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Chapter 298 Urban Reform

 Give it a try.

In other words, forget it if it doesn't work.

Zhao Xu's tone, in the eyes of Wen Yanbo and others, was also full of worry and not so firm.

Little did they know that Zhao Xu had a bright hand and a dark hand.

After all, the power of the emperor of the Song Dynasty was subject to many checks and balances. There were ancestral laws at the top and the scholar-bureaucrat class at the bottom. He was not the kind to say what he said, but Zhao Xu wanted to do a lot.

So he must use his power carefully.

And he gave great support to Wang Anshi's reforms. No matter what the opposition said, he remained unmoved.

It just needs to be changed.

This also resulted in him actually not having much power when it came to cooperating with Zhang Fei, and he could not give Zhang Fei much support. He could only help Zhang Fei with the details and provide some technical support.

Whether it's a license plate or an intrusion into the street, he just goes with the flow and behaves very low-key.

If he gives full support to both sides, then ministers will point the finger at him.

If this happens, he won't be able to bear it.

However, Zhao Xu's soft attitude made the entire political hall treat this matter more conservatively.

Although Wang Anshi screamed fiercely, he would not put too much effort into this matter, that is, he would just yell a few words to express his attitude.

That's all.

He also had to preserve his strength at this time.

However, the current system is that the General Police Station is subordinate to the Political Affairs Hall, and public security policies must go through the Political Affairs Hall.

After Wen Yanbo and the others discussed it, they issued a very conservative order to the General Police Department.

To put it simply, in one sentence, your memorial has been approved by the officials.

They already had reservations about this, and since the emperor's attitude was so weak, they were even less confident, and they were unwilling to take the blame.

This memorial was written by Cao Ping, so you should memorize it.

We are not here to support you, but to supervise you.

In the final analysis, it is execution, execution, and execution of TM!

Everyone is full of doubts about the government's execution ability.

Including Cao Ping himself.

But one thing is different between Cao Ping and Wen Yanbo. Cao Ping is a relative, and he went to this secret memorial just to test Zhao Xu's attitude.

He didn't care so much about Zhao Xu's weak and tough attitude, he only cared about whether Zhao Xu supported it.

Now Zhao Xu has expressed his attitude and supports this.

Then Cao Ping will go all out.

But this matter is not a trivial matter. It is not as simple as putting on a license plate. Naturally, Cao Ping cannot act like he did before, spending three days fishing and two days surfing the Internet, with a look of indifference.

He also began to take the position of Chief Superintendent seriously, and began to mobilize his troops. He transferred his confidants from the bodyguards to the General Police Department to appoint the Chief Superintendent, and then held a meeting to discuss the matter.

I saw a circle of generals sitting in the lobby of the General Police Station, and only one person was standing. This person was Zhang Fei, a former Yamen officer.

"If any of you can complete this task, I will promote him to deputy superintendent."

Cao Ping didn't play tricks with these old subordinates, they were just sugar-coated bullets.

Every general is sitting upright, with a resolute face, unmoved.

Not even a fart.

License plates cost money, but house demolition costs lives!

How many people will this offend?

Sooner or later they will be liquidated.

This was all what Cao Ping expected, and in the end, his eyes fell on Zhang Fei.

But Zhang Fei remained unmoved.

Cao Ping was stunned for a moment, you kid is unjust, it was your idea, you have to be responsible!

Zhang Fei thought to himself, I can't be the deputy superintendent.

At this moment, someone outside the hall reported: "Report to the chief superintendent, the police chief in the left wing is asking for an audience."

The police sergeant in the left wing is Cao Dongdong.

At present, the general police station has just been decided, and the positions have not been divided yet. There are only two, superintendent and sergeant. Each police station has a sergeant.

Cao Ping frowned when he heard this and said reluctantly: "Let him come in."

I saw Cao Dongdong entering the hall with his younger brother Ma Xiaoyi, clasping his fists and saying: "I came late because I have important matters to deal with. I hope the Chief Superintendent will forgive me."

Cao Ping looked at such a serious son, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He missed that carefree son so much now.

In fact, he didn't notify Cao Dongdong at all, but he was embarrassed to say so and said: "Sit down."

"Thank you Chief Superintendent."

After Cao Dongdong sat down, he asked someone next to him: "Brother Gao Er, what are you talking about?"

Gao Qiang immediately said: "The chief superintendent said that whoever can complete the rectification tasks in the city will be promoted to deputy chief superintendent."

Cao Dongdong's face tightened, "Do you have a confirmed candidate?"

Gao Qiang immediately shook his head and said, "No."

Cao Dongdong breathed a sigh of relief and immediately commented to Cao: "Chief Superintendent, I think that, looking at the entire police department, no one except Xiaguan can complete this task."

