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Chapter 312 Ice and Fire

In fact, when he first decided to set up a charity organization, Zhang Fei was already observing the economic structure of Bianliang, Tokyo.

He mainly wants to find a business in which he can invest a large amount of money.

Commodities such as grain, salt, wine, and sugar are basically controlled by the imperial court, and there are many powerful people in various places, so these transactions are unreasonable.

After all the calculations, only the entertainment industry can absorb this huge investment.

At that time, he had two choices. One was to invest in Goulanwashe; the other was to invest in Cuju and form a new alliance.

However, since there is no microphone today, Goulanwashe’s influence is very limited, but sports does not care about these limitations, and there are also peripheral products.

In the end, he chose Cuju.

He also deliberately put Wang Anshi's article on the same day as the Cuju finals, just to see the influence of Cuju.

The results are obvious. The first shot of the New Deal has not affected everyone's attention to Cuju.

But this does not mean that the New Deal has not had enough influence.

This issue of Celebrity News caused a big shock in the DPRK.

The conservatives almost raised the roof, thinking that Wang Anshi was Sang Hongyang resurrected from the ashes!

Sang Hongyang's economic policies had no position at all in the Song Dynasty. At first, Sang Hongyang provided finance for Emperor Wu to fight the war, but he almost destroyed his country.

Facts have proven that this is undesirable.

But it’s true that they don’t understand economics.

Sang Hongyang's equal loss method and Wang Anshi's equal loss method may seem the same, but they are actually different in essence.

Sang Hongyang's economic policy was to activate the state machinery and harvest the world's wealth for the country to fight. The fatal thing about this policy was that the long war did not obtain wealth for the Han Empire.

Especially after the threat is eliminated, it still continues.

Wang Anshi's method is just to solve the supply and demand problem in Tokyo, reduce the consumption, and make some money to supplement the finance.

But it would be wrong to say that the two are not the same thing. After all, Wang Anshi’s equal loss method was derived from Sang Hongyang’s equal loss method.

Court of Trial.

"Bachelor Sima, I want to go back to the Procuratorate."

Fan Chunren looked serious and bowed his hands to Sima Guang.

Sima Guang looked at Fan Chunren with a solemn look on his face, and felt a little scared in his heart, "Why are you suddenly in a hurry to return to the procuratorate?"

Fan Chunren said: "I want to sue the Ordinance Department of the Second Government for violating the laws of our ancestors."

Sima Guang frowned, "Violating the laws of our ancestors?"

Fan Chunren nodded: "Yes, according to this celebrity newspaper, if you want to implement the equalization method, the shipping envoys will control the entire tribute system, without central control or local supervision. At that time, they can do whatever they want.

Corruption will definitely occur.

However, this is not the most fatal thing. What is even more fatal is that this will destroy the laws of our ancestors of the Song Dynasty, and power will be concentrated in one government office, with unimaginable consequences."

In fact, Sima Guang was already aware of the regulations of Junshu Fa beforehand, and he was also somewhat dissatisfied with some of the regulations.

However, he also believes that fixed tribute is wrong and needs to be changed.

His attitude towards this method has pros and cons.

But it hasn't been implemented yet, so he thinks it's better to wait and see.

But Fan Chunren was firmly opposed to this. When he read this article, he almost called Wang Anshi a thief.

Because in this case, the shipping envoy will control the entire country's procurement power, and this is a task spread across the country. It is difficult to supervise this department, as they have the final say.

The previous system of the Song Dynasty said that if you want to establish a department, you must first figure out how to supervise the department.

For example, the establishment of the General Police Department.

The predecessor of the General Police Department was the Inspection Department, which was divided into two parts: foot and horse, with mutual checks and balances. It was merged into the General Police Department and was subordinate to the Political Hall. A new organization must be established to supervise the General Police Department.

It's just that in judicial reform, the system of mutual supervision is originally between the Procuratorate, the Courts, and the Legal Aid Department. The supervision of these two government agencies and a private organization can all supervise the General Police Department.

There are checks and balances on power.

Fan Chunren was very sensitive to centralization of power. At that time, he readily accepted the Legal Aid Department, with the purpose of ensuring that he could supervise the General Police Department.

However, Wang Anshi did not provide a set of supervision agencies, because Wang Anshi wanted to improve efficiency. He hated this bloated agency. It had to be said that centralization of power was the most efficient method, and one person had the final say.

Sima Guang thought for a while and said: "Who said there is no supervision? Isn't there your procuratorate supervising? If there is really corruption, it will not be too late for the procuratorate to prosecute!"

Fan Chunren said: "It's not that I haven't thought about this, but at present, only Bianliang has a procuratorate in the country. However, the corruption and corruption that violate the law cannot happen in the capital, but mostly in the local area. At present, this

Given the situation, it will take a long time to establish procuratorates in various places, which is impossible to supervise."

At this time, another official was reporting outside, and deputy prosecutor Su Shi arrived.

