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Chapter 163 So, Anna and Tanaka were resurrected

Momonga’s special skill [the goal of all life is death] ruins all of Anna’s attacks, causing her and everything around her to die.

But before Momonga could make any further confirmation, a flaming sword with a scorching red light suddenly flew over, giving Momonga a chill... No, should it be called a flash of heat?

The flame sword did not stay in the center of Momonga's body. It passed through the body and lost most of its power and fell on the deserted ground. The heat turned the surrounding sand into liquid.

Momonga found that half of his HP had been knocked out at once. Not only that, but a world-class prop inlaid on his belly that resembled the undead's weak point and was named "Moonga Jade" also activated its effect. The usual uses of "Moonga Jade"

It is equipment destruction. Momonga deliberately places it on his belly to pretend to be a weak point to attract enemy attacks, thereby damaging the enemy's equipment. It can also nullify any attack on "Momon Squirrel Jade", even if it deploys extra-dimensional and soul-destroying power.

It can also be resisted three times a day.

Anna's "Self-Sealing Dark Temple (breaker gorgon)" just now was invalidated by this.

But even so, Momonga's HP was still knocked out in half! In addition, due to the damage he had received before, his HP was already red!

The important thing is that the sword of fire penetrated the "Flying Squirrel Jade", although it did not destroy the "Flying Squirrel Jade", it was still intact. If the opponent did not misunderstand the "Flying Squirrel Jade" as a weakness and did not attack the "Flying Squirrel Jade" according to the "Flying Squirrel Jade", then Momonga

Wouldn't it be like being killed instantly?

Feeling bad, Momonga opened the [gate] under a burst of "forced calm" green light and immediately took Mordred away and evacuated the battlefield.

Everything bathed in [the goal of all life is death] will soon die, so it does not count as an escape, but as a strategic retreat to prevent the enemy from desperately fighting to lead the way.

Seeing that the enemy had disappeared, Anna ignored the erosion of death and ran to the edge of Tianzhong, knelt down to help her up, and shouted softly: "Tanzhong, Tanaka, don't die."

Tanaka made a mosquito-like sound from his mouth: "Tanzhong... your body is so hot. I don't want Anna to be like this..."

At this time, Anna's body went limp and she collapsed on Tanaka. Her death time arrived first, but Anna did not die. Gorgon has the immortality to be resurrected in time even if he is attacked by an immediate death attack. It doesn't matter even if his heart is damaged and his head is penetrated.

, not entirely due to the amazing recovery power, but even if he really dies on the spot, he can be resurrected instantly.

However, the consumption of resurrection was intense. Anna's body became weak due to this intense consumption, and there was not much magic power left.

"Ana, are you okay?" Tanaka stretched out his remaining left hand and gently touched Anna's face, then dropped it weakly.

"Tanaka, Tanaka!" Anna shook Tanaka vigorously as his body began to become cold, but she was unable to stop the temperature from receding.

"No, why?" Anna also didn't expect that one day she would be so sad and want to cry because of the death of an outsider.

At this time, a finger poked the back of Anna's neck. When there was no response, he punched her on the spot!

"It hurts?" Anna touched the back of her head and looked speechlessly at the right hand she was gesturing with - Tanaka's right hand? Has it changed back from the Sword of Flame? Because it's a sword, so it's okay?

Anna stared, and with the idea that "the whole body is important" she pressed her right hand on Tanaka's empty right arm.

"Tanaka, come back to life!" Tanaka was filled with excitement and sat up with his right hand raised.

Anna was stunned.

So simple? Who is Tanaka? This is still a mystery in Anna's heart, but in fact, Anna, who has never fully revealed her true feelings to outsiders, has no intention of pursuing it. Even if she pursues it, it will only bring Tanaka full of questions.

Now I just need to be happy and leave this place surrounded by death as soon as possible.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Clawnpisi lying on the ground in front of the mirror seemingly uttering her soul.

"Pisi, are you okay?" Sunny knelt down and cast a restoration spell on Crounpisi.

"I didn't expect...the price of Tanaka's 'getting up' was actually passed on to me." Crounpis said in a hoarse voice, "MP dropped 3333 in an instant, a lot."

"Wow, if it were us, we would be overdrafted, and our lives would be reduced." Star said, raising his hands and closing his eyes, "But it doesn't mean anything to Pisi."

"But one-third is consumed in less than one second... The extraction speed is too fast... I feel dizzy... I have to be more careful when using Tanaka in the future."

"But, yes, what exactly is Tanaka? Since the Sword of Fire can become a Noble Phantasm of Pisi, it should be considered a different type of servant. Pisi, you still have some command spells left. Do you know anything with your master's authority?


Crounpis nodded slightly.

"You don't report the situation properly!" Star scolded with her hands on her hips, "Pissy is always like this, can't you distinguish the priority of information?"

"I know, I know, but it's so ridiculous. It feels like it has nothing to do with the Servants." Crounpis scratched his head and sat up, saying.

Strength, durability, agility, magic power, luck, etc. are completely insignificant, but from the perspective of daily actions, they are not beyond the scope of human beings.

【Class ability?】

To magic:ex

It can neutralize almost all harmful magic effects - this can be seen from the effect when Tanaka was hit, which was just "hot" at most.

Act alone:ex

Even without magic power, he can still emit heat enough to burn everything around him and even his soul - it is true that Tanaka's body is quite hot sometimes, but does the heat have anything to do with this skill?

Position creation: ex

As long as Tanaka is willing, he can burn everything he passes by - it seems to have nothing to do with the position, or is it that wherever the heat that can easily damage Pandora's box does not dissipate, it is considered Tanaka's territory?

【Keep skills?】

Strange strength:b

When Tanaka gathers the power of the Flame Sword in his hand, it has great destructive power - but what is "" when it is clearly a "b"? Can't it be an a- or something else? It won't be garbled, right?

Human shell:a

The tough shell of a human form with an extremely special composition can turn the damage caused by attacks into its own recovery power - that is, regular attacks are either ineffective, or even if they are effective, they will be repaired at no cost, which also means that

Tanaka is indeed not a human being.

【Noble Phantasm Settings?】

Convict yourself of false salvation! Arrow of Fire:ex

Category: Opposing Noble Phantasm

Range: 1~99

Maximum catch:?

The flame of the end has a killing effect on all kinds of life in the world - the effect is understandable, but Tanaka's right arm is obviously a sword, why is it called an "arrow"? Because Tanaka will

Does the sword shoot out, or is the sword on the right arm just an "arrow" and the whole body is equivalent to an "arrow"? This is an unsolved mystery.

"That's it." Crounpis said with a straight face, "But what about a lot of stupid exes? They are stupid and stupid, and they can't perform at all."

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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