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Chapter 150 Only this time


Is this the sentence?

A blockbuster film turns into an advertisement in an instant.


Not to mention those who were watching the trial were stupid, even Qian Yi who came to the line was also stupid.

"Wait a minute!"

When Fu Bi was helped up by his servants, Qian Yi realized what he was doing and subconsciously shouted: "Fu Gong, I am an official, no, a commoner!"

He stammered and didn't know what to say!

This is the result he wants, but it is not the process he wants!

To win, you must win with integrity.

Fu Bi just looked at him blankly, and then, with the help of his servant, he limped outside slowly.

"Stop shouting!"

Liu Shu stopped Qian Yi, who was still trying to keep Fu Bi, and said in a low voice: "Since the other party has already admitted defeat, why are you still fighting?"

Qian Yi said excitedly: "How can this be done? How could the other party suddenly admit defeat? Something unknown must have happened!"

Liu Shu, Qi Hui and others looked at each other.

Liu Shu sighed: "Actually, everyone can see it, but we just have to have a clear conscience. I hope Brother Qian will consider the overall situation and stop entangled."

How could they not see it? They had even guessed that someone must be obstructing him and using some means to threaten or bribe Zhang Fei.

This is not a rare thing, it happened often in the past.

Having said that, if Xu Zun hadn't been protecting Zhang Fei, I'm afraid this method would have been used on Zhang Fei long ago.

In fact, they have already been used. Wang Wenshan secretly sent someone to kill Zhang Fei.

But Qian Yi also had a rather old-fashioned temperament and said: "Since you know what must have happened in the middle, you can't count it. No, I have to report it to the official. I can't just judge it like this."

At this moment, I heard someone laughing and saying: "Ear-bill Zhang Sanguo is well-deserved. In this big matter of right and wrong, he can still stick to the rules and not be swayed by power. He is worthy of admiration!"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe this piece of San is a detailed work sent by others, specifically to deal with Wang Jiefu."

"Haha, I really didn't expect that Wang Jiefu would be defeated at the hands of a person with a sharp ear."

"This is called committing unjust acts and you will be punished by yourself!"

"Ha ha."

Liu Shu and the others looked secretly and saw the royal relatives and some scholar-bureaucrats talking and laughing happily.

He didn't show any shock or disbelief.

Can they not see what is going on?

But judging from their tone, it seems that this kind of thing should have happened long ago and should not wait until today.

What kind of lawsuit is there against a person who has a bad ear?

It’s not shameful to say it!

Pull the ones that are there and those that are not.

It's useless.

Qi Hui sighed: "In this situation, even if Brother Qian goes to court, it won't help!"

Fu Bi pronounced his verdict in public, not to mention Qian Yi, and not even Fu Bi himself could change it.

Qian Yi stamped his foot fiercely and said with great annoyance: "I never thought that Qian Yi would lose his insurance at the end of the festival."

He is the complainant. If this happened, can he avoid the relationship?


Zhang Fei is just a person who has a good ear. After the lawsuit is over, no matter whether he loses or wins, nothing will happen to him. He left the imperial city directly, but as soon as he got on the carriage and sat down, he saw someone rushing up to him.


…It turns out that this old man is so agile!

Zhang Fei glanced at the angry-looking Sima Guang, and then ordered Li Si and Long Wu outside the car, "Send Grand Scholar Sima back home first."

The carriage started to move slowly.

"What happened?" Sima Guang asked.

Zhang Fei, who had not slept all night, could not help but show his fatigue even if he said one sentence in the hall: "Someone kidnapped Fang Yun."

"Fang Yun?"

Sima Guang was stunned for a moment before he remembered, "Dengzhou Ayun?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

Sima Guang clicked his tongue: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Zhang Fei said helplessly: "I only found out yesterday."

Sima Guang said: "You can also inform me and we can postpone the trial again."

Zhang Fei said: "If the verdict is not announced today, Fang Yun will be finished. I have no choice."

