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Chapter 140 Before dawn

 As a liberal arts student, Zhang Fei only remembers the theory of many miscellaneous things, which is probably a few sentences. For example, for gunpowder, he knows the proportion of charcoal and the proportion of sulfur, but you have to ask him,

He had no idea how to get the sulfur needed for gunpowder and how to make charcoal.

But he firmly believes that money can make up for everything.

Besides, movable type printing already exists in our time, but few people use it. If you spend money to get it, you can definitely get it.

After returning home, Zhang Fei immediately called Feng Nancy.

"My benefactor! You are looking for me."

Nancy Feng came to the hall.

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "You pay one hundred guan from the accounting office to the printing shop, and oh, and another 100 guan to the law firm."

The reason why he had to pay 100 yuan to go to the law firm was because he did not receive actual income from these two lawsuits, but according to his cooperation contract with the law firm, he could only receive 70% of the income, and the remaining 30% was

It should be placed in a law firm.

Originally, he considered letting the law firm take a stake in the printing shop, but then he thought that it would require a lot of investment, and Fan Li was not interested in it either.

In order not to quarrel with Fan Li in the future, he decided to do it himself.

Then he still has to make up the money.

Rules cannot be broken.

"My benefactor, then..."

Nancy Feng nodded, as if she wanted to speak but stopped.

Zhang Fei asked: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Feng Nanxi said: "My dear friend, the accounting department has spent a lot of money recently. If this continues, it will be used up soon."

Almost all of Zhang Fei's current wealth comes from the mortgage contract, and only part of it comes from the hundreds of dollars he earned from Cao Dongdong.

But after that, there was no income, but the expenses were increasing day by day, especially with so many people in the family. As an accountant, Feng Nancy, of course, had to remind Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, we will have a steady stream of income soon. If we have enough money at home, we will use it first."

Nancy Feng nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

After talking to Nancy Feng, Zhang Fei went to the backyard and saw that the empty backyard had many more flower pots. A graceful figure was busy in front of the flower pots with a small shovel.

This figure is naturally Gao Wenyin. Zhang Fei is rarely at home these days, and she seems more at ease. She has been busy taking care of the potted plant.

Of course Zhang Fei was happy to see him, it was better than sitting in the room reminiscing about sadness.

"My husband is back."

Gao Wenyin straightened up and suddenly found Zhang Fei standing in the corridor.

Zhang Fei nodded, walked over, and said with a smile: "With these flowers and plants, it really feels different."

Gao Wenyin asked: "Does your husband also like flowers and plants?"

Zhang Fei blinked, "I only know how to pick flowers."

Gao Wenyin pursed her lips and smiled, suddenly remembering something, and said hurriedly: "By the way! Husband, you asked me to make those shorts for you. I have almost done it. Do you want to show it to you?"

"So fast?" Zhang Fei asked in surprise.

Gao Wenyin said: "These shorts are easy to make, but they don't take much time."

Although she calls him "husband", she still has a feeling of repaying his kindness in her heart, so she will do whatever Zhang Fei asks of her as soon as possible.

"Okay! Bring it to me quickly."

"Husband, wait a moment."

Gao Wenyin washed her hands and then went to her house. After a while, she took out a pair of brand new green shorts.

Zhang Fei frowned, "This color..."

Gao Wenyin asked: "Don't you, husband, like this color very much?"

"Uh... I just want to say that it suits me very well." Zhang Fei nodded, but he didn't know that it was just a work uniform, which he never wore normally.

When I took it over and took a look, I suddenly found that there was embroidery on the side of the trousers, which was very beautiful, but the pattern on it...

"Madam, where did your little birdie idea of ​​embroidery come from?"

"I don't know what you like, husband, so I just showed off some birds and flowers. Don't you like it, husband?"

"Well...it's not that I don't like it, it's just..."

"Just what?" Gao Wenyin asked anxiously.

Zhang Fei said: "It's just that it doesn't suit my figure."

Gao Wenyin said in surprise: "My husband hasn't tried it on yet, so how can he know that it's the wrong size?"

Zhang Fei said: "I'm talking about this little bird."

"Little bird?"

Gao Wenyin looked at Zhang Fei with confusion.

Zhang Fei hesitated for a while and then said: "Actually, I love the eagle more than the bird. I think the eagle is more suitable for me."

Gao Wenyin nodded in understanding, "Okay, I'll change it later."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "How about changing the color? Although I like this color, the shorts are better to be plain."

Gao Wenyin nodded and said: "Yes, I have written it down."


Over there, Zhao Xu and Wang Anshi were ready, but Zhao Xu believed that before officially launching the reform, he had to solve one thing that had always been on his mind.

This is the ancestral method.

