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Chapter 187: Rogue and Movie King


When Zuoting suddenly announced the date of the public trial, the ministers in the DPRK were really anxious.

How dare you, a small assistant, take over such a sensitive lawsuit without waiting for a decision from the DPRK and the Central Government?

Do they treat us as dead people?

It's really the other way around.

Many ministers, and even retired scholar-bureaucrats, put pressure on Lu Gongzhu, asking him to order the left office to dismiss the lawsuit. The case could not be tried, and the yamen sued the yamen. What kind of logic is this? It has never happened since ancient times.

Lu Gongzhu was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he asked Zuoting for an extension, but on the other hand, he told them that you also have to give me a good reason.

Zuo Ting originally wanted to light this fire and see everyone's reaction first, so they also followed Lu Gongzhu's suggestion and postponed the trial for half a month.

However, judicial officials such as the Dali Temple, the Criminal Court, and the Ministry of Punishment were dissatisfied with this.

He expressed why the trial should be postponed if there was no sufficient judicial reason.

There is something wrong with Wang Hong's judgment, and anyone with a discerning eye can see it!

The other party immediately repeated its old tricks, saying that the Kaifeng County Government was currently busy collecting taxes and that this lawsuit would delay the country's tax collection.

But this time it's different.

This time they were facing colleagues, not Zhang Fei.

Many judicial officials directly responded. This is a matter of tax collection. It is because someone does not pay taxes that they will go to court to prove that there is something wrong with the tax collection. If the court does not severely punish this kind of behavior, then everyone will

If you don't pay taxes, the consequences will be serious.

Makes sense!

It makes so much sense!

So Zhang Fei’s heart is full of mmp.

Many officials also said that Sima Guang's previous proposal to separate politics and law had been approved by the officials, and facts have proven that this proposal was definitely far-sighted.

Of course, this is what Wang Anshi secretly sent people to do.

Sure enough, when he put a fire inside, the fire couldn't burn anymore.

This leaves many ministers in a dilemma!

Isn't this judicial reform designed to deal with the establishment of the Ordinance Department of the Second Government? Why did it target us?

Kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand?

This forced all ministers to re-examine Sima Guang's judicial reforms.


When leaving office.

Shen Huaixiao, who was almost done with his talk, came out of the yamen, still complaining to his friend Du Xiu.

"Those nerds are really pedantic. This is clearly Zhang San's attempt to take revenge on Wang Hong. It's as simple as that, but they want to involve new laws and reforms, which are getting more and more complicated."

"Maybe they have a clear mind." Du Xiu sighed.

Shen Huai said filially: "Since they know, they shouldn't argue. Isn't this taking advantage of Zhang San?"

Du Xiu said: "Maybe they want to take advantage of the situation."

Shen Huaixiao didn't know what was going on in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, "I really want to tell them that as long as Zhang San is beaten to death first, I will agree to whatever they want. It's like this every time. That little ear pen,

In fact, I can kill him with just one finger, but there are always people who stop me."

When he talked about it later, he almost went crazy.

In fact, Wang Anshi is even more hateful and terrifying, but Wang Anshi is the prime minister, so if he is punished, there is nothing he can do.

But Zhang San is just an ear pen. It can be easily solved, but it just can't be solved.

It was just like a fly, flying around them all day long, chirping non-stop, that was all. The most important thing was that the fly swatter and insecticide were hidden by his family, but he was so angry that he was so angry


Du Xiu was also speechless about this.

As he was talking, he suddenly heard a quarrel coming from the front.

"Wang Jiefu, stop here."

"Are you crazy, old man? Let go quickly, you have torn my clothes."

"If you don't make it clear today, you will never leave."


Clothes torn?

The two looked at each other.

"It seems to be Wang Jiefu and Sima Junshi."

"Let's go! Go and have a look."

With the intention of gossiping, the two of them quickly walked out of the corridor and saw two counselors and political officials in the middle of the open space chatting with each other from a distance.

The two of them gasped in unison, and their eyes suddenly shrank.

Now it is the time when the government office is released, and this is the only way out of the imperial city. Many officials pass by here and stop to watch.

