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Chapter 111: Theory of Ancestral Dharma (please subscribe)

 At present, there is actually no final conclusion about the ancestral method.

Everyone knows what the ancestral method is, or what the principle is, but they cannot express it clearly.

The legendary "three precepts of reining in the stone" are those of "preserving the descendants of the Chai family"; "not killing scholar-bureaucrats"; "not adding farmland gifts". It is not yet known whether they really exist.

But even if they exist, they are the emperor's personal family rules, and the emperor only needs to implement them, because only the emperor can see them.

If you want to have legal effect on the world, you must at least make it public. This is the minimum.

The "Three Precepts to Leash the Stone" are absolutely confidential and no one has ever seen them except the emperor. So whether the emperor implements them or not depends on the emperor's personal will.

The "law of the ancestors" that the ministers talked about was actually a pocket law specifically targeted at the emperor, and it was only valid for the emperor. They could explain the so-called law of the ancestors based on the policies implemented by Taizu Taizong.

This was used to advise the emperor not to act arbitrarily.

This is about the "law of the ancestors" that ministers often mentioned.

Rather than the "Three Precepts to Lean the Stone".

I know you, this old boy, have no good intentions. Wang Anshi secretly looked at Sima Guang with contempt.

The other officials showed a hint of weird excitement.

Good guy!

This is where I drop a bombshell.

Because according to Confucian filial piety, this ancestral law cannot be discussed arbitrarily.

It's good to say it well, but it's very dangerous to say it poorly.

However, if we look at the facts, Zhang Fei's reason for suing is the ancestral law. If this is not explained clearly, the lawsuit will not be able to go forward.

But this concept is very vague. The people sitting here cannot explain it clearly to themselves, and they dare not explain it. They only dare to quote the policies of Taizu and Taizong, and then apply this "ancestral law".

It seems that Zhang Fei is dead anyway!

Many officials expected Zhang Fei to make a mistake.

Even Shenzong outside the door felt a little nervous.

This ancestral law is very restrictive to him.

It concerns his vital interests.

"About the ancestral method...!"

With that said, Zhang Fei was about to look for those articles and wrote down everything he wanted to say today. Xu Zhiqian, who was next to him, quickly handed over a copy.

Zhang Fei glanced at the label, gave Xu Zhiqian an appreciative look, then opened the article and looked at it carefully.

The jury officials were all dumbfounded.

Are you trying to sharpen your weapons in battle?

Although Zhang Fei also played with details before, he still relied on his mouth. This time he went too far and directly brought the entire text and read it out as written.

Won't you memorize it?

You retard!

"About the ancestral law...!"

Looking up, Zhang Fei found that many officials were looking at him in disbelief, so he explained: "Please forgive me, all the presiding judges. This matter involves the law of the ancestors. I have to be careful to avoid saying the wrong thing."

This was indeed the case. He didn't dare to talk nonsense about this matter, so he had to write it all down.

Sima Guang nodded and said: "It should be so, it should be so."

"Thank you, Grand Bachelor Sima, for your understanding."

Zhang Fei bowed his hands and said again: "The common people think that the only method of our ancestors in the Song Dynasty is this sentence, which is an edict issued by Taizong, 'The first emperor has been in business for twenty years, and he has taken precautions.

The rules and regulations have been established, and things have their own course. I must respect them and do not dare to go beyond them."

Fu Bi, who was sitting in the corner, nodded slightly. This sentence is definitely the most suitable explanation for the method of the ancestors of the Song Dynasty.

The construction of the entire Song Dynasty followed the guiding principle of "preventing things and controlling them".


Qi Hui immediately stood up, pointed at Zhang Fei and said: "You dare to judge the laws of our ancestors with a small ear. You are really committing a crime of great disrespect."

Sima Guang and Wang Anshi looked at Qi Hui in unison, and both sighed secretly. They had said hello to you before, please stop yelling. Now that it has started, you can't help it anymore.

