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Chapter 306 Mutual Help

 During Zhang Fei's service, Xu Zhiqian was actually busier than him, because Zhang Fei gave Xu Zhiqian the task of investigating residential areas.

This is quite a trivial matter.

Of course, Xu Zhiqian was only responsible for planning and coordinating. The ones who really conducted in-depth investigations were the people from the office and Cao Dongdong's servants.

Compared with the female lawyers who go to court for litigation, Zhang Fei believes that Xu Zhiqian is actually more suitable for charity, and the lawyer can just work as a part-time job.

Because in Xu Zhiqian's heart, sensibility still dominates her, but lawyers must be rational and even a little cold-blooded.

Xu Zhiqian can become a good assistance lawyer, but she will never become a barrister.

Therefore, Zhang Fei plans to hand over the charity work in the charity organization to Xu Zhiqian, which is exactly what he is not good at. Helping others actually requires a lot of experience. How can you use money wisely?

Xu Zhiqian is also very interested in this.

"Third brother, you are finally back."

As soon as she entered the house, she heard Xiao Tao's excited voice.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Xiao Tao, did Madam miss me while I was away?"

"Yes I do!"

As she said this, Xiao Tao was stunned and blinked: "Third brother, are you asking about your wife?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

Xiao Tao said arrogantly: "Madam is here, wouldn't you ask Madam directly?"


Zhang Fei then looked at Gao Wenyin again.

Gao Wenyin looked at him charmingly and said, "You will be talkative when you come back."

Xu Zhiqian smiled slyly and said, "Sister Gao is really looking more and more like a madam."

Gao Wenyin said angrily: "Ms. Xu, he is your husband."

Zhang Fei laughed and said: "Oh! Why do you want to be humble? It's everyone's, everyone's. Haha."

If Zhang Fei came to the Northern Song Dynasty, the biggest comfort was undoubtedly these two women.

Xu Zhiqian quietly reached out her hand, grabbed the flesh of Zhang Fei's waist, and twisted it gently.

Zhang Fei took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Gao Wenyin asked.


Zhang Fei said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, the food has been prepared. If you rest for a while, you can eat it soon."

With that said, Gao Wenyin and Xiao Tao hurried to the kitchen to prepare.

Zhang Fei rubbed his waist and glanced at Xu Zhiqian depressedly, "Wow, you are so old, and you are still doing this."

Xu Zhiqian hummed softly, and suddenly saw an old man walking leisurely from the back door, and hurriedly shouted: "Daddy!"

The two of them immediately greeted him.

"came back!"

Xu Zun smiled and said to Zhang Fei: "You have retired after your success!"

He naturally knew about this in court.

Zhang Fei laughed at himself: "I should be kicked out."

Xu Zun laughed and said: "It doesn't matter whether you retire after your success or leave the house, but what you did is really beautiful. I am proud of you."

Zhang Fei was flattered and said, "It's worth it to be praised by my father-in-law."

Although Xu Zun often exaggerates Fei, he is not as direct and affirmative as this time.

Judging from this incident, the potential shown by Zhang Fei is really surprising. Xu Zun is very happy and very proud, which includes double the happiness of his father-in-law and Bole.

Xu Zhiqian said coquettishly: "Dad, my daughter also has merit, why don't you praise your daughter?"

Xu Zun chuckled and said, "You don't know the depth of things. If I want to praise you a few words, I'm afraid you'll go too far!"

You really know a daughter better than your father!

Xu Zhiqian pouted, "There's no point in praising me or not. My daughter is also laid off."

"Laid off?"

Xu Zuncuo said in astonishment.

Zhang Fei smiled and explained: "I've finished my service, and it's hard for Zhiqian to mix in it."

"So that's what it means." Xu Zun nodded, "This is natural. Everything must be done according to the rules."

Zhang Fei asked again: "I didn't cause any trouble to my father-in-law, did I?"

Xu Zun was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved his hand and said: "You must not worry about me. In fact, I am not popular in the court. I only have a few friends. On the contrary, the better you behave, the more they will be afraid of me."


Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Then I'll be relieved."

Xu Zun asked again: "Then what are your plans next?"

Zhang Fei said: "Go back to the office and finish the backlog of things."

Xu Zun stroked his beard and asked, "Don't you still want to become an official?"

In the current social climate, scholar-bureaucrats still pursue the idea that if they are poor, they can only benefit themselves, and if they are prosperous, they can help the world.

Now that Zhang Fei is deeply favored by the emperor, he certainly hopes that Zhang Fei can become an official.

Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment, "The time hasn't come yet, but it will probably be soon."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "When is the time?"

Zhang Fei smiled.

