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Chapter 31 Surrender

 Man’s calculation is really inferior to God’s calculation!

In Zhang Fei's entire plan, this first step is the easiest and can be completed with his eyes closed. How could he have known that so many accidents would come up and almost ruin his big event.

Returning to Xu Mansion, as soon as I entered the door, I saw Xu Zhiqian standing in the front yard, looking at his drowned rat, her fragrant shoulders trembling slightly.

Zhang Fei lifted a strand of wet hair from his forehead and said: "Laugh if you want to, but don't hold it back and break your body."


When Xu Zhiqian heard what he said, she couldn't help it anymore and started giggling. The more she laughed, the harder she couldn't stop, and she burst into laughter.

She was an insider and was present. Her eyes were always fixed on Zhang Fei. She could see Zhang Fei's embarrassment. She was still very nervous at that time, but now...!

Only happy.

Zhang Fei looked at her smiling so happily, and then remembered what had just happened, and was also humored, so he laughed along with her.

The two looked at each other and laughed again.

After a while, the two of them stopped laughing. Xu Zhiqian gloated: "You deserve it for being so mysterious."

Zhang Fei said angrily: "You heartless person, I'm doing this all for your own good, and you're still laughing at me."

Xu Zhiqian didn't believe it. She rolled her eyes and said, "For my own good?"

"Of course."

Zhang Fei said: "If I caused this accident, in the eyes of everyone, it will be my personal matter. This will prevent others from guessing that your Xu family was behind it."

Xu Zhiqian looked stunned and felt that what Zhang Fei said was reasonable.

This was an accident, so naturally no one would think of their Xu family.

She glanced at Zhang Fei for a moment, saw the guy's evil smile, and immediately snorted: "I don't believe it, you clearly want to use the public's words to put pressure on the Kaifeng Mansion and promote yourself, so as to appeal to the world for injustice.

You don’t charge a penny, just go ahead and lie to the devil.”

Zhang Fei did not deny it, he laughed and said: "kill two birds with one stone, there is no conflict."

Xu Zhiqian asked again: "Now that the first step has been completed, what about the second step of surrendering?"

Zhang Fei pretended to be profound and said: "We will know tomorrow."


Kaifeng Mansion.

"Suicide by jumping into a river in the middle of a busy city?"

Lu Gongzhu hummed: "This must be that kid who is playing tricks to win everyone's sympathy."

Chief Registrar Huang Guidao: "The lower official thinks so too. Last time, Zhang San used filial piety to exonerate Ayun. This time he must be trying to do the same thing again, first creating public opinion among the people, gaining sympathy, and putting pressure on the government."

Lu Gongzhu nodded slightly and said: "It's very possible, but in this court, everything has to be based on evidence and laws. If he can't come up with solid evidence, it's impossible to just rely on sympathy. You

Immediately order people to ride fast horses to Xiangfu County and bring in the suspects related to this case."

Xiangfu County is right next to it, so hurry up and get there, and you’ll have enough time.

Huang Gui was stunned and said: "Prefect, this is just a small case. The prefect attaches such importance to it, maybe it is playing into Zhang San's hands."

What he did is forcing you to open a trial.

Lu Gongzhu sighed: "Although this is a small case, it is a big issue for our court. The people will definitely be very concerned about it, and the court may also be very concerned about it. We must treat it with caution to ensure that it will not be inflamed."

Cause public resentment and unnecessary fights."

Huang Gui understood in his heart that Zhang Fei was able to win the lawsuit last time, so Xu Zun and Wang Anshi had done the most great job. God knows if they were standing behind Zhang Fei, so he immediately said: "I will go and make arrangements immediately."

In fact, in addition to this, there is another important reason why Lu Gongzhu is willing to accept Zhang Fei's challenge, that is, he is not satisfied with the previous judgment and wants to fight Zhang Fei personally.


The next day.

"Do you have to dress so ostentatiously?"

Xu Zun looked at Zhang Fei who was wearing a brand new Tsing Yi hat. The color was extremely bright. He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Xu Zhiqian on the side saw Zhang Fei's work clothes for the first time and couldn't help laughing.

