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Chapter 10 is the taste of hometown!

In fact, Bianliang did not know that there was a new situation in the case. Bianliang's official document only asked Xu Zun to return to Dali Temple to take up his post, and did not even mention the case.

But the meaning is very obvious, that is, let Xu Zun go back and insist on his judgment.

After all, Dali Temple is the highest court. Xu Zun's return would obviously be more beneficial to the faction that supports him.

This is already a political arrangement.

Since it was a political struggle, the criminal officer Cao Yan would not be stupid enough to rush in on his own, so he regretted it at the last moment. In fact, he could be tried at the time, and the two had nothing to do with each other.

His choice to give up was entirely due to political considerations.

Xu Zun did not expect that it would reach this point. He just insisted on his principles. Now he has not changed his original intention. And now that he has become a judge of the Supreme Court, he cannot compromise. He simply put all the people involved in the case together.

Take him to Bianliang for trial.

In fact, he also had a small idea, which was to return the issue to the law itself.

Because provoking a political struggle is not what he wants.

There was no need to delay. After all, so many things had happened in just a short time. Xu Zun did not dare to delay it any longer. Two days later, he hurriedly took Zhang Fei and others to set off for Bianliang.

After traveling for several days, the group finally arrived in Bianliang.

For Zhang Fei, it was really like entering another country, and its level of prosperity was truly jaw-dropping and amazing.

Looking around, the streets are crowded with people and traffic, and the boats on the river are also flowing continuously. The streets on both sides are lined up in rows, which is dizzying.

Although Dengzhou's business is relatively prosperous, it doesn't feel like a super metropolis like Bianliang.

You must know that Zhang Fei has seen the world, and he has seen the streets of the late Qing Dynasty from some images of the late Qing Dynasty, but he felt that it was incomparable to the scene in front of him.

He even believed that this scene was closer to modernization than the late Qing Dynasty.

One of the important factors is that the streetscape in Bianliang is very irregular. It is completely open to the outside world. The streets facing the street are not high walls, but shops, sheds, and government offices. What’s even more outrageous is that many of the government offices have really small facades.

It's pitiful, just like the toilet, it looks very cold, and it can't be compared with the facade of the big restaurant next door.

It can be seen that Bianjing is already a place where commerce, administration, and transportation are highly mixed together, and there is no sense of closure like that of feudal society.

One of the very, very key reasons why the Song Dynasty was so special was that the Song Dynasty did not inhibit mergers, not that it did not inhibit business.

If business is not suppressed, it will not develop to this extent.

After all, the country’s economic fundamentals is still the agricultural economy.

But if mergers are not suppressed, it will be possible.

Suppressing annexation mainly ties people to the fields. When you don't suppress annexation, a large number of people who have lost their fields will have to come to the city to make a living, which is why there is such prosperity.

With so many people trying to make a living, closed management is impossible.

The space is limited. In order to make a living by doing business, citizens naturally hope to break through the walls. This is a demand, and business must pursue openness.

In fact, in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the rulers still hoped to inherit the lifang system of the Han and Tang Dynasties, which was easier to manage. However, the citizens did not agree. If the lifang system was introduced again, there would be no place to do business, so they hoped to open the shops to the street.

This not only provided more places to make a living, but also made it easier to do business. After some struggle, the rulers of the Northern Song Dynasty finally chose to turn a blind eye.

However, it was not until the Huizong period that the Northern Song Dynasty government officially levied "trespassing money" on these street-facing shops. Although the word "trespassing" was used, the money collected was taxes.

In fact, the simplest and clearest way to judge whether an industry is legal is to see whether the country taxes it. As long as it taxes it, it must be legal. This is much more reliable than the law.

Since Xu Zun was originally a capital official, he had his own residence in Bianliang.

But when Zhang Fei came to Xu Zun's residence, he couldn't help but be disappointed. It was completely different from the wealthy mansion he imagined. Although it was very clean and the area was not small, with front and rear courtyards and left and right wings, it seemed relatively small.

It's dilapidated. The key is that the gate only allows two adults to pass side by side at most. It's not the kind of high-end mansion in movies and TV shows.

Zhang Fei couldn't help but sigh: "My dear friend, you are too incorruptible."

