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Chapter 270 Sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth

 The people of the Northern Song Dynasty really talked about military service. Although Zhang Fei fought several lawsuits related to Yaqian service, he never thought that one day he would receive a notice to serve.

What is my identity, Zhang San?

As the name suggests, a person who eats from three families also has a father-in-law from Dali Temple.

Let me serve?

How can it be?

Zhang Fei, who came back to his senses, didn't take it seriously at all and slept very peacefully.


At noon the next day, Fan Li hurriedly came to Zhang's house and told Zhang Fei a very bad news.


Zhang Fei looked at Fan Li in surprise, "Why?"

Fan Li also looked at Zhang Fei in confusion, shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Zhang Fei said excitedly: "Have you gone?"

"I just came from Kaifeng Mansion." Fan Li spread his hands: "They just said no."

Zhang Fei pulled him and whispered: "Did you stuff it enough?"

Fan Li exclaimed: "This is your business, but I don't dare to be careless. I gave him a piece of silver, but they took the money and told me that it still can't be done."

"Didn't you say before that this is a trivial matter?"

"It's a piece of cake."

Fan Li nodded: "My family has always done this. I have never served in the military, and neither has Quanzi. I don't know why, but they just won't let you spend money to be exempted from military service."

Zhang Fei said: "Then I will hire someone to serve on my behalf."

"No way." Fan Li said: "After the people from Kaifeng Mansion accepted my money, they made it very clear that there are orders from above that you must serve in person."

"I see."

Zhang Fei couldn't help but look angry, "I know, they are taking revenge, they are taking revenge on me."

Fan Li nodded and said: "I think so too, Sanlang, these Yamen servants are very dangerous, they are going to kill you."

Zhang Fei panicked, "No, I have to go to them and ask for an explanation."

He rushed out the door, got on the carriage, and went straight to Kaifeng Mansion.

This time, the policemen at the gate of Kaifeng Mansion did not stop Zhang Fei, and they all greeted him with smiles.

"Zhang Darer's pen, please come inside."

"Wait a minute."

Zhang Fei looked at them being so polite, and suddenly felt like a banquet at Hongmen, "Brothers, won't you stop me?"

Brother Nacha said with a smile: "No matter what, we will be traveling together in no time."

The four bad guys all showed sinister smiles.

Damn! If I fall into your hands, am I still going to survive? Zhang Fei quickly got in.

"Hey! Zhang Darer's pen is here."

Li Kai was also uncharacteristically happy. When he saw Zhang Fei, he seemed extremely happy. When he saw Zhang Fei, he wanted to salute and said hurriedly: "No need to be polite! No need to be polite!"

Zhang Fei's mouth twitched, he put down his hands and asked: "Li Tongpan, everyone can pay to be exempted from military service, why can't I?"

Li Kai hummed: "Who told you that everyone can pay to be exempted from military service? Find this person and let me ask you. Those who can pay to be exempted from military service either have family difficulties or their talents are incompetent.

Therefore, hiring someone to do it will help the government more. If you can help the Kaifeng government hire a Zhang Daer pen, I will also allow you to spend money to avoid serving."

Zhang Fei's eyebrows twitched, and he said with a deep eyebrow: "Li Tongpan, please don't say these polite words between us. What you are doing is a public revenge."

Li Kai chuckled and said, "Then you go and sue me! Aren't you very good at suing officials?"


How to report this?

Although the court has regulations in this regard, under certain circumstances, you can spend money to avoid military service. This is not considered bribery, but in the end it still depends on whether the government agrees.

Many people want to spend money to be exempted from military service, but the government still doesn't allow it.

This system had to wait until Wang Anshi's political reform to form a system.

Huang Gui on the side couldn't help but joked: "Zhang San! We are not a family, we don't belong to the same family! Haha! You like our Kaifeng Mansion so much, and now that you want it, you shouldn't be happy."


Li Kai nodded and said, "Master Huang's words make sense."

Zhang Fei took one look at these two people who were working together, with deer-like heads and rat-like eyes, and knew that it was useless to beg them.

Without saying much, he left immediately.

After leaving Kaifeng Mansion, he immediately went to find Wang Anshi.

"When Wang beats the bachelor, you have to make the decision for me! If it weren't for the bachelor Wang, I wouldn't have offended the Kaifeng Mansion. Now they are using the Yamen official to avenge their personal revenge, me, me...!"

Zhang Fei cried miserably with tears and snot in his eyes.

What are you talking about? I have just filed a few complaints, but you have already offended people. Wang Anshi didn't mean what he said: "This is unreasonable, how dare they do this. Don't worry, I will help you. You go back and wait for the news."

"Thank you, Bachelor Wang. Thank you, Bachelor Wang."

After leaving the palace, Zhang Fei thought to himself, there are more people who hate me in this court than in Kaifeng. After all, Wang Anshi is just the leader of the reformist faction. The opposition will definitely try to get me to death. No, I have to go to Sima University.



I eat from three families. If you want to mess with me, just dream.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Fei ran to Sima Guang again.


Sima Guang stroked his beard and said, "Everyone needs to serve here, you."

Have you ever taken it?

Zhang Fei immediately glanced at Sima Guang.

Sima Guang added: "Of course, Jinshi is not needed."


Okay! You're cruel! Zhang Fei said sarcastically: "Sister Sima, I'm so busy that I don't have time to serve. But I don't intend to fulfill this obligation. I'm willing to hire someone to go on my behalf. I'll hire two. No, I

Let's hire five people for the head office.

But Kaifeng Mansion has designated me to go there in person, which is clearly aimed at me and avenging public and private revenge!"

Sima Guang nodded: "Okay, I'll go and ask for you. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Zhang Fei repeatedly cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Grand Bachelor Sima. Thank you, Grand Bachelor Sima."

