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Chapter 16 The Night of October Tenth

Uchiha Itachi's thinking is really unusual. Sunflower was immediately tired of dealing with Itachi's question about the legitimacy of cannibalism: "Some animals suitable for psychic beasts will let children fight with each other, such as sharks and some eagles, so

Only then can a powerful psychic beast be born.”

"The strong protects the weak, isn't it good for us all to live together?" Itachi broke the casserole and asked the question.

"..." Sunflower really didn't want to be left speechless by the child's questions. Thinking back to Crounpis' pretentious mode, she finally figured it out. She came to the pond, pointed at the water and asked, "

Weasel, this pond is very big, why does the clan leader only have so many fish?"

"Why? If it's too crowded, the fish will feel uncomfortable. Dad also needs money to buy enough fish feed." Itachi thought briefly and answered.

"Yes, that's it. However, things in the world are unpredictable. No one knows what will happen in the future and when living things will die. Therefore, we must live more lives. However, food and space are limited, so in order to continue life as a whole,

We can only give up part of it, but everyone is alive, and no one wants to die, and everyone wants to live a better life for themselves and their companions, so the struggle arises." Sunflower raised her hand to the sky and said.

Well, this action should make you look awesome in front of your children.

Then Itachi's thoughts diverged and he said: "Is this the same for ninja wars? Isn't it possible for the world to let everyone live well?"

"No, dissatisfaction is the wheel of human progress. If you survive, you will pursue food and clothing; if you are satisfied with food and clothing, you will pursue ideals. When everyone's ideals conflict, struggle breaks out. This is the nature of living things, you don't have to worry too much, Weasel


Sunflower's real thought in saying the last sentence was: I'm afraid I won't be able to answer if I keep asking.

Fortunately, Mikoto came to the "rescue" and said, "Fugaku will come back later today, and I will deliver food to him. Itachi will keep an eye on the younger brothers and sisters for his parents. You guys can eat by yourself later, okay."

Oh, it must be about Kakino's "attack" on Hokage this time. You must know that Fugaku is the head of the Konoha Police Department. Although the ANBU is handling it, as the head of the police department, it is impossible not to intervene.

"Yes, let's go eat now." Sunflower agreed with a natural smile.

For more than a month, it has become a habit to eat at the patriarch's house in the evening. For some reason, Fugaku quite agrees. In short, Sunflower has no objection. This is not a free meal. Of course, the food bill is paid "secretly".

Days like this lasted for another month.

Until, in the 48th year of Konoha, on a full moon night——

This day happens to be October 10th, a very "auspicious" day in terms of numbers.

"It's really late for your parents to come back tonight. I'll leave first, Itachi."

"Oh, bye."

Sunflowers are walking on the street, just looking at them.

"Hey, when did the big tree in the center of the commercial plaza have lanterns? Is it a good day besides the date? It seems to be the birthday of Cirno, the Fairy of Fire. Really, then

This guy's spirit is really broken, and she shouldn't do anything to contact her with magic."

Arriving under the big lantern tree, Sunflower looked around, what a coincidence——

Seeing Kakashi sitting on the bench opposite the tree, Gai kept dancing around Kakashi.

Kakashi: "Ah, ah, can't you guess the game today?"

Metkai: "Guessing again? Isn't there a more passionate way to compete? Do you have the nerve to be my old enemy?"

Seeing Gai with a watermelon head and tight clothes, he was very excited. Kakashi was very calm and apologized: "I have to get up early tomorrow, let's forget it today."

"Don't use the mission to make excuses. The only time to unleash your fiery and abundant power is now! Work hard and move forward down-to-earth!" Kai enthusiastically strode forward.

"Wait a minute, Kakashi, listen to what others are saying. You have become colder and colder since joining ANBU. You are called 'cold-blooded Kakashi'! Although I also know that ANBU missions must be kept secret, but don't bring it into your life."


But what makes Himawari care about is not the pair who become cross talk actors when they come together, but about——

"Kakashi!" Himawari waved and called through a tree.

"Huh? Is it Yue Kui? Is something wrong?"

Sunflower walked forward quickly, looked closely at Kakashi's face, and asked, "Has your left eye been repaired?"

Kakashi turned his eyes slightly and whispered: "Ah, missions are always accompanied by danger... This is the second time I have accepted an entrustment from my teammates."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Himawari knew as soon as she heard this that someone from ANBU must be dead. In her eyes, ANBU had always been a unit of measurement of combat power that could kill someone accidentally and not many people knew about it.

At the same time, Kai was still there singing a stand-up comedy by himself: "Could it be that Kakashi made friends in ANBU and forgot about my friendship!"

"Kakashi, how about you speak louder so Kai can hear what you just said? Otherwise, the atmosphere will be too inappropriate." Himawari complained.

"No, Gai already knew." Kakashi had no friendship with the former Uchiha Tsukuba before and after the chunin exam. They were just acquaintances and their relationship was not bad. If Sunflower hadn't said hello this time, he wouldn't have said it.


"Ah, really, then it's okay."

Himawari had not taken a few steps when someone came to Kakashi again. It turned out to be a girl wearing a fox mask, but she was not an ANBU but was dressed in ordinary clothes and hakama, not an ANBU.

"Hi - Kakashi, ah, is Gai here too?" She waved and ran over.

"Oh, you're here." Kakashi stood up and prepared to leave with the girl.

Kai, who had just said, "Youth is short, don't forget friendship" was speechless for a moment and froze.

"Oh, Kai, you're right, youth is indeed short."

Then Kakashi and the fox-masked girl left, leaving Gai turned into a "stone statue".

"My condolences." Sunflower couldn't help but come back to pat Kai and touch him up.

Kai glanced at Sunflower, touched his chin, tilted his head and said, "Have I... seen you somewhere?"

"The Chunin Exam, the Chunin Exam!"


"No, I'm just a passerby. It doesn't matter if you don't remember me." Sunflower gave up. There was no benefit in being remembered by Kai anyway.

On the other side, the atmosphere is quite good, but of course I don't mean that -

"Is that okay? Today it's teacher and Jiu... Well, it's nice to spend time playing around with friends." said the girl in the fox mask who walked with Kakashi.

"Lin, it's hard for you to move around freely. That guy Kai can do it at any time. He probably forgot about it when he turned around." Kakashi put a hand on the fox mask girl's shoulder and said.

"Really, that's the kind of person Kai is."

"Oh, I really want everyone to know that Lin is still alive, and I want you to get together with everyone in public, you know? In order to hide it, I sometimes go to the tombstone with 'Nohara Lin' engraved on it, and I say to myself

Say a few words."

(to be continued)

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