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Chapter 231: All Parties

 Xu Zhiqian was too lazy to mess around with Zhang Fei. After sitting down, she and Qiu Zhengwen got ready together.

In fact, Zhang Fei didn't want to ask Ma Xiaoyi to help at all. He arranged for Qiu Zhengwen to come over to assist them early in the morning. His main tasks were to do some hard work of cleaning tables, carrying papers, and running errands.

"Zhang San, look at the many people on the other side!"

Xu Zhiqian suddenly turned sideways and whispered to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei looked up and saw seven or eight people sitting under the shed opposite. Sitting at the front was Li Lei, the ear pen of Li's Bookstore, and he was surrounded by Li Guozhong and Fei Ming.

A famous tea eater.

It can be seen that the professional divisions in this industry are still relatively strict. Li Guozhong and others did not stand up to fight Zhang Fei themselves, but chose to make suggestions and prepare materials on the side, giving the limelight to Li Lei, the youngest among them.

This is because tea-eaters are only good at writing pleadings, finding out the other party's loopholes, and making suggestions, but they are not good at arguing.

This is not to say that they do not have this talent, but because it was difficult to litigate in court before, and it was almost a matter of filing a lawsuit, and everyone wanted to be a cannibal, but now the situation has changed.

The profession of ear pen has gradually overtaken tea cannibals and become a key figure in the dispute.

"Maybe the five hundred dollars spent is not unjust."

Zhang Fei was very pleased to see this scene, and seemed to have seen the prospect of professional litigation.

An important indicator of professionalism is teamwork and clear division of labor.

In comparison, his side seemed unprofessional. He and Xu Zhiqian were all responsible for it, unlike the other side, where each defendant had a dedicated person who was responsible for making suggestions for the ear pen.

Xu Zhiqian seemed to be aware of this problem, so she whispered: "Zhang San, why don't we call more people here so that they can learn from it."

Zhang Fei nodded: "It's as I thought. After this is over, I'll go find Mr. Fan and let him know."

As he said that, he tilted his head slightly and asked Qiu Zhengwen behind him: "Zhengwen, how do you think they will fight this lawsuit?"

Qiu Zhengwen thought seriously for a while, and then replied very uneasily: "I thought they would use tenant farmers to excuse themselves."

Zhang Fei nodded and asked: "Then how should we deal with it?"

Qiu Zhengwen held it in for a long time and replied: "I don't know."

Zhang Fei seemed not to be surprised and asked again: "Do you know who we are helping with the lawsuit?"

Qiu Zhengwen said: "Scholar Wang."

Zhang Fei turned around and stared at Qiu Zhengwen.

Qiu Zhengwen blinked and said, "Establish the Ordinance Department of the Second Government."

"It's the imperial court."

Zhang Fei said depressedly: "What we are pursuing is tax revenue. Only the imperial court has the power to collect taxes. Have you memorized those tax laws and regulations clearly?"

Qiu Zhengwen's face was filled with an embarrassed smile.

Zhang Fei further explained: "For the imperial court, they are all citizens and have the obligation to pay taxes. Therefore, from our perspective, they are a whole, and this is the key to our victory."

Qiu Zhengwen nodded as if he understood: "Yes, I remember it."

While they were preparing, officials also came to the corridor one after another. This lawsuit attracted especially many officials.

...But unlike in the past, these officials were relatively quiet after sitting down, without much discussion. Most of the officials sat quietly on their chairs, and it was obvious that they were very nervous.

Maybe they are not bystanders or participants, but parties involved.

This lawsuit involves the interests of everyone, whether they are ordinary people or officials.

After a while, Han Qi, Fu Bi, and Wen Yanbo came to the corridor quietly.

"So many people!"

Han Qi saw that the corridor was already so crowded that even the dirt floor in front of the corridor was full of people.

Wen Yanbo smiled and said: "They are not here to observe the trial this time."

Han Qi chuckled: "Neither are we!"

As he said this, he extended his hand to Fu Bi and said, "Please, Mr. Fu."


After the three of them sat down.

Han Qi asked Fu Bi in a low voice: "Does Mr. Fu think this lawsuit can really solve the problem?"

"I don't think so."

Fu Bi shook his head, "So I'm very curious about how Zhang San will fight this lawsuit and what purpose he wants to achieve."

"Really?" Han Qi sighed: "I haven't figured it out either."

In fact, neither of them was in favor of fighting this lawsuit. Even if we put aside the class of scholar-bureaucrats, just speaking of the emperor's rule, this lawsuit was too risky and the benefits were too small.

Because this lawsuit is unlikely to solve the problem of tax evasion, it may complicate the matter and even lead to confrontation between North Korea and China.

In comparison, Wang Anshi's reform is much more reliable than this. They don't agree with Wang Anshi's reform, they just don't agree with Wang Anshi's ideas, but reform is the only way to solve the problem.

It is impossible for the judiciary to solve social problems, only legislation can.

After a while, Lu Gongzhu, Li Kai, Huang Gui, Cen Yuanli, Yu Zaishen and other six judges came to the hall together.

This is definitely an all-star lineup for Kaifeng Mansion.

There is no other way. There are too many people on the other side suing, and the Kaifeng government has to go all out.

Zhang Fei, Li Guozhong and others also got up and came out of the wooden shed and came to the middle of the hall, ready to salute.

The Kaifeng Mansion's court promotion ceremony is indispensable. After all, Kaifeng Mansion is a professional court, which is different from the Government Hall and the Sentencing Court.