Xu Zhiqian pursed her lips, "Mysterious."

Xu Zun didn't take it seriously, nodded and smiled: "As long as you have a plan."

While they were still chatting, Gao Wenyin, Xiao Tao, and Li Si were already bringing wine and food to the table. Zhang Fei, who hadn't been home for several days, missed Gao Wenyin and Xiao Tao's cooking skills.

I didn’t drink much wine, but I finished two big bowls of rice.

After eating, Xu Zun and Xu Zhiqian went home. Both Zhang Fei and Xu Zhiqian were very tired.

After sending their father and daughter away, Zhang Fei went straight into the bathroom and took a bath. Although he was not mysophobic, he still felt dirty after not coming back for the past few days. He even had the urge to burn all his clothes.

In the bedroom.

Zhang Fei made the character "Tai" and lay on the bed.

Gao Wenyin sat beside the bed and gently rubbed his shoulders.

It was so comfortable that Zhang Fei groaned, "Wow, Madam Shutan, you know, after I came out of Kaifeng Mansion today, I have been thinking about this moment. I took a bath, lay on the bed, and asked Madam to help me squeeze it.

.It’s even better than imagined.”

Gao Wenyin pursed her lips and smiled, and then said: "Sanlang must have suffered a lot outside, right?"

"What do you say, Madam?"

"I feel like Saburo has lost a lot of weight."

"It's not like you're thin!"

Zhang Fei suddenly turned over and roughly pulled open his nightgown.

"What are you doing?"

Gao Wenyin was startled.

"Madam, where do you want to go? Why don't you be more serious?"

Zhang Fei patted his abdomen and said, "Look, real abdominal muscles are not painted on."

Gao Wenyin took a sneak glance, her cheeks flushed, "I saw it! Turn around quickly."

Zhang Fei lay down again and said, "Madam, do you still remember the first day I became a patrol officer and I got a few big blisters on my feet?"

Gao Wenyin nodded and said, "Of course I remember."

Zhang Fei said: "I made up my mind at that time to train my body well. We are so young and can't compare to Long Wu and the big guys, so let's admit it, but we can't even compare to that old Tao.

So these days when I am at the police station, when I have nothing to do, I exercise with them. Now if I am asked to shovel manure again, I must be the one who does the best job. Old Tao has long been no match."

Gao Wenyin smiled softly and said, "Sanlang is really thoughtful."

"How big of a deal is this? Is there anything I can't think about?"

After a pause, Zhang Fei sighed again: "To be honest with you, madam, in fact, my personality was not that good. This is the realization I gained after coming here. No matter how big the difficulties are in front of me now, they are nothing. What."

"Does this refer to Bianliang?"


Gao Wenyin wanted to ask again, but suddenly he heard a slight snoring, and a flash of pity flashed in his beautiful eyes. He gently helped Zhang Fei turn around, covered him with the quilt, turned off the lights, and left.

Boom, boom, boom!

Zhang Fei was woken up by a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fei hugged the silk quilt tightly, seeming to be resisting in the end.

"Sanlang, Academician Wang is here."

"Master Wang?"

Zhang Fei opened his eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

Gao Wenyin said: "It's already time."

"Ah, is it so late?"

Zhang Fei spread his hands, lay on his back on the bed and said, "I don't want to move. Madam, please come in and help me move."

A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Fei yawned and walked out the door, walking slowly to the front yard. But when he arrived at the front yard, he suddenly quickened his pace, stumbled into the hall, and gasped: "Ouch! I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry for keeping Academician Wang waiting for so long."

Wang Anshi waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! You are indeed tired these days, haha! Have you had breakfast? If not, you can eat first. I am free today, so there is no rush."

"I just ate a little bit."

Zhang Fei asked again: "I wonder if Academician Wang is here. What do you want me to do?"

Wang Anshi was not one to mince words, so he said straightforwardly: "I hope you can set up the Ordinance Department of the Second Government to help me."

Zhang Fei had guessed this a long time ago and pretended to be surprised. After a moment, he suddenly clasped his fists and said: "Thanks to Grand Scholar Wang for being so considerate, I am really grateful. I am also willing to share the worries for Grand Scholar Wang, but... I don't want to be a system owner."

Ordinance Department of the Second Government."

Wang Anshi asked: "Why?"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Because I don't want to cause trouble."

Wang Anshi laughed after hearing this.

Zhang Fei asked curiously: "Why is Academician Wang laughing?"

Wang Anshi said angrily and funny: "Don't be so modest here. Are you someone who is afraid of causing trouble? Your ability to cause trouble is much better than mine."

