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Chapter 322 Public and Private

 What the Procuratorate is investigating is relaxed and comfortable, but the situation in the DPRK is already full of chaos and war.

This situation is too common. In the eyes of many people, Xu Zun is Wang Anshi's man. He will definitely expand the scale. Those who are impeached will probably not escape. This is a signal of party struggle.

The most anxious among them was of course Su Che, but he acted very cautiously. Although many ministers complained about Su Shi at this time, he knew that at this time, he could not mix with them.

He rushed to find Sima Guang immediately.

"Bachelor Sima, my brother is innocent."

Su Che said anxiously: "My brother does not expect to use this lawsuit to stop the new law. He just feels that some of the regulations that have been passed by the law are not very perfect, so he hopes to use this lawsuit to allow the establishment of the Ordinance Department of the second government.

He could think more carefully, and at the same time he also wanted to see if the judiciary could restrict the establishment of the Ordinance Department of the second government. He had no intention of forming a clique for personal gain.

And the other party obviously wants to undermine judicial supervision of it by doing this. If the other party is allowed to succeed, it will be impossible to talk about the judicial reform of Bachelor Sima."

A few simple words directly directed the interests to Sima Guang.

My brother did not form any clique for personal gain.

The one who was injured at the same time was you, Sima Guang.

Sima Guang said: "Maybe Wang Jiefu has ulterior motives, but he did not intend to undermine the judiciary. He just used the rules to achieve his own goals, because your brother did make some mistakes in it. He put his own political ideas first.

, instead of putting the law first, if your brother is allowed to succeed, the judiciary will lack justice and fairness and become a weapon in political struggle."

Su Zhe said: "But the other party is accusing me of forming a clique for personal gain, rather than accusing my brother of dereliction of duty."

Sima Guang smiled and said: "I believe Xu Zhongtu will enforce the law impartially. As long as Brother You does not form a clique for personal gain, he will never falsely accuse your brother."

The other party strongly recommends Xu Zun. How can you tell Su Zhe to believe that Xu Zun will let them go?

At this moment, the old servant came in and said, "Mr. Junshi, someone is coming to the palace. Please come to the palace immediately to discuss matters, Mr. Junshi."

When Sima Guang heard this title, his expression changed, and he said to Su Zhe: "Also, your brother needs to be taught a lesson for his mouth."

Su Che looked at Sima Guang blankly.

Little did he know that Su Zizhan had taught him the title "Jun Zhi Xiang Gong".

Sima Guang did not explain, only said: "The officials asked me to come to the palace to discuss matters. I guess there is news from the procuratorate."

Su Zhe said: "So fast?"

"This is not a big case. How long will it take to investigate?"

Sima Guang stood up and said, "Go back first. I believe there will be news soon."

After Su Zhe heard this, he felt relieved. The longer this kind of case is delayed, the more serious the consequences will be. He turned his eyes and said: "I just wanted to borrow Song Xingtong from Bachelor Sima. I wonder if Bachelor Sima can allow me here?"

Read the book for a while."

Are you still in the mood to read books now? Sima Guang didn't point it out and nodded with a smile: "Whatever you want."

Sima Guang was very calm in his heart, not that he believed in Wang Anshi. If given the chance, Wang Anshi would definitely weaken the Procuratorate. This was a hidden danger after all.

But he knew that Zhao Xu would not weaken the Procuratorate, because the current situation was very in Zhao Xu's interests.

Sometimes, the basis of trust lies in checks and balances.

Forming a party for personal gain, to put it bluntly, is also a pocket method, and it is specially prepared for the emperor. The main reason is to see whether the emperor believes it or not.

When they arrived at Chui Gong Hall, they saw all the prime ministers present, including Fu Bi and Zeng Gongliang, two people who had been recovering from illness all year round. It can be seen that Zhao Xu also knew the sensitivity of the case. In addition, there were also Xu Xu who was responsible for investigating the case.

Zunhe Cao commented.

"Have you found out the result yet?"

Zhao Xu looked at Xu Zun with slight surprise.