After being raised to the court, Lu Gongzhu said loudly: "Since there are a large number of people involved this time and the accounts are relatively complicated, I believe that it is impossible to complete the review within one day. Therefore, I have decided that unless there are special circumstances, we will review the accounts every day."

The next day, the trial will last for two hours in the morning, from Chen time to noon time, until the trial is over. Do you have any opinions?"

Originally, the trial did not offer so many explanations, but as the litigation became more complicated, the Kaifeng government was forced to issue various regulations.

It is difficult to complete this review in one day. If the time and the end point are not set in advance, it may cause controversy. It must be explained in advance, so that it is fair.

Both parties expressed no opinion on this.

On such a hot day, it was just right to finish at 11am.

Don't bother the old men watching.

After agreeing on the matter, Lu Gongzhu asked them to go back and prepare to start the trial.

As for the defendants who will testify in court, they were also decided based on the demands submitted by Zhang Fei before.

...There are too many people. We can't let the one hundred and eight defendants and hundreds of tenant farmers wait here.

There are only ten places per day, but after reviewing as many as possible, we will get off work on time at noon.

The first person to give evidence in court was named Du Shaojing, who was from Bianliang, Tokyo, and was the cousin of Du Xiu, the Duzhi judge. But there were a few twists and turns in the process, and Du Shaojing's grandfather and Du Xiu's grandfather were cousins.

Although Kaifeng Mansion did not build sheds specifically for the defendants and witnesses, their seats were set up under the big trees on the left and right sides, and they were taken care of. In order to facilitate the viewing of the trial, the witnesses all sat on the right side, while the defendants sat on the left.

, there are signs hanging on the trees.

Everything is evolving towards specialization.

Zhang Fei stood up and asked Du Shaojing: "Mr. Du, according to my investigation, you own a total of 120 hectares of land in Xiaqu Township, Gongqiao Township, and Dudian Township in Kaifeng County. I don't know.


One hectare is equal to one hundred acres, which is roughly 12,000 acres. This was common in the Northern Song Dynasty because land could be bought and sold freely.

Du Shaojing nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhang Fei looked at Wenyan again and said: "Before this year, 40 hectares of it were paid through white deeds to avoid paying land taxes."

"I object!"

Li Lei, who was opposite him, suddenly stood up and said, "The imperial court has previously ordered that as long as the deed tax is paid within this year, the blame will be forgotten. These forty hectares of land are not included in this lawsuit."

Mr. Lu nodded slightly and looked at Zhang Fei again.

Zhang Fei explained: "The rule of letting things go is past the past as long as the deed tax is paid back. It means that starting from this year, if the tax is paid in accordance with the law, the tax owed by the white deed in previous years will be forgotten. The key is the land tax."

, not the deed tax, the deed tax is just a proof of tax payment.”

Mr. Lu nodded.

But many officials have disdainful looks on their faces, and they know that you people are harboring evil intentions.

When the lawsuit was filed, they talked about tax evasion beyond the white contract, but when it came up, their attitude immediately changed.

It's so shameless.

He then heard Zhang Fei say: "But according to the tax receipts provided by Kaifeng County, Du Shaojing only paid back the deed tax, but not a penny of tax has been paid on these forty hectares of land, and from the time I handed in the deed, it has already passed."

In the past month, they still haven't paid taxes and don't have a penny, so these 40 hectares are not included in this exemption, and the court has the power to recover their taxes."

Li Lei immediately argued: "You represent Bachelor Wang, not the imperial court."

Zhang Fei said: "Xueshi Wang hired me in the name of the Ordinance Department of the Second Government. Regarding this, my petition is very clear, and the purpose is to recover taxes for the imperial court."

Li Lei hummed: "The establishment of the Ordinance Department of the Second Government is just a temporary lawsuit, how can it represent the imperial court?"

Someone in the corridor shouted: "Well said!"

Mr. Lu turned his head and looked around. All the officials in the corridor looked confused. They didn't know who was calling them, so they had no choice but to give up.

Wang Anshi's mouth twitched a few times, and he whispered: "Are all these ear pens so arrogant and domineering now?"

Sima Guang smiled and said: "Don't you know how to follow the example of a gourd?"

The implication is that everyone is learning from Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "May I ask your Excellency, do you know who established the Ordinance Department of the Second Government?"

Li Lei was silent.

Zhang Fei asked: "Don't know?"

Li Lei remained silent.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The Regulations Department of the Second Government was established by official decree. Do you think it can represent the imperial court? Having said that, if I cannot represent the imperial court, why should I accuse them of tax evasion and recover taxes from them?"


Li Lei still remained silent.

You carried the emperor out, but you really showed no sense of martial ethics.

But this really does not mean that Zhang Fei does not respect martial ethics. He must explain this. If he does not represent the court, many of the bases will not make sense.

Moreover, this is a game between the emperor and the landlords. If this is not clear, how can the emperor maintain his authority?

Lu Gongzhu asked Li Kai, Cen Yuanli and others: "What do you think?"

Li Kaidao: "This was not mentioned in the previous petition, so we don't need to pay attention to him."

Cen Yuanli said: "But this dispute originated from this. Wang Xueshi also made it very clear in the court that we must avoid this point. This lawsuit may never be heard clearly."

Yu Zaishen and other judges also nodded.

Lu Gongzhu thought for a while and said loudly: "For fields where the summer tax has not been paid in time, even if the deed tax is paid back, it will be included in the scope of this trial."

Nancy Beiqing reminds you: Remember to collect after reading this

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