In the original lawsuit, he did not judge Zhang Fei to win, but he also did not judge Zhang Fei to lose. In the end, it was settled.

But he always remembered that there was no way he would let this opportunity pass him by.

After all, he was too young, and the laws of his ancestors weighed down on him and made him breathless.

He plans to resolve the matter at today's executive meeting.

Unexpectedly, the meeting had just begun and before he could speak, Sima Guang gave him a memorial.

This is the verdict of the Kaifeng Prefecture against Ju Juxian.

"Well... I think this judgment from Kaifeng Mansion is very appropriate and there are no problems."

Zhao Xu suddenly looked at Sima Guang next to him and asked: "This eucalyptus is not a big eucalyptus. Why did you show it to me?"

Sima Guang did not answer this, but handed over another pleading, "Your Majesty, please take a look. This is the pleading that Mr. Youxiang received a few days ago."

Zhao Xu took it again and read it for a while, "It's about the Yan family." After reading it for a while, he said, "This case is exactly the same as the previous lawsuit Su Shi sued Ju Juxian!"

Sima Guang nodded and said: "That's it. How do you think your Majesty should judge it?"

Zhao Xu thought for a moment and said: "The two lawsuits are exactly the same, so naturally the penalties should be the same."

There is no difference at all between the two lawsuits.

Naturally, there cannot be any discrepancies in the judgment.

Sima Guang said: "However, the lightest charge for making a coat, a book, and a coat of words is a sixty-year-old cane, and the sentence given by Magistrate Lu is only compensation, which is not in compliance with the law."

"That's true." Zhao Xu nodded. After thinking for a while, he didn't know how to give instructions. He glanced around and asked, "How do you think we should judge?"

Tang Jie immediately stood up and said: "I thought that the crime of making a coat and writing a coat was inconsistent with the crime itself. It was Na'erbi Zhang San who used his skill to distinguish the two crimes together."

Wang Anshi smiled and said: "I was also present at the time. In my opinion, the reason why Zhang San did this was because there is no law in our dynasty that prohibits plagiarizing other people's poems."

Tang Jie said: "There is something wrong with piracy, but without those booksellers, the world might not have books to read."

Wang Anshi immediately said: "What Mr. Ji said is wrong. The pirated books are not free for the world to read. People still need to spend money to buy them. However, all the profits from the collection of poems belong to the booksellers, and the author of the poems does not get any profit."

, this is extremely unfair to the author."

Many ministers nodded slightly.

If you don't make money, it's just like many people copying it for your own appreciation and learning. That's understandable. But if you make money by using other people's poems, the author doesn't get anything, and you can't even ask for it. This is a bit too much.

Tang Jie said: "Having said that, we can't let the world's literati print their own poetry collections and sell them."

Wang Anshi said: "That's not necessary, but the court can stipulate that if you want to print other people's poems, you must get the author's consent, and both parties must sign a contract. In this way, the author can claim his own benefits according to his own wishes."

Sima Guang looked at Wang Anshi in surprise.

Tang Jie hummed: "Scholars write poems and lyrics for self-cultivation, how can they be profitable? How dare Scholar Wang sell his articles for money?"

Wang Anshi was so shocked that he was stunned for a moment. He was really embarrassed to do this. At that time, he rejected Zhang Fei and said: "It depends on the author's own needs. He can say it or not.


Tang Jie said reluctantly: "But this will encourage scholars to compete for fame and fortune."

Wang Anshi said: "This gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way. What's wrong with striving for fame and fortune based on one's ability? Scholars all over the world want to get Jinshi and become officials in the court. Isn't this a striving for fame and fortune? If you follow the plan

As the Prime Minister said, why not also cancel the scientific examination."

Tang Jie said excitedly: "You are misinterpreting my meaning."

Wang Anshi said: "You have misunderstood my meaning. This has nothing to do with fighting for fame and wealth. I just hope that readers have the right to decide on their own works. Is this wrong?"

Having said this, many ministers nodded in agreement.

Zhao Xu hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "This is just a verbal misunderstanding. Don't let the two of you hurt your harmony."

Tang Jie retreated angrily.

This is actually not a misunderstanding, but a grudge.

Tang Jie also agreed with Zhang Fei's argument. He only had some opinions on this crime, but he was unhappy with Wang Anshi's constant talk of profit. To put it simply, he was unhappy with Wang Anshi.

Zhao Xu did not dare to ask them any more and asked Sima Guang: "In your opinion, how should we deal with it?"

Sima Guang said: "Reporting to your majesty, most of the laws of our dynasty are based on Tang laws and regulations. Why is it that there is no method to prevent theft of seals in the Tang laws, and there are no complainants like Su Shi.

