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Chapter 308 Charity of the Rich

 "Dad, please help me quickly. Is this true? Is it true that my child is mentioned in the article by Master Sima? Isn't my child dreaming?"

Ma Xiaoyi walked around Ma Tianhao, dancing excitedly.

Ma Tianhao glanced at his son with jealousy and snorted: "This Sima Bachelor's article is not very good, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that I am the one who really donated money. How much money does this brat have?"

Ma Xiaoyi immediately took the newspaper from Ma Tianhao's hand and said, "Dad, don't forget that my son and brother also donated 20,000 yuan, which we earned from running a business. If we don't tell dad, my son will go out and show off."

After saying that, he hurried out.

Ma Tianhao clicked his tongue and said angrily: "If I had known this, I would have taken it on my own. It was a waste for that brat to get a big advantage. But who would have thought that Bachelor Sima would write an article about this."

Just then, the old man came into the house and said, "Fourth brother, Master Lu is here."

Alum Tower.

"Ya Nei, your luck has been really good recently. Over there you were promoted to deputy chief superintendent, and here Grand Bachelor Sima wrote an article to praise you. Ouch, I'm so envious of you."

"Where did you go to seek Buddhahood? Please tell me."

"Yes! What's the secret? Tell us a few tricks so that we can also take advantage of it."

A group of dandies surround Cao Dongdong. They are really full of envy, jealousy and hatred. This guy is not too outrageous. We are all better than him. Why is he so famous?

God is so blind!

Cao Dongdong held his chin with his hand and half-squinted his eyes, enjoying their envy and jealousy. He glanced at the faces of his friends with his drunken eyes and said hehe, "Okay, I'll teach you a trick."

Everyone came over to pay attention, but Fu Shichun, who was sitting next to him, was drinking alone with a glass of wine in his hand. He knew very well that this was all Zhang Fei's fault, and this guy was just sitting back and enjoying the benefits, and got shit luck.

Cao Dongdong stood up and recited: "If you are poor, you can only benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world."


Fu Shichun spit out a mouthful of wine.

Cao Dongdong glanced at Fu Shichun, "Brother Xiaochun, what do you mean?"

Fu Shichun wiped his lips and said: "Well said! Well said!"

"Okay! I'm leaving first."

"What! Let's go now."

"You are almost jealous. I'm going to Pan House to find Erlang and the others to see how they are jealous of me. Haha.!"


"Yameni, you haven't paid for the drink yet." Fu Shichun suddenly shouted.

"You pay, I want to keep my money to benefit the world. Farewell!"

Cao Dongdong said without looking back.

This is definitely the most domineering rhetoric Fu Shichun has ever heard.

Bianjing Law Firm.

"You're tired! Come and have a cup of tea and take a rest."

Seeing Xu Zhiqian walking over while wiping her sweat, Zhang Fei hurriedly stood up, gave up the most comfortable seat, and poured her another cup of tea.


Xu Zhiqian took the tea cup, sat down, took a sip, and breathed out softly, "I didn't expect that the reputation of the Sima University Scholar was so great, and one article attracted so many people to come here to donate. It's only one noon, and we

We have received nearly a thousand dollars in donations, but Anjifang has never received so many donations."

As soon as this article was published, it not only aroused public opinion, but also attracted many people to spontaneously donate some money and food, ranging from hundreds of coins to dozens of strings.

The terrible thing is that there is no one in this office, and they are all calculating taxes outside. Zhang Fei is not very good at writing, so he can only do the management, and Xu Zhiqian takes over. There is no way but to borrow some people from Li Guozhong.

Li Guozhong owed Zhang Fei several favors and agreed readily.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "You are exactly saying the opposite."

Xu Zhiqian asked curiously: "Is that the opposite?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "It is not the reputation of Grand Scholar Sima that brings us donations, but my charity organization that increases the reputation of Grand Scholar Sima. This is a win-win cooperation."

