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Chapter 247: Charity Isn’t That Fun

 Zhang Fei was actually not surprised that Ma Tianhao agreed to start this charity so quickly. If he had not been a little sure, he would not have said this, and he did not even try to deceive him too much.

The reason for this is actually very simple: litigation is becoming public.

The previous trial methods had a lot of room for behind-the-scenes operations, but when the disputes became public and debates were held in court, the room for behind-the-scenes operations gradually became smaller.

If it had been before, would they have had to change Gouyuan's account books?

There is absolutely no need for this.

Basically, you can't make trouble with Mr. Lu.

However, there is a lawsuit in court, and all the evidence must be disclosed to the world. The two sides are at loggerheads, and many things cannot be hidden.

In a sense, justice is served.

This has never happened before. Not to mention the Han and Tang Dynasties, even the legal Qin State has never had this situation. We cannot learn from history. This makes wealthy businessmen, landlords, and scholar-bureaucrats feel an unprecedented crisis.

The crisis is not big, but it is unknown.

At this point, no one wants to be the first person, so they have to endure it for the time being.

Is it just a temporary incident, or is someone premeditated to promote this matter?

Of course, they don't trust this charity very much. This is just an attempt. That's why Ma Tianhao deliberately asked Ma Xiaoyi, Cao Dongdong and others to cooperate with Zhang Fei by playing tricks.

If it works, let’s talk about it another time.

If it doesn't work, you can let your son take the blame when the time comes. This is just a child's play and has nothing to do with them.

But Zhang Fei has not yet gotten down to business on this matter. There is another issue that needs to be solved, which is the nature of a charity.

Charity was actually commonplace in the Song Dynasty, and it was definitely not taxable, but there were no regulations in this regard in the "Song Xingtong".

You need to go back and study this carefully.

When he returned home, he was captured by Xu Zun.

"So fast?"

Zhang Fei looked at Xu Zun in surprise.

Xu Zundao: "Sima Junshi held a meeting today to discuss this matter. Isn't this your plan? What? Are you not ready yet?"

Zhang Fei snorted: "I'm almost ready and can start at any time. By the way, father-in-law, what on earth did you say at that time?"

"It's basically according to what you said."

Xu Zun then informed Zhang Fei of all the discussions.

Zhang Fei nodded, and said hehely: "My father-in-law will have to resist when the time comes. From now on, there will definitely be many people attacking my father-in-law."

Xu Zun chuckled: "You don't have to worry about this. I've long been accustomed to it. I just mentioned it casually. They can't do anything to me."

"Dad, Zhang San, what are you discussing?"

Xu Zhiqian suddenly entered the hall.

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "My father-in-law and I are discussing doing charity things."

Xu Zun saw that Zhang Fei deliberately did not tell Xu Zhiqian, so he would not say more.


Xu Zhiqian obviously quickened her pace and soon came to Zhang Fei, "What kind of charity?"

Zhang Fei informed Xu Zhiqian and Xu Zun of his charity plan.

"What kind of charity is this?"

Xu Zhiqian said angrily: "You are obviously helping them evade taxes."

Xu Zun, who was in charge of Dali Temple affairs, sat aside and felt very embarrassed.

Zhang Fei hummed: "If you donate real money, if you donate real money, as long as you donate the land to our charity, then the land will not belong to them. How can this be said to be tax evasion? Father-in-law

Sir, it’s up to you to judge.”

Xu Zun was really puzzled by his question for a moment, and he stroked his beard, "Actually, there are quite a few charities like what you said in our country."

Zhang Fei said: "My father-in-law is talking about Futian Courtyard?"

Futianyuan is where the government provides free housing for the elderly, weak, sick and poor. However, due to financial difficulties nowadays, there are also fees. However, it is still much cheaper than renting public housing, and the environment is also much worse.

Zhang Fei had learned about it when he was getting a mortgage loan.

Xu Zun waved his hand and said: "It's not just Futian Yuan. There are government-run residential care homes and Anjifang, which specialize in taking in orphans or homeless elderly people. There are also privately run homes such as Wangui Society and Qi'an Society."

Zhang Fei asked: "How do they operate?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Don't you know?"

Zhang Fei shook his head.

"That's true. You haven't taken the scientific examination, how do you know?" Xu Zhiqian teased.

Zhang Fei tilted his head and looked at Xu Zhiqian depressedly.

Xu Zhiqian pursed her lips and smiled, and then explained: "This Wangui Society is dedicated to providing some help to those poor candidates who go to Beijing to take the exam. At the same time, they also fund some colleges, such as books, pens and ink. They even donated a lot of books

To the Imperial College. The Qi'an Society specializes in providing some help to the refugees during times of famine, but it usually sends some warm clothes to the refugees in winter. Several friends and I have also joined the Qi'an Society."

Zhang Fei said: "Really? Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "What's there to mention?"

"All right!"

Zhang Fei shrugged slightly and asked: "Since there are so many charities, why did Ma Tianhao and the others seem so surprised when I mentioned this matter?"

Xu Zundao: "Whether it is Wangui Society or Qi'an Society, they are different from your charity organization. Wangui Society and Qi'an Society are like-minded righteous people or friends. When they encounter science and technology

During the exam year or during the cold winter, they took the initiative to provide some money and food for relief.

For example, Wang Jiefu, Sima Junshi, and Wen Gong all donated a lot of money and food to some colleges or some refugees through Wangui Society and Qi'an Society."