The reason is that the printing technology of the Tang Dynasty was not as good as that of our dynasty, and the number of bookstores was far less than that of our dynasty. Most of the poems and articles by famous writers were copied, so there was no crime of piracy.

Another example is the shop fronting the street. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a lifang system. Although our dynasty also had this law, no one abides by it. As for how to regulate it, there is no clear text. The same is true for the curfew."

Everyone sitting there nodded.

As for the Lifang system, no specific answer has been given so far.

The imperial court has expressly prohibited the intrusion into the street to open shops, but the people do not agree. How can we make money if we don't open shops on the street?

There is no going back now.

Sima Guang continued: "In my humble opinion, these problems can only be solved by introducing examples and breaking the laws."

Wen Yanbo immediately stood up and said: "No, there will be endless troubles if you break the law by citing examples."

Many people also looked at Sima Guang in surprise.

Sima Guang explained patiently: "Although there are hidden dangers in using examples to break the law, these hidden dangers can be avoided. The court can use examples as a supplement to the law, and use examples where the law fails."

Wen Yanbo said: "But our court usually uses amnesty orders to make up for the shortcomings of legal texts."

Sima Guang said: "Small lawsuits like this have to be submitted to His Majesty for review and approval one by one. His Majesty cannot handle them at all. Moreover, in order to avoid the hidden dangers of introducing exceptions and breaking laws, the imperial court can also formulate a strict system of amending regulations every three years.

Once it is repaired, it will be compiled and corrected by Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Court of Sentencing. Major matters will be approved by His Majesty, and minor matters will be promulgated by Zhongshu."

Breaking the law by citing examples? If he can break the law, then I can break it too. Wang Anshi's thoughts moved and he immediately stood up and said: "I think what Academician Sima said makes sense!"

Sima Guang glanced at Wang Anshi, wondering what he was planning, and silently despised him in his heart, "I don't break the law by introducing examples, but you don't seem to know how to break the law."

It is not the conservative idea to govern by citing examples and breaking laws, but if you don't do this, firstly, the general environment will not allow it. Secondly, if he doesn't do this, Wang Anshi will have to change the law. There is a lag in the enactment of laws, and the amnesty order will also be slow.

It's very important that the emperor and Wang Anshi still wear the same pants, so we can only use examples to deal with the new law.

Wang Anshi caught Sima Guang's gaze keenly and said secretly, "You know how to ridicule me all day long, don't you yourself also have a virtuous character?"

Zhao Xu looked at the two of them, smiled secretly, and said: "I have authorized the Kaifeng government to introduce exceptions and break the laws. But if you think it is a common practice, I will trouble you to draw up a more detailed regulation."

Sima Guang said: "I obey your orders."

Zhao Xu glanced at him and said, "In addition, I also have something to announce, which is about the ancestral law."

What was supposed to come came.

Tang Jie, Wen Yanbo, Sima Guang and others all closed their eyes and sighed secretly.

Zhao Xu glanced at it and knew that they were all mentally prepared, so he said: "You must have not forgotten the lawsuit about the ancestral law a few days ago."

Tang Jie hurriedly said: "It's just a lawsuit, how can we...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Xu said: "I don't want to talk about that lawsuit. What I want to talk about today is the laws of our ancestors. The laws of our ancestors are the foundation of a country. How can we have an empty name but no reality?


I read the historical records and found that Taizong’s edict, which was designated as the ancestral law, is the most appropriate.”

Tang Jie advised: "Your Majesty, this sentence alone is too general and may be used by traitors."

What he meant by saying this was that he also glanced at Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi was smiling on the face, but in his heart he was mum.

Zhao Xu asked: "How should I express my opinion?"

Tang Jie hurriedly said: "I think some core policies of Taizu Taizong should also be included in it."

Of course they don't want to set the tone, but there is no way now. The emperor must set the tone. If they continue to object, then when they quarrel with the emperor in the future, the emperor will no longer listen to the laws of his ancestors.

Zhao Xu didn't know what he was thinking, "It's better to do this. Everything is based on the period of Taizu Taizong, how many officials, how many soldiers and horses, how many government offices, and how much salary."

Wen Yanbo immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, running the country is not a child's play. How can you act on your own initiative?"

Wang Anshi immediately came out and said: "But what if this is my suggestion?"

Sima Guang immediately shouted: "Wang Jiefu, what do you want to do?"

Wang Anshi smiled and said: "What I mean is, if I report to Your Majesty now and propose that all policies such as salary, official positions, military affairs, etc. during the period of Taizu and Taizong should be enshrined in the laws of the ancestors, will you agree?"

Sima Guang remained silent.

Tang Jie was about to say more, but Wen Yanbo quietly pulled down his sleeve and signaled him to stop arguing.

Zhao Xu said: "This matter is settled."

This chapter has been completed!
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