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Chapter 220 Ruthless enough, treacherous enough, many brothers

 Why Zhang Fei insists on governing the country first and governing the officials is because the top-level design of the Northern Song Dynasty can be said to be very good. It already has the ability to manage a commercial society, but it is a little bloated.

Let’s just say that all the first-day civil servants in the group have very strong management skills, and there is no one who is just trying to gain fame.

There is no problem in recruiting talents.

Even the most criticized concept of using culture to control military force is actually not a problem. War is the continuation of politics.

Even if it is a thousand years later, in any mature political structure where civilian officials make the decision, it is impossible to let the generals decide whether to fight or not. If the generals decide whether to fight or not, the war will not stop at all.

How can a general be promoted without fighting?

This shouldn't be the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Civil servants like to directly command wars by remote control.

This is outrageous.

Whether to fight or not is decided by civilian officials, but the decision of how to fight should be left to the military commander.

The main problem of the Song Dynasty was actually the concentration of people at the bottom.

At the bottom, there is a mixed bag of good and bad, a mixed bag of good and bad, and it’s still the same as before, with the township chief being upright.

Compared with the top level, they are completely different concepts.

The top level is fully capable of dealing with the transition from agriculture to commerce. Fu Bi, Wang Anshi, and Sima Guang all have macroeconomic concepts and know how to regulate them, but their concepts are different.

But the bottom layer is powerless to do this.

Let's talk about tax collection.

The Tang Dynasty had a land equalization system. To collect taxes, you only had to knock on the door at every household, ask for it, beg it, and rob it. It was simple and crude.

But this was completely impossible to do in the Song Dynasty. Land deeds and deed taxes had to be the main ones, because land in the Song Dynasty could be bought and sold at will. Those who collected taxes had to be literate, able to do arithmetic, and update the cadastre at least twice a year.

Not to mention the commercial tax, which is 10,000 times more complicated than the agricultural tax.

But the current situation is completely unbearable, resulting in some people paying more taxes and some landlords paying less taxes.

The bottom layer must be professional.

The result of specialization is that expenditure costs double.

In fact, the Song Dynasty also wanted to specialize. For example, auditing and forensic medicine were already professionalized, but there were still too few. For no other reason than lack of money.

Therefore, the first step towards professionalization must be taxation professionalization.

You have to collect the money first before you can be qualified to carry out all-round professionalization.

Moreover, as far as this tax lawsuit is concerned, it is difficult to last long without professional support. It is impossible for every tax lawsuit to have an emperor or prime minister helping behind the scenes.

Shenzong understood!

So he decided to give it a try without much thought.

In terms of making money for the country.

Wang Anshi was the most ruthless person Shenzong had ever seen, but the most ruthless Wang Anshi never thought of collecting deed taxes from the grass bandits.

It can only be said that there is a mountain as high as a mountain, and the strongest among the strongest.

It’s so cruel!

he likes!

You can rebel, but you can't help but pay taxes!

This is the real way to make money for the country!

After sending Shenzong away, Zhang Fei had a simple meal at Xu's house, during which he chatted with Xu Zun about the matter.

Of course, he whispered to Zhao Xu and did not reveal Xu Zun. The conversation was about the prosecution.

Xu Zun couldn't give him much advice on this.

Because from a legal point of view, it is completely allowed. Anyone can report tax evasion on others, and the court encourages it.

But it is logically contradictory.

Wang Anshigui is involved in political affairs, so he has the power to inspect taxes. If there is evidence, he can directly send people to entrust him to prosecute. Isn't this unnecessary?

But this contradiction does not exist for Zhang Fei. He has to do things after receiving money.

The next thing he has to do is to write the petition and send it to Kaifeng Mansion.

Whether it can be done or not is none of his business.

"Sanlang, you are back."

Gao Wenyin was as virtuous as ever, standing in the front yard to greet Zhang Fei with a smile.

Zhang Fei just nodded slightly and suddenly looked at Xiao Tao aside.

There was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, which made Xiao Tao's heart tremble.

