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Chapter 261 Nuclear bombs do no harm at all

Thousands of meters above the sacred tree——

Crowenpis was floating here, observing everything from a distance. When he saw that the "monitor" in the infield was removed, he raised his hands and shook his head: "I feel like I heard some incredible information and information that I didn't want to hear.

, I heard that Kaguya and Ichiki have become like that, and there is actually a lot of discord within Otsutsuki."

"Anyway, if greetings based on close contact fail, let's try sending a gift." Crounpisi pointed to the sky, "[Ruin Starry Moon]."

The sky full of stars and the moon has fallen!

Before being streaked by countless starlights, Crounpis disappeared there using teleportation magic. When she used that move for the first time in the past, she followed the game settings and could not move herself. Because at that time, many skills were like clicking.

The mouse is generally used, so when you can gradually understand the secrets of it, just like learning the level magic that transforms the game into reality, you can control everything by yourself.

Otohime raised her head and looked at the meteor shower and the moon that "slowly" crossed the sky and fell towards this place.

The starting point of the fall is too high. Anyone with time and space abilities would be able to avoid it.

However, Crownpis's purpose was not to hit Otohime. Before the clone was destroyed, she could feel that even though Otohime absorbed the sacred tree and became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, the roots of the sacred tree all over the ground still did not disappear.

It continues to absorb all the energy that can be extracted from the earth and supplies it to Otohime. Although the "pipeline" for remote supply is not clear, it is very close to the coordinates of the original sacred tree.

What Cronpis wants to do is to tear off everything on the land where the "pipeline" is located, including the roots of the sacred tree.

Otohime looked up at the "falling" starry sky, raised her hand, and the crimson chakra ball with vast energy expanded rapidly like a gathering of energy bombs, turning into a light cannon that penetrated the sky and shot into the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The falling moon and most of the stars were swept away by the crimson light cannon, turning into dust and light particles in the sky.

Although many stars and debris still hit the ground, they did not cause any damage to the roots of the sacred tree.

"[Triple slient magic·meteor fall]], four links."

Twelve huge blocks of light dragged their hot tails and fell towards the planet's ground at high speed.

Otohime didn't panic, raised her hand and fired another crimson spiral light cannon across the sky.

A series of explosions exploded at an altitude of several thousand meters, and all the meteorites turned into light particles floating in the air, gradually dissipating.

"Try this again!" Crounpisi took out a small-yield nuclear warhead with a caliber of several hundred millimeters [Advanced Equipment Enhancement 10] from the infinite backpack, dyed it with red stripes on a black background, and activated teleportation magic on it, triggering

The fuze reaches the ground instantly.


The magic nuclear bomb turned into a purple ball of light, expanded around, and then shrunk, turning into a small ball of light the size of a small bean. Otohime held it in her hand. She held it to her mouth and took a breath.

Blow upward——

A powerful storm like a Category 20 hurricane from her mouth sent the little bean-like light ball into the air. It seemed to bloom upward due to the influence of the wind in the air. Then, it expanded rapidly again and headed towards Crounpi.

The airspace where Silk is located is sweeping over!

"What's the point?!"

Alfin's contact voice came into Clunpith's mind——

[Probably yes, that is the ability of the One-inch Mage. It seems to be very mysterious. Inanimate foreign objects can be easily reduced and enlarged when they enter her casting range. It should be the ability of Otsutsuki Ishiki. I don’t know why she can

I'm using it. But it doesn't seem to change its size like Momoshiki and Ishiki, otherwise it should be used in taijutsu duels.】

"That's right, but why aren't my equipment used to shrink and squeeze my body?"

[Is there this kind of thing? Sorry, I haven’t considered this blind spot yet.]

Of course, these compatriots who have combat experience with Otsutsuki are observing the battle from the [Kamui] space with the additional audio-visual sharing provided by Crownpis.

Crownpis did not let most of her compatriots who had gained powerful power directly participate in the battle. She knew why the power of the chakra system was not effective on the Otsutsuki clan. From their battles with Otsutsuki Momoshi and Urashiki

It can be seen from the records. Senjutsu may work, but facing the current Otohime, it seems that the endurance of those who learned Senjutsu is still far behind.

They can't withstand a few attacks at all, and Crounpith's HP can withstand more than ten times more attacks than theirs. Although they are reluctant, the best solution is to act as a human shield.

Of course, Cronpis had the intention of making full use of them to assist in the battle, but not at this time.

Just as Crounpis was about to evade, a black "door" suddenly opened behind him, and Otohime with blood-red eyes came out of it!

Crownpis quickly turned around to block Otohime's sneak attack with both hands, threw her over the shoulder and hit a sonic boom, throwing her into the explosion that was blown high into the sky at several Mach speeds. Otohime quickly deployed the time and space technique.

It seemed that she was unable to use the blue samsara eye and byakugan. Without the aid of these two eyes, Otohime was no match for Crownpiss in physical skills.

The moment before Otohime was thrown into the explosion of the magic nuclear bomb, she raised her hand and pointed it at Crounpis: "[All Things Tension]!"

"Hey!" Crounpis was pulled over unexpectedly.

She wanted to teleport, but Otohime's blood-red six-magatama reincarnation eye glared again. Instead of teleporting herself, it disrupted the space around Crounpith. The teleport was interrupted, and the two fell together.

caught in the explosion.

"[World Severed]." Crownpis used the original magic that requires the soul to bear the burden. Only those who have the status of the true goddess of the underworld are qualified to learn it.

Here, I have to thank Himawari for her activities in order to obtain the dragon's origin magic. Thinking of her delaying leveling for this matter, she became more and more unpopular with her compatriots. It is only now that Sunflower and Crowe have shown their value.

Empisi thanked silently.

Soon, a red translucent light ball wrapped in Otohime and a cyan fireball wrapped in leather silk flew out from the other side, and then the two balls collided together!

The cyan fireball is a hollow fireball created by Crounpith using [lunatic inferno], which is originally used to wrap the opponent, compress and detonate.

"What's going on?" Otohime felt that the inside of the spherical flame wall should not be used as a safe zone. The vitality and soul capacity of Crounpith as seen by the Byakugan and the Rinnegan were indeed slightly reduced.

Otohime can see from the impact results that the hollow fireball is not very strong for her. What's the point of opening it for such a costly thing? Or are there other attacks brewing on this basis? In short, here is a blow.

Try the sure-kill attack.

The moment the flames were dispersed to a small extent, Otohime raised her hand and pointed it at Crownpiss.

(to be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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