Sima Guang clenched his fist and punched his thigh hard, "After all, this kind of thing happened."

After saying that, he glanced at Zhang Fei again, "Wang Jiefu also knew about it in advance?"

Judging from Wang Anshi's attitude just now, it doesn't take much thinking to know that Wang Anshi must have known about it. Otherwise, with Wang Anshi's character, how could he give up so easily.

Zhang Fei nodded.

Sima Guang added: "But with Wang Jiefu's character, it is impossible for a mere Fang Yun to make him give up the reform. He would even risk his own life for this."

Zhang Fei glanced at Sima Guang, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "This lawsuit has just begun."

Sima Guang frowned and said: "Now that Mr. Fu has pronounced his sentence, even if Mr. Fu wants to repent, it is impossible for him to change his mind again. It is impossible for those people to agree."

Having said this, he glanced at Zhang Fei and added: "Even if the officials forcefully request a retrial, that will make this lawsuit lose its fair meaning."

The current rule of law is not rule of law, but rule of man.

Both sides are fighting this lawsuit based on their personal moral bottom lines.

And once one party refuses to admit it or uses its power to change everything, the lawsuit will become meaningless.

No one will believe this anymore.

Zhang Fei said: "Please rest assured, Grand Scholar Sima, the ideas I give will never deviate from the law."

Sima Guang was stunned, "Then what are you going to do?"

Zhang Fei said: "I want them to experience that a person with an ear pen can act like a hooligan, no less than them."

Sima Guang looked at him doubtfully.

Zhang Fei said: "I'm sorry! I can't say anything more until Fang Yun is completely safe. But don't worry, Grand Bachelor Sima, everything will eventually get back on track."

"Back on track?"

Sima Guang sighed, "This is easier said than done! They have already done this before the new law is released. I'm afraid a fight will inevitably happen!"

Zhang Fei said: "Therefore, Grand Master Sima must quickly complete the judicial reform, so as to prevent this situation from getting worse."

Sima Guang sighed, "Is it really that easy?"

Chui Gong Hall.

"What exactly is going on?"

When Zhao Xu heard this result, he was so angry that he stood up and asked angrily.

Fu Bi was very embarrassed and said with a guilty look on his face: "I don't know either. I have failed to live up to His Majesty's high hopes. I am guilty."

...As he said that, he looked at Wang Anshi.

Zhao Xu also looked at Wang Anshi: "Scholar Wang, don't you have anything to say?"

Wang Anshi cupped his hands and said, "I trusted the wrong person, so I am convinced that I lost and have nothing to say."

Zhao Xu said, "No, this trial is unfair. I must find out clearly. This lawsuit cannot be counted."

Zhao Pin immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, although I also think this is unfair, Duke Fu has already judged that the establishment of three regulations departments violated the laws of our ancestors. If your Majesty decides that this judgment cannot be counted, then this will affect your Majesty. With the prestige of the imperial court, it is impossible for the courtiers to agree."

Zhao Xu said: "You all know that there are problems with this lawsuit, but you still want me to agree with this wrong judgment. Is this what you should do as ministers?"

Zhao Pin continued to argue: "Although there may be other reasons for this, there was no fault in the trial process. Mr. Fu also gave them the opportunity and made repeated inquiries before giving the verdict. Just as Wang Xueshi said, it was his fault. It was not the fault of Mr. Fu. Since Mr. Fu made no mistake, his judgment is correct."

Wen Yanbo also said: "I also think that Zhao Xiangyan's words are reasonable. If the rich man does not make any trial errors, the judgment cannot be changed at will. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Zhao Xu frowned and glanced at Wang Anshi again. After a while, he said: "Scholar Wang stays, and the rest leave."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo Reading recently to catch up on books, change sources, and have many reading sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple.]

"I'll take my leave."

After they retreated, Zhao Xu and Wang Anshi smiled at each other in tacit agreement.