Xu Zhiqian glanced sideways, curled her lips and said, "What you said is too shameless."

Zhang Fei rolled his eyes and said: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Grandmaster Sima to write another article for Anjifang and see if so many people donate? Everyone is donating money so enthusiastically, not because of Grandmaster Sima.

, but for Academician Wang."

Xu Zhiqian pondered for a moment, "You mean the New Deal?"


Zhang Fei said: “When the officials proposed the reform, the two factions were debating on this topic, whether to continue the policy concept of hiding wealth from the people, but in the end, Academician Wang won.

Many scholar-bureaucrats are dissatisfied with this. Now that the New Deal is about to be promulgated, they are eager to prove this to the officials, which is why so many people donate.

But in your opinion, this seems to be all the credit of Grand Bachelor Sima, but in fact, this has added a lot of reputation to Grand Bachelor Sima."

Xu Zhiqian thought for a while, "But if this article were written by you and me, I'm afraid it wouldn't attract so many donations."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "I don't deny this, but we are irreplaceable, and Sima Grand Scholar can be replaced. As long as we find a celebrity with a relatively high reputation to write it, the effect will not be bad."

Xu Zhiqian nodded slightly and suddenly asked: "Then how do you plan to use this donation?"

Zhang Fei thought for a moment and said: "We can't use these scattered donations for business. We will use them all to help the people. Do you have any ideas?"

Xu Zhiqian nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She had never done such rich charity.

It's simply not that exciting.

Zhang Fei smiled and said, "Say it!"

Xu Zhiqian said: "Didn't I help you investigate the residential area before?"

Zhang Fei nodded.

Xu Zhiqian said: "In addition to livelihood, many residential areas are relatively short of water and lack of ditches for sewage discharge. This is not the fault of the court, but because there are too many people living there, and the wells dug before are simply not enough."

.Therefore, I hope that the money will be used to help those residents dig wells and ditches."

Zhang Fei said: "But this needs to be reported to the court, and it is not something we can decide."

Xu Zhiqian said: "You can go to the police station!"

Zhang Fei pondered for a moment: "Instead of asking the General Police Department, it is better to donate the money directly to the General Police Department and let the General Police Department do the work. This will kill three birds with one stone."

Xu Zhiqian hesitated and said: "It's not impossible to do this, but it's scary...!"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This is your duty, to supervise every penny they spend."

At this moment, Li Si, who was helping to look after the store in front, came over and said, "Third brother, Mr. Fan wants to see you."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "My big sponsor is here. Please invite me soon."

After saying that, he said to Xu Zhiqian: "This is an adult conversation later, so don't let yourself find pleasure and take a rest."


Xu Zhiqian spat, but still got up and left.

Fan Zheng entered the room, bowed his hands, and saw Zhang Fei's eyes flashing with smile, and said with a slight embarrassment: "It seems that Sanlang has guessed the purpose of my coming here."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "But I didn't guess your conditions. Please sit down."

"Thank you!"

After sitting down, Fan Zheng said: "In that case, I won't beat around the bush."


Zhang Fei smiled and said, "I'm quite busy right now, and the store is seriously understaffed."

Fan Zheng nodded and said: "I, Baifenlou, are willing to donate fifty hectares of land."

Zhang Fei was slightly startled, "It seems that the conditions are not going to be easy."

Fan Zheng smiled and said sternly: "First of all, our Baifan Building must participate in the management of charitable institutions; secondly, charities must be located in our Baifan Building..."

Zhang Fei said: "Your Baifanlou is a restaurant."

Fan Zhengdao: "There is a large room between the south building and the east building. We at Baifan Building are willing to rent it to charitable organizations for free as a donation."

The father and son have always hoped to develop Bailun Building into a complex.

In addition, Zhang Fei had reminded Fan Zheng before that he wanted to build his own brand culture, so he hoped to put the charity in Bai Alum Tower. This charity trick has taken off, and the effect can be imagined.