But in addition to Qi Hui, jurors such as Liu Shu also criticized Zhang Fei verbally and writtenly.

Even three or five officials who were observing the trial couldn't help but read a few words along with them.

We don’t even dare to decide what the laws of our ancestors are, so why do you, a bastard, decide?

And it was said so naturally.

If you decide, then...what else will we say in the future?

Faced with their reprimands, Zhang Fei whispered to Xu Zhiqian: "It is really painful to litigate with such a group of unprofessional officials."

Xu Zhiqian said: "Then what should we do now?"

"It's served cold. What else can I do?"

After saying that, Zhang Fei subconsciously went to fish for the tea cup, but he found it all empty. Digu said: "That's unreasonable! You don't even prepare tea, so you just know how to use these off-site tricks."

After they finished reprimanding them, Zhang Fei said: "Judges, you are so sure of your words. I don't know what the ancestral law is based on your high opinions."

Qi Hui said: "We are not as bold as you, and we dare not make this law, lest we be disrespectful to our ancestors."

Zhang Fei smiled slightly and said: "According to everyone, this 'ancestral law' should be an 'undetermined law', and I have heard of the 'uncertain law'. What is an 'undetermined law'? Who is it?"

Whoever has a bigger fist has the final say."

Outside the door, Zhao Xu silently screamed for Zhang Fei.

What a revelation!


Liu Shu shouted angrily: "You...you are simply lawless and your crime is unpardonable."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Undetermined laws are lawless and will breed rebellious officials and traitors. If there are fixed laws and people respect the laws, the world will be peaceful. Think about it, is this the truth?

The laws of our ancestors are fair and upright, and are for the stability of the country. If we cannot discuss them, how can we respect them? It is clearly blasphemy. I think some people want to imitate the traitor Cao, and try to use the laws of their ancestors to benefit the country.

, His heart can be killed."

When he said the next thing, his eyes widened, two rays of light shot out, and his momentum became strong.


Liu Shu was really frightened.

Liu Zhao secretly looked at Shenzong and saw that his face turned red with excitement. He couldn't help but smile knowingly. This boy is so eloquent!


Wang Anshi suddenly said: "This question was raised by Scholar Sima. Zhang San cannot be blamed. If we don't ask about this method, there will be no way to start this lawsuit."

Sima Guang glanced at Wang Anshi, you old boy is really good at stabbing people.

In view of the previous reprimands of the jurors, this sentence puts all the responsibility on him.

Liu Shu snorted angrily and sat down.

Qi Hui and other officials looked at Wang Anshi with contempt.

You are trying to divert trouble from the east, trying to drag Sima Guang into trouble and make us kill each other. We will never let you succeed.

Wang Anshi smiled secretly and asked Zhang Fei: "You have just started the business of the emperor for 20 years. Things have been guarded and bent. The disciplines have been established and things have their own course. I respect this and do not dare to go beyond it."

.'Is this sentence the ancestral method?"

Zhang Fei said: "And he is the only one."

Wang Anshi said: "What arguments do you have?"

Look! This is called professionalism. Zhang Fei looked at the article and replied slowly: "Since it is the law of the ancestors, not the theory of the ancestors, the actions of the ancestors, and the actions of the ancestors, then there must be legal regulations

Characteristics, so first of all, there must be a written sentence structure. If there is no written sentence structure, it cannot be regarded as a law.

It can only be used as a reference for experience and cannot have legal effect. The reason I have just said is that if there is no written sentence structure like Huhu, everyone can borrow the laws of their ancestors to benefit the country.

The thief Cao held the emperor hostage and made the princes no different.

This is the true crime of disrespect."

Sima Guang said: "But this is not the only ancestral edict. Why do you conclude that this edict is the only ancestral law?"

They don't object that this sentence is the ancestral law, but is it not the only one?

They obviously don't agree.

