the skeletal face under the mask, it is better to take off the mask when passing through the border. That's right.

Is it a skeleton-faced race other than the undead?”

Star nodded slightly.

Crownpis: "Then, at least confirm that you like slaying dragons. Why would they definitely come and try to kill my dragon?"

The hell two-headed dragon also changed a bit after Crownpis was affected by the Rampads spiritual base. It should not be considered a "Yggdrasil" monster, but——

Star: "Isn't the dragon's route guided by the Fairy Temple of the Central Continent certain to collide with theirs? With the level of taunting of the two-headed dragon of hell that just flies over and has an attack effect, how can

Are you worried that there won't be a battle? If that doesn't work, you can also use other wild units to induce them. Or you can find a third party to entrust them to kill the two-headed dragon."

Crounpis: "But what about the possibility of a trap? Judging from the information that the Fairy Temple has paid attention to, they are too blatant, as if they are traveling."

Sunny: "Pissy, this is what normal people think, okay?"

Luna: "Yes, for homeless people who have traveled to another world, traveling together is a good choice with the support of strength."

Star: "Pissy, we all know that you are always scared. Even if you are level 150, you still act like a thief when fighting. But you should also consider it from the perspective of a relaxed life. Isn't our existence just to make people happy?"

Are you relaxed, Pisi?"

Crown Pease: "You always feel that coming from Star's mouth is the least convincing?"

Star: "Ah la la, what are you talking about? A relaxed attitude in life does not mean that you can slack off in work."

(to be continued)

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