"Xiao Tao!"


"From now on, you are not allowed to bask in the sun or eat candied fruits in the courtyard." Zhang Fei said with a serious face.

"I understand, thank you third brother for your concern."


"Isn't Third Brother afraid that I'll be exposed to the sun?"

Xiao Tao was moved and said: "It's been so hot lately, so I usually eat on the corridor."


This girl is not teachable. Forget it! Zhang Fei looked at Gao Wenyin again, "And you, madam."


Gao Wenyin looked at Zhang Fei in astonishment.

Zhang Fei said: "You can't just help me drive away mosquitoes when I'm working. You also have to help me drive away mosquitoes when I sleep."

Gao Wenyin hurriedly said: "I will check on Sanlang before he goes to bed. Are there any mosquitoes when Sanlang sleeps recently?"


Zhang Fei blinked: "No wonder I have never been bitten by mosquitoes while sleeping. Thank you so much, madam."

Gao Wenyin nodded slightly and said, "No thanks, this is what I should do."

Wait, what am I here for? This is me! Zhang Fei slapped his forehead and lamented: "My execution ability is really shitty."


Gao Wenyin and Xiao Tao looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

Zhang Fei immediately gave up on disciplining them, and said to Feng Nancy and Niu Beiqing: "Lao Qi, Daniu, come with me. I have something to ask you."

Calling the two of them into the hall, Zhang Fei asked: "Lao Qi, I remember you mentioned before that you know many people in the world, or in other words, heroes in the forest?"

Niu Beiqing immediately patted his chest and said, "We have quite a few brothers, and we all know each other from every state and county."

"Stop bragging."

Feng Nanxi glared at this guy, and then said to Zhang Fei: "Actually, we also met with Da Lang and Er Lang. Their brothers know many good guys outside."

Niu Beiqing said: "I know most of the things that Dalang and Erlang know, but I'm just not familiar with them."

Zhang Fei asked: "What kind of work do these people in the world of martial arts you know usually do?"

Feng Nanxi said: "Da Lang Er Lang makes friends without asking about his origin, so he has everyone, such as charlatans, businessmen, as well as officials, dentists, and even monks and Taoist priests."


Zhang Fei was thoughtful.

The next day.

Of course Zhang Fei did not go to the office. His first priority was to write the form together with Xu Zhiqian.

And this petition also set a historical record.

They wanted to accuse 108 people, and they also had to write the evidence into the pleadings.

This is not a mental job, but a hard job.

For this reason, Zhang Fei asked Nancy Feng to come over and help.

"Third brother!"

Li Si suddenly came to the door, "Someone is looking for you outside."

Zhang Fei asked: "Who is it?"

Li Sidao: "That man just said that he was entrusted by someone to deliver a message to you, Third Brother."

Could it be! Zhang Fei blinked and thought to himself, it seems that the officials are serious. They sent people over just this morning. Can I do it? Forget it, our execution ability is not enough, let’s use intelligence to make up for it.


Xu Zhiqian suddenly asked: "Is it related to this lawsuit?"

Zhang Fei replied: "It was your senior brother who sent me something."

Xu Zhiqian was startled and said quickly: "Then go quickly!"

Just as he arrived at the front yard, Zhang Fei suddenly said to Li Si: "Go and invite that person to the backyard."


After a while, I saw Li Si coming to the backyard with a man in his thirties who was seven feet tall.

"Li Bao has met Zhang Sanlang."

When this man saw Zhang Fei, he cupped his fists and saluted.

"Zhang Fei." Zhang Fei clasped his fists in return, then extended his hand and said, "Brother Li, please sit down."

"Thank you!"

After sitting down, Zhang Fei asked: "I wonder which government office Brother Li belongs to?"

Li Bao said: "I am subordinate to the Imperial City Division."

That is to say, the highest secret service department of the Northern Song Dynasty. Those who went to Dengzhou to rescue Fang Yun were also people from the Imperial City Division.

Zhang Fei nodded and asked, "I wonder how many people in the court know Brother Li's identity?"