Xu Zundao: "Reporting to Your Majesty, this case is not complicated, and Su Shi and Fan Chunren quickly confessed truthfully. There is nothing to investigate. This is the confession of Fan Chunren and Su Shi. Please read it."

"Send it over quickly."

The attendant immediately presented the confession.

Zhao Xu read it at a glance, with confusion in his eyes, and handed the confession to the attendant next to him.

The attendant then showed the confession to Fu Bi and other prime ministers.

Almost everyone was like Zhao Xu, who read it at first glance and then looked confused.

So simple!

The thunder is loud and the raindrops are light!

Zhao Xu asked Xu Zunxiao again: "This confession is so simple that I can't even understand it."

Xu Zundao: "Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the responsibilities of the Procuratorate, if they believe that the new law violates the ancestral law, they should actively investigate first, but as their confession said, they have never targeted Xueshi Wang or any official of the Ordinance Department of the Second Prefecture.

Conduct an investigation.

And he only discussed how to prosecute officials who opposed the new law, which is enough to prove that Su Shi was indeed guilty of dereliction of duty. As for Fan Chunren, since he is not currently serving in the Procuratorate and is just a commoner, the Procuratorate cannot pursue him for the crime of dereliction of duty."

After saying this, all the prime ministers present nodded slightly.

Nothing to say.

There is really no argument for this.

The Procuratorate, as its name suggests, focuses on prosecution, but Su Shi and Fan Chunren were focused on litigating cases.

Only Wang Anshi was dissatisfied, "Isn't this enough to prove that they formed a clique for personal gain?"

A group of officials with common demands gathered together to discuss how to deal with the New Deal, purely for selfish reasons!

"It's hard to say."

Xu Zun shook his head and said: "Because according to the confessions of Liu Shu, Qi Hui and other officials, they were mainly discussing how to fight this lawsuit, and they mainly focused on skills and laws. This is also different from what Su Shi and Fan Chunren said.

Not much.

But they all admitted that they were dissatisfied with the new law, and they reunited because of it. According to the confessions of Fan Chunren and Su Shi, they probably wanted to use the lawsuit to force the Ordinance Department of the Second Government to amend the new law or withdraw the law.


Fu Bi immediately said: "Then the key now is whether they are serving the public good or seeking personal gain?"

Xu Zun nodded and said: "The rich man is right. The reason why they committed malfeasance is that they have other agendas, not based on the law. He also admits this. The key lies in whether their agenda is public or private."

Wang Anshi immediately said: "Your Majesty, all cliques and plots are for personal gain."

Fu Bi smiled and said: "That's not necessarily the case. If all the political advisors present privately believe that the New Deal is beneficial to the country and want to support the New Deal together, is that private or public?"

Wang Anshi chuckled and said: "I think the key to judging whether it is private or public depends on whether they can benefit from it. If the procuratorate can win this lawsuit, then Su Shi will have a bright future and his reputation will greatly increase."

Fu Bi said: "If they can win this lawsuit, it will at least prove that they are justified, and the country will benefit from it, so it is natural for him to be promoted."

Sima Guang suddenly had an idea, "Why don't we fight this lawsuit and see if they are seeking personal gain or public benefit?"

Wen Yanbo nodded and said, "What Bachelor Sima said makes sense!"

Wang Anshi glanced at Sima Guang, his eyes seemed to say, what the hell are you thinking about?

Xu Zundao: "Senior Sima, this is the law, not a child's play."

Sima Guang said hurriedly: "I'm just saying it casually. Prosecutor Xu must not take it seriously."

Wang Anshi said: "Let's not forget their official careers. Don't forget the case of Taifu Temple. My goal is to solve the current corruption in Taifu Temple, and Gu Ji, the official of Taifu Temple, also supported Su Shi.

, Fan Chunren sued the new law."

Cao Ping immediately stood up and said: "According to my investigation, the officials of Taifu Temple often secretly sell rotten tribute items and keep the profits for themselves, but this batch of tribute peaches is recorded in the public account.

Yes, it is still under investigation.”

Wang Anshi said: "Your Majesty, everyone knows about this matter. It wastes people's money and harms the people. That's why I proposed the equalization method to correct this bad policy."

