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Chapter 143 The Great Power War, Who Are the Victims?

Suzusen raised his hands, holding the purple electric light in his left hand, and used his right hand to forcefully use the chakra-charged fist technique. He was about to capture Kakashi and Hinata alive, but the hands he was about to clenched were empty——

The other side retreated, and the two sides were immediately separated from each other by more than ten steps.

"I see, is that Naruto's warning? Ninjas are best at hiding and escaping."

The capable Kakuzu and the Third Tsuchikage were unable to catch the two men in front of them who were even weaker, which made Suzusen quite puzzled.

It seems that something has been overlooked, something that has disappeared by abandoning the traditional elf talent and pursuing other powers.

There was another conflict. All the black bullets fired by the machine gun were dodged or deflected by kunai shuriken deflections. Then Suzusen used his seemingly slender hands to directly receive the opponent's attack.

Passive immunity to damage skills will be broken. But Kakashi uses ninjutsu, which is ineffective against the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Hinata's ability has the ability to break the immunity of the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki's Ninjutsu. However, there are no holes in the elf's body.

Hinata's acupuncture palm technique is not powerful enough.

To sum up, even if Suzusen cannot catch two people in a short time due to lack of movement and the ninja Shunliu who is not good at taijutsu, she can still slowly kill them. She is still confident in her battle continuation, as humans are more likely to tire.

Hinata, whose eyes now have bulging veins, is already out of breath, and the white eyes are showing signs of relief.

After Suzusen came to the conclusion that he would definitely win, he was about to take his time cooking Kakashi and Hinata, but Kakashi spoke up: "What is your purpose? Why are you participating in the imperial meal contest?"

How could a mercenary disclose the content of the commission? Ling Xian tilted his head and shrugged, saying, "The purpose is as you can see. As for why I participated in the Big Eater Competition, I just felt that I would not be able to eat in this country in the future, so I rushed to the end

It’s just one meal in one trip, and it tastes good.”

"Is that what happened?" Kakashi understood.

Hinata wanted to ask, but she looked too uncomfortable to speak.

Kakashi knew more about the mission than the three disciples, and he accepted the mission only after he knew the internal situation of the country. That’s what happened. Participating in the Gohan Competition was not against Kakashi’s mission. On the contrary, their missions actually complemented each other.


The Kingdom of Earth wants to occupy this country, which is friendly with the other country, and commissions "Akatsuki" to destroy the current government of this country and pave the way for the puppet government of the Earth Country to come to power. Therefore, the other country hears the news and wants to join the Fire Country.

Entrust the Leaf Village to bring the young master Xiu back to that country.

In other words, if they fight here, if they win and the commission accepted by "Akatsuki" fails, there may also be problems with the premise of the commission on their side.

In short, this is just an action by the two big countries, the Earth Country and the Fire Country, to carve up the power of some small countries. Big countries want to become more powerful and powerful than other big countries, but it is dangerous to attack other big countries easily, so small countries

Become the target of sacrifice. Since Danzo came to power, although there is no sign of the outbreak of the Ninja World War, the smell of war has become stronger. Not long ago, their Konoha Village skipped the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind and divided up the Kingdom of Sichuan and the Kingdom of Waves.

The Kingdom of Tea has become a vassal state, and I heard that there are similar signs in the Kingdom of Tian.

However, it is not that Kakashi cannot understand Danzo's thoughts. In the last ninja war, Konoha compromised when it had the advantage, gave up war compensation, and ended the war at the cost of the Third Hokage's abdication. However, there were still various small things after that.

There was constant friction, and his disciple Hinata was kidnapped once by a Kumo ninja.

Even if a rebel ninja did something in Konoha, the Hokage still had to waste time and effort fighting with the Fire Country itself. It's not like other ninja villages didn't have similar things, but they were not easily made things difficult by the country.

If you keep compromising, you will only make people think you are easy to bully. What Danzo has to do now is to make Konoha stronger. But can this method of competition really be digested? What is the reaction of other big countries?

Zang's constant attacks on the small country are just a step-by-step test. Will the Ninja War break out? Will there be many companions who will never be seen again?

This made Kakashi very worried about peace.

Kakashi said: "Maybe there is some misunderstanding between us. How about you and my companions wait here before we come out?"

Moreover, Hinata's use of Byakugan's special ability to secretly control Suzusen's actions seems to be reaching its limit. As expected, the stronger the being, the smaller the influence and the heavier the burden.

Kakashi also wants to complete the mission. Killing enemies in battle is only a means rather than an end. There are also situations where killing enemies that get in the way of the mission causes the mission to fail. Kakashi has experienced this.

Soon, Naruto came back, bringing a little girl wearing pink luxurious clothes and carrying a naginata that didn't fit.

"Kakashi-sensei!" he shouted.

At this time, Suzusen received help from Suzu——

[The mission is completed. I told them some interesting information, let them struggle. But, sorry, I went too far, use space magic to catch me. 】

Lingxian nodded and pointed at the ground: "[gate]."

A dark hole opened under his feet and he fell in. Then the hole closed and disappeared.

Before anyone else could react, the building that Naruto left just now collapsed!

"Uncle with a knife!" Naruto yelled...


Time goes back a little, and inside the main city——

The entire city was covered with thorny vines, clinging to the walls, causing cracks to appear on the walls and floors, as if a building that had been abandoned for a long time was beginning to be eroded by plants.

Suzuko threw the body that was wrapped in thorns and died on the ground, took out a small notebook and crossed out the last name with a photo.

She relies on the magic [thorns aura] to summon a large number of thorns, a natural magic centered on herself, to quickly clear the city. In the game, it is a magic that hinders the opponent's actions and attacks and counterattacks, but it is not impossible to transform it into reality.

Taking the initiative to attack, Suzuko practiced controlling thorns more flexibly as Alice No. 9, pouring more MP into them to make them grow wildly, and actively entangle and tear the target.

It is obviously only a sixth-level magic, but it has the momentum of a ninth-level magic. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it [thorns aura world] after the magic reform.

This was a magic that she realized alone. There was a possibility that Crounpis could automatically realize this magic, but she didn't.

"The mission is completed. There are still many people in the city. Let's take a look at those guys who are unlikely to be loyal to the new government. Let's kill them together as a commission discount. I am a good son of my father. I can do business on the same starting line.

Can’t be worse than Himawari, Kakino and the others~”

Suddenly, a stairwell blocked by thorns was split open by several sword lights!

"Who is it?" He rushed in through the breach with a knife and pointed it at Linghu Lake.

"It is closely related to the kill list..." Ling Xian opened the list and glanced at it for a few times, then raised his head and said strangely, "Without you, what are you doing here?"

"Repay the kindness the daimyo has shown me!" He raised his sword and charged towards Suzuko.

"Are you here to die? Even if you left secretly, no one would chase you." Suzu waved her hand, and all the thorns around her were wrapped around the sword.

"Ha!" He shouted loudly, and waved out several rays of sword light, splitting the thorns into pieces.

"It's very similar to [Four Lights Continuous Slash]? It's amazing. Is there anyone in this world who can easily use the skill of multiple slashes with one strike?" Suzu was stunned.

Suzuko reflected that although the forceful infusion of MP increased the scale of the magic attack, except for the spikes used for attack, the strength of the vines seemed to have weakened. It was actually easily cut off by a human of this level who could barely hurt him.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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