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Chapter 31 Prepare to overthrow the country's loli

Crownpis confirmed that the elf weapons left at the scene of the crime that killed her child were not fake, but she was still pounding in her heart——

"We can't rule out the possibility of deliberately diverting attention and spending a lot of effort to obtain this or imitate it..."

Before Crownpis finished speaking, the wise king of the forest also ran back and said, "I am reporting to my lord that except for those demi-lords and my lord's companions, as well as the smell of soil and burning wood, no other smells were found."

"You're useless..." Crounpis was about to kick the Forest Wise King angrily, but then the raised foot stopped, "As a carnivore, this giant hamster actually has a pretty good sense of smell.

, since I didn’t smell anything, does it mean that the opponent’s ability to eliminate traces is good? This can be regarded as intelligence.”

"If there is a race that is good at leaving no smell, it would be the elves. Or the elves themselves do not have smell. Otherwise, the elves would not be able to establish a kingdom in the large forest where monsters originally live." Ibiluai added.

"That means you also think the elves are suspicious? Do you have any issues with the elves?" Crounpis thought for a moment and turned to Lolita.

Ibiruyai: "There is no holiday, but if the existence called Lily you mentioned is really of such a high level, then the only ones who have a slight chance of winning are the gods of the Theocracy, the Dragon King or the Elf King. The Dragon King is not here now.

If you know how to move, you can rule it out. I have fought against the gods of the Theocracy in the past, and the methods and traces on the scene do not match up. The method of elimination is the Elf King. Considering the war situation, the Elf also has a motive for taking action. That's how I considered it."

"I see, then go to the Elf Kingdom to ask for..."

"Wait a minute, the undead are out of control right now. You won't ignore this situation. Although you stated the experiment of the undead, if so many people gathered together and caused a commotion, you will have to be responsible for the aftermath." Ibilua

Yi came over and bent down slightly to look at Crounpisi's face.

"Hmph, I really dare to say that." Crounpis secretly thought that you, a loli who can at most defeat her weakest dependents, are dragging you here, but what if those undead ran away while the big goblin and others were restraining her?

It is indeed a pity. It is not good to waste lives and experimental materials.

"I know, I won't neglect you there." Crounpisi sat down cross-legged, raised his hands and closed his eyes to think.

How to control those undead again? The easiest way is to summon another undead tree. Because of the death of the undead tree, the summoning quota has been vacated. The problem is that if you summon it again, it will be another individual, even if you have skills.

, without an absolute difference in strength, the Necromancer Tree cannot control so many Necromancers. Besides, the Necromancer Tree cannot move, so it cannot hunt everywhere by itself...

Then just summon a level 60 undead tree, and then let other fairies capture the undead...

It seems that most of the undead are too low-level and too numerous to be merciful...

Then you have to become a dryad of the undead tree, so that you can release the skills yourself. Level 60 should be able to release a wide range of skills. In fact, Crounpisi has long planned to turn the undead tree into a dryad.

I originally planned to slowly bring memory to plant monsters step by step like other plants, and guide them to develop intellectual consciousness, but now there is no extra time.

A goblin with an endless lifespan is actually worried about not having time. It's all because of someone who knocked down the undead tree!

Krampis has not considered the quick method, because it is easy to think multiple times and separate a part of your consciousness to plan the matter, but the more you think about it, the more meaningless it becomes——

Crownpis knew that although he could walk almost sideways in the world, he was not invincible, not to mention that there were other players who could travel across the world, so he wanted to build an army or something like that. However, he found a way to quickly generate tree demons.

, but it is very difficult for plants to develop to a level that can be seen by Crounpith. The existing plant monsters in the world are weak, and using the seeds formed by themselves and their children to bloom and bear fruit in large quantities will destroy the ecological environment.

...It will take time to test whether the problem can be solved through crossbreeding in the Top Forest.

Moreover, the rapid generation of dryads requires tenth-level magic, and only Crounpisi can do it, which means the efficiency is very low.

However, it can now be used as an emergency.

However, it has not been tested in the past, so we must find someone who can be used for the experiment!

"Star, how long will it take you to capture the undead? Get me one first!" Clawnpith shouted to Star with [ssage].

"Here we come!" As soon as he finished speaking, Star teleported directly and appeared. One hand was holding the undead Elfin, and the other hand was the undead...

"Who is this guy?" Crounpis pointed at the undead dressed as a human mage who was embodied but almost like a dry zombie in disgust. How about using this guy to test it?

【Message[ssage]】Connect to the big goblin.

"There was once a group of human necromancers who wanted to capture undead souls to use as a fighting force, but we wiped them all out and used them as materials. That was probably one of them," the big goblin replied.

"I see, Necromancer? Because he is close to the undead, it is easier to regain his rationality when he becomes the undead. The undead... the undead, are the undead the best? So be it, I'm sorry, the best

It's you who made the material——" Crounpisi secretly locked the Lolita who was beside her——

“[The group’s entire race is confused [ass char species]]”




Two surprised sounds with different tones rang out. The former was from Ibiluayai and the latter was from Crounpis. Ibiluayai pulled away greatly. She even cast flying magic without chanting.

The jumping body is awkward due to the shaking, but it is also very stable.

With just this one magic move, Ibiluyai's understanding of magic is above that of Crounpis. Unlike Crounpis, except for the vampire's own skills, most of her magic relies on learning and

She understands the essence of magic. Although her level is lower, the amount of magic she can comprehend is two or three times that of Clawnpith.

"Damn it! What do you want to do to me!" Ibiluyai clenched her hands into fists, leaned forward slightly, and bent her legs slightly. This is a good physical posture for a magic caster to fly kites, even if

I don't know how effective it will be against Crounpith.

Although it is not an attack that can be seen with the naked eye, you can feel some strange feeling emitted by Crounpith. And that is already enough for Ibiruyai, who has a knowledge reserve of about eighty years.

But the scale and intensity are not at the same level as what we have encountered in the past...

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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