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Chapter 252: Big Report

Wang Anshi, who was hiding behind the newspaper, listened to their chattering and praising Sima Guang, and refused to leave, making it difficult for him to get up and cover his ears.

If this is unbearable, there is no need to bear it any longer.

Just when Wang Anshi was about to throw away the newspaper and argue with them, he suddenly heard someone say: "I think Mrs. Xu's article is better."

Wang Anshi frowned and turned his head secretly, revealing his eyes stained with eye excrement. He saw a young official standing upright and holding his head high. He was extremely handsome.

"Su Zizhan, are you still awake?"

"Su Zizhan, your literary talent is quite good, but you can't tell whether this article is good or bad? The article written by the young lady of the Xu family has long sentences and monotonous words, which is really unsightly."

"How can the article written by the young lady of the Xu family be compared with the article written by the great scholar Sima? You are really talking nonsense."

The speaker was none other than Su Shi, the number one scholar in the Song Dynasty. He looked around and said, "In my opinion, the quality of this article should first be judged by its conception rather than the beautiful sentence structure. If the conception is not good, the sentence structure will be poor."

No matter how beautifully written it is, it is still my poison."

"What? Do you think Grand Bachelor Sima's intentions are bad?"

"Actually, the two concepts are not much different, but obviously the realm is different, and the Sima Grand Scholar is more than superior."

Faced with the doubt, Su Shi snorted: "Although the articles written by Bachelor Sima are good, most of his articles hope to calm people down and brag about their own ideas, rather than discussing the facts. It can be said that they are selling dogs on their own.

Those who gain it are very few.”

Although Wang Anshi usually disliked this guy, he still silently gave Su Shi a thumbs up.

Su Che, who was sitting aside, held his face in his hands, his eyes dull, and he was hopeless. He knew that Su Shi did not admire Xu Zhiqian's views at all. He just liked to argue, sing the opposite, and say some annoying things. He also

I'm too lazy to dissuade you, so I might as well save some energy to wipe my butt.

Su Shi said eloquently: "On the other hand, Mrs. Xu's article hits the point every sentence. The court collects taxes based on the cadastral book, but the owner of the land title transfers the taxes to the tenants. This is obviously unreasonable and will also

It has caused many misunderstandings and should be improved.

And what Xu Sishi said was just a matter of fact. The imperial court had perfected the law. What could be wrong? Besides, the principal household could include taxes into the tenant rent. The imperial court did not say no. If anyone else took advantage of this to cause trouble, the imperial court should impose heavy penalties.


Before he finished speaking, someone heard someone say: "What a bunch of nonsense!"

Su Shi looked back and exclaimed: "Master Wang?"

The others suddenly discovered that Wang Anshi was sitting here, and they felt uneasy.

Wang Anshi stood up suddenly, "The reason why you think Sima Junshi's article is good is precisely because it is supported by Xu Zhiqian's article. Why don't you think about Zhang San's simple and despicable method of publishing these two tabloids together?

, how can you not see it, and you are still bragging here foolishly, which is really making people laugh out loud."

After saying that, he walked away angrily.

There was dead silence in the tavern.

Su Shi frowned, and after a while, he sincerely praised: "Good at arguing."

"What's so argumentative? I think Wang Jiefu is clearly jealous."

However, there are many good people like Su Shi.

When these two tabloids first appeared, public opinion was almost one-sided, with articles praising Sima Guang one after another. Anyone who read Xu Zhiqian's articles was uneducated. But soon, objections arose.

If this scholar is not a good scholar, can he still be called a scholar?

There were debates in the streets and alleys, and Xu Zhiqian's reputation began to rise.

A carriage passed quietly through the busy city.

"It's all your fault."

Xu Zhiqian's face was as red as the rising sun, and she complained to Zhang Fei: "I told you not to seal, but you insist on sealing. Now, I don't have the shame to go out to see people."

Zhang Fei was stunned and looked at Xu Zhiqian's blood-red cheeks, wondering: "Zhi Qian, people are comparing your article with that of Grand Bachelor Sima. This is a good thing!"

Xu Zhiqian said: "It's so good, how can my article be compared with that of the Sima Grand Master? It will only make me more embarrassed. I, I, was really killed by you."

