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Chapter 280 He’s a man

Although Zhang Fei lost the lawsuit last time, he won back the celebrity newspaper.

Originally, he planned to reorganize the bookstore, but he did not expect that he would soon face military service, so the matter was delayed, so that during this period, the official bookstore did not publish even a single issue of the tabloid.

This also caused everyone to ignore the matter.

In the eyes of most people, they finally defeated Zhang Fei, but they did not expect that Zhang Fei was actually the real winner.

Today, celebrity newspapers suddenly appeared in various restaurants, which really gave everyone a surprise. It even made people feel as if the last issue of the tabloid was already very far away.

And the article in the celebrity newspaper directly detonated the entire public opinion.

Since this license plate news was released, almost no one has supported it.

Although horse-drawn carriages represent nobility, merchants and vendors also use oxen and horse-drawn carriages to haul goods, so how could they support this license plate?

This is ten thousand times more abominable than Wang Anshi's new law.

Everyone hopes that the street department can clean up the streets, but not at the expense of my money.

But I can't say it so straightforwardly.

Fan Chunren's article gave them a reason to criticize.

This article is very cleverly written. He first explains the whole process of the matter and expresses that the actions of the army patrol shop seem reasonable.

The more carriages there are, the more excrement there will be, which will naturally require more people to clean up, and the expenses will definitely increase.

There is nothing wrong with this logic.

But the article immediately gives examples to illustrate that since ancient times, many seemingly reasonable charging policies have made people miserable. The reason is overcharging and excessive charging.

This immediately resonated with everyone.

That’s right!

That's it.

There is no charging policy that does not charge too much.

The military patrol shop just looks for a reason to make money. When it comes to charging, it will definitely be more than that.

Let's not be fooled.

Both scholars and ordinary people seized on Fan Chunren's arguments and attacked the license plate desperately.

But this made those high-ranking officials anxious.

The previous public opinion against license plates was created by them, but Fan Chunren's article changed the public opinion from anti-license plates to anti-abuse tolls.

This is irreversible.

In fact, everyone just found this reason to attack the military patrol shop.

But...but what if the military patrol shop does not overcharge?

The Ordinance Department of the Second Government was established.

"Awesome! Awesome!"

Wang Anshi looked at the celebrity newspaper and couldn't help but admire it.

Lu Huiqing asked: "What did my teacher say?"

Wang Anshi glanced at him, "Can't you see the mystery of this article?"

Lu Huiqing said: "Students can clearly see that this article seems to be criticizing license plates, but it actually supports reasonable license plate fees."


Wang Anshi nodded and said: "The wonderful thing is that if Zhang San writes an article to refute the current public opinion, it will not have the same effect.

But now this article is praised by everyone, which means that we have to wait until excessive charging occurs before we can stop it. This will lay a solid foundation for the implementation of this law. This move can be used to make a difference, then

It’s really wonderful.”

After talking about it, he couldn't help but shake his head.

He never thought of scolding himself to promote the new law. This is really amazing.

Lu Huiqing doesn't think so, "But if overcharging does occur, it may be a disaster for Zhang San."

Wang Anshi said: "Since Zhang San dares to do this, he must be sure."

Lu Huiqing shook his head and said: "I don't believe it, and I can guarantee that there will definitely be overcharging. Those officials who object only need to use some tricks, and Zhang San will not be able to prevent it at all."

Wang Anshi frowned and nodded slightly: "That's true. Someone will definitely interfere with it, and it will be impossible to prevent it!"

Lu Huiqing said: "Teacher, we must not do this. This is a double-edged sword."

Scold him harshly, if it really happens, it will be the end of the world.

"That shop?"

Sima Guang stood in front of two shops and saw that both shops were open and decorated inside, and there were no signs.

Lu Gongzhu looked around and said, "I heard it's at the No. 2 store on Si Lu Si Street. It should be this one."

He pointed to a room on the left, but when he saw a person walking out of the shop, it was Fan Chunren.

"Bachelor Sima, Mr. Lu Xianggong."

Fan Chunren quickly came out and saluted the two of them.

Sima Guang and Lu Gongzhu also received a gift in return.

Fan Chunren welcomed the two of them into the shop again, "Please have tea, please."

"Thank you!"

Sima Guang took the tea cup with both hands and put it on the table first. Then he looked around and smiled at Fan Chunren: "It was Zhang San who gave you the idea of ​​the Legal Aid Agency, right?"

Fan Chunren nodded: "He is just a government official and it is difficult to supervise his subordinates. He hopes that I can help him."

Lu Gongzhu smiled and said: "Yaofu, you and Zhang San are mortal enemies. I never thought you would help him."

Fan Chunren immediately said: "I'm not helping him. If he breaks the law, I will sue him. The reason why I agreed to him is because I also believe that the reason why excessive charging occurs frequently is because it has always been

, The ones who really supervise the lower-level officials are their superiors, but once there is collusion between the upper and lower levels, there will be a lack of supervision in the middle. If there is a Legal Aid Agency, there will be an extra pair of eyes to keep an eye on them."

Mr. Lu nodded slightly.