Zhang Fei nodded frequently when he heard this, "No wonder I always hear that Grand Bachelor Wang and Grand Bachelor Sima often do charity, but I haven't seen them take any action. It turns out they are specialized organizations."

In comparison, the philanthropy in the Song Dynasty was actually very developed, which was mainly due to two aspects.

First, Confucianism. All charitable organizations today follow Confucianism. Most literati in this period still had the concept that if you are prosperous, you can help the world, and if you are poor, you can only benefit yourself.

From Fan Zhongyan, Bao Zheng, Fu Bi, to Wang Anshi, Sima Guang, this group of literati is really impeccable in terms of morality. As for political ideas and political struggles, it is another matter. Even when the traitor Cai Jing was in power

, all gave great policy support to Futian Hospital and nursing home.

The second is the general environment. Everything is inseparable from the relationship between supply and demand. The reason why the charity industry was developed in the Song Dynasty was because it was a commercial society, not a small-scale peasant society. Everyone was doing their own thing. This is why the laws of the Song Dynasty were changed again and again, and relatives and relatives

The status of neighbors is because neighbors begin to become more important than relatives, and many people need help from strangers.

Xu Zun added: "But the biggest difference between these and your charity is that they usually donate money and food when there is a need, or donate spontaneously, while your charity is more like doing charity."

Buy and sell.”

Zhang Fei asked: "Father-in-law, do you think this needs to be taxed?"

Xu Zun thought for a while and said, "Someone will definitely report you, but if we file a lawsuit, you can probably win."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "What do you mean by what dad said? They are clearly trying to find ways to evade taxes."

Zhang Fei didn't argue with her, because that was the fact.

Xu Zundao: "If those wealthy businessmen donated all their land deeds, it would be difficult to sue them for tax evasion. Compared with Wangui Society, his charity and Zhang San's charity just donated the money first, instead of waiting until

It's almost the same in the sense that you can take out the money when you need it."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "Can't they get these lands back?"

If you can't get it back, there's really nothing to say.

All I can say is that you are cruel enough.

Zhang Fei said: "They will get it back in other ways, such as collecting wages."

After Xu Zhiqian heard this, you were simply blatantly evading taxes and said, "Don't you feel guilty for earning this money?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Fei said: "The money they donated is more than the taxes they paid legally, and they continue to help those who really need it. Just wait and see, it won't be long before Wangui Club, Anji Fang, they

Taken together, the amount of money donated is not as much as that of my charity."

Xu Zhiqian thought it made sense. For a moment, she couldn't figure out whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Xu Zundao: "But you have to consider this matter carefully. The more you donate, it means that the more land that does not pay taxes, the tax revenue of the court will be reduced. This may even affect Wang Jiefu's reform. He is sure

They will cause trouble for you, but you may not be able to succeed."

The problem is that his reforms did not levy taxes on these super-rich people. Zhang Fei said: "But those people would rather donate their money than pay taxes. I don't think Bachelor Wang can collect their taxes."

By doing this, they can at least ensure that they will use part of the money every year to help the people or the court, but they have the right to use it and can prevent the money from being used by officials to drink wine."

Xu Zhiqian was startled, then nodded and said, "That's true. Even if the tax is collected, half of it will be used by the imperial court to govern the country, which is already very good."

As she said that, she rolled her eyes and said, "Zhang San, why don't you leave this charity to me?"

Zhang Fei was startled, waved his hand and said: "Go, go, don't mess around with this, do you understand charity?"

When Xu Zhiqian heard this, her eyes suddenly turned red, "Why don't I understand? I was a member of Qi'an Society and did charity before."

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you show off your low-end skills like making quilts? It's not too shabby."

Xu Zhiqian was dissatisfied and said: "Is there a distinction between high and low in charity?"

Zhang Fei said: "It doesn't matter, but it depends on the operation. With the same amount of money, you may only be able to help one person, but I can help a hundred people. This is the gap."

Xu Zhiqian spat: "You are not ashamed to speak loudly."

Zhang Fei chuckled: "Okay, if you can do these three things, I will hand over this charity to you."

Xu Zhiqian asked: "What three points?"

Zhang Fei said: "First of all, we need to attract more people to donate land; secondly, we need to make a lot of money every year so that the money donated by charities every year will tend to increase; finally, we need to maximize the help of more people."

People embody our values.”

Xu Zhiqian responded silently, her beautiful face flushed red.

Zhang Fei chuckled: "Just stand aside and appreciate it, what is charity?"

Xu Zhiqian hummed, "Okay, I'll see what tricks you can pull off."

Xu Zun asked: "It seems that you are determined to do this."

Zhang Fei said: "I have already discussed it with the officials."

You should have told me earlier! Xu Zun fell silent.

The emperor has already agreed, so why should he worry so blindly?

After discussing with Xu Zun, Zhang Fei immediately called Feng Nancy when he returned home.

"Lao Qi, don't worry about the family affairs. Leave them all to Madam. I have more important tasks for you."

"What mission?" Nancy Feng asked.

Zhang Fei said: "Do you have any impression of Li Bao who comes to visit you frequently recently?"

Nancy Feng nodded, but remained silent.

Zhang Fei actually let him know something on purpose, saying: "From now on, you will be specifically responsible for contacting him."

This chapter has been completed!
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