He was so anxious that he stamped his feet fiercely, with tears filling the corners of his eyes.

She also comes from a scholarly family, and she also cares about things like articles. She knows her own level well, and when she hears the complimentary comments about her from outside, she is really irritated.

Zhang Fei just doesn't understand. The traffic is really huge. Big Internet celebrities, no, big newspaper celebrities. What's wrong with that?

When they arrived at the office, Fan Li came forward with a look of admiration, "I am really blind and ignorant. I didn't expect that Madam Xu's literary talent is as good as that of Sima's bachelor. She is really a woman who cannot give way to men."

"You are a woman who is not inferior to men."

Xu Zhiqian scolded him angrily and walked in angrily.

Fan Li was dumbfounded by the training.

Zhang Fei patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't take it to heart, I think the same thing as you are a hero."

Based on their cultural literacy, how can you tell which one is good and which one is bad?

Zhang Fei read Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Preface" before and didn't recognize many of the words. How could he appreciate it? He could only pretend to understand and film and admire it. Anyway, everyone is the same and no one would expose anyone else.

It was a noisy morning, and a sleepy breakfast turned a tabloid into a grand dinner.

The young men's gang, as if they had just woken up from a dream, immediately attacked the major restaurants.

"Where are the tabloids? Don't you have any tabloids in Baifanlou?"

"You've got it! You've got it!"

Fan Zheng said quickly: "Master Gao, please wait a moment."

With that said, he turned around and ordered the bartender beside him: "Why are you still standing there? Go and get a tabloid."

"Young Master, I just want to tell you this."

"What's up?"

"We are missing more than twenty tabloids."

"Why is there so little?"

"Maybe he was taken away by a customer."


Fan Zheng never thought that guests coming to Baifan Tower would do such a thing.


Once this gets debated, everyone has to find helpers and the tabloid has to be taken away. Otherwise, how can we find someone to study how to debate.

Many tabloids were infiltrated into the Imperial City, which caused another wave of heated discussions.

The Ordinance Department of the Second Government was no exception. All the officials were also arguing. It was not until Wang Anshi appeared that everyone became quiet.


Wang Anshi went straight to his lounge angrily.

Lu Huiqing also hurriedly followed.


As soon as Lu Huiqing's words came out of his mouth, Wang Anshi said excitedly: "That Sima Jun is really so despicable that he used a woman's article to set off his own article."

Lu Huiqing looked stunned when he heard this, "Teacher, how do you say this?"

Wang Anshi said: "I have never seen anyone bragging about his Sima Junshi articles."

Lu Huiqing said hurriedly: "My mentor is right, the articles written by Grand Scholar Sima cannot be compared with those of my mentor."

Wang Anshi glared at him: "Who can compare with him? It's just that his writing is really not good. He is secretive, hiding things and hiding things. He dares not say it clearly when he has something to say. His writing is more obscure than Buddhist scriptures. This is not the writing of a man."

He has read a lot of Sima Guang's articles. Although he has a little bit of contempt for it, the main reason why he is so angry is because Sima Guang contains all kinds of private goods and brags about political ideas such as hiding wealth for the people and reducing expenditure.

, it’s so ungentlemanly.

Isn’t this Xu Zhongtu, a consumerist?

"Yes Yes Yes."

Lu Huiqing nodded repeatedly.

Wang Anshi suddenly asked: "What did you want to say just now?"

Lu Huiqing said: "Just now, the official family sent a message asking my mentor to go to Chui Gong Hall to discuss matters later."

Sima Guang himself didn't care about this matter. He didn't even know it happened today, but soon, he had to know.

At this time, Sima Guang was walking towards Chui Gong Hall, surrounded by Wen Yanbo, Zhao Bian, Lu Gongzhu and others.

"Stop talking, stop talking, just beg you all."

Sima Guang repeatedly handed over to Wen Yanbo and others, wishing to kneel down to them, and begged for mercy without tears: "I just wrote it casually, and it was just for this matter, and I didn't mean to show off.

I hope you will hold it high and don't mention it again."

He really didn't like to be in the limelight. He didn't like to attend the emperor's banquets. He pushed and pushed whenever he could, making his skin crawl all over.

