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Chapter 259: Defending the people’s mouth is better than guarding the river

 Zhang Fei, who always likes to take the wrong side of the sword, is surprisingly good this time.

In the past, if anything happened, he would go directly to Kaifeng Mansion to play drums, and he would stay longer in Kaifeng Mansion than at home.

But this time it was different. From beginning to end, he did not raise a single objection to the court's ban.

Anyway, he did exactly what the court banned, and he was very conscious of it.

In front of the boiler.

But seeing the newly released celebrity newspapers being thrown into the raging fire and instantly vanishing into thin air, the craftsmen on the side had tears in their eyes. They had worked so hard to print these.


Sima Guang also came here today.

Because this batch of celebrity newspapers, the article he wrote, on the surface was to promote new laws, but in fact it also expounded the idea of ​​using justice to solve the problem of Yameng.

Seeing that his article was thrown into the fire, Sima Guang couldn't help but sigh secretly, suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Fei beside him, and asked: "This is not like your style!"

Zhang Fei looked at Sima Guang doubtfully.

Sima Guang smiled and said: "In the past, when you encountered injustice, you would not swallow your grievances. You would definitely go to Kaifeng Mansion to complain. Why are you so honest this time?"

Zhang Fei chuckled and said in a low voice: "I am dissatisfied with Grand Master Sima. In fact, I feel guilty about this matter. After all, I am really seeking money. This is not fair. How dare I go to Kaifeng Mansion to file a complaint? I have to destroy the evidence quickly."

.As long as people are here, why are they afraid that they won’t be able to make money?”

Sima Guang was stunned for a moment, and then said in approval: "You boy seems to be reckless, but in fact you are more cautious than anyone else."

He has been an opponent and cooperated with Zhang Fei, and he knows that Zhang Fei's survival to this day is not just based on recklessness. Before he acts recklessly again, he will make complete preparations, either ask him for help, or ask Wang Anshi for help.

Only when the worry about one's life is solved can one complain.

"Can this careful sailing last ten thousand years?"

Zhang Fei asked again: "I dare to ask, why did Academician Sima support Academician Wang this time?"

"I'm not supporting him, and I'm not denying the tabloid like him. It's just..."

Sima Guang sighed, "It's just that what Wang Jiefu said does have his truth. If the tabloid is not controlled properly, it may cause great harm. Although the secrets were leaked this time, ahem. But if someone really leaks the secrets in the future, it will be terrible.

What should we do? This is my lack of consideration, so I suggest that we are not allowed to discuss current affairs at first, and can only publish some anecdotes for people's entertainment. Wait until the court introduces control laws, and then gradually relax them in an orderly manner."

Zhang Fei felt guilty, and so did Sima Guang!

This matter was the result of a conspiracy between him and Zhang Fei, but Wang Anshi's words were like an enlightenment that made him wake up. This ancestral method is to prevent things and control them.

Although the tabloid helped him solve the problem of the new law, he suddenly thought that the court currently did not have laws to control tabloids. If this was taken advantage of by villains and self-defeating, this would really cause problems.

He thought that his thinking was a little too simple.

He still hopes that detailed systems and regulations can be formulated first and then gradually relaxed.

Strictly speaking, this situation is the two murderers destroying evidence in a fair and just manner.

After the tabloid was burned, Zhang Fei asked the craftsmen to take a bath with the hot water and go home to rest for a few days. After a few days, we will start printing books and contracts.

He himself went back to sleep.

Zhang Fei, who originally wanted to have a good nap, was woken up by a rapid knocking on the door before the sun reached three o'clock in the morning.

"Who is it?"

Zhang Fei muttered without opening his eyes.

"Zhang San, it's me."

Xu Zhiqian's voice sounded outside the door.

There was a squeak.

Zhang Fei opened the door shirtless, rubbed his eyes and said, "Zhiqian, what's the matter?"


Xu Zhiqian quickly turned her face to one side, "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"


Zhang Fei scratched his head, went back and wrapped himself in a coat, came to the door again, covered the dazzling sunlight with his hands, and asked, "What's the matter?"


Xu Zhiqian handed over a piece of paper.

Zhang Fei took it, rubbed his eyes, looked at it again, and exclaimed: "What? Tabloid?"

Xu Zhiqian nodded and said: "Early this morning, this tabloid appeared in the press."

Zhang Fei blinked and looked up at Xu Zhiqian, "This matter has nothing to do with me."

But I thought to myself that their speed was too fast.

Xu Zhiqian said hurriedly: "I didn't say this had anything to do with you, but I was afraid that people would frame it and frame it as your fault."

When she talked about it later, she was full of worry.

Zhang Fei scratched his head and asked stupidly: "What should we do?"

Xu Zhiqian said: "How do I know?"

Zhang Fei blinked, "I'm going to wash my face first. Oops, I can't sleep even if I want to."

After he washed his face, Xu Zundu came, his eyes seeming to ask, did you do this?

Because Xu Zun knew that Zhang Fei was responsible for the unknown tabloid.

When he saw this tabloid, his first reaction was also Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei quickly explained: "It really wasn't me, I don't know anything."

Xu Zun asked: "Then who do you think did it?"

Zhang Fei shook his head and said, "I can't say for sure."

Originally, everyone thought that this matter should come to an end at this point.

But no one expected that in just one day, another batch of tabloids would suddenly appear in the public domain.

The content of this tabloid is very explosive, and its target is Wang Anshi.