Zhang Fei often discussed the law with Xu Zun on the road. Many of his views not only won Xu Zun's heart, but also made Xu Zun's eyes shine. The relationship between the two became closer. Zhang Fei has changed his name to

Xu Zun was his "benefactor". This was of course Zhang Fei's initiative, because Zhang Fei knew very well that his only supporter in this world was Xu Zun.

Xu Zun chuckled: "This is still rented."


Zhang Fei was even more shocked and said: "This is wrong! As far as I know, the salaries of our officials in the Song Dynasty are very high."

Xu Zun smiled bitterly and said: "But the housing prices in Bianjing are higher! Of course, with my salary, if I save it for about ten years, I can buy a house like this, but because our officials in the capital are often dispatched to various places

It is not cost-effective for them to buy a house because they hold office, and most officials in the DPRK buy houses after retiring and returning to their hometowns."

Suddenly, a feeling of hometown came to his face, making Zhang Fei feel very familiar and comfortable, and said: "Doesn't it mean that if you don't become an official, you won't be able to afford a house."

Xu Zun did not answer this, but asked with a smile: "What? Do you have the intention to obtain fame?"

Zhang Fei was startled and said: "Very good! But I can't pass the exam."

"Nothing to show for it."

Xu Zun looked at him with contempt and said, "You haven't even passed the exam, so how do you know you can't pass it?"

Zhang Fei said frustratedly: "Is there even a need to take a test? If you go ahead and count those Jinshi, you will know. Didn't Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty say that looking at people as a mirror can reveal beauty and ugliness, oh no, gain and loss."

Don't blame him for his lack of ambition. He was born in an era when geniuses emerged in large numbers. Counting them up, Su Shi, Su Che, Su Xun, Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, Fan Zhongyan, Bao Zheng!

Since ancient times, the Han and Tang dynasties may have discussed military commanders’ heavenly regiments, but in terms of numbers, the Tang Dynasty may have had the advantage. But if we talk about the official heavenly regiments, there is no doubt that the Song Dynasty must be the first.

In this era, Wenquxing is particularly bright.

This is why the Tang Dynasty was able to conquer all the way to Lake Baikal, and the Song Dynasty was able to conquer all the way to the south of the Yangtze River.

Although Zhang Fei has excellent grades in school, he is not a super genius like the top 100 in the country. In addition, today's knowledge is different from what he has learned, and he is past the age of learning.

There is a great possibility that even if he spends his whole life, he will not be able to obtain fame.

Risks are not proportional to returns.

But Xu Zun couldn't stand it and admired him, saying, "Do you want to be one of these Erbi people for the rest of your life?"

Zhang Fei thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "My dear benefactor, can you escort me to become an official?"

Xu Zun never thought that this kid would say such a thing. He immediately glared at him and said with contempt: "If you think so, then you'd better not be an official."

Not to mention, if Xu Zun was really serious, he could really recommend Zhang Fei to become an official, because the Northern Song Dynasty had a favor system, and it was impossible to cause redundant officials in the Northern Song Dynasty just by relying on the imperial examination.

After all, genius is limited.

The Enyin system in the Northern Song Dynasty has become more and more widespread. On every birthday of the emperor, you may be given an Enyin quota. As a result, not only the sons of officials, but also relatives can become officials, and even their own students can be recommended.

, go to the government and work as a minor official.

It can be said that a person achieves the Tao and ascends to heaven.

Of course, those who really hold high positions are those geniuses who were born in Jinshi.

In this period, it was really impossible to get ahead without knowledge, because there were too many geniuses, and at most you could only get to the top by relying on military merit.

The most famous ones are the famous general Di Qing and the traitorous minister Gao Qiu.

It's a pity that Xu Zun has always kept a clean mind. He still has several quotas in his hands, but he never uses them. He doesn't even want to give his son a quota, but he doesn't need to give it. The emperor directly rewards his son with an official position. At the beginning of this year

I just left Beijing to take up my new post.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly I heard a burst of hearty laughter coming from the door, "It's incredible to have friends from far away!"

Zhang Fei looked back and saw a middle-aged man about forty years old, wearing a gray-green gown, entering the door.

"Look far ahead."

When Xu Zun saw this person, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, walked quickly to meet him, and bowed his hands.