"You are a dignified Hanlin scholar. You are tugging and tugging, how can you behave? Please let go."

Wang Anshi pulled his sleeves and shouted at Sima Guang.

Sima Guang held on tightly and said, "Wang Jiefu, you are a despicable villain. You actually used this despicable trick to try to undermine our judicial reform. You really deserve to die."

"You don't want to die well. When did I destroy your reform?"

"You still don't admit it."

Sima Guang blew his beard and glared: "This is all your conspiracy. You want to use this to make everyone oppose my judicial reform and make my reform fail. Then no one will be able to supervise your reform. It's in vain."

I originally advised everyone to support your new law, but you actually repaid me with kindness."

"Sima Junshi, you are so shameless. You pretended that I didn't know about the despicable tricks you played before, but you still supported my reform. I have never seen such a shameless person like you."

"Then you admit that this is all your conspiracy."

Sima Guang immediately pointed at Wang Anshi and said.

"Bah! What you are saying is simply nonsense. You are maliciously slandering and framed here without any basis. I must go to the official's house to read a copy of you. Let go!"

When Wang Anshi saw more and more officials watching, he waved his sleeves, threw Sima Guang away, and ran away.

Sima Guang still refused to give up and pursued him desperately, "Wang Jiefu, stop here. If we don't make this clear today, we won't be finished."

At least thirty officials stood by and witnessed all this with their own eyes.

Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

It seemed like he couldn't believe his eyes.

They had never seen Sima Guang and Wang Anshi in such a form.

This is exactly the same as those scoundrels in the market!


After Wang Anshi got rid of Sima Guang's entanglement, he did not go home directly, but ran to Zhang's house.

At this time, Zhang Fei was sitting on the corridor, having lunch quietly with Gao Wenyin, listening to the chirping of cicadas and birds in the courtyard, how romantic it was.

However, as soon as Wang Anshi arrived, the atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Fei saw that Wang Anshi had an angry face and was chattering and cursing, so he quickly asked Niu Beiqing, Li Si and others to go back to the house.

He also invited Wang Anshi into the hall.

As soon as he sat down, Wang Anshi started to curse.

"How can it be unreasonable! How can it be unreasonable! Sima Xiao'er is really bullying others."

"Master Wang, what happened?"

Zhang Fei said with a confused look.

Just as Wang Anshi was about to speak, he suddenly saw Gao Wenyin walking in with tea and cakes, and just snorted angrily.

Gao Wenyin was immediately frightened.

Did I do something wrong?

Zhang Fei hurriedly took the tea and cakes and whispered to Gao Wenyin: "Madam, please go back to the house and rest first."


Gao Wenyin saluted Wang Anshi again and then left.

Zhang Fei personally poured a cup of tea for Wang Anshi and said, "Master Wang, please take a sip of tea first."

Wang Anshi also felt that his mouth was dry, so he picked up a cup of tea, drank more than half of it, and put it heavily on the table. It was not his own, anyway. "I thought that old man Sima would use some clever skills to resolve it. It turns out that he only

Know the art of ruthless skin."

Zhang Fei was confused when he heard it, "What kind of trick is it?"

Wang Anshi was frothing at the mouth in excitement: "You don't know, that old man Sima just dragged me in the imperial city, and in front of many officials, insisted that this was my conspiracy and that I wanted to destroy his judicial reform.


Zhang Fei's eyes lit up, "This trick is really good!"

"What's so high!"

Wang Anshi glared at Zhang Fei and scolded Zhang Fei directly, "This is the art of rogue."

Before he finished speaking, someone in the courtyard laughed and said: "To deal with rogues, of course you have to use the art of rogues."

Wang Anshi looked up and saw Sima Guang walking in swaggeringly. This was really a meeting between enemies. He was extremely jealous and immediately stood up, "Well, Sima Junshi, you actually chased me here."

Zhang Fei sighed, it was really lively now.

Sima Guang entered the hall and hummed: "I'm here to catch the traitor."

Catch an adulterer?

Lao Wang next door?

No! There are only two men here.

Zhang Fei almost stopped scolding his mother and said sarcastically: "Grand Bachelor Sima, the word "catch an adulterer" seems a little inappropriate. How about you change it?"