People are not allowed to discuss current affairs?

What do you, Wang Anshi, want to do?

You just want to pave the way for your new law. If there are problems with your new law, no one can discuss it.

This made Wang Anshi almost angry to death, and the first person Wang Anshi thought of was Zhang Fei.

He is also familiar with Zhang Fei, this guy has a set of tricks.

Not only him, but also Sima Guang was a little suspicious, because Zhang Fei had been too easy to admit before.

The two of them came to see Zhang Fei at the same time.

Genuine bookstore.

"Two great bachelors, if you touch it, this stove is all cold. I asked the craftsmen to go back to rest on vacation yesterday. This is really not my fault. I am an Erbi. I have no business to go to the court for this matter."

Do you want to compete? If I really want to compete, I will go to court, and I may not lose."

Zhang Fei explained to Wang Anshi and Sima Guang with an aggrieved look.

Sima Guang nodded and said: "I believe this matter has nothing to do with Zhang San. He will not be so ignorant."

In fact, Wang Anshi didn't quite believe that Zhang Fei did it, and asked: "Then who did it?"

Sima Guang said: "Let the Kaifeng Mansion investigate."

At this moment, Lu Huiqing suddenly walked in quickly and whispered a few words in Wang Anshi's ear.

Wang Anshi said in surprise: "It's him."

Sima Guang asked: "Who is it?"

Wang Anshi said: "Su Zizhan."


Sima Guang was shocked.

Zhang Fei also looked shocked and said hurriedly: "This is unlikely."

Half an hour later, the trial court.

Su Shi looked at the contents of the tabloid, then glanced at Wang Anshi and Sima Guang sitting on it, "It is true that what was written in it was what I said in Pan Lou last night, but this tabloid has nothing to do with me."

Wang Anshi's anger suddenly surged.

What level do you have to dare to talk about me like this?

When Sima Guang saw it, he spoke first: "Su Zizhan, have you drank too much?"

Su Shi said: "I didn't drink at the time, and I don't think I made a mistake. How could the court not allow people to discuss current affairs? This is simply ridiculous."

Wang Anshi was furious, "I never say that people are not allowed to discuss current affairs. I just say that this tabloid is not allowed to discuss current affairs. If someone uses the tabloid to distort the facts and make lies, it will cause much trouble to the court, just like it is now."


Su Shi said: "Of course I know, and I have also heard what Wang Xueshi said, but Wang Xueshi did this, which is tantamount to forcing the tabloid to distort the facts and make it worse."

Wang Anshi asked: "You should make it clear."

Su Shi argued rationally: "It is better to guard against the people's mouth than to guard against the river. Everyone knows the method of governance, which should focus on dredging instead of building higher dams. That would only lead to self-destruction."

If the court makes tabloids legal, businessmen will be wary and dare not speak nonsense, lest they lose their livelihoods. But if the court defines tabloids that discuss current affairs as illegal, then those who secretly print tabloids will have no scruples and can do whatever they want to get money.

Distorting the facts will only make the situation worse."

He is a temperamental person, and he is very dissatisfied with this ban. Why is it that he is not allowed to discuss current affairs in tabloids? Isn't it shameful? Yesterday, he went crazy against Wang Anshi in a restaurant.

But he never thought that someone would record his remarks and then publish them in tabloids.

Sima Guang frowned and began to think.

Wang Anshi snorted: "What you say sounds reasonable, but it is purely sophistry. If the court punishes them severely, I don't believe those people dare to risk their lives for a tabloid."

Su Shi raised the tabloid in his hand, "But the facts have been stated."

Wang Anshi said: "This tabloid is not for seeking money, but to target me, Wang Anshi."

At this moment, an official came in and said, "I would like to inform the Grand Scholar of Sima, Su Jian, please see me in detail."

The reinforcements have arrived! Sima Guang said: "Let him come in."

After a while, Su Che came in and said, "I have seen Grand Bachelor Sima and Grand Bachelor Wang."

Sima Guang asked: "Su Ziyou, are you here to save your brother?"

When Su Shi heard this, he dissatisfied Su Zhe and said, "As a brother, I haven't broken any laws. How can I ask you to save me?"

Su Zhequan didn't seem to hear it, and said to Wang Anshi and Sima Guang: "Although my brother's words are inappropriate, it is really unfair to punish my brother for this crime.

When the two bachelors were young, they discussed current affairs and criticized the prime minister. Now that the two bachelors have become prime ministers, they do not allow others to discuss it. This is not what a gentleman should do."

Sima Guang secretly glanced at Wang Anshi.

Wang Anshi frowned. After a while, he said: "I didn't say that I would punish him. I will make a decision after I find out the matter."

Su Shi was dissatisfied with this and was about to say more when Sima Guang suddenly said: "You guys go down first."

"I am resigning."

Su Che quickly pulled Su Shi away.

After their brothers left, Sima Guang said: "Actually, what their brothers said makes sense!"

Wang Anshi said angrily: "What's the point? They are obviously coming for me, Wang Anshi."

This tabloid seemed to be discussing the imperial ban, but in fact it was slandering his new law, which made him extremely angry.

Sima Guang said: "Maybe there is a villain who is causing trouble, but I know Su Zizhan's character very well, and I can vouch for him. He is definitely targeting things, not people. Moreover, I believe that as he thinks,

, there are many people here, this matter may need to be discussed in the long run."

There is no yang, but rhinitis occurs, and I am really speechless.

This chapter has been completed!
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