This Su Zizhan really knew how to join in the fun. Sima Guang felt a severe headache.

As soon as Su Shi entered the door and saw Fan Chunren, he couldn't help but look defensive.

Sima Guang didn't look good on Su Shi and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Su Shi bowed his hands and said, "I intend to sue Jun Shufa for violating the laws of our ancestors."

Sima Guang glanced at the two of them and smiled, "You two, we are really not a family. We don't belong to the same family!"

Su Shi hurriedly said: "What Mr. Sima said is wrong. He is the Legal Aid Agency and I am the Procuratorate. One is a citizen and one is an official. They cannot be confused."

Fan Chunren really was not in the mood to compete with Su Shi for the right to accuse him this time.

Sima Guang was too lazy to argue with him and asked: "Why do you lose even if you sue?"

Su Shi said: "First of all, this is putting the cart before the horse. The financial problem lies in the redundant officials. However, Wang Xueshi established a new yamen across the country despite the unresolved redundant officials. This will inevitably require the establishment of a number of new yamen.

Regarding official positions, if the old officials are not leaving and new officials are taking up their posts, this will increase the financial burden."

Sima Guang and Fan Chunren both nodded slightly.

That makes sense.

Su Shi added: "Secondly, who will supervise this new yamen? Although Wang Xueshi is incorruptible, it is difficult for him to take care of everything. Corruption will inevitably breed within it and harm the country and the people.

But it was promised at the beginning that they would set up the Ordinance Department of the second government and it would be subject to judicial supervision. I think the procuratorate must perform its duties. Unless they amend the regulations to solve these hidden dangers, the new law will never be implemented."

Sima Guang coughed: "I already know what you are worried about, but for now, Wang Jiefu just published an article in the celebrity newspaper and has not yet officially promulgated the new decree. I will talk to him then.

In addition, you must remember that the Procuratorate is not a court of remonstrance or remonstrance. It can listen to the wind and report, but pays attention to real evidence. The corruption you mentioned has not happened yet, and this is no longer within the jurisdiction of the Procuratorate."

Fan Chunren immediately said: "This has nothing to do with my return to the procuratorate."

If you want to go back, that's okay. But Sima Guang said, "I will report this to the officials when the time comes."

"Thank you, Grand Bachelor Sima."

"You guys go back first."

"I am resigning."

Sima Guang looked at the two men's unwillingness and couldn't help but mutter to himself that he might not be able to stop them.

As he expected, Fan Chunren and Su Shi came out of the imperial city and found a nearby teahouse to plot.

"Master Sima obviously doesn't want us to sue the Ordinance Department of the Second Government." Fan Chunren said: "I guess he won't let me go back to the procuratorate."

Su Shi's eyes flashed with joy, "Really?"

Fan Chunren said depressedly: "Su Zizhan, now that we have put national affairs first, why are you still thinking about being competitive? Don't worry, I won't win this lawsuit with you. The question now is, what will we do?

Do you have the power to sue the Ordinance Department of the Second Government?”

Su Shi smiled confidently: "If we prosecute according to the laws of our ancestors, we will be able to produce enough evidence, and at the same time we can win the support of many people in the court."

Having said this, he paused for a moment and said, "It's just that if Wang Jiefu invites Zhang San, it may be difficult for us to win."

Fan Chunren nodded and said: "Today's ancestral law was actually given by Zhang San, and the reason why he was able to win the lawsuit at that time was based on a key basis, which is that the ancestral law is intended to eliminate bad governance, and this is

Reform is needed. Currently, there are indeed bad policies in the tribute system. On the surface, Wang Jiefu's regulations do mean to prescribe the right medicine, but what we are worried about has not happened yet. Zhang San will definitely do a lot in this regard.


Su Shi said: "Do you still remember the lawsuit in which you defeated Zhang San?"

Fan Chunren nodded and said: "Why don't you remember? In fact, in that lawsuit, Zhang San only lost on the surface."

Su Shi said: "We can also follow suit. We don't seek victory, we just seek to find out how the court should supervise possible corruption."

Fan Chunren glanced at Su Shi and said with a smile: "Celebrity Newspaper just published it today. I didn't expect that you have already considered it so carefully."

Su Shi just smiled.

Losing to Li Lei last time made Su Shi more motivated to fight.

During this period, he had been studying the lawsuit, studying Zhang Fei's lawsuit over and over again, and with the combination of talent and hard work, he came up with the perfect answer.

But Sima Guang did not go to Wang Anshi to discuss the matter. Now that the matter was over, he knew that he could not persuade Wang Anshi, so he ran to find Zhang Fei.

Because Fan Chunren and Su Shi wanted to sue, they had to find professionals.

At this time, Zhang Fei had just returned to the office and was still considering how to form a Cuju alliance.

"Violate the laws of our ancestors?"

Zhang Fei stood up in shock.

Sima Guang glanced at him, "Why are you so surprised? Aren't you just following your example?"

"That's different!"