"Thank you, Grand Scholar Wang, for the compliment!" Zhang Fei nodded with a smile, and suddenly asked, "But does Grand Scholar Wang know why I am always able to save the day from danger?"

Wang Anshi pondered for a moment and asked: "Why?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because I'm just an Erbi, they don't have to fight with me. If I set up the Ordinance Department of the Second Government, the situation may be different. It may be life and death. In addition, I have to worry about my father-in-law."

When Wang Anshi heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. How could he not know how dangerous the reform was, and said: "But if you can succeed, you will have a bright future at your age."

Why did Zhao Xu waver? Zhang Fei's age was a key factor. Whether it was Zhao Xu, Wang Anshi, or Sima Guang, they all valued Zhang Fei's potential.

Zhang Fei smiled honestly: "I should have a bright future now, right?"

Wang Anshi blinked.


If Zhang Fei wants to be an official, it really shouldn't be too easy.

Zhang Fei added: "Actually, Academician Wang wants to recruit me to establish the Ordinance Department of the Second Government. He just hopes that I can help Academician Wang make suggestions. However, I can also help Academician Wang in the office. There is no connection between the two.

There is a difference, but the risks I take are much higher than if I stayed in the firm."

Wang Anshi thought for a while and then said: "Then are you willing to help me?"

Having said that, the difference is that if you don't set up the Ordinance Department of the Second Government, then everyone is not in the same boat. You can become that Lu Huiqing will always be suspicious of Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei said in a firm tone: "As long as Grand Scholar Wang needs it, I will do my best, just like I helped Grand Scholar Wang fight a lawsuit before. If Grand Scholar Wang doesn't believe me, I can sign a contract with Grand Scholar Wang."

Wang Anshi was startled and said with a smile: "That's not necessary. Once you sign the contract, you have to pay."

"Ah?" Zhang Fei was stunned, and suddenly a thought came to his mind, "Talk about money really hurts my feelings. In fact, Bachelor Wang can also use other ways to compensate me."

Wang Anshi asked curiously: "In what way?"

Zhang Fei said: "Now that the autumn tax is about to be collected, it would be fine if University Scholar Wang could pay more attention to this matter."

Wang Anshi was confused when he heard this, "What do you mean by this?"

Zhang Fei said hey: "As long as Academician Wang is a little more careful, those powerful people will definitely become suspicious and think that Academician Wang may want to reform this tax.

If at this time, someone provides them with a legal way to avoid taxes, they will definitely try it."

Wang Anshi asked: "Legal tax avoidance?"


Zhang Fei nodded, "For example, if you donate land to my charity, you don't have to pay taxes for charity."

Wang Anshi stood up suddenly, "So your charity is used to provide them with tax avoidance?"

Zhang Fei smiled and nodded.


Wang Anshi cursed angrily: "I really misjudged you. I didn't expect that you are no different from those greedy villains."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Master Wang, please calm down."

"Don't say any more, I tell you, I will never let you succeed." Wang Anshi said with a flourish of his sleeves.

Zhang Fei said: "But those lands are not taxed, so why not think of a way to let them use some money to do good deeds."

Wang Anshi said: "The reason why I came to you is that I want you to help me find a way to collect those taxes, instead of asking you to help them avoid paying taxes."

Zhang Fei spread his hands: "This is my method!"

Wang Anshi said: "You are helping the emperor to do evil."

Zhang Fei said: "It's the same as giving money to the court, but wouldn't it be possible to donate it?"

Wang Anshi said: "Who would be willing to donate money?"

Zhang Fei said: "I have already donated a sum of money to Jinzou Academy. Isn't this voluntary?"

Wang Anshi was stunned for a moment. He was really short-tongued and soft-handed. His confidence was a little lacking: "But can you guarantee that every inch of land will be donated with money equal to the tax amount?"

Zhang Fei asked rhetorically: "Can University Scholar Wang guarantee that every inch of land will be taxed?"

Wang Anshi said: "I asked myself that I can't do it, but you can't do it either."

Zhang Fei chuckled and said: "I can really do it, and it's just a lot more."

Wang Anshi couldn't help but look at Zhang Fei suspiciously.

Zhang Fei said: "Master Wang, let's talk about the matter. They have many ways to avoid taxes. No matter how they change the law, many people can still avoid taxes through various means, but they just won't pay taxes. In this case, why don't we provide them with a legal

Tax avoidance channels are at least still under our control."

Wang Anshi asked: "Why do you let them donate money willingly?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because I can help them earn back the tax money, and also gain fame and gain both fame and wealth. How can they refuse? It's just that at the beginning, they still need Academician Wang to impose some restrictions on them."


I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I ran outside to get a haircut and bought some things. I came back late, sorry!

This chapter has been completed!
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