Sima Guang said with a smile: "I know what Yaofu is thinking, but I am very curious about one thing. Your article was so harsh. If someone interferes with it and lets some patrol police deliberately make things difficult for the people, what should we do? And this is extremely

It could happen."

Fan Chunren smiled and said: "I also asked Zhang San about this. His original words were that whoever breaks the law will be arrested and he will cooperate with the government's punishment. This is a human problem, not a legal problem."

Sima Guang and Lu Gongzhu couldn't help but look at each other.

My mind started to get a little hard to wrap my head around.

Logically speaking, if the younger brother made a mistake, the boss must bear the responsibility. When the Qingli New Deal reached its highest level, the lower levels began to lose control and there were problems with implementation. Then the conservatives took the opportunity to impeach Fan Zhongyan and others.

This routine has never changed.

Zhang Fei's meaning is simple and crude. If you engage in malpractice for personal gain, just arrest him, and I support you.

Sima Guang thought for a while, "It's not that simple. If a big problem goes wrong, the higher-ups will definitely blame it."

Fan Chunren said: "If there is going to be a big problem, it must be that our Legal Aid Department cannot seek justice for the people, and many people have been exploited because of the law. But I firmly believe that I can get justice for them."

Lu Gong wrote: "If someone does it deliberately, you will be unable to guard against it."

Fan Chunren smiled and said: "Zhang San will also announce law enforcement standards by then, so that excessive fees can be avoided."

After hearing this, Sima Guang's eyes flashed with expectation.

If Zhang Fei can really create a law enforcement system for him, it will be of great help to his judicial reform.

There is no regret in my heart, but I am full of expectations.

Pan Lou.

"Those scholars outside are all nerds. The celebrity newspaper belongs to Zhang Fei. How can he deal with himself? Overcharging will not appear until this law is implemented. How can they use such a simple trick? Do not understand."

Guan Zhen, the doctor of Taifu Temple, was anxious when he heard the criticism from outside.

Gu Ji said: "We still have to find ways to reverse this public opinion, and we must not allow this law to be implemented."

Li Zhandao: "Why don't we find some vendors driving bullock carts and go out on the street to cry, so that everyone knows that even if they don't charge more, many people still can't afford it, and they already pay a lot of taxes."

Gu Ji nodded repeatedly: "I think it's okay, but if we find more people, we must attract everyone's attention."

Cao Han immediately said: "Leave this matter to me."

As a transporter, this task is not difficult for him.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Gu Ji immediately asked: "Who is it?"

"The thing about Gusi is me, Pan Heng."

"Come in."

But I saw a middle-aged man with a big belly open the door and enter the private room.

Gu Ji asked: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Pan?"

Pan Heng said: "Just now another new newspaper was sent from the genuine bookstore."

"Really? Bring it quickly."


After Pan Heng handed the celebrity report to Gu Ji, he went out.

Gu Ji opened it and took a look. After a moment, he looked shocked and said, "How is this possible?"

Guan Zhen asked: "What did it say about the Gusi incident?"

Gu Jidao: "Fan Chunren published an article on it again, saying that even if the charges are not excessive, ordinary people will find it difficult to afford the cattle and horse license fees."


As soon as these words came out, everyone sitting there was shocked.

They all got up and came to Gu Ji's side and took a closer look.

If there was something fishy about the first article, then this one was full of useful information, which even made them really think that they had misunderstood Fan Chunren.

Fan Chunren is an absolute ally.

This article completely reveals the conspiracy in their hearts, competing for benefits and increasing the burden on the people.

At this time, there were waves of public opinion outside.

Everyone is criticizing the vehicle license fee for increasing the burden on the people.

Cao Han said nonchalantly: "Do you still want to find someone?"

Gu Ji shook his head blankly and said, "It shouldn't be necessary."

What on earth is this doing?

There is no sense of confrontation.

It made them really helpless.

The enemy's knife was specifically aimed at his own head. This... this was really scary.

If the first celebrity newspaper made many officials in the DPRK doubt Fan Chunren, then this second celebrity newspaper dispelled everyone's doubts.

Fan Chunren is a friendly force, not an enemy.

This article will bring huge trouble to Zhang San and will definitely arouse public resentment. It is really impeccable.

But they were also wondering, isn't the celebrity newspaper Zhang Fei's?

Why did he publish this article?

Genuine bookstore.

"I wonder if you have any orders for your visit?"

Hou Donglai said to an uninvited guest who was dressed in gorgeous clothes.

The guest asked: "Who are you?"

Hou Donglai said hurriedly: "Hou Donglai is in charge of this workshop."

"It turns out to be Hou Yuanwai." The guest bowed his hands and asked, "I want to publish an article in the celebrity newspaper, what are the conditions?"

Hou Donglai said hurriedly: "First of all, you must have a certain reputation."

Celebrities and celebrities must be famous!

The guest asked again: "What else?"

Hou Donglai replied: "It's not easy to say. For example, you can't scold officials, and you can't spread rumors to slander the ministers of the DPRK."

The guest asked: "Is it okay to scold Zhang San?"

