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Chapter 22: A Bad Life

 This time it was really not Xu Zhiqian who underestimated Zhang Fei, but Xu Zun who overestimated Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei was tossing and turning when he returned to the house!

The pain of being stumped by a penny arises spontaneously.

This thing is not based on ability, but on relationships.

Needless to say, this is definitely Zhang Fei's biggest weakness.

He has no relatives here. His only relationship is with Xu Zun. He stays here because of this relationship. Otherwise, he will be beaten to death in minutes.

Without Xu Zun's support, he would not have been able to successfully appeal for Fang Yun.

I rolled on the bed for a while, and kept sighing: "It seems that the woman has not forgotten what happened that day. I still have to move out as soon as possible. It's really uncomfortable to live under someone else's roof."

As he talked, he became entangled again, "If I want to move out, I need to have a financial foundation. But if I can't get official documents, then I can't help people with lawsuits, and then there will be no livelihood. The housing prices in Bianjing are too high."

How can we move out if it’s so expensive? Wow, is this the legendary closed loop of death? Wait, you can’t file a lawsuit without official documents?”

Thinking of this, he suddenly sat up, thought for a long time, suddenly raised his hands and rubbed his cheeks anxiously, "Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, otherwise you will lose your life."

At this point, he put down his hands again and said in confusion: "But if you don't have money, what else will you do? Why don't you go and beg your benefactor? No, it would be too embarrassing, and you will be laughed at by the woman."

, I can’t stand this. There is a saying that it is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. Give it a try. I still don’t believe that anyone dares to touch this piece of tile like me. Anyway, in their eyes, I am just dying."

The next day.

Kaifeng Mansion.

"Prefect Lu, all the Erbi people in Kaifeng Prefecture are recorded here."

Huang Gui, the chief clerk of Kaifeng Palace, handed a book to Mr. Lu.


Lu Gongzhu took the book and opened it to read it.

Huang Gui whispered: "The magistrate specially checked the people of Erbi today, but it was because of the lawsuit a few days ago?"

Lu Gongzhu nodded and said: "Since ancient times, all dynasties have banned litigation, but our dynasty has not forbidden it. Firstly, our dynasty does not suppress mergers and there are many lawsuits; secondly, since Taizu, we have attached great importance to civil cases.

; Thirdly, some upright tea-eaters can still help the government share its worries.

But now it seems that the actions of the predecessors are not completely unreasonable! This style of litigation should still be controlled. From now on, anyone in the Kaifeng Mansion who comes to apply for official documents must get my permission."

He also knew that Sima Guang did not lose in terms of law, but in politics. He also strongly disapproved of excessive defense. He felt that it was necessary to take precautions in the bud.

"Yes, I have remembered it."

While he was talking, he suddenly heard the sound of drumming from the other side of the gate.

Lu Gongzhu's expression tightened and he asked: "Who plays the drum?"

As shown in the TV series, there is indeed a drum in front of the Kaifeng Mansion, but this drum cannot be beaten easily, unless there is great grievance, and it often does not sound for several months.

As soon as the drum sounded, everyone in Kaifeng Mansion started to move.

This Lu Gongzhu, like Xu Zun, is also an upright and honest official.

Naturally, this subordinate did not dare to neglect.

"Reporting to the magistrate, just now someone was beating drums outside and surrendered."

"Surrender yourself by beating the drum?"

Lu Gongzhu was immediately stunned. This drum had never been sounded for a surrender, and asked: "What crime did he commit?"

"The crime of deceiving the emperor!"

When this charge was read out, the mouth of the informant was trembling.

This kind of thing has never happened to him before, so he didn't know whether he should accept it or not.


Lu Gongzhu was so frightened that he stood up and said: "The crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Huang Gui felt something was wrong and asked, "Could this be the work of a madman?"

"That man doesn't look like a lunatic." said the informant.

"But it is impossible for ordinary people to commit such a serious crime." Huang Gui questioned.

Could it be an official from the DPRK? Duke Lu quickly asked, "Did you ask for his name?"

Namuke replied: "I asked him, and he said his name is Zhang Fei."

"It's him?"

Lu Gongzhu was shocked again, but he still didn't believe it, so he ordered someone to come quickly and escort him to the court.

"Zhang Fei, a small citizen, has met Magistrate Lu."

When Lu Gongzhu saw that it was indeed Zhang Fei, he became cautious. This kid was very scheming and asked: "I heard that you came to surrender?"


