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Chapter 255 celebrity newspaper

 I have to admit that Wang Anshi’s article is indeed well written.

Once the newspaper was posted on the wall, officials of all sizes in the court wrote and copied it on their own initiative.

Although it talks about current affairs, under Wang Anshi's wonderful pen, everything is written into a work of art.

Zeng Gongliang, Zhao Bian, and Chen Shengzhi all couldn't help but sigh that this article is a rare masterpiece.

It’s true that the aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley!

Even Su Che couldn't help but write and copy.

You must know that Su Che disagreed with many of Wang Anshi's political ideas. He was able to establish the Ordinance Department of the Second Government only because of Zhao Xu's recommendation.

Of course, Su Shi did not copy it, but he read the entire article carefully, and his hands felt itchy.

This morning, the officials in the imperial city were discussing Wang Anshi's article.

Of course, there are also some lively officials, such as Wen Yanbo, Su Shi, and Lu Gongzhu, who are trying their best to remind everyone that Wang Anshi is going for Sima Guang.

Everyone reacted to their reminder.


Yesterday Sima Guang published an article, and today Wang Anshi followed suit.

The intention is too obvious.

They happened to be the two leaders of the reformist faction and the conservative faction.

It's really like a needle to the point.

Too gimmicky!

More and more people are participating in the procession of worshiping the fire.

Including Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu praised Sima Guang in the meeting yesterday. If he doesn't praise Wang Anshi today, how can he do it? This bowl of water will be balanced.

Zhao Xu held another meeting and said that he had read Wang Anshi's article and was so excited that he couldn't sleep. It was so right. I stayed up all night thinking about it and took the opportunity to urge Wang Anshi to introduce new laws to correct these bad policies.

We talk about articles, but we point out new methods.

This made many conservatives very unhappy. You are carrying personal information, but this article cannot be written about Wang Anshi. They can only wait for Sima Guang to respond again.

But Sima Guang behaved in a very low-key manner, and even boasted a few words, saying that the country did have these problems.

After the meeting, he went back to the Criminal Court for a meeting and was busy revising the laws.

But Liu Shu and others were not in the mood to discuss this matter.

"Bachelor Sima, Wang Jiefu clearly wants to overwhelm you when he writes this article!" Liu Shudu was a little worried about Sima Guang's defeat.

Sima Guang said very calmly: "There is no first in literature, and there is no second in military affairs. Everyone has their own preferences for articles, and who can suppress the other. Hurry up and revise these regulations first. The officials will only give us half a year." , it must be implemented nationwide next year.”

"Yes Yes."

Liu Shu nodded.

So everyone discussed the matter seriously.

After the meeting, when Xu Zun, Liu Shu and others left, Sima Guang quietly took out today's fresh tabloid and read it carefully.

I just opened it and after reading the first paragraph, I saw a person suddenly hurried into the room, it was Xu Zun.

"Is there something wrong with Temple Xu?"

While speaking, Sima Guang still felt guilty.

Xu Zundao: "I forgot something."

Sima Guang nodded and put down the tabloid a little.

Xu Zun came to his seat, picked up a piece of paper, stuffed it into his sleeve, and glanced at Sima Guang guiltily. It turned out that the piece of paper was the article by Wang Anshi that he copied today.

He also highly praised Wang Anshi's articles and liked them from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing that Sima Guang didn't pay attention, he was about to leave. Suddenly he paused and looked at it. Isn't that a tabloid? He asked, "What is Bachelor Sima looking at?"

"Oh, I'm reading Qian'er's article."

Sima Guang then spread the tabloid.

Xu Zun was extremely curious, "How could my little girl's article be able to catch the eye of Bachelor Sima?"

Of course he had seen it. Although he was considered good among women, in their eyes, he was indeed average. This was really not modest.

Sima Guang chuckled and said: "What is written here is about the previous lawsuit, and what we are doing now is inextricably related to that lawsuit. Take a look, maybe it can inspire me."

"I see." Xu Zun nodded, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that it was really ordinary, and he didn't get much inspiration. But he didn't say anything more, hid Wang Anshi's article, and left.

After Xu Zun left, Sima Guang secretly took a look outside and breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the tabloid in his hand and muttered: "Is it true that as Wen Gong said, this tabloid can make an unsurprising article trigger everyone?" attention? This is unlikely. There must be something unique in this article."

Although he said that without first place in writing, there was no way to win or lose. But in his heart, he never wanted to lose to Wang Anshi. The key point was that he wrote that article before, not to show off, but just for work. He did not expect that, This will trigger such heated discussions.