Of course Zhang Fei knew the benefits and said, "I have to discuss this with Yanei, Xiao Ma and the others."

"This is certainly worth discussing."

I saw Ma Tianhao walking in, "Xiangguo Temple donated one hundred hectares of land to ensure that this charity organization will be opened in Xiangguo Temple."

Fan Zheng couldn't help but frown, "Uncle Ma, Xiangguo Temple has its own charity, why come here to grab a piece of the pie?"

Ma Tianhao said with a smile: "My eldest nephew, it's really not Uncle Ma who wants to compete with you. Xiangguosi took the initiative to find me. It's precisely because Xiangguosi often does charity, so how could he give this position to others."

Fan Zheng couldn't help but look sad.

He is not stupid enough to compete with Xiangguo Temple.

Zhang Fei on the side glanced at Ma Tianhao, chuckled and said: "Dalang, don't believe him, he is lying to you."

Ma Tianhao was stunned for a moment, "Why do you say that?"

Zhang Fei chuckled: "If Xiangguo Temple really intends to support my charity, it has only one purpose, which is to fear that it will attract publicity, so it plans to support another tax avoider to share some of the burden for itself. How can it be stupid enough to ask the charity to put it in

Go inside Xiangguo Temple."

Ma Tianhao looked at Zhang Fei and said hehe: "After all, I didn't hide it from you, you brat!"

After saying that, he said to Fan Zheng: "Niece, uncle is just joking with you, don't mind!"

Fan Zheng nodded awkwardly and glanced at Zhang Fei secretly. He felt a little frustrated that he had been fooled so easily.

Ma Tianhao raised two fingers to Zhang Fei again, "Two hundred hectares."

There was no joy on Zhang Fei's face and he asked: "What are the conditions?"

Ma Tianhao said: "Nowadays, many colleges cannot make ends meet. Xiangguo Temple hopes to donate more to these colleges."

Zhang Fei nodded slightly, "There are really many talents in Xiangguo Temple. This move is really great!"

As he said that, he looked at Fan Zheng again, "Da Lang must have special requests, right?"

Fan Zheng was startled and said hurriedly: "I just want to follow Saburo's example and donate technology to the imperial court."

Zhang Fei asked with a smile: "For example, making wine?"

Fan Zheng nodded awkwardly.

Zhang Fei smiled and said disdainfully: "Are you donating money to charity? I wish I could use this one cent as ten cents."

Ma Tianhao chuckled: "Both each other."

"Looks like I'm late again!"

Chen Maoqian was seen panting and entering the room.

Zhang Fei said: "Baifan Tower donated fifty hectares, and Xiangguo Temple donated two hundred hectares. It's up to the members to decide what to do."

Chen Maoqian blinked and said hehe: "Don't bluff me, I don't believe it. The Cao family only donated twenty hectares, but I plan to donate ten hectares."

After that, he saw that Fan Zheng remained silent, but he knew the character of this eldest nephew, "Dalang, you are too cruel. This is charity, not business. Are you like this?"

Fan Zheng smiled and said, "This was my father's idea."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Executive member, you have also seen it. I am not bluffing you. With ten hectares of land, don't tell me that I want to donate to the court to build more public rental houses. Instead, I can build a few public toilets."

Chen Maoqian sat down and was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he said excitedly: "Are you doing charity?"

"No." Zhang Fei replied.

Chen Maoqian said: "No, that's fine. I'll donate twenty hectares, just like Lao Si."

Ma Tianhao immediately said: "It's different, my Xiaoyi also donated several thousand pounds."

Chen Maoqian struggled for a while, then nodded helplessly and said: "Twenty-five hectares, that's about it. This is such a charity, it's like you're just selling it out."

At this time, Li Si appeared in front of the door again, panting slightly: "Third brother, Mr. Huang from the paper shop is asking to see you."

Zhang Fei complained: "Why don't you separate and reduce my workload? It's more comfortable to stay at the police station and shovel shit."

This chapter has been completed!
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