Cao Ping glanced at Wang Anshi, and it turned out that he had feinted a shot.

Taifu Temple must be punished. After all, this matter has aroused public resentment, and someone has to foot the bill. Instead of adding insult to injury, it is better to use it to promote the new law.

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "This bad government must be corrected, otherwise I will not be able to explain it to the people of the world."

"Your Majesty is Holy Ming."

Wang Anshi immediately cupped his hands and glanced at Sima Guang out of the corner of his eye.

Sima Guang, Wen Yanbo and others, even if they were unwilling, could only say: "Your Majesty is wise."

Xu Zundao: "Your Majesty, although Taifu Temple does support the prosecution by the Procuratorate, there is currently no evidence to prove that Su Shi and Fan Chunren have any connection with Taifu Temple. Not only that, Fan Chunren and Su Shi also plan to formulate the Second Government Regulations after the prosecution is completed.

After the scandal, he immediately sued Taifu Temple."

Zhao Xu nodded and asked Xu Zun: "In your opinion, should they be sentenced to the crime of forming a clique for personal gain?"

Xu Zundao: "Reporting to Your Majesty, looking at the entire case, it is difficult to judge whether they formed a clique for personal gain, but they chose to litigate in court. Although this lawsuit is illegal and cannot be counted, they still went to court to litigate.

, is an aboveboard way, and it is also the fairest way, so I do not recommend that they be sentenced to form a clique for personal gain.

Moreover, if they are sentenced to form a clique for personal gain, then officials will not dare to discuss current affairs in private, and no officials will dare to give opinions to the Ordinance Department of the Second Government, which will have a very bad impact."

Zhao Xu nodded slightly and asked everyone: "What do you think?"

Wang Anshi was the first to stand up and said: "Xu Prosecutor's words are convincing. I have no objections."

He also knows that this crime cannot be convicted. He just raised the question to give Xu Zun a chance to show off. If he comes out again to express his support for Xu Zun, he can also show his selflessness. They are targeting me like this, but I am still willing to abide by the justice.


Fu Bi's eyes lit up and he said: "I also think that what Prosecutor Xu said is very reasonable, and it also provides a very good precedent for the crime of forming a party for personal gain. At present, there is no specific discussion on forming a party for personal gain. Who knows.

It’s also unclear what constitutes forming a clique for personal gain. As Ouyang Xiu said back then, a gentleman makes friends with the Tao, and a villain makes friends with profit. It is difficult to avoid the fact that birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups.”

Zhao Xu's expression changed slightly.

Wang Anshi immediately said: "What the rich man said is wrong. Profits cannot distinguish between gentlemen and villains. Only morality can distinguish them. Those who are greedy for money are not necessarily villains, and those who regard money as dung cannot be regarded as gentlemen."


Wen Yanbo said: "The words of the rich man are about morality and benefit, who comes first."

Fu Bi glanced at Wen Yanbo depressedly, saying that they had a tacit understanding.

He was not insinuating Wang Anshi, he wanted to establish the law on the use of cliques for private purposes, so that the kind of party disputes that have no lower limit can be avoided to a certain extent.

Wang Anshi retorted: "There is an old saying that if you have a solid warehouse, you will know etiquette, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know shame. If the people are hungry, if you still ask them for morality, this is not what a gentleman does. Profit is the foundation of Tao, you say

Who comes first?”

Wen Yanbo argued: "The people's lack of food is all caused by the misconduct of the emperor or his ministers. Who do you think comes first?"

Wang Anshi retorted: "It is virtue for the monarch and his ministers to put the interests of the people first. Interest is inferior to virtue, but if there is no advantage, there is no virtue. Which one is more important?"

Zhao Xu said: "Don't argue for now. Today's meeting will mainly discuss the case of Fan Chunren and Su Shi. We will discuss this issue later."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Fu Bi.

Fu Bi was completely depressed. Wen Yanbo was really unhelpful this time!

Zhao Xu certainly did not want to put this clique to death. At the same time, he was also very wary of these Qingli gentlemen, because these people all had a very important political philosophy, which was to limit the imperial power.

