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Chapter 228 Maybe this is life

 Li's Bookstore.

"Li Xingshou, why didn't they ask the officials from the DPRK and the Central Government for help this time? Maybe there's a mystery behind it, so those officials didn't want to take action."

Fei Ming, one of the seven tea-eaters, said to Li Guozhong with a slightly uneasy look.

The other tea eaters also looked at Li Guozhong.

In the past, no one looked down on their seven major bookstores. It was all the officials who were fighting with Zhang Fei. This time, they were suddenly hired, which made them a little panicked.

If the fox didn't catch it, it would cause a mess all over.

Li Guozhong smiled and said: "Don't think blindly, there is no mystery here. The reason why they hired us this time is because Fan Sijian did not defend Wei Yushan last time, so they did not trust Fan Sijian very much.


"That's true."

Tang Zi nodded and said, "I have also gone to see that lawsuit. Fan Sijian obviously has his own plans. This really cannot be compared with us. After we get the money, we will definitely do our best."

Li Guozhong nodded: "That's it."

The other tea eaters also reacted.

Fan Chunren is an admonishment officer, and this lawsuit is very complicated. If you ask Fan Chunren to fight the lawsuit, you must not tell him all the weird things. Then there is no need for a lawsuit. Fan Chunren will directly participate in them.

Fan Chunren does not have professional ethics, he is a professional official.

Of course, Fan Chunren lost several times in a row, and those people had little confidence in him. They had to find an ear pen to do this kind of thing.

Fei Ming immediately turned his worries into joy, "Then this is a good opportunity for us. Nowadays, ear pens are almost exclusively used by Zhang San. When it comes to ear pens, they only recognize Zhang San. If we can win, then

We can suppress the Bianjing Law Firm."

Li Guozhong nodded: "Yes, I think so too, so we must go all out this time."

Tang Zi added: "But the key to this case is evidence. If the other party has ironclad evidence in hand, it will be difficult for us to do anything!"

Li Guozhong said: "As for the evidence, I will talk to you in detail later. This lawsuit will definitely be fought."

Maxing Street is also one of the busy streets in Bianliang, Tokyo. Especially at night, it is no less lively than Bianhe Street.

Another heavy rain had just passed, and all the shops had hung up lanterns, and people came out of their homes to visit the night market.

This was an exclusive benefit for the people of the Song Dynasty, and could not be experienced in other dynasties.

"What happened up front? Why is it so noisy?"

"It seems to be the Hong Family Shop."

"The Hong family? Don't they run a gambling house? All the gambling money comes to the door."

"Let's go! Let's go over and take a look."

I saw that there was a crowd of people in an alley. When I got closer, I saw a small shop inside. The door of the small shop was crowded with people. There were traders and footmen in short brown clothes, and some in Chinese.

Serve in the Young Master's office.

Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for the two to be squeezed into the same room.

Since ancient times, only gambling can break down all classes.

"What? Seven tea cannibals, one will pay two, and Zhang San will pay one for one?"

I saw a handsome young man standing in front of the shop, glanced at the wooden board above, and said to the young man behind the table.

The young man saw that the young master looked unkind, so he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Master Han, please forgive me, because that Zhang San has never lost before, so the compensation will naturally be less."

That young master is really the grandson of Han Qi, Han Pan.


Han Pan said: "I'm afraid you won't be able to afford the compensation if you lose!"

The young man looked at Han Pan with a guilty conscience and said, "I wonder how much Mr. Han plans to deposit?"

Han Pan raised his fingers and said: "Five hundred strings."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar among the crowd.

As expected of Han Pan, his actions are different.

The young man glanced at Han Pan, his brows furrowed, and after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Young man, open the door to do business. There is nothing you dare not accept. In the worst case, I will sell my ancestral shop."

At this moment, a more arrogant voice was heard, "How dare you scare people with five hundred guan?"

Another person was heard saying: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Qi, my brother and I support you."

I saw two young men sneaking in.

It was Cao Dongdong and Ma Xiaoyi.

Cao Dongdong put a hand on the young man's shoulder, "Xiaoqi, if Zhang Sanyi pays one if it's a little too much, he'll pay half. For the seven tea cannibals, he'll pay five."


The young man looked at Cao Dongdong in surprise, "Ya Nei, this can't be done!"

Cao Dongdong said: "What are you afraid of? I am here and will not let you sell the shop. If you lose, I will get it. If you win, I will take 80%. You can take 20%. How about it?"

After hearing this, the young man nodded happily. If he didn't agree to this business, which was a guaranteed profit, he might as well go pick up the dung.

Han Pan looked at Cao Dongdong angrily, "Yameni, are you really paying five for one?"

Cao Dongdong shook his head, "Taozi, changed it!"


Taozi immediately took off the board and wrote on the other side, "One pays two-one, one pays five."

Ma Xiaoyi provoked: "Mr. Han, do you dare to detain me?"

Han Pan raised his lips and said, "Okay, since the Yamen is in charge, five hundred guan is indeed a little short, so I'll pledge 1,000 guan to the seven tea cannibals. Set up a written receipt first, and I will order someone to send the money later."

Cao Dongdong waved his hand: "The written receipt is waived. With this small amount of money, you won't default on the bill."

Pay five to one?

If we don't fight this, how long will it take?

The people behind immediately rushed forward.

"I'll bet the money on the seven tea cannibals."

"I'll deposit five coins."

"Five coins will not be collected."

Cao Dongdong's face darkened.


"Get it, get it."

The young man said to Cao Dongdong and Ma Xiaoyi again, "Yamen, brother Xiaoyi, let's leave this rough work to my younger brother. You two go in, have a cup of tea and sit down for a while."