"What crime have you committed?"

"The crime of bullying the emperor is committed by a small citizen." Zhang Fei said expressionlessly.

Is this kid crazy? Mr. Lu was so stupid that everyone was stupid. This was unreasonable. He asked patiently: "How did you commit the crime of deceiving the emperor?"

It has to be said that ordinary people really cannot commit this crime.

Zhang Fei said: "Actually, Xiaomin has always been an undocumented Erbi person."

Lu Gongzhu didn't react for a moment and said: "What is an undocumented Erbi person?"

Zhang Fei said: "It's just that ordinary people don't have official documents from the government."

Mr. Lu became even more confused after hearing this, and asked again: "What does this have to do with the crime of deceiving the emperor?"

Zhang Fei said: "According to government regulations, without official documents from the government, people of Erbi cannot go to court to defend others. But a few days ago, Xiaomin had a lawsuit in the Court of Justice as a citizen of Erbi, and I went to court to defend someone, and I heard that this lawsuit was authorized by the current emperor, but according to the court's legal system, the common people are not qualified to fight this lawsuit, so the common people have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor."

It's really reasonable.

The purpose of this regulation is only to restrain the people of Erbi and avoid litigation. The official document is like a lawyer's license. Without a license, there is no defense privilege in court.

But this rule varies from place to place. Bianjing is relatively strict. You must have official documents before you can go to court. This is Kyoto. If there is no strict control, the drums in Kaifeng Prefecture are not allowed to be changed every month.

However, in the local area, as long as the gentlemen deem it necessary, those who do not have official documents can also go to court to defend themselves. This is because the pen servants were the earliest litigants to appear. This rule did not exist at that time, so there was a problem. In the fuzzy area, Mr. Guan likes fuzzy areas the most. Only in fuzzy areas can the two mouths of the official be useful.

In addition, Zhang Fei was one of the witnesses in this case, and this was a special case. Xu Zun, a law-abiding person like him, did not think this violated the regulations.

But having said that, there is indeed such a clear provision.

Moreover, this second lawsuit was not in Dengzhou, but in Bianjing.

Not to mention that the crime of deceiving the emperor is a kind of pocket crime, and everything can be put in it. The key to this lawsuit is that Song Shenzong directly ordered it. It must be said that it is the crime of deceiving the emperor, and that is not impossible.

Lu Gongzhu didn't know how to refute for a moment, so he asked: "Do you know the consequences of this crime?"

Zhang Fei said: "I don't know the specifics, but the least severe punishment should be beheading."

Mr. Lu was almost amused by this kid and said: "If you know, then why did you surrender yourself? As far as I know, no one is investigating this matter."

Zhang Fei closed his eyes and sighed, saying: "Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. The common people appealed to Fang Yun in order to repay his life-saving grace. However, the common people's loyalty to His Majesty can also be learned from the sun and the moon. Therefore, the common people have appealed to Fang Yun. Come here and surrender to get the best of both worlds."

After hearing this, Mr. Lu didn't know whether to praise him for his loyalty or scold him for being stupid. Although he didn't agree with what Zhang Fei said in the trial court that day, he felt it was unnecessary and he didn't think it was necessary. He thought that Zhang Fei had really committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, but now that the matter had come to this, he could not pretend that it had not happened. This crime was very sensitive, and it was a pocket crime. If he ignored it, he might even be charged with this crime, so he said: "You If you had not surrendered, no one would have investigated the matter. Now that you have surrendered yourself, the crime is so serious that I dare not hide it."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Fei bowed and said, "I hope the prefect will make it happen."

Lu Gongzhu sighed, waved his hand and said: "Take him down."

There is no need to investigate this, because he is also involved in the case and he knows it all too well. In fact, no one really cares about this.

This has already been brought to the trial court. No one from Erbi has ever done this. Who cares whether Zhang Fei has official documents or not.

But Zhang Fei must say this, it is indeed the crime of deceiving the emperor!

Who dares to conceal this crucial crime?

But having said that, since it is a crime of deceiving the emperor, it must be reported to the emperor, because the emperor is the victim and the party involved!

Lu Gongzhu reported it immediately.

You must know that although the Ayun case is an ordinary criminal case, it is of great political significance, and Zhang Fei is a key figure in it. Lu Gongzhu does not dare to be careless.

This chapter has been completed!
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