Zhang Fei quickly explained: "I complained according to the ancestral method at that time because there was real evidence. The historian's case indeed contained corruption and murder. But now Wang Xueshi just published an article. , they will use the ancestral law to prosecute, isn’t this nonsense?”

Sima Guang immediately asked: "How to prove that they are talking nonsense?"


Zhang Fei's expression was stagnant and he hurriedly said: "I just said it casually. But why did Bachelor Sima ask that?"

Sima Guang sighed: "Although I have the right to establish the procuratorate, I have no right to interfere with the affairs of the procuratorate. If they want to prosecute, I can't stop them. Therefore, I want to ask you, according to the law, what can be used reasons to dismiss their lawsuit."

Zhang Fei thought about it seriously, "If they prosecute according to the ancestral law, they will definitely be able to find some basis. Therefore, the best reason is that there is insufficient evidence."

The ancestral law is very general. If you want to find a basis, it should not be too simple. You can only use general methods to reject it.

Sima Guang said: "There is insufficient evidence. This statement is unconvincing. The presiding judge can also say that there is sufficient evidence."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "If the presiding judge wants to accept this lawsuit, then there is no point in talking about it."

Sima Guang couldn't help but sigh.

There must be a presiding judge who supports them.

Zhang Fei added: "Sima Bachelor can tell them that they will definitely lose this lawsuit and it is impossible for them to win."

Sima Guang chuckled, "What? Do you think Wang Jiefu will fight this lawsuit with them? They clearly want to give Wang Jiefu a blow. Will Wang Jiefu be able to give them good results? And this is what I am most worried about."

Zhang Fei's eyes flashed and he slowly sat down.

Sima Guang glanced at him, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhang Fei was startled, "Master Sima, I thought that the new law proposed by Master Wang is actually very reasonable. The key lies in supervision, and this is the purpose of the judicial reform of Bachelor Sima."

Sima Guang nodded.

Zhang Fei continued: "At present, the government firmly supports Wang Dashi's reform. It is meaningless to continue fighting. We can only wait until the new law is promulgated and use factual evidence to speak for itself. Therefore, the key to the fight is not Tokyo, but the local level."


Sima Guang said: "I understand this too, so I asked them not to be so excited, but I'm afraid they won't listen to me."

Zhang Fei said: "I mean, if that's the case, why is Vice President Liu Su in Tokyo?"

Sima Guang opened his eyes, "You mean to take the opportunity to banish Zizhan and Yaofu from Tokyo?"

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "With Academician Wang here, it is impossible for Tokyo to have problems. If we want to supervise the new law, we must conduct a nationwide layout. It is meaningless to keep talents in Tokyo now."

Sima Guang thought, if all the talents are taken away, what will I do?

Zhang Fei saw the worry in his heart and said: "Sima Sima can get rid of those upright officials or young talents. But Sima Sima must be calm and ensure that he can stay in the court so that he can give

They support it.”

Sima Guang struggled and said: "But the system of public security, procuratorate, and law is not that simple. There are many things in it that I haven't fully understood yet. You have to work step by step. Although Su Zizhan is talented, he has an informal personality. I just stare at him.

It’s okay, if you let him go alone, things will definitely get messed up.”

What are you afraid of? I will take charge of the overall situation when the time comes. Do you think you are the protagonist? Zhang Fei said: "But there is no point in staying in their capital?"

Sima Guang said: "Then I would rather keep them in the capital in vain than let them destroy this judicial reform. If the judiciary is gone, then everything will be lost."

I'm really drunk. If you have a character like yours and you can achieve great things, you are really crazy. You don't care how old you are and you are still doing it step by step. Zhang Fei said sarcastically: "I'm just giving you a suggestion."

Sima Guang was extremely entangled in his heart. Fan Chunren had mentioned this issue before. Wang Anshi's side is directly responsible for the national government. Your side is slow and slow. How can you supervise him!

But the problem is that he often discourages Wang Anshi because he thinks that Wang Anshi is greedy for power and rushes forward without careful consideration. As a result, he also wants to be quick. What is the difference between him and him?

After thinking about it, Sima Guang suddenly looked at Zhang Fei and said, "When it comes to the public prosecutor's office, no one is more familiar with it than you."

In fact, Zhang Fei played an indispensable role in the establishment of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, he was just following the trend.

Why are you in a hurry? I will go, but the time is not mature enough. Zhang Fei smiled and said: "The store still has a lot of things to deal with."

Sima Guang said: "Can't you tell which one is lighter and which is more important?"

Zhang Fei pretended to struggle, and then said: "Master Sima will arrange for them to go first. If they fail, I will go later."

Sima Guang said: "If they fail to achieve justice, do you have any way to turn the tide?"

Zhang Fei said: "I have."

Sima Guang frowned and seemed a little hesitant.

Zhang Fei added: "If Academician Sima recommends me, and together with Deputy Inspector Su and the others, Academician Wang will be able to see at a glance what Academician Sima's calculations are. It would be best if Academician Wang recommends me."

This chapter has been completed!
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