"Of course you can!"

Hou Donglai nodded and said: "As long as your article is wonderful, make sure everyone likes to read it, you can criticize it as you like."

The customer wondered: "Isn't Zhang San the owner of this genuine bookstore?"

Hou Donglai nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then you won't be angry after seeing that third piece?"

"The only thing that makes us Saburo angry is that no one reads this official report."

Hou Donglai became more and more enthusiastic and whispered: "Our official bookstore will also publish a small newspaper when the time comes. As long as you spend money, you can publish your own articles in this tabloid. If you want to scold Saburo, you only need to spend money."



Crazy! What a bunch of crazy people.

The guest was immediately frightened away.

Of course this person was sent by Gu Ji and the others, but they couldn't understand why Zhang Fei let this article be published in the celebrity newspaper.

They thought there must be something fishy here because it didn't make sense, but they looked left and right and couldn't understand it, so they sent someone to inquire.

After learning this result, everyone admired Zhang San for being a man.


There really is no purer businessman than Zhang San.

In order to make money, I even scolded myself.

Even Gao Wenyin, who served Zhang Fei every day, couldn't quite understand this.

"Sanlang, doesn't this genuine bookstore belong to you?"


Zhang Fei took the tea cup from Gao Wenyin and took a sip, "Madam's tea art is really getting better and better."

Gao Wenyin just pursed her lips and smiled, and then asked: "Didn't Sanlang come up with the license plate too?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Yes!"

Gao Wenyin said: "If that's the case, why does celebrity newspaper criticize the license plate every day?"

Zhang Fei put down the tea cup and said with a smile: "This is the highest level of swearing."

"The highest level of swearing?"


Zhang Fei said: "When others scold you, you are despicable and shameless. If you scold yourself, you are humble and aboveboard."

Gao Wenyin was immediately fooled by Zhang Fei and fainted.

Is that what happened?

"It's a good idea to scold yourself."

I saw Xu Zun and Xu Zhiqian entering the hall.


Zhang Fei quickly stood up.

Xu Zun exclaimed: "What you just said is absolutely correct. Yesterday everyone was still criticizing you. Today everyone respects you as a man. Your reputation as a scholar is so popular now!"

Zhang Fei said hey: "If I don't let Mr. Fan scold me, they will scold me in the same way. If this happens, I will become a man, so why not do it."

Xu Zhiqian hummed softly: "Don't be complacent. Although they are praising you with their mouths, they are probably calling you a fool in their hearts."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I only care about whether you have me in your heart. I don't care about what they are thinking. I can't control it."

Xu Zhiqian's face turned red and she said shyly: "What are you talking about? It's really not serious."

Xu Zunfu smiled and said: "But I can't understand your trick. Now that this article is published, it will immediately arouse public resentment. If you can't stop it, the officials will have to step in."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Public complaints are only secondary. Most of the hawkers who are engaged in transportation are afraid in their hearts. This is excessive charging, levying carriage and horse fees, and spreading rumors. How can they not be afraid?"

The more Xu Zun listened, the more confused he became, and said: "If there are people behind them supporting them and public resentment spreads, then this license plate will definitely be invalid."

Zhang Fei chuckled: "But from a business perspective, this is an excellent opportunity to buy at the bottom."

"Copy the dip."

“Just take advantage of the dip.”

Zhang Fei said: "I happen to be looking for investment in a charity organization. Since they are afraid, let me do it. I will set up a transportation workshop and let them help me transport the goods. I will pay for the license plate. Anyway, it is only a few hundred a year.

Money is nothing at all.

The only thing I'm worried about now is those transportation workshops with powerful power and background. As soon as they see me starting to buy at the bottom, they will snatch people away immediately. Sigh."

Xu Zhiqian said happily: "This way, no one will complain."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you complain to me. How can you not get scolded if you make money?"

Royal Palace.

"Sir, do you know why I allow the military patrol shop to collect this license plate fee?"

Zhao Xu asked Wang Anshi with a smile.

Wang Anshi pondered for a moment, "Maybe the officials also want to lay the foundation for the New Deal."

Zhao Xu nodded: "That's right. It seems that sir has thought of something."

Wang Anshi said truthfully: "To be honest with the officials, Zhang San has actually told me about this before, so I support him very much."

Zhao Xu asked again: "I wonder if you, sir, understand what Zhang San's purpose is in publishing these two issues of celebrity newspapers?"

Wang Anshi shook his head and sighed: "I understand Fan Chunren's first article, but I really can't understand this second article. I don't even understand the purpose of the first article."

Zhao Xu frowned, "I didn't expect that even sir couldn't understand it." He murmured in his heart, it seems that Zhang San didn't lie to me, he is really better at public opinion.

Wang Anshi heard this clearly, with a slight embarrassment on his face.

He really couldn't understand it either.

In fact, Wang Anshi's publicity methods are really a mess. But Zhang Fei comes from an era of marketing accounts. Those marketing accounts all seem to be legitimate customers, but in fact every word is full of the smell of copper.

It either attracts you to look at it or attracts you to buy it.

This chapter has been completed!
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