Li Bao said: "Only the officials know about our team."

It seems that the officials still understand the routine very well. Zhang Fei asked: "How many people do you have?"

Li Bao replied: "Six people."

"six people?"

Zhang Fei nodded and asked: "But now I want to investigate the land tax situation of 108 people in a short period of time. How can you six do it?"

Li Bao said: "I am only responsible for contacting Sanlang. The officials will provide us with help when the time comes. Please rest assured Zhang Sanlang."

Zhang Fei asked again: "If the officials don't provide help, can you do it?"

Li Bao was slightly stunned and said: "It can't be done in a short time."

Zhang Fei couldn't help but look disappointed.

This made Li Bao very humiliated. Six people checked the taxes of 108 people. You think we are gods! He asked curiously: "Does Sanlang think we can do it?"

Zhang Fei didn't answer but asked: "What do you think is the most important thing in our line of work?"

Li Bao pondered for a while, "Hidden."


Zhang Fei said: "There are three magic weapons in our line of work: ruthlessness, treachery, and having many brothers."

Li Bao was confused when he heard this, "Please forgive me for being stupid, but I don't know how Sanlang said this?"

Zhang Fei said: "You have to remember one thing, the water flows to lower places, and the tax flows to higher places. Therefore, the tax source is actually in lower places, not in higher places. The investigation must start from the root. There are many people."

It's useless, you have to know enough people.

Therefore, making friends with a high-ranking official in the imperial court is far less helpful than making friends with a bailiff, a tax official, and a tax collector. If you know enough people, you can check out these 108 people by yourself.


Li Bao nodded, "I understand."

Zhang Fei said: "I will tell the officials when the time comes to increase your funds and meet new friends. The test is not skill, let alone concealment, but money. In addition, I will also introduce someone to join you, and he will be able to teach you.

How to make friends with those traffickers, pawns or heroes."

Li Bao said: "We can't decide on this matter. We must get permission from the officials."

Not everyone can join their team.

"I will tell the officials about this."

Zhang Fei nodded and handed the information he wrote yesterday to Li Bao, "Here are the things you want to find out and how to find out. Remember, do whatever it takes. If you can't complete it, then we are destined to do it."


Li Bao took the information, cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, Zhang Sanlang, we will definitely complete the task."

In fact, they still have plenty of time to improve the evidence.

Because it took three days to just write the form, and another half a day to sort it out.

That afternoon, Zhang Fei took a carriage and arrived at Kaifeng Mansion.

This feeling of intimacy came over me.

When the four government officials at the door saw Zhang Fei, two protected the drum and two blocked the door.

Really full of experience.

Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Cha, please don't be nervous. I am no longer the reckless young man I used to be. I hope Brother Cha will help me tell him that Zhang San needs to see Magistrate Lu for something."

After a stick of incense.

Inner hall.

"Why are you here again?"

When Li Kai saw Zhang Fei, he already had pregnancy symptoms, nausea and vomiting.

Mr. Lu next to him looks calm and calm on the surface, but he is extremely depressed inside. I will be transferred soon, can't you come back a few months later?

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Don't blame Tongpan. In fact, I don't want to disturb Magistrate Lu and Li Tongpan, but I have no choice. This is what I do."

Li Kaidao: "You can go to other places to file the complaint. Haven't you been to the left hall, the right hall, and the Secretary to Lusi?"

Zhang Fei said aggrievedly: "The left and right departments may not be able to handle this case."

Mr. Lu's heart skipped a beat.

Li Kai directly expressed his depression, "What case?"

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "Li Tongpan, don't worry, the people involved this time are not big, but there are a lot of people. Only the Kaifeng Mansion has the ability to hear this case."

There are so many people that only the provincial government can interrogate? I have never encountered such a thing. Generally speaking, it is said that the level is very high, so you have to come to the provincial government. There has never been a case where people came to the provincial government because there were too many people.

Mr. Lu couldn't help but ask: "How many people are there?"

Zhang Fei said: "One hundred and eight people."

This chapter has been completed!
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