In fact, it was Fan Zhongyan and others who institutionalized this concept of scholar-bureaucrats and monarchs co-ruling the world.

One of the important reasons why Fan Chunren opposed the equal loss method was that he believed that Wang Anshi wanted to centralize power, and more fundamentally, it was the emperor who wanted to centralize power.

However, they believe that jointly governing the world is the foundation of the country and cannot be shaken.

But no one dares to say this.

Sima Guang suddenly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I am guilty."

Zhao Xu was stunned, "How can you say this?"

Sima Guang said: "I was too impatient. Seeing that Su Zizhan was very talented, I was eager to appoint him to such an important position as deputy prosecutor. However, I ignored his lack of experience and failed to teach him carefully, so that he committed the crime."

Big mistake. To be honest with you, Your Majesty, I am still in the process of perfecting the rules of the Public Prosecution and Prosecution Law. However, if this Public Prosecution and Prosecution Law is not established, there will be many loopholes that will be difficult to detect. No matter what, I am guilty of an unpardonable crime."

Wang Anshi immediately said: "Your Majesty, there will inevitably be omissions in reforms. The key is to correct them in time. I also believe that Bachelor Sima will not make the same mistake again. I also ask for your mercy."

Sima Guang glanced at Wang Anshi, thank you so much.

Does this require Wang Anshi to intercede?

Of course not.

Wang Anshi's words were actually said for himself.

"This man is not a sage, and he has no faults." Zhao Xu sighed with emotion, and said: "The same is true for Su Shi and Fan Chunren. Although he has committed the crime of dereliction of duty, as Bachelor Sima said, after all, the public prosecutor's law has not been perfected.

The omissions are excusable, and I don’t want to punish them severely.”

After hearing this, Sima Guang immediately looked at Xu Zun, "Have Prosecutor Xu, Su, and Fan realized their mistakes?"

Xu Zun nodded and said: "Su Shi has no complaints about his crime of dereliction of duty."

Sima Guang said to Zhao Xu again: "Your Majesty, just as Wang Xueshi said, there is nothing better than knowing a mistake and being able to correct it. Su Shi and Fan Chunren's moral character, ability and talent are all praised by the officials in the court. Now that they have made a mistake, I believe they will never do anything wrong."

They will not commit the crime again. I just want to pilot the public security law in several states and counties, so why not send them to local areas to help the court establish the public security law and let them serve their crimes."

Zhao Xu asked: "What are your plans?"

Sima Guang said: "I suggest that Su Shi be sent to Yangzhou as a prosecutor and Fan Chunren be sent to Dengzhou as a prosecutor."


Wang Anshi couldn't help but frown, this old boy was really bad, and said hurriedly: "Although it is said that mistakes can be corrected and there is no great improvement, but according to what Prosecutor Xu said, the suspicion of them forming a clique for personal gain has not been completely eliminated!"

Sima Guang asked: "In the opinion of Academician Wang, how should we deal with them?"

Wang Anshi opened his mouth, but finally remained silent.

To say that he was demoted to a commoner would be a bit too much. After all, Sima Guang had already shouldered part of the responsibility before, and the key point was that Zhao Xu would not agree.

If you want to punish them, they will definitely be demoted to local officials, and having Su Shi and Fan Chunren go to Yangzhou and become prosecutors in the city will definitely be a punishment!

Zhao Xu secretly smiled and said: "Since I entrust you with judicial reform, I will follow your words."

This is also for Wang Anshi's ears. If you arrange someone when the time comes, they won't be able to object.

Of course Wang Anshi heard the implication, and naturally it was inconvenient to say anything more.

Sima Guang immediately said: "I will never betray your majesty's trust again."

Zhao Xu nodded and said: "As for the Taifu Temple case, all those involved will be dealt with in accordance with the law. In addition, Gu Ji, as the judge of Taifu Temple affairs, is bound to have no shirk, so he was asked to go to Yizhou to serve as a scholar.


The Secretary for Educational Affairs was in charge of local education. He was an idle errand. Gu Ji would definitely leave. If he didn't leave, how would Wang Anshi arrange for someone to go there?

This chapter has been completed!
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