If he wanted to find someone to litigate, she would never find someone like this.

It looks unreliable!

Zhang Fei explained seriously: "I have no choice. I can't wear official uniforms, so I can only dress brighter to give myself a little more confidence and make it easier for people to remember me."

Xu Zun nodded slightly and said: "I heard that yesterday afternoon, Kaifeng Prefecture sent a fast horse to Xiangfu County. I guess Kaifeng Prefecture is now well prepared. You can't be careless!"

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "This is exactly what I expected."

Xu Zun said: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei said: "Because what Kaifeng Mansion brought back is the ironclad evidence I want. That's why the scene yesterday was for this."

Xu Zhiqian was confused after hearing this, and said: "I have studied the judgment of Xiangfu County countless times. There is no problem with the judgment. It is impossible for you to overturn the judgment of Xiangfu County."

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "I didn't say that I would overturn the verdict of Xiangfu County."

Xu Zun saw that Zhang Fei was unwilling to say more, and also knew his litigation style, so he laughed and said: "If it weren't for official duties, I would like to study."

Xu Zhiqian said hurriedly: "Dad, don't feel sorry, my daughter will go on your behalf."

Xu Zun glared at her angrily.


Kaifeng Mansion.

The front gate of the government office is crowded with people and it’s a bustling place!

After all the fuss yesterday, this matter has really caused a stir.

However, loan sharking is a social problem, not a personal problem.

Litigation in this area is the most difficult.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of lawsuits in this area are won by the creditors. Unless it is an extremely explicit blackmail, which is equivalent to an outright robbery, otherwise it will be difficult to win.

The vast majority of landowners are not stupid. They have plans and are prepared to be sued.

What Zhang Fei said yesterday was so upright and full of confidence that the citizens were very curious.

Putting aside whether they can win or not, they are more concerned about whether Zhang Fei will come.

Don't be a braggart.

Most people think that Zhang Fei is just having sex.

"It's coming! It's coming! Look, that Zhang San is coming!"

Suddenly I heard someone shouting.

"Where! Where!"

I saw a white-faced young man emerging from the crowd. He caught sight of Zhang Fei in green clothes and a black hat. He immediately waved his hands and ran over, "Brother Zhang, Third Brother Zhang."

After a while, he ran to Zhang Fei, looked up and down, and said with admiration: "Brother Zhang, you look really handsome today!"

This simple remark from the bottom of his heart made Zhang Fei immediately regard him as a confidant. He just wanted to burn yellow paper and chop off chicken heads with him. He completely forgot everything that happened yesterday and clasped his fists and said: "I'm Zhang Fei, do you dare to ask my brother Gao's surname?"


"My name is Ma Xiaoyi."

Ma Xiaoyi patted his chest and said, "Just call me Xiaoma."

"Brother Ma?"

"That's okay! That's okay!"

Ma Xiaoyi chuckled.

Although Ma Xiaoyi is a few years younger than Zhang Feinian, "brother" nowadays does not only mean elder brother.

I said how brave you are, and it turned out to be Brother Ma. Zhang Fei smiled and nodded, then suddenly pointed at the bruised corner of Ma Xiaoyi's left eye and said, "Were you beaten by your father?"

Ma Xiaoyi just smiled at this and said: "Third brother, a lot of people over there just now said you didn't dare to come, but I believe you will definitely come."

Zhang Fei asked: "Why?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "I have inquired about you. It turns out that you are an Erbi citizen who helped Dengzhou Ayun win the lawsuit. You can win such a difficult lawsuit, let alone this small lawsuit, but my father

Said you would never win."

"Really?" Zhang Fei thought of the middle-aged man yesterday and asked curiously: "Why did your father say that?"

Ma Xiaoyi said: "Because my father runs a pawn shop."


Zhang San and Li Si suddenly looked at Ma Xiaoyi defensively.

The current main business of pawn shops is loan sharking.



It turns out to be the enemy!

Ma Xiaoyi blinked, seeming to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly said: "But I am here to help you, and I even made a bet with my father that you would win."