In fact, they all knew Sima Guang's personality. It was rare to be in the limelight, so they must have wanted to entertain him.

Fortunately, Su Shi was not qualified to participate in this meeting, otherwise it would have been extremely lively.

Wen Yanbo refused to give up and said with a serious face: "Jun Shi! Whether it's good or bad, you don't have to say it. The world will make its own decision."

Lu Gong stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Mr. Wen's words are reasonable. Nowadays, everyone in the streets and alleys are talking about your article. The articles of Fan Gong and Ouyang Yongshu have not attracted such attention."

Sima Guang was really about to cry, "Mr. Wen, Uncle Hui, just let me go. I've been talking about it all morning, aren't you tired?"

He was really itchy at the time, so he wrote an article without even revising it. He had no idea that it would trigger such a heated discussion, and he really regretted it.


Suddenly hearing two coughs, Sima Guang turned his head and saw Wang Anshi walking over.

"Jun Shi! I have something to say to you."

Wang Anshi said with a straight face.

Sima Guang asked anxiously: "What did you say?"

Today he is very afraid of Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi said: "You usually hide too deeply and don't reveal the mountains or reveal the water. But if you write casually, it will be an eternal masterpiece. I just read your article. It was really shocking and I benefited a lot.


It can only be said that he is professional when it comes to attacking Sima Guang.

vice versa.

Sima Guang's face turned red, and that's all for others. You, Wang Anshi, said this, you're such a ghost, so you just spit it directly in his face, "Bah! You, Mr. Wang Jiefu, are making insinuations here. Do you think I don't know what you are thinking?"


Wang Anshi waved his sleeves to wipe away the curse on his face, and said aggrievedly: "Jun Shi, you really misunderstood me. I swear to God, your article is so much better than Qian'er's. It's shocking.

Amazing. Admire! Admire!"

For the last two words of "admiration", he directly sprayed them back with explosive sounds.

Sima Guang wiped his face and his whole body went crazy.

Mr. Lu, who had just taken office, quickly stood up and stood in the middle, "The time is coming, let's leave quickly."

Not long after they arrived at Chui Gong Hall, Zhao Xu came. Without waiting for the ministers to salute, he smiled and said to Sima Guang: "Scholar Sima, I just read your article. It was very well written, and I also benefited from it."

How profound!”

Before Sima Guang could react, Wang Anshi was stunned.

Sima Guang also looked surprised and said, "Your Majesty also read that tabloid?"

It just came out this morning, and you received it now.

It's too exaggerated.

Di Bao is not so fast!

Zhao Xu nodded: "This morning, Lord Lan went out to the palace to purchase goods. He heard people talking about this tabloid in the streets, so he took a copy and showed it to me. The writing was really good, so I decided to hold this meeting temporarily.



It turns out that the theme of this meeting is tabloids!

Wang Anshi and everyone are confused. Is this tabloid so powerful?

Sima Guang was really flattered and said with a blushing face: "Your Majesty, thank you very much. It was just my graffiti that made Your Majesty and everyone else laugh."

Zhao Xu said with a smile: "Senior Sima is too modest. What you said is also what I think. I appointed you to revise this law, not to target anyone, but to avoid making the same mistakes again and causing public resentment.

As for what Xu Sishi said, I have also heard it. In my opinion, it is harmless. After all, the law of our ancestors in the Song Dynasty is to prevent things and control them. Although it is just a rule, it must be carefully considered.

It's understandable that I didn't think too much about it during the discussion.

Of course the imperial court would not do that. Local security should be the responsibility of the government. If there is chaos, it is naturally the government's failure to manage it well, so how can we pass it on to others."

After listening to this, Zeng Gongliang, Wen Yanbo, and Zhao Pian let out a sigh of relief.

As soon as Zhao Xu expressed his stance, the matter naturally settled.

Wang Anshi also breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Xu's last sentence was very treacherous. The hidden meaning was that if someone takes the opportunity to cause trouble and your government cannot control it, I will hold you accountable.

In other words, it means that the government must control these big landowners and cannot allow them to act recklessly. If you don't punish them, the court will punish you.

This chapter has been completed!
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