The sitting general immediately looked at Cao Dongdong with approval.

It is true that since ancient times heroes have emerged from youth!

The corner of Cao Ping's mouth twitched and he said: "You are still busy with the license plate matter, so how can you have time to take care of this matter."

Cao Dongdong said: "The license plate matter has been pretty much handled, just let people keep an eye on it."

"I am willing to keep an eye on you for Chief Cao."

All the generals said in unison.

Cao Dongdong was taken aback and said hurriedly: "It's not like there are so many people staring at me."

Cao Ping gritted his teeth and said, "You have little experience."

Cao Dongdong said: "As far as the police chief is concerned, I have more experience than those sitting here."

All the generals nodded again.

Cao Ping added: "This task is very difficult!"

"Xiaguan enjoys the challenge. If it is not difficult, he has no interest." Cao Dongdong said calmly.

"Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth, and Sheriff Cao is truly a role model for our generation."

"It's true that the general has no son. Congratulations to the Chief Superintendent on the birth of Lin'er."


A rainbow fart made Cao Dongdong feel elated, but made Cao Ping miserable.

You bastards are pushing my son into the fire pit!

But after saying this, if he didn't agree, no one would be willing to do this job, so he said helplessly: "Okay! This task will be left to Chief Cao to handle with full authority."

"I will definitely fulfill my mission as a low-ranking official." Cao Dongdong immediately clasped his fists.

Cao Ping glared at him covertly, then stood up and left.

As soon as he left, the generals immediately stood up to congratulate Cao Dongdong, all of them sweating profusely. Just now they were so panicked that they were afraid of taking on this mission.

They are all experienced drivers, so don't they know the dangers involved?

Zhang Fei, on the other hand, was quietly called to the back hall by Cao Ping.

"You brat, it was you who came up with the idea, but you let Dong'er do it? It's really unreasonable."

When Cao Ping saw Zhang Fei, he burst into anger.

Zhang Fei smiled bitterly and said: "Chief Superintendent, I'm just a yamen servant, I can't hold back."

Cao commented: "I can promote you to sergeant!"

Zhang Fei said sarcastically: "I'm just here to serve."

Cao Ping asked again: "You are in service and you have done so many things?"

Zhang Fei said: "Didn't we discuss this issue last time?"

Cao Ping snorted angrily: "Are you here to retaliate against them, or are you here to retaliate against me?"

Zhang Fei said: "Chief Superintendent, you are the one who signed this memorial. Even if the office is not responsible, will those people let you go?"

After hearing this, Cao Ping was very angry and said: "You are responsible for this, but the responsibility lies with us, father and son. You are really smart."

Zhang Fei said: "But the credit belongs to the Chief Superintendent and the Yamen, and it has nothing to do with me. And I think that having the Yamen take charge is also a good thing for the Cao family. If the Yamen can complete the task well, then

No one who will succeed the Chief Superintendent in the future will dare to disapprove."

Cao Ping blinked, his expression softened a little, and he sneered: "You do think about my Cao family!"

Zhang Fei said with a smile: "The Yameni and I are like brothers, this is nothing."

Cao commented: "Are you really sure?"

Zhang Fei said: "Chief Superintendent, please rest assured, I will never let them off easily."

When he said this, Cao Ping felt relieved.

If Zhang Fei wants to serve the country and the people, who will believe him?

But when he said he wanted revenge, Cao Ping immediately believed him.

Zhang Fei added: "Chief Superintendent, I think I will kill so many people. If something happens, the Chief Superintendent will only need to pass all the blame on me. They will be very happy to accept this condition."

Cao Ping smiled and said, "You can go out."

"I resign from my humble position."

Back in the lobby, the generals had already left, and Cao Dongdong was seen slumped on the chair, as if after a gaochao, with an afterthought on his face!

It can be seen that when Zhang Fei arrived, Cao Dongdong provoked him and said anxiously: "Zhang San, this matter depends entirely on you."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, our plan is so complete, nothing will happen."

With that said, he said to Ma Xiaoyi: "Xiao Ma, I asked you to find the entrustment, oh no, the person you were looking for, how did you find it?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "Third brother, don't worry, everything has been deployed. Just give the order."


Cao Dongdong glanced at Ma Xiaoyi.

Ma Xiaoyi immediately said: "Just wait for my brother's order."

Cao Dongdong said: "Then let's get started."

As far as the military is concerned, food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses are sent out.

But as far as politics is concerned, propaganda should go first before troops are deployed.

Zhang Fei has done this before.

But this time, Zhang Fei took a different approach. Instead of letting the News take the lead, they chose to go first with troops.