Zhang Fei flipped through the article again, read it for a while, and then read directly: "Just now we have discussed this ancestral law. Since it is a law, it must have the characteristics of legal regulations, that is, it must have a written sentence structure.

However, the ancestral laws are not included in the "Song Xingtong". It can be seen that the ancestral laws belong to a separate category of laws and are unique, binding and extensive.

Let’s look at the uniqueness first. As the name suggests, it is the only one and cannot be reproduced. The ancestral law should only belong to the founding king and is the foundation laid for this country. This is non-renewable.”

If there is another founding king, the problem will be bigger.

Wang Anshi nodded thoughtfully, thinking, how can he explain it like this!

The word "ancestor" is actually very controversial.

As long as time lasts long enough, there will be an infinite number of ancestors.

The current mainstream also refers to Taizu and Taizong. The ancestor is Taizu and the sect is Taizong, but later it became the ancestors and ancestors.

The uniqueness determines the founding king.

Let’s not talk about our ancestors.

Liu Shu and the others actually disagreed in their hearts. Why should you set the tone? You can't set the tone on this matter. But he really didn't dare to say anything about it, so he could only agree.

The founding emperor is greater than anything else!

Zhang Fei turned a page and continued to read, "The founder of our country must be Taizu Taizong."

He dared not just mention Taizu, because all the current emperors were from the Taizong lineage, so he had to add Zhao Laoer.

Then I heard him read: "Everyone, please listen to the first half of this edict, 'The emperor has been in business for twenty years, and things have been prevented, and things have been controlled. Disciplines have been established, and things have their own order.' This is Taizong's edict.

Order, but it is Taizu's policy of governing the country, and I believe you are very clear about this."

He turned his face towards Xu Zhiqian. Xu Zhiqian immediately put a copy of the document on the ground and opened it. Zhang Fei took it and read: "In Taizu's enthronement edict, there are two sentences:

It is said like this, 'Revolution of the old and new things. Emperor Zuo was born in Jingming. He transformed his family into a country. Hong'en should be transferred to Huan District.'

Among them, 'reforming the old and reforming' and 'transforming the family into the country' and 'preventing things from happening' and 'making things easy for the system' are in the same line, which can also be confirmed that Taizong's edict was indeed in line with Taizu's strategy for governing the country.


After finishing speaking, he raised his head and looked at Sima Guang and others.

No one spoke.

But with eyes full of contempt, you still have to read Taizu's edict on his accession to the throne, don't you remember things in your head?

Fortunately, Zhang Fei was not an official, otherwise, he would have been kicked out.

Every official sitting here can recite it backwards and forwards.

But having said that, this argument is indeed quite perfect.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Fei saw no one objected, and then continued: "It can be seen that Taizong understood the righteousness deeply and clearly knew the uniqueness of the ancestor's law."

Han Qi stroked his beard and whispered: "My debating skills are not inferior to yours or mine!"

Fu Bi smiled and said: "Xiangong Han, please do not belittle yourself. He can say many things that Xianggong Han cannot."

Han Qi smiled modestly and said: "That's right! If he can sit here, he has already won half the battle!"

Indeed, Zhang Fei's disadvantage is actually his advantage. He doesn't have so many scruples, it's already like this anyway.

The expressions of many officials changed.

This really sets the tone!

It was Zhang Fei who said the uniqueness just now, who admits it?

Who do you think Zhang Fei is?

But it’s hard to explain it like this. Taizong recognized it, and he didn’t talk about his own way of governing the country. He was talking about Taizu’s way of governing the country. He was also one of the founders of the country, but he still followed it

Taizu’s strategy, who dares to deny it?

Even from a legal perspective, this logic can have legal effect.

Hmm...why it's a little hot.

This has just begun, and many officials are already very regretful about starting this lawsuit with Zhang Fei.

They would rather admit their mistake, pay compensation, and avoid guilt.

It's really outrageous that the ancestral method was given a tune by a person with an ear for it.

This is also something they cannot allow.

This chapter has been completed!
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