But Wang Anshi wrote an article right away, which is really deceiving people.

But he also knew in his heart that his articles were not as good as Wang Anshi's.

He has to find a way to win.

He was thinking about why Xu Zhiqian's article aroused heated discussion among everyone.

Sima Guang and Wang Anshi are undoubtedly the most outstanding twins of this era. Both of them have very stubborn personalities, but there are also subtle differences.

Wang Anshi was gifted and talented, so he had an extra sense of arrogance. Since ancient times, he was the only Wang Anshi who dared to shout out the heroic words: "There is no need to fear the changes of heaven, no law for ancestors, and no sympathy for human words."

He even dared to accuse Confucius and Mencius.

You must know that this was in the Northern Song Dynasty when Confucianism was prosperous, not in the keyboard era.

You have to be responsible when you speak here.

In comparison, Sima Guang lacked talent, but gained more diligence and humility.

The two men had completely different attitudes towards this matter. Take Xu Zhiqian's article as an example. In Wang Anshi's opinion, it was so ordinary that he could only take a quick glance at it. One more glance would be too much.

But Sima Guang began to study Xu Zhiqian's articles.

After all, he was the man who wrote Zizhi Tongjian. He not only had to write about the big people, but also the small people.

Because many great things happen because of little people.

As the popularity of the second issue of the tabloid continued, this third issue naturally arrived as promised.

Pan Lou!

"Both members, walk slowly outside."

"Free delivery! Free delivery!"

Chen Maoqian slightly bowed his hand to the shopkeeper of Panlou, and then went out of Panlou with Ma Tianhao.

"Brother Chen, it seems that this tabloid is not just a temporary thing!"

Ma Tianhao saw that at the breakfast stall next to him, there was also one or a few people reading a tabloid, eating breakfast, and discussing vaguely.

Chen Maoqian nodded.

Ma Tianhao added: "Do you still remember that Zhang San repeatedly promised us that movable type printing would definitely sell for money."

Chen Maoqian was suddenly startled and said in a low voice: "Old Fourth! Don't say this nonsense, or you may get into trouble. It's absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible."

Ma Tianhao nodded, "I'm just going to tell you. Moreover, I want to tell you that this business may really make money."

Chen Maoqian thought for a while, "But I'm still a little uneasy about donating the land."

"What exactly is going on?"

Xu Zhiqian put down the car curtain, looked at Zhang Fei opposite and said: "The overall situation has been decided in the DPRK, and no one blames my father anymore. Why are everyone still interested in reading my articles?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "Kiss me and I'll tell you."

"I bother!"

Xu Zhiqian stretched out her legs and hugged Zhang Fei, "If you don't tell me, forget it."

"forget about it."

Zhang Fei shrugged.

Xu Zhiqian glanced at Zhang Fei depressedly, blushed, and whispered: "I owe you first, you tell me first."

Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "No, you kiss me first."

Xu Zhiqian said: "If I go first and you say something wrong, wouldn't it be for nothing that I let you take advantage."

Zhang Fei hesitated for a while, nodded and said: "Okay! I'll talk first, and then we'll kiss you after I finish talking. Let me ask you, what is your article about?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Sharecroppers!"

Zhang Fei asked again: "Then have you read the article written by Academician Wang yesterday?"

Xu Zhiqian nodded.

When having dinner last night, Xu Zun was holding the article in her hands and she didn't even want to eat it, so she also read it.

Zhang Fei asked: "What is it about?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "The shortcomings of current politics."

Zhang Fei said: "Compare the two?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "It is the firefly and the bright moon."

Zhang Fei nodded with a smile and said, "Have you ever seen people chasing fireflies?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Of course, I have pursued it myself."

"Then have you seen anyone chasing Haoyue again?"


"Here's why."

Zhang Fei said: "Your article talks about the situation of tenant farmers. These are things that happen around us. Everyone knows it, everyone understands it, and everyone can talk about it. Academician Wang's article talks about it.

There are only a few people in the world with his vision. Even if you explain it word for word to the traffickers and lackeys, they won't know how to speak.

But when everyone mentions your article, even those who sell cooking cakes can say a few words. After all, there are many ordinary people. And when everyone is talking about it, those academicians who are full of knowledge, even if they do not praise it, have to criticize it.

, Only in this way can you show your knowledge. With this back and forth, everyone is talking about it, right?"

Xu Zhiqian nodded: "That's it."

Zhang Fei closed his eyes and said softly: "Kiss me. Don't pity me."

