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Chapter 29 Bullying is getting more and more proficient

What Clownpiss wants to do is basically collect information, but it's a little different.

There are still two demi-humans left in the white mist. They are the heroes of the beast-body quadruped and the goat-man. Although they are not as good as those who were "challenged" by Cirno, they are still worth a thousand among the demi-humans.


Their difficulty in locating humans is between 80 and 90. If three or four of these demi-humans gather together and break into human society, they will undoubtedly cause considerable damage to humans. If no equivalent human strongman arrives in time, then

Several villages and even cities will be soaked in blood as a result. Even military fortresses and solid cities cannot stop them.

Even facing a mature dragon, they were not in vain. They finally used defensive martial arts to block the breath, and a layer of frost formed on their bodies.

"How about it, do you want to fight?"

"Fight! With a dragon of this size, we may not be able to work together..."

If Ora Sadark had not been strengthened, they might not have no chance of winning, but if Ora Sadark now attacks with all its strength, they really have no chance at all.

Fortunately, the two of them had no chance to become more desperate. Crounpisi walked over, stretched out her hand without any shame, and unfolded the magic circle.

Now Crounpisi has become more and more proficient in using spiritual magic against foreigners. She already has level suppression and can successfully activate it after confirming the target. If she can use it this way in her first encounter after leaving her main body,

He wouldn't have fought so awkwardly.

This was partly due to the fact that Crownpis was too afraid of unknown enemies in her first actual battle, but now that she was fine, she walked over calmly and activated her magic.

"[Mass Charm Species]."

There was no possibility of dodge at this distance, let alone resistance. The two demihuman heroes were controlled by spiritual magic.

If it were normal times, Crownpis would still be interested in taking out his sword and practicing, but now he doesn't have the time.

Crownpis set the psychological distance between the two of them and herself as the relationship between master and loyal slave, walked up to them, raised her hands, raised her head and asked——

"What happened here? After all, even a breath of dragon's breath can lead to near-annihilation of you, so there is no possibility of breaking through Lily."

"No, that, but... Master, the tree was already like this when we came here. We are just burning the remaining remains. It really doesn't have anything to do with us." The goat man knelt down quickly and kowtowed vigorously.


Cronpis tried to look between the two demi-humans with a more frightening expression.

After all, even if the psychological distance is set like that, there is no guarantee that there will be no lies. This is not the time when chatting with Wakagi-hime. It is enough to just find out some things you want to know. If you need to fully control her spirit, you should use [Dominate]

]], but Crounpis doesn’t have that convenient magic. It is safest to use [Modify Memory]. However, you don’t know the time it takes for the object to obtain the information you want to know. Directly performing a full memory search will consume a lot of money.


Although Crounpis' body is proportioned to that of a ten-year-old, her face is slightly older than six, seven or eight years old. If she were to do this, she would not be regarded as a child acting cute and angry, which is quite scary.

Besides, the person in front of me shouldn't have the guts to make the owner in front of me angry.

"Master, I know the same as he does. I've said everything I can say. That's really all we know." The four-legged beast with the body of the beast also knelt down, but because it had four legs, it felt more like

It's sitting.

"You two, don't you have anything useful to do?" Crounpis scratched his hair unhappily.

"I, I, I, I, our tribe's treasures... can all... be offered up!"

"Yes, we can do anything we can, and we will do it with all our strength. No, no, we will definitely do it!"

"Hmm..." Crounpis held up her chin, thinking about what these two guys could do to make the incident progress, but it was a bit annoying to hear the two guys' flattering laughter of "Hey, hey hey hey" in the middle of the process.


It doesn't work in the long term. There is no solution. They will recover when my magic is released, and I don't want to keep an eye on these two guys all day long.

It is safest to use [Modify Memory], but the experiment of how to adjust the memory to turn a person into a loyal slave has never been done. If there are many memories that need to be retrieved and modified, the magic power consumed is difficult to estimate.

If I had known that I needed to do this kind of thing, I should have attacked some distant tribes and conducted some experiments during the ten years I spent in the Top Forest.

Being able to withstand the dragon's breath just now means that although they are weak in the eyes of Crounpis, they are already quite good among the indigenous races. They are like useless, but it seems a pity to kill them like this.

Speaking of which, how did Star and Sunny tame the dragons and frost giants? I heard that just showing their strength was enough?

Force coercion is the simplest and clearest, but it is also a time bomb. After all, the number of demi-humans is not as small as that of dragons and frost giants. There will always be some fools who cause trouble. If the power of the demon tree is shown, it will cause other troubles.

We have to take into account the Council State, Theocracy, players and their companions.

By the way, it seems that there is also a plan to let the dragon race enslave other inferior races.

Crownpis turned her head and glanced with interest at Orasardark, who was much taller than herself.

"Sir, do you have any... orders?" Orasadark lowered his head respectfully and said.

In the past, Crounpis had never shown her strength in front of him, nor had she ever taken off her anti-detection ring. He only obeyed because Sunny and Star felt that Crounpis was the boss, until

This time he experienced how powerful the buffing magic that Crounpiss cast on him was - it felt like his strength had definitely quadrupled.

The two demi-humans blocked the dragon's breath just now. If they go together, Orasadhark estimates that his own strength is that if he goes head-on, he may be in trouble if he doesn't pay attention. If he relies on air superiority, his chances of winning will probably be much higher.

However, against an opponent who had a chance of losing, Crownpis easily defeated the opponent.

Compared with her, although he is not cannon fodder, he is still a little more advanced than the soldiers. He should bow his head sincerely and at the same time be grateful that he can maintain his own consciousness.

"Well, I heard that the Frost Dragon Tribe has begun to conquer other races in the mountains. There is indeed progress, right? You won't have to trouble Star and Sunny to worry about it, right?" Crowenpis said.

"Yes, sir. Except for the flood, I have taken care of all other matters. If it were not to ensure the quantity, the progress could be faster." The dragons need food. Because of their size, they eat a lot.

A dragon often needs to occupy a large territory and control its food intake in order to survive well. This is one of the reasons why the dragon tribe rarely lives in large groups, so the dragon tribe also understands the issue of ecological balance.

(to be continued)

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