With the Gemini BUFF bonus, Zhang Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't intend to ask Xu Zun for help in this matter. He would just discuss the matter as it happened. This was indeed his duty. It was not considered unfair treatment at the moment. If Xu Zun helped him, he might be using the public for personal gain.

But when he got home, he still told Xu Zun.

It was really inconvenient for Xu Zun to say anything. He just comforted Zhang Fei. If the Kaifeng Mansion wanted to avenge their private revenge, he would never let the Kaifeng Mansion succeed.

The implication is that if Kaifeng Mansion decides on official matters, then he really can't say anything.

On the second day, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang really got active and went to help Zhang Fei to ask why Zhang Fei was not allowed to spend money to be exempted from military service, or to hire someone to serve on his behalf. Your Kaifeng Mansion must give an explanation.

But the result was an outpouring of public opinion.

It's a good thing they didn't ask. All the officials knew about it.

Dancing happily.


Heaven! Earth!

What kind of genius came up with this idea?

It's really wonderful.

Zhang Fei must serve in this battle.

No matter how much money he spends, he is not allowed to escape.

They hated Zhang San for more than a day or two.

After finally catching him once, we must not let him go!

The admonishing officer and censor yelled that anyone who dared to exempt Zhang Fei from military service would be impeached until his death.

Many officials and scholar-bureaucrats even went to Kaifeng Mansion and told Li Kai, don't be afraid, Wang Anshi was stopped by us, so just deal with it.

Dali Temple.

"Xu Si Shi, you have also seen that I have tried my best, but..."

Wang Anshi said to Xu Zun with a face of shame.

Sima Guang on the side also stroked his beard and sighed: "This is a small matter, but Kaifeng Mansion is doing things according to the rules. Those people are holding on to it, and we are helpless!"

Xu Zun didn't know that the commotion was so fierce. It's really no wonder that the two of them were treated like the prime minister by those admonishers and censors.

Usually they will be so crazy only when impeaching the prime minister.

Xu Zun suggested in a low voice: "Can you recommend Zhang San as an official to avoid this?"

Wang Anshi and Sima Guang looked at each other.

Wang Anshi said: "Even if the two of us recommend it and the officials agree, it may be too late. They will definitely find a way to delay it. Now in the court, we are the only two who support Zhang San, including Lu Huiqing."


Xu Zun sighed, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you serve. I'm just afraid that they will avenge themselves."

Sima Guang immediately said: "Then I guess they don't dare. After all, Zhang San is your son-in-law Xu Zhongtu. Having said that, if Zhang San is really wronged, he won't bear it."

Xu Zun added: "Zhang San is thin and has never done much work, but he can't do any hard labor."

Wang Anshi couldn't help but frowned.

Sima Guang immediately said: "I inquired very clearly. The reason why Kaifeng government rejected Zhang Fei is that he has special talents that are lacking in the government, so he cannot be released. In this case, he must be allowed to do legal work."


"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense." Wang Anshi nodded and said, "If the Kaifeng Mansion dares to let Zhang Fei do extra-legal work, we will definitely impeach the Kaifeng Mansion."

Xu Zun thought to himself that it was not impossible to do legal work. He then asked: "How long will you serve?"

Wang Anshi immediately said: "It won't take long. Once my new law comes out, you can spend money to avoid military service. It will only last for one autumn at most."

Sima Guang glanced at Wang Anshi without concealing it, and murmured in his heart, he had agreed to deal with Zhang Fei, but why did you get involved in the new law again? It was simply seeking personal gain for public good.

Although Xu Zun was not an honest man, he never expected that Sima Guang would collude with Wang Anshi to play tricks on Zhang Fei.

This is impossible.

He can only blame his son-in-law for being too arrogant in court and accumulating too many enemies.

After returning home, Xu Zun informed Zhang Fei of the matter.

After hearing this, Zhang Fei felt incredulous: "Neither Wang Xueshi nor Sima Xueshi can help me get rid of this government service?"

Xu Zun sighed: "Except for the two of them, both inside and outside the court, all the ministers support the Kaifeng Mansion. They are also unable to support themselves!"

Zhang Fei suddenly felt dizzy after hearing this, "Father-in-law, if I fall into their hands, then I am doomed!"

Xu Zhiqian also realized that something was wrong and said, "Yes! Dad, from top to bottom in Kaifeng Mansion, there is no one who doesn't hate Zhang San."

Xu Zundao: "That's not the case. I have discussed with Wang Jiefu and Sima Junshi to ensure that you will not be wronged, and you are also engaged in some legal work, and the period is only one quarter."

Zhang Fei was still a little reluctant. This was definitely sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth, and said, "How about I go talk to the officials?"

Xu Zun thought for a while, "If the officials get involved in such a trivial matter, I'm afraid it will arouse everyone's suspicion and reveal your relationship with the officials."

Zhang Fei nodded repeatedly.

His relationship with Zhao Xu is a very crucial card and cannot be exposed easily.

Xu Zun added: "As a citizen of the Song Dynasty, it is your duty to do something for the country. In fact, I have always hoped that you can use your talents to serve the country. Although what this yamen servant can do is limited,

But I believe you can do better."

After hearing this, Zhang Fei knew that this matter would definitely not go away, and said: "If I am engaged in legal work, I can help a little bit. I'm afraid they will let me pick the shit, then...!"

Xu Zundao: "Don't worry, it's absolutely impossible. The reason why they refuse to pay you to be exempted from military service is that you have special talents. The work they ask you to do must be related to the law. I guess it's some clerical work in the Secretary's Department."


Zhang Fei sighed and thought to himself, "You guys are cruel, I have admitted defeat this time. After I finish my service later, if I don't turn your Kaifeng Mansion upside down, I won't believe Zhang."

This chapter has been completed!
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