Xu Zhiqian was startled and glanced at him with a frown. Although he looked handsome, she just wanted to slap him and call him up. Just when the carriage stopped, "You have a beautiful idea!"

After saying these words, Xu Zhiqian moved like a rabbit out of the carriage.


Zhang Fei opened his eyes and immediately chased after you, "You are not trustworthy. Believe it or not, I will sue you."

"Go and sue! We didn't make a contract. You did."

Xu Zhiqian had just run to the door when she suddenly saw two strong men standing at the door and was startled.

Just at this time, Fan Li came out and said, "Hey, Sanlang, Madam Xu, you are finally here."

Zhang Fei, who had just chased over, asked: "What's going on?"

Fan Li said: "Xiangong Han is here."

"Xianggong Han?"

Zhang Fei blinked and looked at each other with Xu Zhiqian again.

Since that lawsuit, he had little contact with Han Qi and Fu Bi.

When I came to the back hall, I saw Han Qi sitting there drinking tea and reading the tabloid, looking at ease.

"Zhang San, a small citizen, has met Mr. Han."

Zhang Fei walked quickly and bowed his hands.

"Zhang San is here!" Han Qi put down the tabloid and said, "I'm taking the liberty of paying you a visit today. Will it affect you?"

Zhang Fei said hurriedly: "Xianggong Han is here, the shop is in full bloom, and the people are not happy enough."

Han Qi laughed a few times and suddenly glanced at Fan Li.

Fan Li understood and quickly resigned.

After Fan Li left, Han Qi coughed and said, "I came here today because I don't understand something, and I want to ask you for advice."

Zhang Fei asked: "Don't dare, don't dare. If there is any problem with Xianggong Han, Zhang San will definitely tell you everything he knows."

Han Qi said: "Then why was Sima Junshi's article printed in your tabloid?"

Zhang Fei was stunned for a moment, then said cautiously: "This is all because of what happened to my father-in-law last time. Grand Scholar Sima believed that the matter was also related to him, so he wrote an article to explain it."

Han Qi nodded: "So, you are doing this tabloid just to complain about Xu Zhongtu."

Could it be! Zhang Fei blinked and said hurriedly: "That's not true. In fact, Xiaomin has always wanted to create a celebrity newspaper after he bought the genuine bookstore."

Han Qi asked curiously: "Celebrity newspaper?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "It is dedicated to publishing articles about famous people like Mr. Han."

Han Qi's eyes flashed with joy, but he asked: "Why?"

Zhang Fei said hey: "Make money."

"make money?"


Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Xiaomin carefully studied the previous printed materials and found that everyone printed poems and articles by great scholars such as Han Xianggong.

But there is another disadvantage, that is, the lag is too serious. For example, Fan Gong's articles all discussed the current affairs at that time, but when viewed now, it seems that the timing is wrong.

This tabloid can solve the problem, discuss this matter, and discuss it at this time. It will definitely sell better than those expensive poems and articles. Although my father-in-law’s incident was an accident of fate, it also proves Xiaomin’s judgment.”

Han Qi smiled and nodded: "It seems that your business methods are no worse than your litigation methods!"

"Thank you, Mr. Han, for the compliment."

Zhang Feigong cupped his hands and said: "I also hope that Mr. Han can take more care of the business of the shop."

Han Qi asked in astonishment: "How to take care of me?"

Zhang Fei said: "If Mr. Han has any good articles, he can print them in a small shop, and we can discuss how to divide the profits."

Han Qi snorted: "Who do you think I, Han Qi, am? Do I, Han Qi, write articles to earn a few pennies?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhang Fei nodded repeatedly: "Young man made a mistake and I hope Mr. Han will forgive me."

Han Qi glanced at him, stroked his beard, and coughed, "But it's a coincidence. I happened to write an article recently."

Sure enough, Zhang Fei was overjoyed and immediately said: "Can Xianggong Han have this article printed in a small shop? The printing technology of small shops is the best today. It can be printed as quickly and best as possible. It can definitely keep up with it."

Changes in current affairs.”

Han Qi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that no one will read my article and I won't sell it for money?"

Zhang Fei said: "If no one reads Xianggong Han's articles, then it can only be said that my tabloid cannot run at all and should be closed as soon as possible."

"You brat!" Han Qi laughed and scolded, "Okay, just leave it to you. Forget the money, you can keep whatever you make."

"Ouch! Thank you so much, Mr. Han, thank you so much, Mr. Han."

This chapter has been completed!
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