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Chapter 210 Humans who bully the big fox

With Fu's support, An Qi opened her clothes slightly to check her belly. Fortunately, the diamond-shaped mark did not disappear due to being pulled away from the tailed beast.

This is the Yin Seal of Tsunade Senju. She usually stores excess chakra in it and uses it when necessary. It can achieve instant healing, strengthen attacks, and increase speed. Skilled users can also rely on the chakra in the Seal of Hundred Hao.

The low output and micro-adjustment can achieve the effect of maintaining youthful appearance, improving body functions, and keeping body functions at their peak.

There have been many kunoichi who have been disciples of Tsunade over the years. The weak ones can become doctors, and the strong ones can become combat medical ninjas, and have contributed a lot to the medical cause of Konoha Village. However, the only internal disciple who can learn this trick is Haruno Sakura.

But what kind of bloodline does An Qi have? [Kagura Heart Eye] can sense and counter-perceive. If necessary, as long as it is not detected by the naked eye, even if it is only separated by a layer of paper, it will not be discovered by ninjas who specialize in perception. It is so close.

They studied secretly in a place where they practiced alone.

After untying the Yin seal and replenishing herself with chakra, An Qi felt much better, so she sat up on her own and gently pushed away Fu who seemed to want to be excited and hugged her: "I told you it was fine, but you were more seriously injured by the chain.


After all, the Uzumaki clan does not have the ability to heal themselves.

"I'm fine," she said.

Gaara said: "Thank you for saving me, but what should I do now?"

On the opposite side of the sand wall, Kyuubi was still there, shaking and stretching his muscles.

An Qi: "If you don't stimulate it, it will probably be fine. Don't irritate it yet. Let it leave on its own after it has relaxed. We will talk about the rest later."

Suddenly, several huge javelins flew from the distance, covered with detonating talismans, causing a huge explosion on Nine-Tails.

However, it is useless. At most, it will stain the beautiful fur of the nine tails with a little dust.

"Lord the Fifth Kazekage, what about the troops from your village as promised?" An Qi looked at Gaara sideways, of course she had already discovered who the attacker belonged to.

"...It was originally prepared to prevent my One-Tail from going berserk." Gaara said.

Fu said: "I think I think, Godai Kazekage, you are quite handsome and you should be somewhat popular in the village. How can you not believe it so much?"

Gaara: "You also understand, right? The jinchūriki are in the village..."

During this period, more and more ninjas gathered here and attacked Kyuubi one after another. Not only the Suna ninjas, but also the Jonin and Chuunin sent by Konoha Village also joined the battle.

Kyuubi was enraged and finally regained his freedom. These damn humans just refused to let it go. Do they still want to get his power even if they suffer heavy casualties?

It waved its claws and tail to attack the ninjas who tried to surround it.

Gaara began to manipulate a large area of ​​desert sand to provide cover for everyone.

"Yoshi, I'm coming too!"

Fu seemed to be inspired by the momentum and wanted to intervene, but Gaara stopped her: "This is an incident caused by our exam organizer and has nothing to do with you. Take Angel and leave!"

"Wait a minute, we are already friends, how can we leave our friends and run away!" Fu shouted.

"Why...why?" An Qi still sat on the ground motionless, she didn't understand at all.

From her perception, it is true that the examinees and a few ninjas with weak chakra, perhaps doing odd jobs during the exam, are constantly moving away from here, but the number of ninjas who are attacking Kyuubi and continuing to mobilize here are constantly increasing.

The nearby space was twisted by a vortex, and Lin, Yamato and Hotaru landed not far away from several jinchūriki.

Lin: "An Qi, since the barrier and clone disappeared, I thought you must have messed up."

Yingying: "An Qi, are you okay? You're not... going to die, are you?"

An Qi: "No way, even though I was extracted by a strange bald man using a strange spell, I kept an extra piece of Nine-Tails Chakra for myself! Hahaha, I won't make the same mistake as some people

Woolen cloth."

"We'll talk about it later. We have to stop it now." Yamato jumped onto the sand wall made by Gaara and formed a seal with his hands, "[Wood Release: Birth in the Sea of ​​Trees]."

A large number of trees sprouted out of the desert in violation of geography, trying to bind the body of the sealed Nine-Tails.

"Lin, help me stop the Nine-Tails action; Hotaru, prepare that forbidden technique now." Yamato ordered, or Angel was not included in the combat range because she seemed weak after being separated from the tailed beast.

"Understood." x 2

Lin directly activated the three-tails chakra borrowing mode, wrapped herself in the tailed beast coat, and rushed towards the nine-tails.

Yingying formed a seal with his hands: "[Anti-Earth Spider Forbidden Technique Solution·Creation of the World]."

"Hehe...it's all in vain, why do you have to fight the Nine Tails? It's obviously quite cute." An Qi thought, she noticed that all the natural energy around her was converging towards Yingying, but this kind of energy was very rare in the desert.

Shortly after the two started their operation, other candidates arrived. They were two classes from Sunagakure Village, as well as Konoha's Neji, Tenten, and Xiao Li's third class.

"Lord Gaara!"


"Teacher Kai is fighting too! Let's go help him!"

"Wait a minute, Lee, don't be impulsive! That's Kyuubi!"

Kai also noticed this, and immediately activated [Eight Gate Dungeon] and kicked the tail of Nine Tails to the side. He turned around and shouted: "Don't come over here! This is not a battle you should participate in! Watch me burn.


Gaara also shouted to the disciples who cared about him to prevent them from approaching: "This is not a war, you should not bet your lives here. The future of the village needs you!"

"Ready!" Firefly clasped her hands together and shouted.

"Lord the Fifth Kazekage, please try to contain the Kyuubi and make everyone retreat." Yamato said to Gaara.

Gaara could feel the terrifying energy not far from Hotaru. While giving the order, he slapped his hand on the sand: "[Prison Sand Burial]."

The large area of ​​sand under Kyuubi instantly turned into quicksand, and together with Yamato's Wood Release, he tried to pull Kyuubi underground.

"Damn humans!" Nine Tails kept tearing off the wooden escape on Bengshai's body, using his limbs and tail at the same time, he was about to climb up.

"[Forbidden Technique: Angry Sky]!" At this time, Hotaru's forbidden technique was activated, and white light rose into the sky with her as the center, and then fell sharply towards the nine tails——

"Boom, boom, boom--" The terrifying white light explosion violently impacted Kyuubi's back. In conjunction with Gaara's quicksand, it directly blasted a depression with a radius of dozens of meters on the spot. Kyuubi fell down as if his spine had been fractured.


Before the ninjas participating in the battle could take a breath, Kyuubi stood up like a carp and jumped out of the pit, as if uninjured, trampling to death a dozen ninjas who had no time to dodge.

"Everyone, everyone, everyone!!!! You've totally pissed me off!"

Kyuubi opened his mouth, and the red and blue balls of chakra gathered in front of his mouth to form a black ball. With a loud roar, the black ball turned into a light cannon and shot out!

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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