Thanks to these gambling houses, this lawsuit has become a national concern.

In fact, some people used this matter to set up a banker before. These gamblers are not stupid. Zhang Fei can attract hatred so much. Opening a banker will definitely attract people. However, because the other parties in the previous times were Fan Chunren and Qian Yi, they

I didn't dare to take over the position openly, I just did it secretly.

But this time it's different, this time it's all ear-pens and tea-cannibalism.

Then there is nothing to worry about.

With a sense of participation, the attention will naturally increase.

Zhang Fei didn't know much about this. He had been staying at home these days, sorting out evidence with Xu Zhiqian, Gao Wenyin, and Feng Nancy.

It's really a bit too much.

"It's really shocking!"

Xu Zhiqian put down another book of accounts, "As far as the accounts we have checked so far, the amount of tax evasion has exceeded 10,000 yuan. If everyone pays taxes, the court will not be short of money, and it will not force the people to

Pay more taxes.”

Zhang Fei glanced at her: "You are overthinking this. There is a way to live with less money, and there is a way to live with more money. Only lack of money is eternal. And those officials at the bottom, they can

They are all hungry, and the people still have to pay what they should pay, and there will not be much improvement."

Xu Zhiqian said frustratedly: "Listening to what you said, what's the point of us filing this lawsuit?"

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "The meaning is to let this hungry wolf turn its attention to those fat and big pigs first, and stop staring at those skinny monkeys. What's the point of chewing bones? Isn't it delicious to feast on them?"


Xu Zhiqian hummed softly: "What pigs? Those people are the real wolves. The imperial court can only be regarded as a ferocious tiger, but a ferocious tiger cannot stand up to a pack of wolves, so they all choose to eat sheep."

After speaking, she pursed her lips in embarrassment.

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded: "Your metaphor is indeed more appropriate, that's what it is."

Xu Zhiqian said depressedly: "But there seems to be no way to solve it, not even the law can stop it."

Zhang Fei said: "That can't be said."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei didn't answer but asked: "What if the sheep finish eating?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Then they can only fight each other."

Zhang Fei said: "So the meaning of the law is to let them eat slowly, eat regularly, give birth to children for the sheep, and when eating grass, don't eat it all at once, then everyone will be finished."

Xu Zhiqian rolled her eyes: "As you can tell, I don't even want to be a lawyer anymore."

Zhang Fei shrugged: "But this is life!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. I'm really getting angrier the more I talk about it."

Xu Zhiqian shook her head and asked Zhang Fei: "How do you think Li Guozhong and the others will fight this lawsuit? I fought against that Li Lei last time, and they are not easy to deal with."

Zhang Fei thought for a while and said: "I can't say for sure. It depends on how those people above operate. The only thing I can be sure of is that they will definitely guard the tenants and try their best to shift all the responsibilities to the tenants."

, and then use tenant farmers to win the sympathy of the government to avoid taxes."

Xu Zhiqian nodded and said, "This is also the most difficult part of this lawsuit."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "This is indeed difficult, but it is only superficial. As long as we approach it from different angles, we can turn these unfavorable factors into our advantage.

We can even use this lawsuit to make the court pay attention to the survival of tenant farmers, so as to legislate to give tenant farmers some support. Today's laws are completely biased in favor of landlords. If tenant farmers go to court with landlords, it is almost impossible to win.

Unless the landlord kills the tenant farmers."

Xu Zhiqian's eyes lit up, "Can we do this?"

Zhang Fei said: "It depends on the opponent's performance. The better they perform, the more likely they are."

Kaifeng Mansion.

"Why did you come back empty-handed? Where is the account book of the Third Division?"

Lu Gongzhu looked at Li Kai who came in empty-handed, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Li Kai glanced at Mr. Lu anxiously and lowered his head slightly: "There was an accident over at Gouyuan."

After hearing this, Mr. Lu frowned, "What accident?"

Li Kaidao: "Isn't it raining heavily these days?"

Mr. Lu looked confused when he heard this, "Don't tell me that the floods in the imperial city bypassed all the ministries and just washed away the Gouyuan."

"The prefect is joking." Li Kai said nonchalantly: "This flood is going to hit our Kaifeng Mansion first. We are relatively close to the river."

Lu Gong wrote: "What does that have to do with this matter?"

Li Kai sighed: "The roof of Gouyuan has been in disrepair for a long time. It is said that there have been many cats running on the roof recently, causing the room where the accounts are stored in Gouyuan to be penetrated by rainwater. Many accounts have been soaked. Now there are still

It is being sorted and will take a few days to be delivered."

Mr. Lu was very happy to hear this, "This cat can trample the roof. It's really strange! Did they see it wrong? It's actually a pig running on it."

Li Kai sighed helplessly: "That's what Gouyuan said, but I can't do anything about it."

Lu Gong said: "Didn't you go in and take a look?"

Li Kaidao: "Looking at it, it is indeed very serious. The house is full of water. It is said that after the Third Division learned that Wang Jiefu came to Kaifeng Mansion to complain, they asked the Third Yamen to send someone to strictly guard these accounts to avoid any omissions.

No one has gone in in the past few days, and nothing has been found."

The three yamen and the three divisions are all here! Mr. Lu closed his eyes and sighed, then asked: "Are the accounts related to this still there?"

Li Kaidao: "They should all be there. I just found one or two books. There are many pages. The characters are blurry, but I can still read them clearly."

"The class will be open in a few days."

Lu Gongzhu sighed and said: "You go to Gouyuan again and let them sort it out slowly. Don't worry. Just bring it to you on the day when the church opens. I'm too lazy to look at it."

This chapter has been completed!
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