"Did I make a mistake?"

Sima Guang shook his front, sat down, and glanced across their faces, "You two worked together to destroy our judicial reform. You are really shameless."

Zhang Fei cupped his fists and saluted: "I just want to seek justice."

There are only three of them here, why bother to be secretive.

"Don't make sophistry." Sima Guang's expression suddenly changed, and he said with a smile: "I'm not here to call for punishment. Not only that, I also want to thank you for helping me. It turns out that I am still having a headache over the separation of politics and law.

, you may offend a lot of people, if you make such a fuss, then everything will fall into place! Haha...!"

Seeing Sima Guang being so arrogant, Wang Anshi was so angry that his teeth itched with hatred. He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Jun Shi, have you ever thought about it? In fact, I do this because I hope that everything will fall into place."

Sima Guang waved his hand: "You really want to save face!"

"Really?" Wang Anshi explained unhurriedly: "Your judicial reform is nothing more than to supervise my new law. Now Wei Yushan has given you such a headache, and even used this trick. Think about it.

"How many Wei Yushans are there out there? If I give you a hundred a day, I can stuff them into your grave. Do you really have the time to supervise my new method? Haha!"

A trace of fear flashed in Sima Guang's eyes, but he said calmly and calmly: "You are really looking down on others. Is it possible that this little eucalyptus will fall into my hands? I'll just keep an eye on you."

The corner of Wang Anshi's mouth twitched, "You can stare, but you are also a Hanlin bachelor after all, so don't go back and forth and play tricks like this. I can't afford to lose this person."

Sima Guang hummed: "I learned this from you too."

Wang Anshi said: "If you really want to learn from me, then learn my judicial methods."

Are they flirting? Zhang Fei, who was left alone, saw that they were at war with each other again. This was his home, so he said sarcastically: "The two bachelors must have just left the Yamen and haven't eaten yet. If you don't mind the shabby and simple house.



Sima Guang stood up and glared at Wang Anshi, "But I think you are a villain. Say goodbye!"

He just waved his sleeves and left.

Wang Anshi gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Fei: "I was really soft-hearted back then, we should have been more ruthless. I'm really angry."

Zhang Fei broke into a cold sweat and said: "Master Wang, why don't you have a simple meal in the humble house?"

"I won't eat anymore! I'm so angry!"

Wang Anshi stood up and said to Zhang Fei: "He will undoubtedly fight this lawsuit. You will sue Wang Hong and Wei Yushan to death when the time comes. Don't show mercy. I still don't believe they won't be afraid. I'll leave first."


Zhang Fei was really speechless.

Do you two want me to take over the public latrine?

Come when you want and leave when you want!

What a mess.

After seeing Wang Anshi off, Zhang Fei returned to the back hall.

"Husband, what happened?"

Gao Wenyin asked anxiously.

The two most powerful ministers in the DPRK and China suddenly came home angrily. Who wouldn’t be afraid?

Zhang Fei comforted him: "Madam, don't be afraid. They just want to find a quiet place to bicker. It just so happens that our home is relatively quiet."

Wang Anshi came here because he was angry with Sima Guang. He came to complain a few words and told Zhang Fei by the way that this lawsuit will not go away, so you should be prepared.

Sima Guang came here for no other reason than to have a showdown with Wang Anshi and make Wang Anshi angry.

Don’t you just want to mess with me?

But not only did you fail to trouble me, you also helped me.


But I have to say that Sima Guang's move is really amazing.

Many people originally had doubts about his judicial reforms, but when he made such a fuss, everyone seemed to wake up from a dream.

It turned out that this was Wang Anshi's alienation plan, and its purpose was to undermine Sima Guang's judicial reform.

The previous lawsuit has already shown that the Ordinance Department of the second government is established and subject to judicial supervision. They attach great importance to this judicial reform.

This can also explain why Wang Anshi deliberately tried to sabotage Sima Guang's judicial reform.

The lesser of two evils!

After all, Wang Anshi is the number one boss.

For a Wang Hong...


Who is Wang Hong?

This chapter has been completed!
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