Who believes this!

"Are you Zhang San from Dengzhou?"

Suddenly I heard someone say in front of me.

Zhang Fei looked up and saw a scholar blocking his way. He nodded and said, "I am the one who is here. I wonder if you have any advice?"

The scholar ignored Zhang Fei and suddenly said to Li Si: "Brother, don't trust this man. He used his filial piety to exonerate a murderer of his husband. It is said that the convict's wife had an affair with him."

, he is really a shameless villain."

Li Si looked at him inexplicably. He was honest and thought that this was a good thing and proved that my third brother was capable.

Someone in the crowd could faintly hear discussing the Ayun case.

It turns out that the case has long been known to the whole city, but everyone only knows his name but not his person.

Yesterday, after Zhang Fei protected his family, everyone suddenly realized that this person was most likely Zhang San from Dengzhou.

This time they were able to see a real person.

Zhang Fei just smiled indifferently, ignored the scholar, and continued to walk towards the gate with Li Si.

The scholar snorted: "You dare not speak out, are you guilty of being a thief?"

Zhang Fei stopped, turned around, and said: "I won't argue with you, that's because every word you say while standing here is like bullshit. Apart from being smelly, it is really meaningless and you are not responsible.

There's no way we can come up with a result. If you have the ability, go to court and argue with me."

As he said that, he pointed his thumb towards the government office door and said, "I'm going in now, are you going?"

The scholar's fair face suddenly looked as red as the rising sun in the east.

Ma Xiaoyi beside Zhang Fei said helpfully: "Yes! Yes! Don't just talk here, go in and discuss it with my third brother."

I heard someone in the crowd say: "Zhang San, I support you."

"I support you too."

"Regarding Ayun's case, it is clearly her clan uncle's fault. She was just trying to protect herself."

"Not bad!"


Regarding the Ayun case, the DPRK and China are divided into two factions, and the people are divided into several factions. There are endless debates about this. Some are against Zhang San, and some are in support of Zhang San.

Various rumors are also flying everywhere.

But this is very normal.

This has been the case throughout the ages. If you cannot express opinions that are different from others, how can you show your intelligence?

"Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone!"

Zhang Fei cupped his hands, and with the support of many people, he led Li Si to the front of the government office.

I saw a uniformed knife and pen official standing in front of the door. Without waiting for Zhang Fei to salute, he said: "Are you Zhang San?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said, "That's right."

"Come in with me."

The knife and pen official led Zhang Fei and Li Si into Defu Yamen.

Ma Xiaoyi originally wanted to follow him in, but unfortunately he was stopped by the government servant at the door. He could only stand at the door depressedly, looking forward to it.

After a while, the door of the house opened wide.

"Ascending to the Hall!"

"Mighty... mighty...!"

Compared with the prestige of Kaifeng Mansion, Dengzhou Mansion is not worth mentioning at all!

The solemn lobby and the uniformed government officials.

The sense of majesty is self-evident.

But I saw Mr. Lu sitting in the court wearing official uniform.

In fact, what happened yesterday did put some pressure on Lu Gongzhu. Originally, such civil lawsuits were usually not heard in public, and the Kaifeng prefect did not even need to come forward. However, Lu Gongzhu believed that Zhang Fei acted in that play.

If you want to play the sympathy card, let's just hold the trial in public to prevent Zhang Fei from spreading rumors and causing trouble.

And he thinks that no matter who loses or wins in this case, he can accept it, because he also sympathizes with Li Si's experience in his heart, but at the same time he wants to cure Zhang Fei, so he is very willing to give Zhang Fei a chance to perform.


"Biography of Zhang Fei and Li Si."

"Biography of Zhang Fei and Li Si."

After a while, Zhang Fei and Li Si came into the hall.

When he came to the hall, Li Si didn't say a word, but just shouted that he was wronged.

Lu Gongzhu was shocked, stopped Li Si, and asked again: "What grievance do you have?"

But his eyes were looking at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei also stood up at the right time. He first told everything that happened to Li Si with great emotion. After he fully mastered the Northern Song Dynasty language, his emotional expression became more and more natural.