Zhao Xu said with a relaxed expression: "It's really a blessing in disguise. It's just as well. In these days, we can see who is sincerely supporting Mr.'s reform and who is hypocritical and has other agendas."

Wang Anshi nodded with a smile and said: "Not only that, Mr. Fu and his friends won't be able to say much at that time. After all, they were the ones who used such despicable tactics without being reasonable."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly and said: "Sir, please observe carefully and draw up the specific list of the prose examiner and the interest assessor as soon as possible. I will announce it together when the time comes."

Wang Anshi said: "I obey your orders."

The spring evening breeze carried a hint of coolness and blew gently, bringing with it a fresh scent of flowers and plants. The moonlight shone faintly in the Zhang family's backyard, making the lonely figure in the courtyard sometimes bright and sometimes dark.

In the corridor, a plump figure slowly walked towards the lonely figure, and gently put a coat on him.


Zhang Fei looked back and saw Gao Wenyin standing behind him, her black hair falling straight to her waist. The silver moonlight seemed to pierce through the long silk dress on her body. It was magnificent, extremely hot and looming, charming.


It's a pity that Zhang Fei is not in the mood to discover this at this time.

Gao Wenyin sat down and asked, "Husband, did something happen?"

After she moved into the Zhang family, she has been like a maid, serving Zhang Fei silently. Other than that, she doesn't ask about anything unless Zhang Fei takes the initiative to talk to her.

But in the past two days, she found that Zhang Fei was distracted and worried. She couldn't help it, so she took the initiative to ask.

...Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment, "One of my closest relatives may be in danger of death."

Although the verdict has been handed down, Fang Yun is not necessarily safe yet.


Gao Wenyin exclaimed in surprise and asked urgently: "Why?"

Halfway through her words, she suddenly glanced at Zhang Fei, bit her red lips lightly, and did not ask any more questions.

Zhang Fei glanced at Gao Wenyin and said: "You are right, you are indeed affected by me, and it was also caused by my negligence."

Gao Wenyin hurriedly said: "Husband, don't worry, I believe that this relative of your husband will definitely be a blessing to you."

Zhang Fei sighed deeply: "Actually, worry is only secondary. I am more afraid, because this is a fear that I have never experienced before and cannot imagine, but I may encounter it often in the future."

Gao Wenyin's eyelids drooped and she sighed quietly: "I have already encountered it and been afraid of it."

Speaking of this, she suddenly looked at Zhang Fei, with gratitude in her eyes: "You helped me get through this difficulty, but I can't help you with anything now."

Zhang Fei smiled slightly, "Actually, at this time, you can sit here and listen to my complaints, which has already given me great support."


Gao Wenyin's eyes widened and she stared blankly at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei nodded, "Just this once, I will never allow this to happen again."

In the courtyard next door, I saw a beautiful figure sitting at the stone table, holding her chin in one hand and sighing quietly.

"It's so late and you're not going to rest!"

I heard an old voice.


Xu Zhiqian stood up.

Xu Zun asked: "Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Can't sleep!"

Xu Zhiqian sighed softly.

Xu Zun comforted him: "Don't worry, Fang Yun will be fine. The verdict has been handed down, so why should they provoke Zhang San? Their use of this method just proves that they are still a little afraid of Zhang San."

"My daughter knows. My daughter is just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Normally, my daughter always teaches Zhang San, hoping that he will go on the right path, but now the other party uses such despicable tricks to deal with him, so my daughter doesn't know whether she is doing the right thing or not."

"My silly daughter!"

Xu Zun chuckled and said: "The two are actually not contradictory at all. What you hope Zhang San will do is to use legitimate means to curb these evil means. Now he himself is suffering from it. I believe

He will understand the importance of the law better and will continue to follow it unswervingly."

Xu Zhiqian nodded and said, "Yes! The strategy he is taking now, although it sounds like a rogue, is actually following the rules and regulations, and does not violate the law at all."

Xu Zun nodded and smiled: "That's exactly it."

Nancy Beiqing reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

This chapter has been completed!
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