This man's name was Liu Zhao, he was a high-ranking official and a close friend of Xu Zun's classmate.

Liu Zhao bowed his hand in return and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Brother Zhongtu for being promoted to Dali."

The full name of "Pan Dali" is "Pan Dali Temple Affairs". Simply put, he is the chief of Dali Temple. After Yuanfeng's restructuring, he was officially renamed "Dali Temple Minister".

"Ashamed! Ashamed!" Xu Zun shook his head and sighed: "This promotion is really a surprise but not a joy!"

Liu Zhao stroked his beard and burst into laughter.

Xu Zun looked ashamed and kept saying, "Let's go up to the house and talk."

With that said, he pulled Liu Zhao towards the house.

Zhang Fei heard that there was something in their words and wanted to follow them to find out the news, but was unexpectedly stopped by Xu Yuan.


"Brother Zhongtu is really a blockbuster this time!"

After sitting down, Liu Zhao said with a smile.


Xu Zundao: "It's okay if others laugh at me, you laugh at me too. I definitely didn't want to be in the limelight, it's just..."

Liu Zhaodao: "It's just that you love to compete with the law."

Xu Zun sighed: "When will I get rid of this problem?"

Liu Zhao's smile faded, "If you ask me, I think this problem is quite good." At this point, he sighed again and said, "It's just that the undercurrent in the court has been turbulent recently, and it's not your fault.


Xu Zun asked hurriedly: "What is the situation in the DPRK and China now?"

Liu Zhao sighed: "When you rejected the judgment of Dali Temple again, the censors in the court impeached you and interfered with the administration of justice. At the same time, they demanded that the case be handed over to the official tribunal.

Later, the officials handed over the case to Wang Jiefu and Sima Junshi, both academicians of the Hanlin Academy, for discussion. Neither of them agreed with the idea of ​​convicting the woman of the ten heinous crimes!

However, the two had a huge dispute over whether to surrender and reduce the crime. Wang Jiefu thought that your suggestion should be adopted, but Sima Junshi believed that the murder had resulted in injury and had no objection, and the murderer's intention was full of malice, so

It does not apply to the reduction of crime due to surrender.

The officials finally chose to support Wang Jiefu, so they gave him a holy verdict and surrendered himself to reduce his punishment. However, before his decree came out of Beijing, it was rejected by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, so the officials handed it over to them for review.

Both of them have the support of many ministers, and they are arguing endlessly about this, but no one can convince the other."

Xu Zun was very unhappy and said: "But what they argued was not legal."

Liu Zhao shook his head and said: "What they are fighting for is just the Dharma. It is just a dispute between the old and the new Dharma! Wang Jiefu secretly ordered you to come back after being promoted. The purpose is to hope that you can preside over Dali Temple and win this title."

A victory.

Therefore, Brother Zhongtu, you must not be careless. This fight is very dangerous. If you are not careful, I am afraid your career will end here!"

Xu Zun nodded and said: "Actually, I also expected that there will be dangers when I return this time, but I will never act as their pawn."

Liu Zhaodao: "This case started because of you. I think it is difficult for you to stay out of it."

"That's not necessarily the case."

"Oh? I wonder if Brother Zhongtu has any clever ideas?"


Xu Zunfu smiled and said: "Because there is another person who wants to appeal for the convict woman. If he can successfully appeal, I will not be involved."

When Liu Zhao heard this, he waved his hands and said: "This is a futile effort. Any doubtful point in this case has been debated hundreds of times by the North Korean and Chinese scholars. It is indisputable. It all depends on how the officials will make the final decision."


Xu Zundao: "But I have confidence in this person."

Liu Zhao couldn't help asking: "Who is this person? Do I know him?"

"it's him."

Xu Zun pointed toward the door.

Liu Zhao looked in the direction he pointed and saw a young man looking into the house. He couldn't help but wonder: "Are you talking about the young man next to Xu Yuan?"


"You entrust such a high-stakes matter to a young man who is still young." Liu Zhao questioned.

Xu Zundao: "This man is not only proficient in the law, but also very eloquent. To tell you the truth, he was the one who suggested to me that Ayun could be exempted from the death penalty if he surrendered."


Liu Zhao was quite curious and said: "Then I would like to meet this young talent."

This chapter has been completed!
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