In the early morning of this day, a team of patrol officers came to No. 1 Tianshui Lane and set up warning signs at the end of the main street to strictly prohibit passage.

This quickly attracted many people to watch.

What is this doing?

Suddenly, a thunder was heard on the ground, and the remaining walls were all knocked down, and clouds of dust rose from the ground, covering the sky and the sun.

Wait until the dust dissipates.

I saw some patrol officers setting up bamboo fences where the wall collapsed.

"The fenced area will belong to your private homeland from now on. If you want to open a shop here, you only need to take the land deed to the police station and pay ten coins. But if you build a house, you only need to pay one hundred coins.


I saw a patrolman talking to a salesman.

When the salesman heard this, everyone was dumbfounded. I... wasn't I dreaming?

When I woke up, there was such a big piece of land for nothing.

There is still a distance between the square wall and the house. This area is not small, and you can directly build a shed or a small tea shop.

In Bianliang, such a large piece of land, even if it is ten thousand dollars, what is the difference between it and giving it away for free?

Second Sweetwater Lane.

"Your hut used to be a square wall, right?"

"Yes, I won't bother you patrolmen. I demolished it myself before."

"There is no traffic obstruction here. You only need to go to the police station with the house deed and pay one hundred cents, and this land will become your private residence."

"Do you only need a hundred cents?"


"Hey! I'll go there later."

"I know, I know, go to the police station and pay one hundred cents to replace the house deed. I'll go right away."

"You need to pay ten dollars here."

"Why? My neighbor is the same as me. Why does he only need to pay one hundred coins, while I need ten coins?"

"His residence is yours and yours is a shop. If you use it for residence, you only need to pay one hundred cents."


"The primary purpose of our rectification is to improve civilian housing; secondly, the trouble that shops bring to public areas is much higher than that of residential land; finally, street shops are more valuable. If you are dissatisfied, you can complain to me

, my police number is 218."

"Ouch! How can that be impossible! Ten guan is ten guan, I will pay it tomorrow."

Of course, these businessmen knew about the lawsuit in Chunfeng Shili, and they were very worried. They never thought that ten guan would be enough to settle the matter, and they would also be able to obtain a legal house deed. In the future, the profit from the sale of this shop would be more than ten guan!

The speed of the patrol's actions also surprised the DPRK and Chinese ministers.

Without even a hint of news being revealed, we acted directly.

This really caught them off guard, and they were even ready to yell.

Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang also quickly came out to inspect.

"I thought that the General Police Department would use tabloids to publicize the issue again, just like issuing license plates. I never thought that this time they would send people to tear down the wall first."

"Why did Duke Wen think they did this?" Sima Guang asked.

Wen Yanbo stroked his beard, "Tearing down the walls will only gain people's support. No matter what they do in the future, the people who have benefited will definitely support them fully. But if the rectification content is published in the tabloids first, it will inevitably

It will arouse a lot of opposition.”

Sima Guang nodded and said: "I think so too. As long as the General Police Department does not announce the contents of its rectifications, even if officials from the DPRK and China fan the flames, the panic caused will be very limited. After all, everyone is more willing to believe the facts in front of them.


Wen Yanbo said: "The key still depends on how well it is executed later."

Even a fool can accomplish anything that benefits others.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, a dense sound caught their attention. They looked up and found that they had arrived at Bianhe Street.

Looking for the sound again, they saw many people surrounding the shop opposite. Out of curiosity, the two of them walked over.

I saw a patrolman knocking a wooden sign into the wall.

Wen Yanbo asked an onlooker: "What are you doing?"

"I heard it's the house number."

"House number?"

"It is said that the wall of the building was demolished, so this house number was set up to facilitate management in the future."

A person on the side said: "This is the same as the license plate, but it is hung on the door wall."

"But it's different. You have to pay for the license plate number. There is no charge for this house number."

"Who says it's free, but you still have to pay ten cents for the craftsmanship."

"This is just a little, it's like confiscating it."

Sima Guang stood on tiptoe and looked up. He saw the house number written on it was "Bian 8058". He was surprised and said, "More than 8,000 households have been established?"

One person laughed and said: "It's not more than 8,000 households, it's fifty-eight. But if the number starts with 6 or 8, they are all shops. If the number starts with 1, they are all government offices. If the number starts with 2, they all rent public housing. The rest

They are all residential buildings, and the character in front is the first character of the street name."

"I see."

Sima Guang nodded slightly.

Wen Yanbo stroked his beard and said, "His symbol is really getting better and better the more you look at it!"

Sima Guang nodded and said: "If you write a few words on it, most people won't recognize it, but even those who don't know Chinese characters will recognize these symbols. This house number is indeed very conducive to management."

This chapter has been completed!
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