The onlookers at the door all shook their heads and sighed after listening.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fei said with excitement: "This is completely unreasonable. Under the circumstances, unless Li Si sold his ancestral land at a low price or used his ancestral land to pay off the debt, he would not be able to repay it at all, whether it was the principal or the debt.


So in this case, how could Li Si use his wife to repay the principal of the debt, because he would not be able to repay the interest, and in the end, he would have to use his ancestral land to repay the debt. So why not just perform the first contract directly?

If it fails, the ancestral land will be used to pay off the debt owed.

Not to mention that everyone in the neighborhood knows that John Doe loves his wife very much. Therefore, this is not in compliance with the cleanup at all, and it is clearly a fraud."

Someone outside the door suddenly shouted: "Well said! Well said!"

Who is Ma Xiaoyi?

At the same time, there were waves of discussion at the door.


This is extremely unreasonable.

What’s the point?

However, Xu Zhiqian, who was standing at the side door of the court due to her connections, was secretly anxious, thinking that although this statement was reasonable, it lacked evidence to prove that Li Si was deceived rather than caused by his own mistakes. If he wanted to rely on

It is really wishful thinking to win this lawsuit.

Lu Gongzhu took three photos of the exclamation wood. After the door was quiet, he asked Li Si: "Li Si, how did you negotiate at that time?"

Li Si replied: "I negotiated with Mr. Chen at that time to use my wife to pay off all the debts."

Lu Gongzhu asked again: "But as far as I know, there was a speaker at the time. Did the speaker make a mistake in his reading?"

Li Si shook his head.

Lu Gongzhu asked: "Since you heard that he read the principal, why didn't you raise an objection at that time?"

Zhang Fei immediately spoke first: "Reporting to the prefect, Li Si has never read a book. He does not know the difference between principal and debt. The reader did not explain further, so I think the reader should also be responsible for this."<


Mr. Lu clapped his hands in surprise and shouted: "Look at the first contract. It clearly states the relationship between principal and interest. How can you expect me to believe that he doesn't know the meaning of principal?"

Zhang Fei said: "Just because Li Si signed the first contract does not mean that he knows its meaning."

"Then he should find someone to ask clearly. This is not a reason." Lu Gongzhu said to Li Si again: "Li Si, you still haven't recruited me from the truth!"

Li Si trembled in fright and hurriedly said: "Xiaomin understands, but Xiaomin was thinking about his wife at the time, so he didn't care."

Zhang Fei said excitedly: "Objection! I object! The prefect's words are threatening. This is unfair. I ask Li Si not to count his words."

He dances and dances, and with his bright costumes, he really looks like a street acrobat, which makes people laugh.

Here comes another move. Lu Gong frowned and said: "I am also very sympathetic to Li Si's experience, but all these consequences were caused by his carelessness. You have no conclusive evidence to prove this contract.

There's a problem."

Zhang Fei immediately asked: "Does the magistrate dare to guarantee that there will be no problems with this contract and the judgment of Xiangfu County?"

You kid still dare to scare me? Lu Gongzhu said with great certainty: "I have investigated this matter clearly. The contract is written very clearly and the process is in full compliance with the government regulations. There are no problems. Xiang

There are no errors or omissions in Fu County's judgment. I would also like to warn you here that you must be clear before signing the contract, otherwise, you will only suffer the loss."

Although ancient times pursued justice in the outcome, you had to provide evidence, and the facts proved that it was Li Si who was careless, not that there was any suspicion of fraud in the process.

The words are written in black and white, clearly and clearly.

Zhang Fei raised his head and sighed, and said slowly: "Since there is no problem with this contract, then Li Si will face prison."

Lu Gongzhu was slightly startled and said: "How do you say this?"

Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said: "Li Si committed the crime of selling his wife in a drama. I hope Li Si surrenders and pleads guilty on this day, and hopes that the prefect can treat him leniently."

Li Si immediately knelt down and shouted: "The small people are guilty, the small people are guilty."

This chapter has been completed!
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